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141720 AKJ 2007 03 26 News Reader


Academic year: 2017

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For normal operators, it is conjectured that the shell is convex and its closure is polyhedral; the conjecture is proved for indefinite inner product spaces of dimension at most

We show that if ψ(A) = ψ(B) is satisfied then many properties enjoyed by nonsingular borderings have analogs for singular (or rectangular) borderings as well.. This

It was shown by van der Kallen [7] that SL n( F [ x ]), n 3, does not have bounded word length with respect to elementary matrices if the field F has infinite transcendence degree

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In the paper [6] (see also [7]) the author has derived a precise estimate for the Euclidean norm which is attained in the case of normal matrices. But that estimate requires bounds

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