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and projective invariants

B. Najafi and A. Tayebi

Abstract.In this paper, we define a new projective invariant and call it


W-curvature. We prove that a Finsler manifold with dimensionn≥3 is of constant flag curvature if and only if itsWf-curvature vanishes. Various kinds of projectively flatness of Finsler metrics and their equivalency on Riemannian metrics are also studied.

M.S.C. 2010: 53B40, 53C60.

Key words: Projective transformation; scalar flag curvature.



One of the fundamental problems in Finsler geometry is to study and characterize Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature. The best well-known result towards this question is due to Akbar-Zadeh, which classified compact Finsler manifolds with non-positive constant flag curvature [3]. In a 25 year research, initiated by famous Yasuda-Shimada’s theorem [16] and finished by Bao-Robless-Shen’s theorem [7], Randers metrics of constant flag curvature have been classified.

On the other hand, there are some well-known projective invariants of Finsler metrics namely, Douglas curvature [5][6][10], Weyl curvature, generalized Douglas -Weyl curvature [4][13] and another projective invariant which is due to Akbar-Zadeh [1]. In [21], Weyl introduces a projective invariant for Riemannian metrics. Then Douglas extendes Weyl’s projective invariant to Finsler metrics [10]. Finsler metrics with vanishing projective Weyl curvature are calledWeyl metrics. In [18], Z. Szab´o proves that Weyl metrics are exactly Finsler metrics of scalar flag curvature.

In [3], Akbar-Zadeh introduces the non-Riemannian quantityHwhich is obtained from the mean Berwald curvature by the covariant horizontal differentiation along geodesics. This is a positively homogeneous scalar function of degree zero on the slit tangent bundle, and recently has been studied [11][12]. Akbar-Zadeh proves that for a Weyl manifold of dimensionn ≥ 3 , the flag curvature is constant if and only if

H= 0. The natural question is: Is there any projectively invariant quantity which characterizes Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature?

Balkan Journal of Geometry and Its Applications, Vol.15, No.2, 2010, pp. 90-99 (electronic version); pp. 82-91 (printed version).



In this paper, using Akbar-Zadeh’s method in [1], we define a new projective invari-ant and call itWf-curvature (see the equation (3.14)). We show that theWf-curvature is another candidate for characterizing Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature. More precisely, we prove the following

Theorem 1.1. Let (M, F)be a Finsler manifold with dimension n≥3. ThenF is of constant flag curvature if and only if fW = 0.

By Akbar-Zadeh’s theorem and Theorem 1.1, we have the following

Corollary 1.1. Let (M, F) be a Finsler manifold with dimension n ≥ 3. Suppose thatF is of scalar flag curvature. Then H= 0 if and only if Wf= 0.

Throughout this paper, we use the Berwald connection on Finsler manifolds [19][20]. The h- and v- covariant derivatives of a Finsler tensor field are denoted by “|” and “, ” respectively.



Let M be an n-dimensional C∞ manifold. Denote by TxM the tangent space at

x∈M, and byT M =∪x∈MTxM the tangent space ofM. AFinsler metriconM is

a functionF :T M →[0,∞) which has the following properties: (i)F isC∞onT M


(ii)F is positively 1-homogeneous on the fibers of tangent bundleT M, and (iii) for eachy∈TxM, the following quadratic formgy onTxM is positive definite,

gy(u, v) := 1 2

£ F2

(y+su+tv)¤|s,t=0, u, v∈TxM.

Given a Finsler manifold (M, F), then a global vector field G is induced by F on

T M0, which in a standard coordinate (xi, yi) forT M0 is given by

G=yi ∂ ∂xi −2G

i(x, y) ∂ ∂yi,

whereGi(x, y) are local functions on T M

0 satisfying Gi(x, λy) =λ 2

Gi(x, y), for all λ >0. FunctionsGi are given by

(2.1) Gi :=1


il{2∂gjl ∂xk −

∂gjk ∂xl }y


where gij is the vertical Hessian of F2

/2 and gij denotes its inverse. G is called

the associated spray to (M, F). The projection of an integral curve of G is called a geodesic in M. In local coordinates, a curve c(t) is a geodesic if and only if its coordinates (ci(t)) satisfy ¨ci+ 2Gi( ˙c) = 0 [14].

For a vectorvivertical and horizontal covariant derivative with respect to Berwald

connection are given by


,k= ˙∂kvi, vi|k=dkvi+Gijkvj,


k∂m˙ ,∂k= ∂x∂k, ˙∂k = ∂


In [1], Akbar-Zadeh cosideres a non-Riemannian quantity H which is obtained from the mean Berwald curvature by the covariant horizontal differentiation along geodesics. This is a positively homogeneous scalar function of degree zero on the slit tangent bundle. The quantityH=Hijdxidxjis defined as the covariant derivative

ofE along geodesics, whereEij = 1 2∂mG˙

The Riemannian curvature tensor of Berwald connection are given by

Kihjk=djGihk+GmhkGmji −dkGihj+GmhjGimk.

Then, the Riemann curvature operator of Berwald connection aty∈TxM is defined byKy=Ki

kdxk⊗∂x∂i|x:TxM →TxM, which is a family of linear maps on tangent

spaces. The flag curvature in Finsler geometry is a natural extension of the sectional curvature in Riemannian geometry, which is first introduced by L. Berwald [8]. For a flagP = span{y, u} ⊂TxM with flagpoley, theflag curvatureK=K(P, y) is defined curvature ofP in Riemannian geometry. We say that a Finsler metricF isof scalar curvatureif for anyy∈TxM, the flag curvatureK=K(x, y) is a scalar function on the slit tangent space T M0. IfK =constant, then F is said to be of constant flag


The projective Weyl curvature is defined as follows

Wjkli :=Kjkli −

flag curvature if and only ifWi jkl= 0.



-projective Weyl curvature

Letφ:FnF¯n be a diffeomorphism. We callφa projective mapping if there exists

a positive homogeneous scalar functionP(x, y) of degree one satisfying



In this case,P is called the projective factor ([17]). Under a projective transformation with projective factor P, the Riemannian curvature tensor of Berwald connection change as follows

(3.1) K¯i

hjk =Kihjk+yi∂hQjk˙ +δhiQjk+δij∂hQk˙ −δik∂hQj,˙

where Qi =diP −P Pi and Qij = ˙∂iQj −∂j˙ Qi. A projective transformation with projective factorP is said to be C-projectiveifQij = 0.

LetX be a projective vector field on a Finsler manifold (M, F). Let the vector fieldX in a local coordinate (xi) on M be written in the formX =Xi(x)∂i. Then

the complete lift ofX is denoted by ˆX and locally defined by ˆX=Xi∂i+yj∂jXi∂i˙.

Suppose that £ˆ

X stands for Lie derivative with respect to the complete lift of X.

Then we have

£XˆGi =P yi,



(3.2) £XˆGijkljiPkl+δkiPjl+δliPkj+yiPjkl,

(3.3) £ˆ

XK i

jkl=δij(Pl|k−Pk|l) +δilPj|k−δkiPj|l+yi∂j˙ (Pl|k−Pk|l).

SinceQij =Pi|j−Pj|i, we have

(3.4) £ˆ

XK i


We have

(3.5) ∂jP˙ k|l=Pjk|l−PrGrjkl.

Contractingiandk in (3.4), we get

(3.6) £XˆKjl=Pl|j−nPj|l+Pjl|sys.


(3.7) £Xˆ(yr∂lKjr˙ ) =−(n+ 1)Pjl|sys.


(3.8) Pjl|sys=−


n+ 1L( ˆX)(y

r∂lKjr˙ ),


(3.9) £Xˆ(Kjl+


n+ 1y

r∂lKjr˙ ) =Pl


(3.10) £Xˆ(Klj+


n+ 1y

r∂jKlr˙ ) =Pj


Using (3.9) and (3.10), one can obtain

IfQij = 0, then (3.4) reduces to the following

(3.12) £XˆKjkli =δliPj|k−δkiPj|l.

Using (3.11) and eliminatingPj|lfrom (3.12), we are led to the following tensor


k is said to beC-projective Weyl curvatureor Wf-curvature. According

to the way we constructfW, it is easy to see thatWfisC-projective invariant tensor. A Finsler metricF is calledC-projective Weyl metricif itsC-projective Weyl-curvature vanishes. First, we prove that the class of Weyl metrics contains the class of C -projective Weyl metrics.

Theorem 3.1. Let F be aC-projective Weyl metric. ThenF is a Weyl metric. Proof. By assumption, we have the following

(3.15) Ki

Contracting (3.15) withyi implies that

(3.16) F2˜

Plugging (3.17) into (3.15), we get

(3.18) Ki



Proof of Theorem 1.1

To prove Theorem 1.1, we need to find theWf-curvature of Weyl metrics.

Proposition 4.1. Let F be a Finsler metric of scalar flag curvature λ. Then fW -curvature is given by

Proof. By assumption, the Riemannian curvature of Berwald connection is in the following form.

Then, we get the following relations.

Kjl = (n−1)(λgjl+F Flλj) +n−2

Plugging (4.3) and (4.4) into (3.14), we get the result. ¤

Lemma 4.1. Let (M, F) be a C-projective Weyl manifold with dimension n ≥ 3. ThenF is of constant flag curvature.

Proof. By Theorem 3.1 and Proposition 4.1, we have


From assumption, we getλk = 0. It means thatF is of isotropic flag curvature. The

result follows by Schur’s Lemma. ¤


Lemma 4.2. Let F be a Finsler metric of constant flag curvature K=λ. Then F

isC-projective Weyl metric.

Proof. IfF is of constant flag curvatureλ, then (4.2) reduces to the following

(4.5) Ki



(4.6) Kjl=λ(1−n)gjl, Kjk˜ =λ(1−n2


Plugging (4.6) into (3.13), we obtainfWi

jkl= 0 and consequentlyfWki= 0. ¤


Reduction in Riemannian manifolds

As mentioned before, in Finsler metricsFn of scalar flag curvature with (n3), we

have this equivalenceWf= 0 if and only ifH= 0. ObservingC-projective invariancy ofWf-curvature, one can conjecture thatH-curvature must beC-projective invariant too. Here, we prove that this is true. By definition,Hij =Eij|sys. Under a projective

transformation with the projective factorP, we have the following relations:


Eij = Eij+n+ 1 2 Pij,

yldl¯ = yldl−2P ym∂m,˙



i = EmjGmi +P Eij+ n+ 1

2 (PmjG


i +P Pij).

Now, we can prove the following

Proposition 5.1. H-curvature isC-projective invariant. Proof. Under a projective transformation, we have


Hij = Eij¯ |lyl

= yldl¯Eij¯ −Emj¯ G¯mi −Eim¯ G¯mj

= (yldlEij¯ 2P ym∂m˙ Eij¯ )Emj¯ G¯m

i −Eim¯ G¯mj

= yldlEij+n+ 1

2 y

ldlPij+ 2P Eij+ (n+ 1)P PijEmj¯ G¯m

i −Eim¯ G¯mj

= yldlEij−EmjGmi −EimGmj + n+ 1

2 (y


i −PimGmj )

= Hij+n+ 1 2 (y


i −PimGmj ).


On the other hand, we have

yl∂iQjl˙ = yldlPijPmjGm

i −yldjPil

= yldlPij−PmjGmi −PmiGmj


Plugging (5.2) into (5.1) yields

(5.3) Hij¯ =Hij+n+ 1

2 y


We deal withC-projective mapping, i.e.,Qij = 0. Hence ¯Hij =Hij. This completes

the proof. ¤

A locally projectively flat Finsler manifold (M, F) with the projective factorP is said to be locallyC-projectively flat if P satisfies Qij = 0, this means F is locally

C-projectively related to a locally Minkowskian metric.

Example. Let Θ be the Funk metric on the Euclidean unit ballBn(1) , i.e.,

Θ(x, y) :=


|y|2(|x|2|y|2< x, y >2)+< x, y >

1− |x|2 , y∈TxB



where<, >and|.|denotes the Euclidean inner product and norm onRn, respectively.

For a constant vectora∈Rn, letF be the Finsler metric given by

(5.4) F :={1+< a, x >+< a, y >

Θ }{Θ + Θxkx


In [15], Shen proves thatF is projectively flat with projective factorP = Θ. A direct computation shows thatQij = 0. Hence, F is locallyC-projectively flat. Moreover, Shen proves thatF is of constant flag curvatureK= 0.

Every locally Minkowskian metric has vanishing H-curvature. It is well known that every locally projectively flat Finsler metric is of scalar flag curvature. In the case of locallyC-projectively flat Finsler metrics we have the following

Corollary 5.1. Let F be a locally C-projectively flat Finsler metric. Then F is of constant flag curvature.

In studying the subgroups of the group of projective transformations, Akbar-Zadeh considers projective vector fields satisfyingPij = 0 and calls this kind of vector fields, restricted projective vector field [1]. The condition Pij = 0 means that the projective factorP is linear, which is always true in Riemannian manifolds. Hence, in Riemannian manifolds, every projective transformation is restricted.

Let us define locally restricted projectively flatness similar toC-projectively flat-ness. Note that Finsler metric given in Example 1 is not locally restricted projectively flat. In fact, a restricted projective vector field withP =ai(x)yi isC-projective

vec-tor field, ifai(x) is gradient, that isP =dσfor some scalar function on the underlying manifold.

Using (3.11) and eliminatingPj|lfrom (3.4), Akbar-Zadeh introduces the following






n δi

k(nKjl+Klj)−δli(nKjk+Kkj) o

− 1

n+ 1δ




Under aC-projective mapping, we have

(5.6) ∗Wi

jkl=∗Wijkl+ 2δki∂lQj˙ −2δil∂jQk.˙

This means that∗Wi

jkl is not aC-projective invariant. In fact,∗Wijkl is a restricted

projective invariant. We call∗Wi

jklrestricted projective Weyl-curvature. The

geomet-ric importance of the restgeomet-ricted projective Weyl-curvature is to characterize Finsler metrics of constant flag curvature, i.e., a Finsler metricFn with (n3) is of constant

flag curvature if and only ifF has vanishing restricted projective Weyl-curvature ([2] page 209).

Now letF be a Riemannian metric. By Beltrami’s well-known theorem, locally projectively flat Riemannian manifolds are exactly Riemannian manifolds of constant sectional curvature. Summarizing up, we get the following reduction theorem in Riemannian manifolds.

Theorem 5.1. Let (M, F)be Riemannian manifold with dimensionn≥3. Then the following are equivalent.

1. F is locally projectively flat.

2. F is locally restricted projectively flat.

3. F is locallyC-projectively flat.

This is not true in generic Finslerian manifolds. The non-equivalence between these kind of projective mappings in Finsler manifolds reveals the complexity of Finsler spaces.

Acknowledgments. The authors express their sincere thanks to Professors H. Akbar-Zadeh, Z. Shen and referees for their valuable suggestions and comments.


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Authors’ addresses:

Behzad Najafi

Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Shahed University, Tehran, Iran.

E-mail: najafi@shahed.ac.ir

Akbar Tayebi

Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics, Qom University, Qom, Iran.


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