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TWG II:RE Action Plant for Central Java. UNDIP TEAM Mataram Meeting, 26 Feb 3 March 2010


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(1)TWG II:RE Action Plant for Central Java. UNDIP TEAM Mataram Meeting, 26 Feb‐3 March 2010.

(2) CENTRAL JAVA. U U. TANJUNG JATI B Jepara. Ke Sunyaragi. LAUT JAWA. Pati. PLTGU TB. LOROK. Rembang. Kudus Kudus Timur Brebes. Ke Mandirancan. G Kebasen. Pekalongan Batang. Pemalang. Weleri. Polysindo Kaliwungu K.Sari BSB. Sayung. P.Lamper Srondol. Blora Purwodadi. Smg.Slt JAWA BARAT. JAWA TENGAH. UNGARAN. Bawen. Mranggen Semen Grobogan Kedungombo. Dieng. P PLTP DIENG. Bumiayu. Cepu. Jelok Bringin. Ke Bojo Negoro. Sragen. Temanggung. Garung Secang. PLTA TULIS Majenang Purwokerto. Purbalingga. A PLTA JDR. SUDIRMAN. RAWALO. Magelang. Palur. Mojosongo Banyudono. Masaran Ke Madiun. JAJAR Mrica. Ke Tasikmalaya. Ke Krian Solo Utara. Wonosobo. Mangkunegaran. Ke Kediri. Grogol Wadaslintang. Medari. Gombong. Solo Slt. Klaten. Semen NS. Semen Gombong Lomanis. KENTUNGAN. Kebumen. PEDAN. Yogya Brt. Purworejo. Gejayan Wirobrajan. Wonogiri. Wates Bantul JAWA TIMUR Semanu. Copyright bpe kitring jateng.


(4) Energy’s role is the most important thing in the economical development process. That is mainly supported the industries, which is good as main commodities and as fuel one. The big consumption of energy in each area is one of the basic points of view for prosperity and life nation’s level.

(5) Now, Central Java has a quite big and various kinds of potential energy, but crude oil still dominant in using than the other. Meanwhile for the other energy sources is still optimally unused like solar cell, biomass, biodiesel, biogas, geothermal, wind, water, etc.

(6) According to the Indonesian law No. 5 in 2006 deals with national energy policies are mentioned that government makes a general national energy plan based on national energy policies. In the arrangement of a general region national plan, the central government must coordinate by the region government to get energy’s management policies.

(7) The national energy’s conditions for today are: 1.. Energy in Industries is not optimal enough, energy’s infrastructure is so limited, and energy use is inefficient enough. 2. Indonesian Crude Oil production from year to year is decreasing. 3. Fuel Consumption for domestic sector is increasing about 2–3 % each year. 4. The main energy supply in Indonesia based on the kinds of energy in 2010 are: Crude Oil = 46,39%, Coal = 29,37 %, Natural Gas = 19,4%, Power Hidro = 2,76%, Geothermal = 1,37 %, another energy = 0,71 %.

(8) 5. This conditions are affecting mix energy (main energy) is not equal, it is caused: ƒ Still the energy subsidies ƒ People's purchasing power is still low ƒ The use of energy is still wasteful ƒ Limited energy infrastructure ƒ The limited role of the private sector especially in the field of renewable energy business ƒ Environmental impacts, particularly the use of fossil energy ƒ Non optimal utilization of the development, diversification and conservation of energy (both new renewable energy).

(9) Energy consumptions in Central Java are quite big, so that need energy saving and concervating to supply energy’s need now and in the future. Related with that, the government should arrange energy action plan for Central Java, especially for renewable energy, that describe the energy’s condition today as a energy projection and energy development polcies in Central Java..

(10) National Policy. • • • •. In order to save domestic energy supply program and support continuing development, it is stated on the national energy policies in the Indonesian president rules No. 5 in 2006 as the basic rule in the energy management with some expectations: Increasing people accsess in energy. Increasing saving energy supply. Increasing the economical contition so that increase people purchasing power and capability. Striving the proper price with their economical condition..

(11) Based on the law UU No. 30 in 2007 in the second chapter Energy Backup, it is emphazise on: • To guaranty national energy endurance, the government must supply the back up of energy. • The determiation about kinds, numbers, time, and energy back up locations, stated on the verse (1), it is continuosly ruled by the national energy council..

(12) National Energy Management Blueprint significantly focused on the movement of energy consumption proportion to decrease the fuel dependency, because of limited stock, furthermore gradually increase non fuel energy consumption like geothermal, coal, and the other renewables energy as subtitution. National energy consumption scenario from 2010 to 2025 figured on Figure.

(13) National energy consumption in 2010 2.76%. 1.37%. 0.71%. Crude Oil. 19.40%. Coal 46.39%. Natural Gas Power Hidro Geothermal. 29.37%. National Policy Energi Consumption 2025. another energy.

(14) Regional Policy Based on national policies, Central Java province plans the Central java energy mix movement in 2010 – 2017, is shown on figure 2. Energy mix movement from 2018 to 2025, it is forcast with delta movement assumption steadily each year, use delta movement in 2016/2017.



(17) Hydro power plant No. Name. Qty. Installed Capacity. Output Power. (Unit). (MW). Maximum (MW). Location. 1. PLTA Mrica. Kab. Banjarnegara. 3. 180.90. 180.00. 2. PLTA Jelok. Salatiga. 4. 20.48. 15.00. 3. PLTA Timo. Kab.. 3. 12.00. 10.50. 4. PLTA Ketenger. Kab. Banyumas. 3. 8.00. 8.00. 5. PLTA Garung PLTA Wadaslintang PLTA Kedungombo. Kab. Wonosobo. 2. 26.40. 26.40. Kab. Kebumen. 2. 16.40. 16.00. Kab. Grobogan. 1. 22.50. 22.50. 33.10. 31.70. 1.20. 1.20. 1.20 322.18. 1.20 312.50. 6 7. 8. PLTA Embeded. (Wonogiri, Sidorejo, Sempor, Pejengkolan. 8. Klambu dan Tapen) 9. PLTA Plumbun. 10. PLTA Siteki. Total Sumber: RUKD Jateng 2009. Kab. Banjarnegara Kab. Banjarnegara. 1 1 28.

(18) Micro Hydro Power Plant No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14. Desa PLTMH Purbasari Tripis Giyombong Kalisalak Sidoarjo Blederan Mudal Tanjung Depok Curugmuncar Songgodadi Kapundutan Wonosido Mendolo Timbangsari. Location Kec.. Kab.. Installed Capacity Unit Watt atau Wp. Costumer. Year. Karangjambu Watumalang Bruno Kd Banteng Doro Mojotengah Temanggung Mlonggo Lebak Barang Petungkriono Lebakbarang Lebakbarang Lebakbarang Lebak Barang. Purbalingga Wonosobo Purworejo Banyumas Pekalongan Wonosobo Temanggung Jepara Pekalongan Pekalongan Pekalongan Pekalongan Pekalongan Pekalongan. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 40,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 24,000 64,000 20,000 4,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 20,000. 120 300 43 150 62 PLN 80 44 110 200 200 110 42 172. 2003 2003 2003 2004 2004 2005 2005 2005 2006 2006 2007 2007 2007 2007. 17 Wangan aji 15 Curugmuncar 16 Bantar Kulon. Wonosobo Petungkriyono Lebak Barang. Wonosobo Pekalongan Pekalongan. 2 1 1. 150,000 50,000 20,000. PLN 119 97. 2007 2008 2008. 17 Lengkong 18 Lengkong. Rakit. Banjarnegara. 1. 1,600,000. PLN. 2009. Rakit. Banjarnegara. 1 19. 1,200,000 3.267,000. PLN 1,849. 2009. Total Sumber: Central Jateng RUKD 2009.

(19) Solar Cell With a different geographical regions on the equator, Central Java, get the sun was relatively stable throughout the year with the condition of irradiation which is slightly higher in the dry season. The intensity of solar energy depends only on the state of the cloud / season. In the rainy season the intensity of solar energy is relatively small because a lot of cloud, while in the dry season where the clouds are very thin, the solar radiation is maximum. The intensity of solar energy have been studied theoretically for each hour..

(20) Solar Cell y Central Java Province is in the range of 100 LS and have. the solar radiation of 3.5 to 4.67 kWh/m2. With the spread of solar radiation is evenly distributed in Central Java, then in all the places to be possible to use solar power. Solar power still relevant to be applied in the hamlet has not been electrified in Central Java.

(21) Solar cell project.

(22) Geothermal y Central Java is an area of volcanic that have geothermal. potential is quite large. Geothermal energy has also been utilized as a power plant in Wonosobo. Regional potensi earth in Central Java can be seen in the table and map below..

(23) Central Java Geothermal Potentcy No. AREA OF. REGENCY. EXPLORATION Banyugaram Cilacap Bumiayu Banyumas Baturaden-G Banyumas Slamet Guci Pemalang MangunanBanjarnegara Wanayasa Candradimuka Wonosobo Dieng Wonosobo Krakal Kebumen Panulisan Cilacap G. Ungaran Semarang C. UmbulSemarang Telomoyo Kuwuk Grobogan G. Lawu Karanganyar Klepu Semarang Total Potensi Panas Bumi Jawa Tengah. Potency (Mwe) SOURCE Reserve (MWe). POWER (MWe). Spek ulatif 100 25 -. Hipo tesis -. Ter Mung duga kin 185 -. Ter bukti -. Installed Capacity -. -. -. 100 92. -. -. -. 25 25 25 -. 200 50 92. 185 52 -. 115 -. 280 -. 60 -. 25 25 25 275. 342. 614. 115. 280. 60. Sumber : Direktorat Inventarisasi dan Sumberdaya Mineral, Subdit Panas Bumi. 23 23.

(24) POTENCY GEOTHERMAL POWER PLANT IN CENTRAL JAVA PROVINCE y Gunung Ungaran – Semarang. Regency will offer the tendering on 2009 ; Capasity 50 MW y Others location : Slamet Mountain, Guci, Telomoyo, Lawu, Baturaden.

(25) Table of Renewable Energy RE. Makrohidro Mikrohidro. Solar Cell Geothermal. Max output Power (MW) Total Total RE. 322. 3.42. 0.17 386. 60.

(26) Other 98%. Total RE Other. Total RE 2%. And if we compare with the region profile energy, we cah get the chart like the picture above. Total Renewable Energy is 2% in Central Java.

(27) y And when compared to scenario Jateng Energy Mix in. 2010 which is a draft policyfrom last year, the results obtained, but the result is more than the existing planning.

(28) Potency of BIOMASS POTENSI BIOMASSA DI JAWA TENGAH NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35. KABUPATEN/KOTA KAB. CILACAP KAB. BANYUMAS KAB. PURBALINGGA KAB. BANJARNEGARA KAB. KEBUMEN KAB. PURWOREJO KAB. WONOSOBO KAB. MAGELANG KAB. BOYOLALI KAB. KLATEN KAB. SUKOHARJO KAB. WONOGIRI KAB. KARANGANYAR KAB. SRAGEN KAB. GROBOGAN KAB. BLORA KAB. REMBANG KAB. PATI KAB. KUDUS KAB. JEPARA KAB. DEMAK KAB. SEMARANG KAB. TEMANGGUNG KAB. KENDAL KAB. BATANG KAB. PEKALONGAN KAB. PEMALANG KAB. TEGAL KAB. BREBES KOTA MAGELANG KOTA SURAKARTA KOTA SALATIGA KOTA SEMARANG KOTA PEKALONGAN KOTA TEGAL. POTENSI/TAHUN POTENSI/HARI SEKAM PADI (M3) SAMPAH (M3) SEKAM PADI (M3) SAMPAH (M3) 622,422 217,175 1,729 603 351,340 287,985 976 800 188,644 55,115 524 153 145,025 47,450 403 132 360,331 190,508 1,001 529 284,618 71,905 791 200 156,034 22,352 433 62 280,093 109,500 778 304 225,248 23,396 626 65 327,552 1,115,440 910 3,098 267,230 48,180 742 134 269,556 107,675 749 299 243,685 127,750 677 355 493,681 65,079 1,371 181 571,485 106,142 1,587 295 320,851 93,075 891 259 132,025 217,175 367 603 385,164 73,109 1,070 203 127,543 236,089 354 656 198,981 227,030 553 631 502,407 131,035 1,396 364 170,787 80,208 474 223 177,551 590,456 493 1,640 214,111 129,684 595 360 207,477 79,869 576 222 223,888 93,805 622 261 357,467 89,425 993 248 298,062 135,207 828 376 458,518 109,500 1,274 304 2,513 108,405 7 301 1,783 102,565 5 285 7,134 141,985 20 394 24,689 1,277,500 69 3,549 11,835 286,890 33 797 7,135 126,655 20 352 8,616,865 6,925,319 23,936 19,237. ASUMSI mesin pengolahan dengan produk gas 7.5 m3/hari investasi sebesar Rp 96.500.000,untuk menggerakkan turbin 3.7 kVa memerlukan 2.1 m3/jam produk gas ≈ 50.4 m3/hari jadi untuk menggerakkan turbin 3.7 kVa memerlukan 7 buah mesin pengolahan dengan kapasitas 7.5 m3/hari dengan investasi 7xRp 96.500.000,- = Rp 675.500.000,-. mesin generator 3.5 kVa : investasi sebesar Rp 74.500.000,-. investasi total untuk mesin pengolahan dan mesin generator untuk penggunaan 1 hari = Rp 675.000.000 + Rp 74.500.000 = Rp 750.000.000,-. (Dinas ESDM Provinsi Jawa Tengah).

(29) RICE PLANT Potential(m3). 8,616,865. TRASH 6,925,319.

(30) BIOGAS POTENCY KABUPATEN/KOT NO A. 1 KAB. CILACAP 2 KAB. BANYUMAS 3 KAB. PURBALINGGA 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35. KAB. BANJARNEGARA KAB. KEBUMEN KAB. PURWOREJO KAB. WONOSOBO KAB. MAGELANG KAB. BOYOLALI KAB. KLATEN KAB. SUKOHARJO KAB. WONOGIRI KAB. KARANGANYAR KAB. SRAGEN KAB. GROBOGAN KAB. BLORA KAB. REMBANG KAB. PATI KAB. KUDUS KAB. JEPARA KAB. DEMAK KAB. SEMARANG KAB. TEMANGGUNG KAB. KENDAL KAB. BATANG KAB. PEKALONGAN KAB. PEMALANG KAB. TEGAL KAB. BREBES KOTA MAGELANG KOTA SURAKARTA KOTA SALATIGA KOTA SEMARANG KOTA PEKALONGAN KOTA TEGAL. BIOGAS POTENSI BIOGAS TERNAK (EKOR) (TON) 9,469 56.81 16,820 100.92 19,083 114.50 38,511 35,738 13,267 33,897 71,393 145,554 89,672 26,728 151,377 48,108 77,923 105,550 215,715 101,574 68,477 8,874 25,734 1,771 99,265 35,531 16,772 14,769 11,974 7,722 5,811 18,116 354. 231.07 214.43 79.60 203.38 428.36 873.32 538.03 160.37 908.26 288.65 467.54 633.30 1,294.29 609.44 404.86 53.24 154.40 10.63 595.59 213.19 100.63 88.61 71.84 46.33 34.87 108.70 2.12. 1,836 9,743 5,923 588 84 1,533,723. 11.02 58.46 35.54 3.53 0.50 9,196.33. ASUMSI. investasi pembuatan biogas dengan digester 27 m3 sebesar Rp 40.000.000,1 ekor sapi bisa menghasilkan 15-20 kg kotoran basah sehingga untuk mengisi digester 27 m3 dibutuhkan 100-200 kg kotoran+air jadi untuk investasi digester dengan volume 27 m3 membutuhkan minimal 7-10 ekor ternak sapi. (Dinas ESDM Provinsi Jawa Tengah).

(31) y The potential of biogas energy derived from cattle that. spread in Central Java province, each one cow will produce 5‐7 kg of dung per day. Cow dung mixed with water in the ratio 1: 2 so that the wet dirt around 15‐20 kg and included in the digester will produce bio‐gas unaerob containing ± 60% of methane that can burn gas fuel such as LPG. In the year 2009 built biogas demonstration plots in the district. Sragen (1 unit), Boyolali (2 units), Blora (2 units), Wonogiri (2 units). Demplot in Wonogiri contained in Wonogiri district, village hamlet Manjung Purwosari and used for 6 KK..

(32) Development of Biogenic Gas Potency in Sragen and Banjarnegara Resident (2008 and 2009/10 ) y Identifies of Biogenic gas potency. amounts 300.000 m3, and if it used for about 40 family, so it will reduce kerosene consumption amounts 299.556 KL (kilo liters) or 170.746,92 kg LPG, estimate utilization time about 10 years.. y Has been done the socialization of. biogenic gas uses as fuel..

(33) COW Potential(ton) wet feces(kg) total. BUFFALO 1,533,723. 109,000. 26,840,152.5. 1,907,500.0. 28,747,657.5 28,747.66. kg feces ton.


(35) Biofuel y Biofuel Energy Potential in Central Java comes from. green energy‐producing plants such as jatropha, sugarcane, kappas, cassava, caspe cassava and corn. The potential that there will later be developed to produce biofuels such as bio‐diesel, bio‐premium, and bio‐pertamax. The potential that exists in Central Java can be seen in appendix 5..

(36) Biofuel y In the year 2010 has been built demplot biofuels in. Blora regency (1 unit) with cassava‐based, and in Banyumas (1unit) with bark‐based rejected. From the table above there are areas ‐ areas that get special attention to developing biofuels, among others; Biodiesel ‐ Nyamplung contained in the district. Cilacap, Kebumen, and Purworejo Bio‐ethanol ‐ Salak rejects Banjarnegara district..


(38) POTENSI BIOFUEL DI JAWA TENGAH No KAB. BANJARNEGARA 1 Kec. Purwonegoro 2 Kec. Bawang 3 Kec.Madukara 4 Kec. Banjarmangu KAB. CILACAP. Bahan Baku Singkong Singkong Salak Salak. 1 Ds. Pagubugan Wetan, Widarapayung Wetan, Nyamplung Widarapayung Kulon, Sidaurip, Sidayu, Pagubugan Kulon Kec. Binangun 2 Ds. Karangtawang, Karangpakis, Banjarsari, Jetis Nyamplung Kec. Nusawungu KAB. REMBANG 1 Ds. Mlatirejo, Dsn. Jambe, Kec Bulu Singkong. 2 Ds. Pasedan Kec Bulu - Dsn Ngatoko - Dsn Kajar KAB. KUDUS 1 Ds Kandang Mas, Kec Dawe 2 Ds Jurang, Kec Gebog KAB. BOYOLALI 1. Kec. Selo 2. Kec. Ampel 3. Kec. Cepogo 4. Kec. Musuk 5. Kec. Boyolali 6. Kec. Mojosongo 7. Kec. Teras 8. Kec. Sawit 9. Kec. Banyudono 10. Kec. Sambi 11.` Kec. Ngemplak 12. Kec. Nogosari 13. Kec. Simo 14. Kec. Karanggede 15. Kec. Klego 16. Kec. Andong 17. Kec. Kemusu 18. Kec. Wonosegoro 19. Kec. Juwangi. Potensi 3.900 ha 1.630 ha 1.359.582 kw 265.233 kw. ASUMSI untuk menghasilkan bioethanol 300 liter/hari membutuhkan 1,8 ton bahan baku investasi untuk mesin pengolahan biofuel dengan kapasitas 300 liter/hari sebesar Rp 168.000.000,-. Bioethanol Bioethanol Bioethanol Bioethanol. -. Produksi Kec. 92.545,00 ton Produksi Kec. 34.689,00 ton Produktifitas 33 kg/phn. 23.966 Pohon. Biodiesel. 19.000 Pohon. Biodiesel. 0,25 Ha/7 Ton. Bhn biosolar, Bioethanol,. Jml produksi, pemasaran diusahakan oleh perorangan. Jml produksi, pemasaran diusahakan oleh perorangan Jml produksi, pemasaran diusahakan oleh perorangan. Tebu. 0,25 Ha/18 Ton. Singkong. 23 Ha/8 Ton. Bhn Biosolar, Bioethanol,. Singkong. 10 Ha/ 15 Ton. Bahan biosolar, bioethanol. Tebu, Singkong Tebu, Singkong. 75 ha, 60 ton/ha 100 ha, 190 kuintal/ha 82 ha, 60 ton/ha 25 ha, 150 kuintal/ha. Bioethanol. Singkong Singkong Tebu Singkong Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Singkong Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Tebu Singkong Jarak Singkong Singkong. 4 Ha 480 Ha 3.000 Ha 253 Ha 377 Ha 1.500 Ha 70 Ha 69.580 Ha 662 Ha 6.270 Ha 11 Ha 7.066 Ha Ha 1.500 Ha 15 Ha 20.756 Ha 220 Ha 88.900 Ha 70 Ha 117.680 Ha 97 Ha 25.282 Ha 1.123 Ha 73.690 Ha 248 Ha 14.700 Ha 1.039 Ha 30.500 Ha 842 Ha 69.680 Ha 270 Ha 10 Ha 829 Ha 215 Ha. Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Konsumsi Biodiesel Konsumsi Konsumsi. Dibuat gula tumbu Ketela dijual di kota Dibuat gula tumbu Ketela dijual di kota. Bioethanol. Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya Swadaya APBD Prov. 2009 Swadaya Swadaya. Jumlah produksi 60 ton Jumlah produksi 7.671 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 3.226 ton Jumlah produksi 4.907 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 1.266 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 12.447 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 1.832 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi ……….. ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 287 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 4.149 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 1.365 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 1.586 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 21.334 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 2.211 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 17.680 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 11.427 ton Perusahaan Jumlah produksi 4.131 ton Baru akan ditanam Jumlah produksi 12.576 ton Jumlah produksi 1.848 ton.

(39) Data Biofuel of Central Java JATROPHA CORN. CASSAVA SUGAR CANE. Total Production(ton). 14.32 44679.84 52468.75. Potential(ton). 1.432. 4467.984. 0.8. 2,482.2. biofuel(liter) total. COTTON. CASPE CASSAVA. 6090.8. 2202.67. 1792.05. 5246.875. 609.08. 220.267. 179.205. 2,914.9. 338.4. 122.4. 99.6. 5,958.2 liter biofuel 5.96. kL.


(41) Activities Indicator No. 1. Policy. 2. Priority Program. 3. I. Ground water and Geothermal. 1. Stimulating the potential and back up renewable energy, and to diversify the use of renewable energy or inrenewable one (alternative energy). II. Electricity. 1. Output Indicator. 4. Pagu Indikatif 5 Tahunan dan 1 Tahun Transisi Location. Result Indicator. 5. Cost Frame. Regulation Frame. (Rp) (million ). BUDGET. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1.850.000. APBD (Regional budget). Semarang, Kendal, Tegal, Banyumas, Brebes, Karanganyar, Banjarnegara, and Wonosobo. Water and electricity saving movement socialization.. 950.000. APBD (Regional Budget). Central Java. Increase the efficiency of energy use for production in IKM and UMKM.. Bintek electricity use for the small industries and UMKM.. 625.000. APBD (Regional Budget). 35 Region/Cities. Improvement of the knowledge and capability for the business and mining management, ground water, PLTMH, PLTS, and dry well cartilage.. Community education.. 2.800.000. APBD (Regional Budget). Central Java. Electricity and oil development program.. Implementation of the auction in Gunung Ungaran, Guci dan BaturadenGunung Slamet, and identifying potential geothermal in lapangan umbul telomoyo, Banyugaram and Mangunan-wanayasa. Exploited the potential Geothermal development in of geothermal in di Gunung Ungaran, Guci Central Java and Baturaden-Gunung Slamet, and identifying potential geothermal in lapangan umbul telomoyo, Banyugaram and Mangunanwanayasa. The policy to increase human resources field for energy and mineral resources.. Program to improve the human resources field of energy and mineral resources.. Implementation of energy and water saving socialization in Central Java.. Electricity needs are met in accordance with the available resources.. 2. The policy to increase human resources field for energy and mineral resources.. Program to improve the human resources field of energy and mineral resources.. Implementation of Bintek in the use of electricity for IKM and UMKM.. 3. The policy to increase human resources field for energy and mineral resources.. Program to improve the human resources field of energy and mineral resources.. Implementation of Bintek in the use of coal briquettes, ground water management, mining, PLTMH management, PLTS management and management of dry well cartilage..

(42) 1. 2. 4. Increasing the energy conservation Policies to ensure the future generation.. Electricity and Oil development programs.. 3. The implementation of operational supervision and management of non PLN’s rural electrification and captive power.. 4. Making the electricity safety management.. 5. 5. Increasing the energy conservation Policies to ensure the future generation.. Electricity and Oil development programs.. Implementation of Energy audit in Central java Province Governmental Building. Electricity needs are met in accordance with the available resources.. 6. Providing the infrastuctur to the community and industrie policies.. Electricity and Oil development programs.. Implementation of MHP development. 7. Mendorong pencarian potensi dan cadangan energi baru serta penganekaragaman pemanfaatan energi baru terbarukan maupun yang tidak terbarukan (energi alternative). Electricity and Oil development programs.. 8. Kebijakan penyediaan infrastruktur untuk masyarakat dan industry. 9. 10. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 35 Region/Cities. Supervision and operation management of the rural non PLN electrification and captive power. Implementation of Energy audit in Central java Province Governmental Building. 1.950.000. APBD (Regional Budget). 1.200.000. APBD. 24 Governmental Building of Central Java’s Province.. Fulfill the need of electricity in remote areas. MHP Development in Central Java. 12.950.000. APBD. Kab. Banjarnegera, Banyumas, Cilacap, Kebumen, Purbalingga, Grobogan, dan Kendal. Establishment of DED MHP. Availability of reference MHP development. Establishment of DED MHP. 700.000. APBD. Kab. Wngr, Grbg, Bym, Pwj, Kbm, Pblg, Wnsb, Kendal, Bjngr, Tmgg. Electricity and Oil development programs.. Development Implemented PLTS SHS in remote areas. Fulfill the need of electricity in remote areas. PLTS SHS Development in Central Java. 12.545.000. APBD. Kab. Clcp, Bym, Btg, Kbm, Srgn, Grbgn, Pblg, Rmbg, Brebes, dan Pwj. Kebijakan Penyediaan infrastruktur untuk masyarakat dan industri. Electricity and Oil development programs.. Development Implemented PLTS SHS in remote areas. Fulfill the need of electricity in remote areas. PLTS Communal Development in Remote areas. 18.350.000. APBD. Kab. Cilacap, Jepara, Banyumas, dan Banjarnegara. Increasing the energy conservation Policies to ensure the future generation.. Electricity and Oil development programs.. Implementation of evaluation and preparation of documents RUPED and RUKD. Availability of reference for regional energy management. Development of Regional Energy Forum. 3.900.000. APBD. 35 regency/ city.

(43) 1 11. 2 Provision of infrastructure for public policy and industry. III. Bidang Migas To encourage potential and search for new energy reserves and diversify new enegi utilization of renewable and non renewable (alternative energy) To encourage potential and search for new energy reserves and diversify new enegi utilization of renewable and non renewable (alternative energy) Policy Improvement in the distribution of oil and gas monitoring. 1. 2. 3. 3 Electricity and Gas Development Program. 4 PLN Electricity Network Development implementation. 5 Listrk fulfillment to the public and increase electrification ratio. 6 Rural Electrificatio n Network Expansion. Electricity and Gas Development Program. Identification of potential implementation and demonstration plots swamp gas. Optimal utilization of alternative energy and marsh gas. Electricity and Gas Development Program. Implementation of the identification of potential utilization of biogas. Electricity and Gas Development Program. Monitoring the implementation of the gas station, SPBE, complexity Agent, Agent 3 Kg LPG, LPG Base Base complexity and 3 Kg. 7. 8 11.581.411. 9 APBD. 10 Kab. Klaten, Mgl, Kendal, Rmbg, Byl, Brebes, Pml, Pblg, Btg, Kbmn, Bym, Wngr, Grbgn, Kudus, Pati, Pwj, Tgl, Clcp, dan Kota Sltg. Identificatio n and Developmen t in Central Java Swamp Gas. 4.450.000. APBD. Kab. Bjngr, Kbmn, Bym, Pkl, Dmk, Grbgn, Pblg, Wnsb, Sragen, Blora, Skh, dan Clcp. Optimal utilization of biogas alternative energy and biofuels. Developmen t Energy Events (Identify Potential Biogas and Biofuel) in Central Java. 6.351.200. APBD. Cenral Java. The creation of safety at the pump, SPBE, complexity Agent, Agent 3 Kg LPG, LPG Base Base complexity and 3 Kg. Management supervision of the gas station, SPBE, complexity Agent, Agent 3 Kg LPG, LPG Base Base complexity and 3 Kg. 4.050.000. APBD. 35Regency/city.

(44) BIO FUEL POTENCY (ton) JATROPHA 14.32. CORN 44679.84. CASSAVA 52468.75. SUGAR CANE 6090.8. COTTON. CASPE CASSAVA. 2202.67. 1792.05. BIO FUEL potency in liters JATROPHA 2386.7. CORN 7446640. CASSAVA 8744791. 67. SUGAR CANE 1015133.3. COTTON 367111.67. CASPE CASSAVA 298675. BIO FUEL Target to implement 2010 - 2025 (liters) JATROPHA. CORN. CASSAVA. SUGAR CANE. COTTON. CASPE CASSAVA.

(45) BIO GAS POTENCY Cow. Buffalo. horse. Goat. Sheep. pig. 1.533.723. 109.000. 14.620. 3.123.250. 2.0123.450. 139.750. BIO DIGESTER POTENCY (Unit) Cow Digester. Buffalo Digester. Horse Digester. Goat. Sheep. pig. 134201. 10. ‐. ‐. ‐. ‐. BIO DIGESTER Target to implement 2010 - 2025 (Unit) Cow. Buffalo. horse. Goat. Sheep. pig.

(46) Law No. 27 Year 2003 in Geothermal: Geothermal Exploration Activities is an activities to find the geothermal source till the usage directly or undirectly.. Target RE for Geothermal Power Plant at Central Java ‐ Geothermal Ungaran (Semarang ) capacity 2 x 55 MW ( Exploration process ), target 2013 operate ‐ Geothermal Guci (Baturaden) capacity 2 x 110 MW ( (Tender Process ), target 2016 operate.

(47) Implementation Strategy Regional Development Policy in energy area in purpose of managing and utilizing the energy potentials comprises of: Internal Policy, includes: y Increasing of office administration services. y Increasing of Apparatus’ Tool and Equipment. y Increasing of Apparatus’ Discipline. y Increasing of Apparatus’ Resource Capacity..

(48) y External Policy, includes: Increasing Human Resources in Energy field. y Encouraging retrieval of potential and reservation of new energy and energi baru serta diversification of utilization of renewable and non renewable energy (alternative energy). y Increasing the benefits, value‐added and business opportunities of NRE with regard the social and environmental aspects. y Increasing of energy conservation to ensure future generations. y.

(49) y Improving soil and water conservation efforts to balance. the carrying capacity and carrying capacity of the environment. y Provision of electricity infrastructure for the community and industry. y Increasing exploration and exploitation of mineral resources and implementing good mining practice in location of existing mine which always concerns with aspects of sustainable development..

(50) y Increasing supervision in oil and gas distribution.. Improving information services that are vulnerable to disaster areas y Improving information services areas prone to geological disasters and development of natural disaster mitigation systems. y.

(51) Objectives of the Regional Energy Policy y Arrangement of a New Energy Management Plan. based on the Regional Renewable energy resources in the area are intended to achieve self‐sufficiency in energy management in the region. y The objective of regional development in the field of New Renewable Energy in medium term development framework is : y To realize the professionalism and excellent service to support rapid business development New Renewable Energy..

(52) y To create a system of supervision and control in order. to realize the mining business and sustainable energy. y To provide basic data of potential geological, mining, groundwater and energy to establish regional development policy in field of energy and mineral resources. y To realize the synchronization between sectors and development areas..

(53) y To increase business investment interest in the field of. New Renewable Energy and mineral resources, especially in the diversity of products and utilization of energy and mineral resources so as to encourage the opening of the marketing and export opportunities. y To enhance the role of energy sector and mineral resources in the regional economy. y To utilize optimally the natural resources in accordance with neighborhood in Central Java province, the results of research and development of science and appropriate technologies which involve universities, for disaster risk reduction and promote the establishment of better public welfare..

(54) CENTRAL JAVA RE TARGET. With the formation of New Renewable Energy Management Plan Area, it is expected later each district will be able to understand the concept of local energy management so that existing energy potential in each district can be optimized. The regional development objectives for energy and mineral resources are: y The increased ability of human resources in Energy and Mineral Resources..

(55) y Improvement in electricity ratio about 10% by the. development of the middle voltage Transmission along 30 kms, Low Voltage Transmission along 20 kms, development of MicroHydro 8 Units, development of Solar Cell Home System (SHS) 1400 Units, Development of Communal Solar Cell System 3 Units, Geothermal Power Plant 1 Units. y The optimization of the energy alternative usage by potency identification of 5 geothermal location ,9 rivers location, 11 swamp gas location, 12 biogass location, 3 biomass location, and also the development of 18 Energy independent village and also the established of demplot for the swamp gas usage in 5 location, and the implementation of smart technology in 10 location..

(56) y Reduced activities of Mining Without Permission. (PETI) and increasing public awareness of sustainable development in mineral resources exploitation. y The increased production, value‐added of mining products and the transfer of technology. y Optimal management of ground water and raw water needs in areas prone to dry. y The increased ratio of electrification and fulfilled energy needs for community and industry. y Optimal utilization and diversification of alternative energy. y Ensuring the distribution of oil and gas for the benefit of society and industry..

(57) Regional Energy Policy Strategy Making the legal umbrella for the Management of New Renewable Energy Law areas that support Regulation Law no 30 year 2007 on energy in the form of such Regional Regulation, such as Regional Regulation in terms of independence in the areas of energy management for those who are capable, efficient energy utilization, regulation LPLU, and others..

(58) In implementing the regional development stage and realize the achievement of goals and objectives for development and the New Renewable Energy and mineral resources, development strategies pursued are: 1. Including training, courses and field studies New Renewable Energy and Mineral Resources. 2. To identify potential regulatory and socialization minerals and coal. 3. Increasing the use of appropriate technology and promotion of the mining business. 4. To improve guidance and supervision on the business of mining and utilization of ground water. 5. Building networks and power plants with a potential local sources of Renewable Energy. 6. Optimizing the utilization of alternative energy sources..

(59) Increasing Electricity Consumption in Rural Areas. y This strategy is an intensification and utilization of. existing network. It also held services in rural areas (Rural Business Service) in order to increase the productive power of marketing in rural areas. Local governments provide funding and Development facilities to provide electrical energy for remote and rural community, as mandated by Government Rule No. 3 / 2005..

(60) y The last alternative should be done if there is no local. energy potential and the grid does not allow drawn is making PLTS (SHS) or diesel power plants. Development PLTS is intended for all people of all communities in the isolated village of electric power network for which they can enjoy even if only for lighting. As for the construction of diesel power plants also must be considered socio‐economic factors surrounding communities in the provision of diesel fuel that must be provided for diesel and its impact on the environment of rural communities..

(61) Improving the quality of human resources and technology mastery y Improving the quality of human resources and control. technology implemented by increasing the knowledge and skills in the field of energy, increase research and development in the field of electricity both technically and strategically..

(62) Improvement, energy supply from various energy sources. y This strategy was implemented to reduce dependence. on electricity from PLN, which is expected with the use of alternative energy such as solar electric, diesel, PLTG, MHP, PLTP later to meet the electricity needs of rural communities in remote areas..

(63) Improved business support services New Renewable Energy y To facilitate and supervise the business support. services in the context of exploration and exploitation of New Renewable Energy, to supply the power plant can be smoothly so as to maintain continuity of electricity supply.




(67) y BIOFUEL TARGET CENTRAL JAVA. ‐ 10 % from total consumption of gasoline , diesel and and bio pertamax on 2013 Fuel Biofuel Biodiesel Bio Pertamax. 2010. 2015. 2020. 2025.

(68) Price of RE standard data ( end of Nov ) a. Solar cell Rp/watt Rp. 6.500.000 ( 50 watt peak ) (Solar Home system ) Rp. ( 17, 5 kW peak) (communal ) ………….Rp / watt b. Hydro, Rp.2.600.000.000 ( 25 kw + 60 kw ) …………Rp / watt c. Geothermal , Rp. 3.500.000.000.000 / 2 x 55 MW Rp / watt ……( 7 cent / kwh ) d. Biofuel, Rp / liter Rp. 168.000.000 ( capacity 300 liter ) …………… Rp/ liter e. Biogas, Rp. 6.0000.0000 / 4 m2 Rp/ unit digester f . Biomass , Rp / kg ???.







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