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Academic year: 2019



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(A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Years Students of SMK PGRI

2 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

A Graduating Paper

Submitted to the Board of Examiners as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd.I)

in the English Department of Education Faculty

State Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) Salatiga




Never put off till tomorrow what we

can do today and we will never know



This work is sincerely dedicated for:

 My God Allah Most Gracious….Most Merciful.

 My beloved parents, my father (Kamdi) and my mother (Wanti)

who always pray, guide, motivate me to become better person.

 My beloved sisters (Widaningsih and Sulandari) and my big

family who fill my life with love and affection.

 My counselor, Mrs. Setia Rini M.Pd. Thank for you advice.

Every student should be so lucky to have counselor like you.

 All of big family SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga, the head master, all of

my teachers and students of XB class.

 My lovely best friends (Fakiyah, Ratna, Irma, Restu, Wiwit,

Triyanah, Hikmah).




the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the requirement for Sarjana

Pendidikan in English Department of Educational faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute

(STAIN) Salatiga in 2014.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports, guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Mr. Dr. Rahmat Hariyadi, M. Pd as the rector of State Institutefor Islamic Studies


2. Mrs. Rr. Dewi Wahyu Mustikasari, M. Pd as the head of English Department of

States Institute for Islamic Studies (STAIN) of Salatiga and the consultant of this

thesis. Thanks for all of your suggestion, recommendation and support for this

thesis from the beginning until the end.

3. Setia Rini, M. Pd as consultant who has educated, supported, directed and given the

writer advice, suggestion and recomendation for this graduating paper from

beginning until the end. Thanks for your patience and care.

4. All lecturers in English Department Faculty of STAIN Salatiga. Thanks for all

guidance, knowledge, support, and etc.

5. My beloved mother and father. Thanks for everythings (support and praying) no

one better than you.

6. All lectures of English Department who have taught and given knowledge for the


7. All of the staffs who have helped the writer in processing of graduating paper


8. Everybody who has helped me in finishing this thesis. Thanks for all supports,

advice, suggestion and other helps that you all gives. The writer hopes that this

thesis will useful for everyone.

Salatiga, November 2014

The writer

Tentrem Rahayu



THE EFFECTIVENESS OF ACROSTICS GAME IN IMPROVING STUDENTS VOCABULARY MASTERY(A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Years Students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

The purpose of language teaching in Senior High school is to achieve functional level. In the functional level, they can develop the competence in communicating orally and written to resolve daily problems. The real problems faced by the students in the school in learning and teaching English are vocabulary mastery. Game is one of the solutions to overcome the problems. Application of the acrostics game in teaching learning English hopefully can help the students to improve their vocabulary mastery. This research will answer these main questions (1)To identify the implementation of students‟ vocabulary mastery using acrostic game for the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015. (2)To be able to know the class condition before the teaching and

learning using acrostic game in the students‟ vocabulary mastery of the tenth years

students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015. (3)To find out the result of the study after using acrostic game in the students‟ vocabulary mastery of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015. 25 students of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 SALATIGA 2015 were instructed through Acrostics game to improve their vocabulary mastery. The methodology of this research used Classroom Action Research (CAR). It is conducted in three cycles. Each cycle consists of planning, action, observation and reflection. From the result, the researcher found several findings on it. The results shows that the mean score of post test in cycle I I is 66,4 the mean score of post-test in cycle II is 8,44 and the mean score of post-test in cycle III is 81,72. The findings show that the improvement of the students‟ vocabulary mastery is significant after applying acrostics game.

Keywords:Keywords: Effectiveness, acrostics game, vocabulary mastery.







G. Review of Previous Research 10 H. Research Organization 11 CHAPTER II: THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK A.General Concept of Vocabulary 13

1. Definition of Vocabulary 13

2. The Importance of Vocabulary Matery 14

3. Kinds of Vocabulary 15

C.General Concept of Descriptive Text 21 1. Definition of Descriptive Text 21 2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive Text 21 3. Language Features of Descriptive Text 22



A. The Setting of The Research 26

B. The Subject of Research 26

C. Type of the Research 29

D. Research Procedures 30

E. Technique of Collecting Data ... 34 F. Technique of Analyzing Data ... 36


B. Score of Students Achievement 55

C. Discussion 56 CHAPTER V: CLOSURE

A. Conclusion ... 58 B. Suggestion ... 59




A. Background of the Study

Language is all of the systems by which human beings combine sounds into

meaningful units. Such us words, and these into larger patterns to convey ideas and feeling (

Winston, 1966: 438). Language is a tool for communication between human beings with each

other. Human being is social creature, so they need others in order to communicate with

language. Language is very needed for human to express and receive some information,

message, feeling and so on. There are many kinds of language used by people and it is based

the people live such as Indonesia, English, China, Japan, French, etc.

Currently, English is very important. English is definitely important as a window to

the world and English is the key to access knowledge. In Indonesia in the past English was

only taught in secondary school. In current years, however, the teaching of English is

expanding into primary or elementary school settings (Fauziati, 2005: 169).

English is considered as a difficult subject for the Indonesian students, because

English is completely different from Indonesian language viewed from the system of

structure, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Especially for senior high school students in SMK

PGRI 2 Salatiga, they think that English is a very difficult lesson.

English consists of four basic skills that students must master. There are speaking,

writing, reading and listening. To master speaking, writing, reading and listening students


and technique in order to obtain a good result and avoid the student. Besides, the students can

be more interest to develop their vocabulary.

Vocabulary is the central of language teaching and learning. It plays an important role

in the four language skill. It gives contribution to the learners to perform or practice their skill

better. It means that by mastering the vocabulary, the learners will be able to produce so

many sentences easily either in spoken or written one. It is impossible for the learners to

perform their English well if their vocabulary is good. Therefore, vocabulary mastery must be

on the first priority in English language learning and teaching. Without mastering the

vocabulary, the learners will be difficult to master the other language skill. Only with a

sufficient vocabulary, learners can effectively express their ideas both in oral and written

forms. Thus, they should have good ideas on how to expand their vocabulary so that they can

improve their interest in learning the language.

According to the researcher‟s observation, the students‟ vocabulary mastery of

SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga is still low because they difficult to get KKM in 60. Although there are

still some students who are able to get KKM, which is the highest score is 85 and the lowest

is 50. Based on the observation in the classroom and interview with the teacher on

Wednesday, September 8th 2014 at 08.00 am at the SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga, the students have

motivation in learning English but most of them have difficulty in vocabulary mastery.

One of possible causes of this problem is that the teacher still uses the conventional

method in teaching the materials. The teacher just explains the materials and then gives

exercises in written form. The only teaching media are text book and blackboard. This

method makes the students sometimes feel bored and sleepy, especially when it is taught in

the last session. Considering that, the writer wants to give a solution especially in improving

students‟ vocabulary mastery. The solution is by teaching vocabulary using acrostic game.


gives much opportunity for the students to practice and repeat the sentence pattern and

vocabulary. Beside, acrostic is a kind of games that will make teaching-learning process more

attractive than before. The students will fun, relaxed and enjoyable, and they will memorize

the vocabulary in different way, that is by rewriting them.

Based on English syllabus for tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga the

researches choose a descriptive text in teaching vocabulary. Because acrostic is puzzles in

which clues are given to words whose first letters spell out a mystery word or phrase. The

clues are sometimes given in rhyme (Augarde, 1994: 3). The role of this game is guessing

clues. The clues are describe something such us person, thing, place etc. So the students

answer the question based on the clues. And students have to fill in words which start with

the resulting letters.

By the thesis, the researcher would like to know the students‟ vocabulary mastery in

SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga by using acrostics game. According to Endang Fauziati game is one of

activities which can help to create dynamic, motivating classes. The reason is that real

learning takes places when the students, in a relaxed atmosphere, participate in activities that

require them to use what they have been drilled on. Games are not only suitable for children

but also for adult.(Fauziati, 2005 : 130 ).The aim of teaching English at advanced is to

motivate them to be ready and self-confident in learning English at university level of

education. Having a limited vocabulary is also barrier that precludes learners from learning a

foreign language.(Fauziati, 2002: 155).

From the explanation above, the researcher assumes that teaching English by using

game is an attractive technique and encourage the students enriching their vocabulary and

enjoy in studying English. And the researcher would like to know the effectiveness of

acrostics game in improving students‟ vocabulary mastery. Students in this research are


By using game in teaching learning process the students will be able to master vocabulary

and making students are interested in learning English.

Based on the explanation mentioned previously the researcher to conduct a research


VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research of the Tenth Years Students of

SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/2015)

B. Problem Statements

Based on the phenomenon above, this research is aimed at giving answers on the

following problems:

1. How is the implementation of students‟ vocabulary mastery using acrostic

game for the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic

year of 2014/2015?

2. How about the class condition before the teaching and learning using acrostic

game in the students‟ vocabulary mastery of the tenth years students of SMK

PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015?

3. How is the result of the study after using acrostic game in the students‟

vocabulary mastery of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the

academic year of 2014/2015?

C. Objectives of the Study

The general purpose of the study is to be able to know the effect of acrostics game

that is implemented in the classroom. The specific objectives of this study are:

1. To identify the implementation of students‟ vocabulary mastery using acrostic

game for the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic


2. To be able to know the students ability before the teaching and learning using

acrostic game in the students‟ vocabulary mastery of the tenth years students

of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015.

3. To find out the result of the study after using acrostic game in the students‟

vocabulary mastery of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in

the academic year of 2014/2015.

D. Benefit of the Study

The benefits of the research are as follows:

1. Practically

a. For the students‟

Teaching vocabulary by using acrostic game can motivate the students‟ in

order to be more interested in learning vocabulary.

b. For the English teacher

This research also gives teacher knowledge about a method that can be used by

him or her to improve students‟ vocabulary.

c. For the researcher

The findings of the research can be used as a starting point in improving the

writer‟s teaching ability.

d. For other researcher

The writer hopes that the result of the research can be used as reference for

those who want to conduct a research in teaching English.


The innovation of this research will enrich the theory of teaching English and the

result of the research can be used by English teacher to improve the students‟

vocabulary mastery.

E. Limitation of the Study

In order to make a focus in this research, especially in the explanation, the writer

limits the study as follows:

1. The students‟ improvement in vocabulary mastery.

2. The improvement of students‟ vocabulary mastery by using acrostics game in

teaching descriptive text.

3. This research is carried out to the tenth years students in SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga.

F. Definition of Key Term

To avoid misunderstanding, the researcher gives explanation or definition of some

key terms used in this study:

1. Effectiveness

According to Homby, the effectiveness is having an effect; able to

bring about the result intended. (Homby, 1974: 277).

2. Improve

Improve is to make better (Holt, Rinehart, Winston, 1966: 391). It

explains the raising of the students vocabulary mastery. The students‟

vocabulary mastery will be better.


Student is person who attends an education institution or who receives

other instruction or person who is devoted to books and learning (Holt,

Rinehart, Winston,1966: 806)

3. Game

A game is one of activities which can help to create dynamic,

motivating classes. The reason is that real learning takes places when the

students, in a relaxed atmosphere, participate in activities that require

them to use what they have been drilled on. Games are not only suitable

for children but also for adult.( Fauziati. 2005 : 130 ).

Game is form of play, especially a contest, played according to roles

(Winston, 1966; 319).

Jill also says that a game is an activity with rules, a goal and an

element of fun. (Hadfield, 2001: 4).

4. Acrostics

Acrostic is puzzles in which clues are given to words whose first letters

spell out a mystery word or phrase. The clues are sometimes given in

rhyme (Augarde, 1994: 3).

Acrostic is word puzzle, word arrangement, in which the first or the

first and last, letters of the lines make a word or words (Hornby, 1963: 10)

Acrostic is an arrangement of words in which initial or other letters,

when taken in order, form words or phrase. Or an arrangement of letters

that form the same words when read horizontally or vertically


Acrostic a series of written lines of verses in which the first, last, or

other particular letters form a word, phrase, the alphabet, etc (Urdang,

1968: 17)

5. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is more than list of target language words.(Nunan, 1998:


Vocabulary is the experience of most language teachers that the

singgle, biggest component of any language course (McCharty, 1990: ix)

Vocabulary is a central part of language. The more words students

know well and can use, the more meaning they can communicate in a

wide variety of circumstances (Coxhead,2006: 1).

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical importance to typical

language learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot

communicate effectively or express his ideas in both oral and written

form. Having a limited vocabulary is also barrier that precludes learners

from learning a foreign language (Fauziati, 2002 155:)

Vocabulary is a word considered only as a combination of certain

sounds or letters, without regard a meaning (Urdang, 1968:1473).

Vocabulary is alphabetical list of words, often with translation or

definition; lexicon; glossary (Winston, 1966; 911).

Jim scrivener also says vocabulary is a powerful carried of meaning.

Beginners often manage to communicate in English by using the

accumulative effect of individual words. (Scrivener, 73 : 1994 ).


Vocabulary game is one in which the learners „attention is focused

mainly on words. ( Lee,1979: 37).

G. Review of Previous Research

In this research, the researcher takes three previous researches. The first is research by

Zunita Widyasari entitled „‟ The Use Of Crossword Puzzle To Improve Vocabulary Mastery (A Classroom Action Research In The First Year Students Of MA Al Bidayah Candi Bandungan In The Academic Year 2009/2010)‟‟ the object of her study are to find out

whether crossword puzzle can improve the students‟ vocabulary mastery. The result of her

research teaching vocabulary using crossword puzzle can improve students‟ vocabulary

mastery and students‟ interest.

The second research by Nur Hidayah entitled „‟ The Use Of Realia To Improve

Vocabulary Mastery (A classroom Action Research In The Third Year Students Of MI Nurul Azhar Terban Pabelan In The Academic Year 2010/2011)‟‟ . The objects of her study are to

find out whether realia can improve the students‟ interest and to find out whether realia can

improve the vocabulary mastery. The result of her research teaching vocabulary using realia

can improve students‟ interest and vocabulary mastery.

The third was conducted by Desti Ela Soraya with her research paper “ “Improving

Students‟ Vocabulary Mastery By Climbing Up A Ladder Game ( A Classroom Action Research of the First Year Students‟ in SMP Islam Sudirman Ambarawa in the Academic

Year 2011/2013)”. She summarized that using of climbing up a ladder game can influence

the improvement of the students in vocabulary mastery of the first year students of SMP

Islam Sudirman Ambarawa in the Academic year 2011/2012. The reasons why the writer

reviews it because it gives clear example, so the writer can explain with more details.


The researcher wants to arrange the graduating paper in order to the reader can catch

the content easily. It is divided into five chapters.

Chapter I is Introduction. It is consist of background of study, problem statements,

objectives of the study, benefit of the study, limitation of the study, definition of key terms,

and review of previous research, methods of research.

Chapter II is Theoretical Framework which discuss about general concept of

vocabulary, general concept of acrostic game and general concept of descriptive text.

Chapter III explains about Methods of Research that consist of setting of the research,

subject of the research, type of the research, research procedure, and technique of collecting

data and technique of data analysis.

Chapter IV is Data Analysis. Consist field note, score of students achievement of

cycle I, cycle II, cycle III, discussion.

Chapter V is Closure. The writer states summary of the study includes Conclusion and






A. General Concept of Vocabulary

1. Definition of vocabulary

Vocabulary is a powerful carried of meaning. Beginners often manage to

communicate in English by using the accumulative effect of individual words ( Scrivener,

1994 : 73 ). Acording to (Charty, 1990: ix) Vocabulary is the experience of most language

teachers that the single, biggest component of any language course. Vocabulary is a

central part of language. The more words students know well and can use, the more

meaning they can communicate in a wide variety of circumstances (Coxhead,2006: 1).

Vocabulary is central to language and of critical important typical language learner.

Without a sufficient vocabulary, one cannot communicate effectively or express his ideas

in both oral and written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also barrier that precludes

learners from learning a foreign language (Fauziati, 2005 : 155 ). Having limited

vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes students from learning a foreign language and

when they do not know how to enrich their vocabulary, for example they often gradually

lose interest in learning (Fauziati 2005: 155).

Every person must have vocabulary for communicating with others, it is a very


though vocabulary does not always affect in the fluency of language, there are some

language aspects that must be known and mastered by learners, such as grammar, diction,

pronunciation, and so on, vocabulary still becomes requirement for mastering a language.

From some opinions given above, it seems that vocabulary is a total number of words

used by a person, class, profession in communication.

2. The Importance of Vocabulary Mastery

Vocabulary is important in case, it could help the students to enjoy their classes. One

who mastery enough vocabulary will find fewer difficulties than those who have fewer


Moreover, vocabulary has an important in teaching learning process. According to

Scrivener (1994: 74) in classroom there are the roles of vocabulary:

1. Vocabulary is very important and needs to be dealt with systematically

in its own right; it is not simply an add-on to grammar or skills lesson.

2. Our job does not as soon as learner has first met some new vocabulary;

we need to help them practice, learn, store, recall, and use the items.

3. Training in the use of English.

4. We need to distinguish between vocabulary for productive use and for

receptive recognition and adapt our classroom work appropriately.

5. We need to deal not only with single word lexical items, but also with

longer, multi-word items (Scrivener, 1994: 75).

3. Kinds of Vocabulary

Scrivener ( 1994 : 74 ) says that there are two kind of vocabulary, there are receptive


a. Productive vocabulary is the sets of words that are used in spoken

communication. Good pronunciation might be encouraged getting the

sounds and stress right.

b. Receptive vocabulary is the use of words that we recognize and

understand, but tend not to use ourselves.

Productive and receptive vocabularies are words that the students understand when

they use in everyday situation. They can‟t product it correctly in reading or listening. In

contrast, productive and receptive vocabularies are the set of word that they understand,

can pronounce correctly and use constructively in speaking and writing.

Sometimes, vocabulary is easier aspect of a foreign language to learn but it hardly

required formal attention in the classroom. The students are quickly to accept but they are

quickly forgotten.

4. Principle of Teaching Vocabulary

According to (Nation, 2000: 625) there are three principle of teaching vocabulary, this

principles are as follow:

a. Content and sequencing

Content and sequencing is what vocabulary is focused on and how it is

divided into stages.

b. Format and presentation

Format and presentation is how the vocabulary is taught and learned.

This is the most visible aspect of course design and involves the general

approach to vocabulary teaching, the selection of the teaching and


c. Monitoring and assessment

Monitoring and assessment is how learning is measured. The function

of monitoring and assessments are test learners to see what vocabulary

they need to focus on, use monitoring and assessment to keep learners

motivated, Encourage and help learners to reflect on their learning.

5. Teaching Vocabulary

Teaching is the act or profession of a person who teaches. Sometime that is taught

(Urdang, 1968: 1348). Teaching is work of one who teaches; profession of a teacher

(Winston, 1966; 832). Vocabulary is a word considered only as a combination of certain

sounds or letters, without regard a meaning (Urdang, 1968:1473). Teaching vocabulary is

the studying second language because vocabulary is the basic material to master the four

language skills that is speaking, reading, writing and listening. Without understanding the

new words, the students will get the difficulties to studying English language. The other

reason is vocabulary that central of language and of critical importance to typical language

learner. Without a sufficient vocabulary, someone cannot communicate effectively or

express his ideas in both of oral and written form. Having a limited vocabulary is also a

barrier that precludes learners from learning a foreign language. The status of vocabulary

within the curriculum and a attitude of foreign language teachers toward vocabulary

instruction have varied considerably over the year some teachers usually using Grammar


Having limited vocabulary is also a barrier that precludes students from learning a

foreign language and when they do not know how to enrich their vocabulary, for example

they often gradually lose interest in learning (Fauziati 2005: 155). The status of

vocabulary within the curriculum has varied considerably over the years. It suffered

significant neglect during the 1950s and 1960s when audio lingual‟s had a dominant

influence on methodology, but make something of a comeback during the 1970s under the

influence of communicative language teaching (Nunan, 1991:116)

B.General Concept of Acrostics Game 1. Definition of acrostics game

Acrostics are puzzles in which clues are given to words whose first letters spell out a

mystery word or phrase. The clues are sometimes given in rhyme (Augarde, 1994: 3).

Acrostic is word puzzle, word arrangement, in which the first or the first and last, letters of

the lines make a word or words (Hornby, 1963: 10)

According to (Winston,1966: 9) Acrostic is an arrangement of words in which initial

or other letters, when taken in order, form words or phrase. Or an arrangement of letters

that form the same words when read horizontally or vertically. Acrostic is a series of

written lines of verses in which the first, last, or other particular letters form a word,

phrase, the alphabet, etc (Urdang, 1968: 17).

2. How to play acrostics game

Procedures of acrostics game can be modified by a teacher itself. An acrostic is

puzzles in which clues are given to words whose first letters spell out a mystery word or

phrase. The clues are sometimes given in rhyme (Augarde, 1994: 3)


1. Teacher gives explanation to the students what is an acrostic game.

2. Gives an example of an acrostic related to the same subject matter so

they get the idea of the strategy.

3. Gives a word picked out to make the acrostic form.

b. Application Steps:

1. Students will work individually in order to pick words that best suit


2. Show them the example on the board.

3. Give them the word they will make the acrostic form.

4. Explain that the words they choose must be related to the term.

5. Ask students what they came up with.


tricity/Domain/34/Writing.pdf/ Wednesday,16-09-2014, 01.35 a.m

Example: These six clues lead to six words, whose initial letters spell a

famous city (Augarde, 1994: 3):

1. It‟s beside the road

2. This involves the load

3. This is pleasant for you

4. And a song for two

5. A Europian river

6. Makes them all a-quiver








3. Variation in play acrostics game

There are many possible variations on this game or you can add and change the rule

of this game, for example, in a book of the oxford A to Z of word game, written how to

play “ acrostic 2 :

a. The first player choose a word of at least four letters-usually six or

more-which each player writes in a column down the left-hand side of their


b. Then write the same word in reverse down the right-hand side of the


c. Players have to fill in words which start and end with the resulting


d. The winner is either the player who fills in all the spaces first or the

player who uses the longest word or words within a set time (usually five

minutes) (Augarde: 1994, 4)

Example: Andi suggests English as the word. He fills in the words like

this, later adding the scores for each letter used:


L a t e r a L = 7 I n K i n G = 6 S o l u t i o N = 8 HappenestancE = 12

C. General Concept of Descriptive Text 1. Definiton of Descriptive Text

A descriptive text is to describe particular person, place or thing. (Sudarwati

and Grace, 2006: 135)

2. The Generic Structure of Descriptive

According to Sudarwati and Grace (2006: 172) there are several important

elements to make up a description, they are:

Identificatin Mention the special particular.

Description Mention the part, quality, and characteristics of the subject being described.

3. Language Features of Descriptive Text

Sudarwati and Grace (2006: 172) stated that the language features of

descriptive text are:

a. The use of adjective and compound adjectives.

Example : - A five hundred seated football stadium


b. The use of linking verbs / relating verbs.

Example : - The temple is so magnificent

- The temple consists of terraces

c. The use of Simple Present Tense.

Example: - The museum blouses hundreds of Greek Statues

-The hotel provides 450 rooms and a large swimming pool

d. The use of degree comparison

Example : - The weather in Jakarta is hot better than Bandung

-Bogor has the same weather as Ungaran

4. The Example of Descriptive Text

According to Sudarwati and Grace (2006:167) the example of descriptive text is:

The Borobudur Temple

Borobudur is a

Hindhu-Budhis temple

built in the 9th century

under the Syailendra Identification

Identify subject to be described


dynasty of Java. It is

partially excavated by

archeologists in the

early 20th century,

Borobudur temple is

well-known all over

the world.

Influenced by

the Gupta architecture

of India, the temple is

square and surrounded

by walls adorned with

Buddhist sculpture in


three are circular, each

with a circle of

bell-shapedstupas (Budhist


Entire edifice is

crowned by a large

stupa at the center of

the top circle. The way

to the summit extends

through some 4.8 km

of passages and



The design of

Borobudur, a

temple-mountain symbolizing

the structure of the

universe, is similar to

the temples built at

Angkor, Cambodia.

The Borobudur

Temple rededicated as


Comparative degree




A. The Setting of the Research

The research is located at SMK PGRI 2 SALATIGA in JL. Nakula Sadewa No.1,

Kembang Arum, Salatiga. The research was applied for the students of tenth years in this

school. The students have motivation in learning English but most of them have

difficulty in vocabulary mastery and they are shy or even afraid of creating mistakes

which led them, they use Bahasa to explain their idea in English lesson.

The classroom action research was done from October 2014 to November 2014.

The description of the building of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga is as follows: Facilities and

infrastructure in SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga, consist of classroom, language laboratory,

computer laboratory, library, head master room, administrative room, consulting room,

vice principle room, mosque, toilet for teacher, toilet for students, learning media,

canteen, and others.

B. Type of The Research

Type of this research is classroom action research. The researcher and the observer

observed and made a note everything that occurred in learning process. According to

Arikunto (2007: 2) classroom action research is formed from three words they are: an Indonesian national

monument in 1980 is a

valuable treasure for


a. Research: an action to get details from an object using certain way or methodology

to get useful data or information in increasing the quality of something that attract

the researcher interest and important for him/her.

b. Action: activity that intentionally done in certain aim, that has a form of cycle

sequence activity to students.

c. Class: a group of students in the same time and have the same lesson from their


He added that this action was expected to increase the students‟ learning result, so it

should concern with the teacher‟s effort in learning process (Arikunto, 2007: 2)

C. Subject of the research

The subject of research is students XB Accountancy of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in

the academic year of 2014/2015. It consists of 25 students with 1 boy and 24 girls. The

writer choose XB because based on the information from the English teacher, the

students in this class have high motivation in learning English. But the students in this

class have little vocabulary so they difficult to explore and express their ideas orally or

written form. Although this class is very noisy but this condition can be increase

students‟ attention to be active in learning English and enrich their vocabulary.

TABLE 3. 1

The List XF Class Group of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2014/ 2015


Skill Program : Accountancy

Teacher Class : Roni Setyo Nugroho S.Si

No. Nis Name Sex

1. 6508 Adelia nurmala dewi Female

2. 6509 Amadea luna brilliani Female

3. 6510 Dana tirta nirwana Female

10. 6517 Febriyanti yuni saputri Female

11. 6518 Hani widiawati Female

12. 6519 Helga ayu rosiana Female

13. 6520 Lennia setyaningrum Female

14. 6521 Linda pramessela Female

25. 6532 Wina pangestuningsih Female

Source: SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga 2014

D. Research Procedures

This study uses classroom action research; the first concept of classroom action

research is introduced by Kurt Lewin. Kurt Lewin said that in one cycles is consist of

four components, they are planning, acting, observing, and reflecting (Arikunto,

2010:131). The researcher uses the action research model of Arikunto, the spiral-shaped


Figure 3.2

The steps in every cycle are the same and the researcher will do the research in

three cycles those are cycle I, cycle II and cycle III and there are 1 meeting in each

cycle. From the chart of the research model can be seen that there are four stages of

action research prevalent, as the following:

a. Planning

In this research the researcher is a teacher, and my friend Restu is observer.

Stage of research is designed in three phases, that is: cycle I, cycle II, cycle III,

which each cycle consist of planning, implementation, observation and reflection.

To obtain preliminary data, the researcher doing the pre-cycle, the proceedure to

the planning cycle as follows:

Figure 3.3

Research plan

Reflection Practice

Observation Cycle I Planning

Reflection Cycle II Practice



Planning Reflection

Practice Cycle III


Cycle I

Cycle II

Preliminary Study Interviewing the English teacher, giving questionnaire and pretest to

the students, in the tenth year of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga

2. Preparing the role of acrostics game 2. Every action in cycle

2 stills any problems.

3. Continue to the next cycle

2. Preparing the role of acrostics game

Acting Conducting the


Cycle III

b. Action

The second stages of action research is the implementation of the application,

the teacher must remember and try to obey what has been formulated in the draft.

In the action stage refers to the lesson plan.

The implementation of the action involved one meeting in each cycle. The

time table of the can be seen of the following table:


The Schedule of The Classroom Action Research

Meeting Date Theme/Sub

Theme Preliminary study September 8th 2014 Observation

and interview 2. Every action in cycle


Cycle III 1 October 27rd 2014 Descriptive text

c. Observation

An observation is scientific method, that can be systematically used to

observe and note the phenomena investigated ( Hadi, 1995: 136). Observation is

one of the instruments which are used in collecting the data. As a scientific

method, observation can be systematically used to observe and note all of the

phenomena investigated like students‟ feeling, thinking, and something they do in

the process of teaching learning.

d. Reflection

The research finding is analyzed. It is to remember what happened in

observation. Reflection seeks to make sense of process, problems, and real issues

in action. Reflection has an evaluative aspect, to judge whether the method can be

problem solving to improve student‟s vocabulary mastery.

E. Technique of Collecting Data

The researcher will present the act of collecting data as follows:

1. Test

Arikunto (2010: 226) stated that test is used to measure the students‟ basic

ability and achievement. To get the data the writer does the test that consists of

pre test and post test.

1. Researcher using pre-test to know the student‟s ability before the


2. Researcher using post-test to know the student‟s improvement after

using acrostics game.

The function of pre test is to know how far the vocabulary mastery of the

students is before they use acrostic game. While, the function of post test is to

know the increasing of vocabulary mastery after they have use acrostic game.

Pre and post test are to knowing the differences of the students‟ ability before

and after the teaching use the method.

2. Observation

In addition the researcher also conducted observation with classroom

action research, the researcher joined in the classroom. In this case, the

researcher is a teacher. Observe is look at an occurrence, movement and

process. Observing is not an easy task since people are influenced a lot by

interests and tendencies they have. In observation the most effective method is

by fulfilling an observation blank form as a tool. The arranged form consists

of items about occurrences or behaviors that drawn will be happened

(Arikunto, 2010: 272).

In this stage the researcher used field note which is used to observe and

to know the situation and activities during teaching-learning process. By used

field note the writer would like to know the class situation and participation of


3. Documentation

Arikunto (2010: 274) stated that documentation methods is an activity

to look for variable like notes, transcribes, books, newspapers, magazines, etc.

This method is not too difficult since if there is an error the source data is still


In this stage, the researcher make a note and takes photographs as

proof of teaching learning activity.

F. Technique of Analyzing Data

After collecting the data, the next step of study is analyzing the data. There are

two approaches to analyze the data, they are:

a. Qualitative Approach

Qualitative approaches collect and summarize data using primarily

narrative or verbal methods: observations, interviews, and document analysis

Lodico (2006: 5).

b. Quantitative Approach

Quantitative approaches summarize data using numbers. Hypotheses and

methods of data collection are created before the research begins (Lodico,

2006: 6).

This technique is used to know the students‟ score of vocabulary mastery in

each cycle. The researcher using mean to analyze the data of the research. The

formulas according to Hadi (1981: 246) are:

1. Mean


: Mean of students‟ score


: The total number of students

2. SD (Standard Deviation)

( )


: Deviasion Standart for one sample t-test

: Different between pre-test post-test

: Number of observation in sample

3. T-test

To be able to know whether there is a significant improvement or not

between pre-test and post-test, researcher using t-test after calculate the SD.

The formula is:

: T-test for the differences of pre-test and post-test

: Deviation Standart for one sample t-test

: Different between pre-test and post-test




A. Field Note

In this chapter, the researcher would like to analyze the data gathered from the

action research activities. The data was obtained from the teaching learning process

and evaluation. The aim of the analysis is to measure the improvement of 25 students‟

vocabulary in learning process by applying acrostics game. In this research the

researcher has arranged three cycles; those are cycle I, cycle II and cycle III.

1. Cycle I

a. The first activity in this research is planning. The activities prepared:

1) Preparing the material entitled “ My Cousin”, making lesson plan, and

designing the steps in doing the action.

2) Preparing list of students‟ named and scoring.

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) class observation (to know the situations of teaching learning process when

the method or technique or mode is applied)

5) Preparing a test (including pre-test and post-test)


The first activity was conducted on Monday, October 6th 2014. The researcher

entered B class of the tenth years of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga. The researcher introduced

herself and she explains what her purpose being in SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga.

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb

Students : Wa‟alaikum salam Wr. Wb

Teacher : Morning class, how are you today?

Students : Morning Miss, fine thank you. And how are you?

Teacher : I am very well too thank you

Teacher : Before we continue our lesson today, I will introduce myself first. My

name is Rahayu. I am the alumni of this school who was graduated in


The first pre-test given by the teacher was doing multiple choices and

completed the text entitled My Best Friend. Teacher shared the worksheets to the

students. She also went around through the class to check the students‟ work and

to help students‟ difficulties. Most of them have difficulties in the meaning of the

word. After the time for the test finished the teacher collected the students‟ work.

Then, the activity continued with explanation of the material by the teacher.

When the teacher explained it, the students listened and paid attention to her. But

still there were some students who didn‟t get it.

After that, the teacher implemented her teaching technique by gave them a

task about acrostics game. When this activity occurred, some of students felt

confuse with the method so the teacher gave a more clear instructor about it. The


the resulting letters. The teacher asked the students to work by individually and

gave them limited time to finish it. When they finished it they should collect their


After this activity ended, the students back to their own seat and given

post-test as homework.

c. Observation

In the first cycle few students looked happy to follow teaching learning

process. This is because the teacher is new person for them. So, it built new

atmosphere in their classroom.

There were some students had difficulties in the meaning of the word.

Nevertheless, there were some other students had a many vocabularies.

Furthemore, the researcher will analyze the students‟ improvement in learning

vocabulary by searching the mean of pre-test and post-test and extend of the use

of “acrostics game” by t-test calculation.

d. Reflection

By analyzing the result of cycle I, the researcher has notion that English

teacher must have seriousness with the students‟ vocabulary mastery. The teacher

also has to be more creative to give materials. On the next cycle the acrostics

game will be more interesting.

2. Cycle II

Based on the result of cycle I, it is necessary for the researcher to continue the

next cycle.

a. Planning


1) The researcher preparing the material entitled “ Borobudur Temple”,

making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the action

2) Preparing students list and scoring

3) Preparing teaching aids

4) Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situations of

teaching learning process when the method or technique or mode is


5) Giving occasion to the students to ask any difficulties or problems

6) Preparing test ( including pre-test and post-test)

b. The Implementation of action

On Monday, October 20th 2014 researcher entered the class at 07.00 am.

Teacher usually starts the meeting by greeting and asking student‟s condition.

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum Wr. Wb

Students : Wa‟alaikum salam Wr. Wb

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : Fine Miss, how about you Miss?

Teacher :I am very well too, thank you. I will check your attendance first.

Who is absent today?

Students : No one miss...


Students : Yaa...Miss, nanti ada permainan lagi ya?

(Yes, miss.... did you prepare some games for us miss?)

Teacher : Rahasia dong. Satu pertanyaan sebelum pelajaran dimulai.

(That a secret guys. Now, I will ask you first. What did you do last


Students : Iya... belajar miss...

Yes, Study Miss....

The teacher also gave the printed material to the students as a reminder. So it

will be a help to the students in doing their task.

When doing the pre-test teacher allowed the students to use dictionary or

asked her about the difficulties they got. Teacher observed every student by

walking through the class. Teacher also gave limited time to finish the students‟

task so they should finish it soon and collected it.

In this meeting the researcher explained more about learning vocabulary with

“Acrostics” game, the steps were as they did before. When the teacher applied the

same technique, the students seemed more familiar since it just the same with the

previous one. Teacher just reminded them again about the rule.

In the end meeting, the researcher gave post-test as homework and closed the


Teacher : “Ok class, because the time was over, please submit your test and we

closed our meeting.”


Teacher : Ok, thanks for your attention today. See you next time guys...

Students : See you next time...

c. Observation

In this cycle a half of students in the class are attention to follow the learning

process. The researcher watched the students‟ activity during the teaching

learrning process. A half of the students more understood about the material.

Even though still there are some any mistakes so the researcher goes to the next


d. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle II, the teacher concludes that using acrostics

game in English lesson can improve students‟ vocabulary mastery, because in this

class students must guess the clues even though they sometimes find some

difficulties. From analyze above we can see that there is an increased understanding

of the material and quality of vocabulary students when compared with the cycle 1.

In the next cycle, the teacher would use the same method.

3.Cycle 3

1. Planning

The activities in the planning are:

a. Preparing materials entitled “Aloe Vera and Jogjakarta”, making lesson plan,

and designing the steps in doing the action

b. Preparing list of students „name and scoring


d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situations of teaching

learning process when the method or technique or mode is applied)

e. Preparing a test ( including pre-test and post-test)

2. The implementation of action

Monday, October 27rd 2014, the researcher entered the class at 07.00 a.m. The

class was active enough, because they got English lesson on first hour. So, the

students felt fresh and have enough concentrate. Like the last meeting, the teacher

opens the class with greeting and asking the condition.

Teacher : Assalamu‟alaikum wr.wb

Students : Wa‟alaikumsalam wr.wb

Teacher : Good morning every body

Students : Good morning miss

Teacher : How are you today?

Students : I‟m fine, thank you. How are you?

Teacher : I‟m very well too, thank you. Let‟s say basmallah together. Students : Bismillahirrahmanirrahim..

Teacher : Before we continue our lesson today I will check your attendance


(Then the researcher check their attendance)

Teacher : Okay guys... now we will continue our lesson. Please prepare your


Students : Ya miss


Teacher : Listen for me, now we still discuss about descriptive entitled Aloe

Vera and Jogjakarta.

Then teacher gave their task. It was continued by doing pre-test. Teacher and

her partner observed the students activity. Teacher also gave guidance to the


After finishing their task, teacher used her technique again to convey the

materials. The students seemed more understand about the technique. So it was

done smoothly. On the end meeting, the students had done the post-test. It is used

to measure the students improvement after using acrostics game.

Teacher : Ok, from our material today have you difficulties?

Students : No miss....

Teacher : Ok, if you don‟t have any question lets we close our lesson today with

saying hamdallah together.

Students : Alhamdullillah...

Teacher : Thank you very much for your attention today. Wassalamualaikum wr


Students : Wassalamualaikum wr wb

3. Observation

In cycle III, teacher use same method with cycle I and cycle II. Most of

the students are understood about the material. They have full enthusiastic and the

students can finish the assignment well. After the teacher explain the material


learning process in this cycle is very active (teacher and students) and the class

condition was not vacuum like the cycle before. After analyzing the result of third

cycle, concluded that acrostics game can improve 25 students‟ vocabulary.

4. Reflection

By observing the teaching and learning process in the cycle I, cycle II and

cycle III, it can be concluded that the acrostics game can improve 18 students‟

vocabulary in cycle I, 21 students‟ vocabulary in cycle II, and 25 students‟

vocabulary in cycle III. Besides, the acrostics game can motivate the students to

be more creative in the learning process, although there are some problems to

know the English words. In this meeting the game is carried out well.

Then teacher decided that is the last meeting, because the acrostics game

has improved the students‟ vocabulary mastery. In addition it could be seen in the

score of pre-test and post-test in each cycle.

B. Score of Students Achievement 1. Score of cycle I :

a. The result of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Cycle I

The mean of Pre-Test and Post-Test


 There is an improvement of vocabulary mastery between pre-test and


b. SD (Standard Deviation) of Pre-test and Post-test




 T-table < t-calculation = 2,75 < 8,36

Based on the result above, it shows that the mean of pre-test and post-test

enhances. It seems from comparison of the mean score of pre-test and post-test in

cycle I. The mean of pre-test is 59,4 while the mean of post-test is 66, 4. Based on this

result, it means that applying the Acrostics game is successful in improving the

students‟ vocabulary mastery.

The T-calculation also shows that there is significant influence of Acrostics

game in improving the students‟ vocabulary mastery. The result is that T-calculation

is 8,36 while T-table is 2, 75. It means that there is considerable influence in cycle I


2. Score of Cycle II

a. The result of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Cycle II

The mean of Pre-Test and Post-Test






M = Mean

X = The sum of student‟s value

N = The number of subject

Mean of Pre-Test II = 1559 25

= 62,36 rounded (62)

Mean of Post-Test II = 1917 25

= 76,68 rounded (77)

 Mean of Pre-test = 62,36

 Mean of Post-test = 76,68

 Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

 There is an improvement of vocabulary mastery between pre-test and


b. SD (Standard Deviation) of Pre-test and Post-test



N (


N )


 T-calculation is 8,44

 T-table < t-calculation = 2,75 < 8,44

Based on the result above, it shows that the mean of pre-test and post-test

enhances. It seems from comparison of the mean score of pre-test and post-test in

cycle II. The mean of pre-test is 62,36 while the mean of post-test is 76,68. Based on

this result, it means that applying the Acrostics game is successful in improving the

students‟ vocabulary mastery.

The T-calculation also shows that there is significant influence of Acrostics

game in improving the students‟ vocabulary mastery. The result is that T-calculation

is 8,50 while T-table is 2, 75. It means that there is considerable influence in cycle I

because T-calculation is bigger than T-table.

2. Score of Cycle III

a. The result of Pre-Test and Post-Test in Cycle III

The mean of Pre-Test and Post-Test


6 73 80 7 49

Mean of Post-Test III = 2043



 Mean of Pre-test = 63,96

 Mean of Post-test = 81,72

 Mean of pre-test ≤ than post-test

 There is an improvement of vocabulary mastery between pre-test and


b. SD (Standard Deviation) of Pre-test and Post-test




81,72. It means that Acrostics game is able to improve students‟ vocabulary mastery.

The result of the t- calculation is bigger than t- table that is 9,8 from t- table

2,75. It means that there is significant different between pre test and post test.

In addition, after analyzing the result of cycle 1, 2 and 3 the researcher

concluded that by using Acrostics game, it could improve students‟ vocabulary

mastery. It can be seen in the result of pre test and post test is higher than the

standardized score (kriteria ketuntasan minimal) in score 60. .

C. Discussion

From the result of analyzes in cycle I, II and III, the researcher analyzed the


a. The mean of students score

From the table above, we know that the mean of post-test 66,4 is higher than

mean of pre-test 59,4 in cycle 1. The mean of post-test 76,68 is higher than mean of

post-test 76,68 in cycle II. In cycle III, mean of post-test 81,72 is higher than mean of

pre-test 63,96.

The table above display that the improvement of the students‟ vocabulary

mastery is significant from the cycle I to the cycle III. The difference among whole

results is obviously great. This means that the Acrostics game can improve the

students‟ vocabulary mastery.

The tabel above also shows that t-calculation in cycle I, cycle II to cycle III

are greater than t-table, it means that there are significant differences between mean of

pretest and posttest.

Based on the comparison among T-calculation of cycle I,II and cycle III the

implementation of Acrostics game on vocabulary mastery is successful to improve the

students‟ vocabulary mastery. It can be seen in the table. The table shows that T


In addition, the mean of pretest and post test of each cycle increases

significantly. The table above displays that the mean of cycle I improves; the mean of

pre test is 59,4 and the mean of post test is 66,4. The mean of cycle II improves; the

mean of pre-test is 62,36 and the mean of post-test is 76,68. In cycle III the mean of

pre test and post test increases. The mean of pre test and post test in cycle III is 63,96

and 81,72.

b. The students‟ improvement since using acrostics game

Table 4.5




No Students‟ improvement Total of



1 Increase 23 92%

2 Decrease 1 4%

3 Constant 1 4%

Based on this analysis, researcher concludes that the use of acrostics

game can improve 20 students‟ vocabulary mastery in the tenth years students

of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the academic year of 2014/2015. It can be seen

from the table that 23 or 92% students‟ vocabulary mastery increases, 1 or 4%

students‟ vocabulary mastery decrease and 1 or 4% students‟ vocabulary




A. Conclusion

Based on the data analysis in the previous chapter, the researcher draws the

conclusion of this research as follow:

1. The implementation of Acrostics game in vocabulary mastery of the tenth years

students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga is good. The students are able to increase their

vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the situation before and after the teacher

applied the acrostics game. Firstly, the class not yet concentrated but the class was

conducive and students looked more confident until the end of the lesson.

2. The class condition of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga during the

teaching and learning using acrostics game is that they seemed confused at first.

They get defficulties in the meaning of the words. So they confused to guess the

clues. But, in the next meeting they seemed enjoy the activity. They understood

more about the activity and the material.

3. The result of the study after using acrostics game in the students‟ vocabulary

mastery of the tenth years students of SMK PGRI 2 Salatiga in the Academic Year

of 2014/2015 is that this game can improve students vocabulary mastery. It can be


III. The improvement of students‟ vocabulary mastery also can be seen at the

result of the score of pre-test and post-test in each cycle. That is the mean score of

pre-test in cycle I is 59,4, the mean of pre-test in cycle II is 62,36, the mean of

pre-test in cycle III is 63,96. The mean score of post-test in cycle I is 66,4, the

mean score of post-test in cycle II is 76,68, and the mean score of post-test in

cycle III is 81,72. And the percentage increases in each cycle is 28% in cycle I,

57,28% in cycle II and 71,04 in cycle III. The findings show that the improvement

of the students‟ vocabulary mastery is significant after applying acrostics game. It

concluded that acrostics game is the effective method which can improve the

students‟ vocabulary mastery.

B. Suggestion

At the end of this chapter, the researcher would like to propose some

suggestions that hopefully would be useful as follow:

a. For the students

Students should always be active in the process of teaching and learning

and not afraid or lazy in English lesson. Students should study English

continually in the classroom and every where they can study. They must study

hard if they want successful in mastering English.

b. For the Teacher

The teacher has great influence for students to be successful in learning

English. The teacher should improve their ability in teaching. They can use

many kinds of methods and medium to support their teaching-learning

process. They must motivate students to learn English seriously.


Figure 3.2
Table 4. 4
gambar untuk
gambar untuk


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