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Academic year: 2023



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Research design is fundamental for researcher to conduct research.

Research design can reflect the entire process, from conceptualizing the literature review problem to research questions, techniques, and conclusions.

The right research design determines the results of the study so that researcher must choose the right research design to be applied in their research so that the research objectives can be achieved properly. The research method in this research is classroom action research. Action research in the classroom is a research method carried out by researcher who are carried out when researcher want to solve problems encountered in the teaching and learning process.

In this study the researcher used Classroom Action Research (CAR).

CAR is research conducted in the classroom by subject teachers, especially with the aim of solving a problem or improving the teaching and learning process. Burns (2010:2) states that action research is to identify problematic situations or problems that participants—which may include teachers, students, managers, administrators, or even parents—consider to look more deeply and systematically. The central idea of the CAR action section is to intervene in a deliberate way in problematic situations to bring about change and, even better, improve practice. The important improvements that occur in action research are those that are based on the information (or to use the term research, data) that action research collects systematically.

This means that CAR is problem-based research that aims to solve problems that arise in class and improve teaching and learning activities through a cyclical process involving several phases of planning, action, observation, and reflection. From the definition, the researcher concludes that classroom action research is conducted to solve problems during the teaching- learning process. it also can be defined as an inquiry that is carried out in order


to understand, evaluate, and then make changes to improve the educational practice.

This research design collaborate with English teachers at SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Kakap. In carrying out learning, the role of the collaborator is an English teacher who teaches speaking using the Choral Reading technique.

While the role of the researcher is as an observer, namely observing teaching and learning activities during the process of learning to read.

B. Procedure of Classroom Action Research

The procedure is important to conduct this research, in this classroom action research, the researcher conducted two cycles in teaching reading comprehension through the Choral Reading strategy. The procedure of the research was a systematic step that can help the researcher when implementing classroom action research. In this research, the researcher used the phase of classroom action research by Kemmis and McTaggart cited in Burn (2010:8) says that action research typically involves four phases in the cycle of research, as follows: planning, action, observation, and reflection.

Figure 3.1 Cycling process of Classroom Action Research Taken from The Spiral Model by Kemi’s and McTaggart in Burn (2010, p.9)


As a starting point, it is necessary to put forward a definition of action research. Burns (2010:2) defines CAR (Classroom Action Research) as part of a broad movement that has been going on in education in general for some time. (Burns 2010:4) states that classroom action research has cycles to be carried out and each cycle has four stages to run.

Table 3.1 CAR Procedure 1. Plan

Cycle 1 Cycle 2

Monday, July 11, 2022 At this stage the researcher plans the steps to be taken according to the problems that have been identified. At this planning stage, the teacher acts as a collaborator and does some preparation. Planning here includes making determinations of problem solutions, strategies used, lesson plans, media, materials, and preparing data collection tools. The activities that used to be carried out at this stage are as follows:

1) Researcher prepare appropriate materials and topics.

2) Researcher designed lesson plans for teaching reading.

3) The researcher prepares the format for the reading test

Thursday, July 14, 2022, at this stage researcher and collaborators changed the methodology of the teaching and learning process, and planned the implementation of lesson plans related to cycle I which had been evaluated and developed for cycle II actions.

During this cycle, the researcher planned a revised lesson plan to improve students' reading comprehension of descriptive texts through Choral Reading treatment.

Researcher and collaborators also discussed the shortcomings in cycle 1 and improved them in cycle 2. also made teaching preparations such as lesson plans, teaching materials, observation checklists and field notes.


2. Action

Cycle 1 Cycle 2

The implementation of cycle 1 begins on Tuesday, July 12, 2022. In the action stage, researcher carry out the plans that have been planned at the planning stage. That is teaching in the field with components that have been prepared at the planning stage. it used be action to implement the plan. In this step the researcher used teach students based on the lesson plans that have been made, the researcher also apply the techniques that have been chosen to solve the problems faced by students when the teacher observes the teaching and learning process in the classroom. class. Activities that can be carried out at this stage are as follows:

1) The researcher introduces himself to the students.

2) Researcher apply lesson plans in class.

3) The researcher explained to the students about the Choral Reading Method and showed examples of stories to strengthen the researcher's explanation.

4) The researcher or model reader previews a passage for students, and they all make predictions about

Cycle 2 action begins on Friday, July 15, 2022. In this section, the researcher takes actions that look at the reflections that have been evaluated and revised. In this phase the researcher as a teacher still uses the same understanding method in learning activities as in cycle I, such as after reading a story aloud which is followed by students then students are asked to retell what understanding they got from the story and answer questions.


what the passage used to be about.

5) Then the researcher reads the passage aloud-first alone, then with students joining in.

6) The teacher lowers his voice and invites students to lead the reading aloud.

7) Students are asked to take back the text and answer comprehension questions. During this exercise, students must read as fast as possible in groups without skimming

8) If there is time available, the teacher must choose a pair of students to reread the text.

3. Observation

Cycle 1 Cycle 2

At this stage, researcher and collaborators observe every activity that occurs in the classroom and monitor students. the results of the observation used to be discussed in the observation checklist and field notes.

In this section, the collaborator checks the checklist for making observation sheets in the observation format. Here, the school teacher acts as an observer to observe during the teaching and learning process. At this stage the researcher plans the steps to be taken according to the problems that have been identified. Planning here includes making determinations of problem solutions, techniques used, lesson


plans, media, materials, and preparation of data collection tools.

The observation time was stated from the beginning to the end of the learning process, and it was not known by the students whether their actions were observed by the collaborator when the researcher gave the treatment, the collaborator sat behind the students to observe the students as well. fill in the observation checklist and field notes.

4. Reflection

Cycle 1 Cycle 2

In this stage the researcher and collaborator reflected and discussedabout the result of the data from observation checklist and field note, the researcher and collaborator discussed about everything happened during learning teaching reading in descriptive text by using choral reading method. based on the data, it showed the students did not interactive and communicative in the first cycle, then the students also were not active and did not pay attention during learning process, although the students looked enjoy when the

Reflection is the process of evaluating the data that has been collected at the observation stage. Both researcher and teachers try to reflect on the results of previous studies and discuss and analyze the data. In this phase, the researcher and the teacher also discussed some of the problems that occurred in the research in the classroom. The results of the analysis are used as a reference for the next cycle. If the first plan is not successful, as evidenced by the achievement, the researcher must make a further plan (re-planning) to


researcher read the the narrative text.

it made the students interested to know the story.

solve the student's problem and also to get good results.

C. Subject of Research

The subjects of this study were students of class VII E of SMPN 01 Sungai Kakap in the academic year 2021/2022. The researcher only took one class consisting of 25 students. The researcher chose class VII E based on the most visible compared to other classes. The main problem of students is lack of interest in reading, some of them have difficulty in reading comprehension so that their class is slightly behind from other classes.

Tabel 3.2 The Number of Seventh Grade Students in SMP Negeri 1 Sungai Kakap, Kubu Raya

No Level Number of Students

1. VII E Boys Girls Total

12 13 25

This study chose class VII E, because students still have reading comprehension problems, this can be seen from their English test scores, most of them scored below the standard. Most of them scored below 70 (KKM standard), which is below standard. Therefore, the researcher focuses on implementing Choral Reading to improve students' reading comprehension

D. Technique of Collecting Data

In analyzing quantitative data, researcher used qualitative techniques as proposed by Burns (1999:156). Data collection techniques can be used for data analysis, such as identifying patterns, categories, or themes that are repeated throughout the data and making connections between those categories. This study uses two types of data collection. They are non-measurement and measurement techniques. The details are as follows:


a. Non Measurement Technique

Non-Measurement is a technique used in research without calculation and measurement. Non-measurement techniques are concerned with qualitative data. It ends with more than just a description and expression of values and feelings about the surrounding atmosphere.

The tools of this non-measurement technique are observation checklists and field notes.

b. Measurement

Measurement is to find out and measure the increase in student achievement from cycle to cycle. Measurements also help researcher to find out the increasing use of coral reading techniques by students. Tests are given at the acting stage as proof of improvement and success of each cycle. According to Kothari (2004:17), a researcher observes several quantitative measurements, where a researcher checks the truth contained in his hypothesis. The test is a source of data in this study using measurement techniques. This test used be performed twice. Each test used be given at the end of each cycle to measure the achievement of student progress.

E. Tools of Data Collection

In collecting data, the researcher used observation checklists, field notes, and reading tests to determine students' reading comprehension of descriptive texts.

1. Observation Checklist

Arikunto (2010:139) states that observation is focused on the activities of the subject or object of research involving the five senses. This method is easy to use to find concrete data. The observation checklist is to examine the procedure for the actions taken by the researcher. The researcher marks the things that the researcher has done. Researcher can also provide comments about the teaching-learning process or suggestions for improvement in implementation at the next meeting.


2. Field Note

Field notes are written comments made during professional actions (Wallace, 1998: 57). used to describe and record events that occur in the classroom during the coral reading technique implemented in the classroom.

Field notes in this study used be useful for researcher to analyze the source of reflection at a stage in each cycle.

3. Reading Test

In this study, the researcher give a test in each cycle or meeting. This test be discussed after each meeting. test scores used by researcher to show whether the use of choral reading improves students' reading comprehension and improves students' ability to find main ideas and detailed information in descriptive texts, test items be in the form of multiple choice in each cycle to test students' understanding of the material discussed by students there used be five choices on each test item A, B, C, D and E. Each test consists of 20 items.

F. Data Analysis

After the data was collected, the researcher analyzed the data. In analyzing quantitative data, researcher use qualitative techniques as proposed by Burns (1999: 156) he says that there are various techniques developed from qualitative research approaches that can be used for data analysis, such as identifying patterns, categories, or themes that are repeated in across data and make connections between these categories.

1. Observation Checklist & Field note

Observation is to record the teaching and learning process.

Observations were also carried out during the act of recording related aspects that occurred in the classroom. These aspects relate to students' attitudes in reading activities, and the actions of teachers in the classroom including their strengths and weaknesses. In conducting action research, researcher observe the learning process. The teaching and learning process is carried out by the teacher, while the researcher only observes the teaching


and learning process. The observation consisted of two cycles. There are cycle I and cycle II. The researcher used an observation checklist to be more systematic. The observation sheet consists of a checklist of student and teacher observations.

Field notes are part of the data collection instrument in qualitative research. According to Burns (2010: 47) field notes or observation notes are data records, this kind of data used be recorded in the form of notes made by researcher or other collaborating teachers. The results used as descriptive notes and notes of what is happening in the classroom, including - depending on what the researcher focus on the physical layout, verbal and non-verbal information, group structure, or sequence. of activities and tasks.

In short, field notes are intentionally documented notes or information notes or notes during the research, field notes used be put in the last part of the lesson plan for each cycle.

1) Data Reduction

In this step, the researcher used collect data to compare and contrast the data to see what fits together. Then, the researcher comes to code the data, which means that after some examination of the data as a whole, categories or codes can be developed to identify patterns more specifically. In addition, the data used be analyzed in the next step.

2) Data Display

The data view is used to make a summary based on the data presented in the data reduction. And the conclusion of the data display used by researcher as qualitative data. Then, the data also be used as consideration for planning the next cycle.

3) Conclusion Drawing and Verification

This third flow analysis activity is drawing conclusions and verification. this step starts from the point where sequencing and integration of previous analyzes is required. The purpose of this stage is to integrate what used be done into a meaningful and coherent data picture.


2. Reading Test

In this study, the test used be in the form of multiple choice.

Students' reading comprehension checked at the end of the teaching process for each cycle. there are five choices for each item A, B, C, D and E. Each item consists of 20 questions, student answers used be calculated by the following formula. To assess student answers, the researcher used the following formula:

S = Students’ individual score ƩR = Students’ right answer

Tn = the total number of testing items (20 items)

(Ary et al,2010:185) 4) Mean Score

After the researcher calculated the individual scores of each student, the researcher then calculated the student's average score. the average score is often called the student mean score. The average score of students is very important to determine the level of success in teaching and learning. To calculate the students' average score, the researcher used the following formula:


(Cohen et al, 2007:251) Me = the mean score

Ʃx = the sum of individual score N = the total number of Students

5) Researcher analyzed the data in cycles I and II using the following percentage technique:

P = The class percentage


F = Total percentage score N = Number of Students

(Depdikbud in Ar-Rahman, 2014) 6) Table Classification

To find out the classification of students' scores, the researcher classified them with the table below:

Table 3.3 Classification of Range Score Test Score Achievement Level

80-100 70-79 60-69 50-59 0-49

Excellent Good

Fair Poor Very poor

The classification table for reading scores above shows that if the average score of students is between 80-100, the level of completeness is very good. If the average value of students obtained ranges from 70-79, then the level of completeness of students is classified as good. If the student's average score is between 60-69, then the student's level of completeness is on average. If the student's average score is between 50- 59, then the student's level of completeness is not good. If the average value of students obtained ranges from 0-49, then the level of completeness of students is very less.


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