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T BING 1201327 Bibliography


Academic year: 2017

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Anderson, M., & Anderson, K. (1997). Text types in English 2. Macmillan: South Yarra.

Andriyani, N. (2008). Transitivity process in worldview’s articles of Newsweek.

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Arancón, P. R. (2013). The use of SFL genre theory for the analysis of students‟ writing skills in ESP. Volumen Monográfico. 245-252. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED).

Bizzell, P. (1992). Academic discourse and critical consciousness. Pittsburgh: University of Pitsburgh Press.

Beck, S. W., & Jeffery, J. V. (2009). Genre and thinking in academic writing tasks.

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Brooks, J. (2009-2010). The growing absurdity of the South African apartheid: transitivity in Christopher Van Wyk‟s „In Detention‟. Innervate Leading Undergraduate Work in Studies, 2, 26-34.


Butt, D., Fahey, R, S., Feez, S., Spinks, S., & Yallop, C. (2000). Using functional grammar: an explorer’s guide. 2nd Ed. Sydney: National Centre for English Teaching and Research. Macquarie University.

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Dymock, S., & Nicholson, T. (2010). High 5! Strategy to enhance comprehending of expository text. The Reading Teacher. 64(3). 166-178. http://dx.doi.org/10. 1598/RT.64.3.2.

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Yuli, S., & Yushan, Z. (2012). A comparison of transitivity system in English and Chinese. Cross-Cultural Communication. 8(4). 75-80. http//dx.doi.org/0.3968/ j.ccc.1923670020120804.2411.


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