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Ideologies of The Jakarta Post`s news on corruption of Suryadharma Ali and Sutan Bhatoegana a critical discourse analysis


Academic year: 2017

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A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Ma gister Huma nior a (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies


Putri Adinihaqi Chusnul Chotimah 136332028








A Thesis

Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Ma gister Huma nior a (M.Hum.) Degree

in English Language Studies


Putri Adinihaqi Chusnul Chotimah 136332028




In the middle of 2013, I decided to move to Yogyakarta and accidentally

continued my study in English. Being enrolled as a student at Sanata Dharma

University is Qodr, a gracious fate. I believe to Allah the Most Beneficent and the

Most Merciful that my decision to study English linguistics, though hard and

difficult to do, can bring Barakah to many people especially me.

I express so much thank for my thesis advisor Dr. B. B. Dwijatmoko,

M.A. His friendly and kind-hearted manners show his integrity not only to teach but also to educate me. Being helped, pushed, supported and motivated by him

gives me a chance to do and to finish this CDA research. I also thank the thesis

reviewers Dr. Fr. B. Alip, M. Pd., M. A and Dr. E. Sunarto, M. Hum. because

their help does really improve my writing. I express so much thank to the lecturers

in this department, Prof. Soepomo Poedjoseodarmo, M.A., FX. Mukarto, Ph.D.,

Dr. F. X. Siswadi, M.A., Dr. J. Bismoko, and Dr. Novita Dewi, M. S., M. A. (Hons).

I also express my gratitude to Dr. Alb. Budi Susanto, S. J., Dr. J.

Haryatmoko, S.J., and Dr. G. Budi Subanar, S.J. They gave me many lecturers and discussions about philosophy, culture and social disciplines.

Afterward these opportunities helped me to think beyond my knowledge in English

education and language.

My deepest gratitude goes to – ignoring R. M. in his initial name – H.

Dady Sukoco. I am very blessed being his daughter and grateful for his support to finance also to share many ideas and much time. I also express my tender words to

Hj. Sri Haryaningsih. Her blessing and prayer bring me to this stairway. The last but not the least, I thank my siblings, Nur Hasanah S.Pd., Marfuatun a.k.a

Mbak Dheno, Atiiqa Hidayah R. A. Amd., M. Anhari Agung W. S.Pd., my

beloved little sister, Fauziah Nuri W., my brothers The Late Hendra and Affan,

my handsome lovely nephews Fakih, Azka, Athalla, Syauqi, Azzam and Kynan


My gratefulness also goes to my classmates in KBI 2013 class A, B and

C especially Bundo Maria Wulandari and Cik Vivi Muryanti also in Linguistics

class, Mbak Mimi, Mbak Rina, Mas Ryan, Mas Tangguh, Joan, Nita, Adria,

and Rieta. To KBI staff, Mbak Lely, Siwi, Mbak Marni, Elly and Pak Mul thank

you for helping me during my academic time. Finally, I also thank those whom I

cannot mention one by one. My prayers are directed to all of you. May the

Almighty give you all goodness in health, wealth, family and life path. Amen!



inna ma‟al-„usri yusrā

Indeed, with hardship [will be] ease.

fa idzā faragta fanshab‟

So when you have finished [your duties], then stand up [for worship].

[QS. Ash-Sharh: Verse 6-7]

innalloha ma‟ash-shobiriin

Indeed, Allah is with the patient













ABSTRACT ... xiii

ABSTRAK ... xv


1.1 Background of the Study ... 1

1.2 Research Questions ... 12

1.3 Research Objectives ... 12

1.4 Research Benefits ... 15


2.1 Theoretical Review ... 18

2.1.1 Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) ... 18

2.1.2 Ideology ... 26

2.1.3 Language and Symbolic Power ... 28

2.1.4 Media Discourse ... 31

2.1.5 Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) ... 32

2.1.6 Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) ... 35

2.2 Related Studies ... 39

2.3 Theoretical Framework ... 43


3. 1 Type of the Study ... 46


3.3 Data Analysis ... 50

3.4 Analytical Framework for CDA ... 52


4.1 Social Wrongs ... 56

4.2 Obstacles to Social Wrong Being Tackled ... 62

4.2.1 The Network of (Social) Practices ... 63

4.2.2 The Relationship of Semiosis to Other Social Elements ... 76

4.2.3 The Discourse or Semiosis ... 81

4.3 The Place of Social Wrong ... 92

4.4 Possible Ways Past the Obstacles ... 93

4.5 Critical Reflection ... 100


5.1 Conclusions ... 102

5.2 Suggestions ... 110



Table 2.1 SFG Analysis of Verbal Process ... 30

Table 4.1 Summary of the Ideologies and Language Strategies in SDA Articles ... 61

Table 4.2 Binary Semic of Humphrey Djemat‘s Propositions ... 72



APPENDIX 1 Suryadharma gets cold feet, skips KPK summons ... 97

APPENDIX 2 Suryadharma defies KPK summons, again ... 99

APPENDIX 3 Ex-minister aims to repeat Budi‘s success ... 101

APPENDIX 4 KPK detains Sutan Bhatoegana ... 103

APPENDIX 5 KPK locks up flamboyant Democratic Party cofounder ... 104

APPENDIX 6 Dems not surprised with Sutan‘s arrest ... 106

APPENDIX 7 Three Dimensional Framework Analysis in the Article ―Suryadharma gets cold feet, skips KPK summons‖ on February 5th, 2015 ... 107

APPENDIX 8 Three Dimensional Framework Analysis in the Article ―Suryadharma defies KPK summons, again‖ on February 11st, 2015 ... 111

APPENDIX 9 Three Dimensional Framework Analysis in the Article ― Ex-minister aims to repeat Budi‘s success‖ on February 24th, 2015... 114

APPENDIX 10 Three Dimensional Framework Analysis in the Article ―KPK detains Sutan Bhatoegana‖ published on February 2nd, 2015………... 117

APPENDIX 11 Three Dimensional Framework Analysis in the Article ―KPK locks up flamboyant Democratic Party cofounder‖ published on February 3rd, 2015... 118



Putri Adinihaqi Chusnul Chotimah. 2016. Ideologies of The Jakarta Post’s News on Suryadharma Ali’s and Sutan Bhatoegana’s Corruption Case: A Critical

Discourse Analysis. Yogyakarta: The Graduate Program on English Language

Studies, Sanata Dharma University

This study employs Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) that examines the ideologies of The Jakarta Post (TJP) reporting corruption cases of Suryadharma Ali (SDA), the former religious affairs minister, and Sutan Bathoegana (SB), the former head of Commission VII on energy at the House of Representatives. The lexicogrammatical choices in the news text determine how TJP put itself in the middle of discourse flow especially about corruption of SDA and SB in order to attain critical understanding of the news analysis.

Since this study is CDA study, the employment of a linguistic tool ‗Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)‘ is applied to further find the language features as evidences while conducting the discourse analysis. Two research questions remain to start the analysis in this study. The first question is What social wrongs do The Jakarta Post texts reveal in Suryadharma Ali‟s and Sutan Bhatoegana‟s corruption case? and the second is What ideologies do The Jakarta Post texts reflect in Suryadharma Ali‟s and Sutan Bhatoegana‟s corruption case?

There are some theories that are used to answer the research question: critical discourse analysis, ideology, language and symbolic power, media discourse, Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK/Komisi Pemberantas Korupsi) and The Jakarta Post (TJP). Those theories are related to one another in order to frame the analysis of ideology and discursive practice in the news articles.

The analytical framework helps this research to analyze the data by using three-dimensional framing of Fairclough. In the textual analysis, SFG is intentionally used to describe the meanings of ideational (field), interpersonal (tenor) and textual (mode). The transitivity analysis of material, mental, verbal, relational and existential processes is employed in the ideational metafunction. The modality analysis is employed in the interpersonal metafunction, meanwhile conjunction and topic (thematic) analyses are in the textual metafunction. The findings of language features from textual analysis are used to interpret the discursive practice then the results are used to explain in the analysis of socio-cultural practice. The criticism is produced by employing five stages of Roy Bhaskar‘s explanatory critique after these three dimensions of framing finish to be analyzed.

From the results of mode analysis, language strategies are then produced as discourse elements. The language strategies of journalists are indicated as discursive practice. They are focus on the actors defiance and scared of KPK detention, focus on actor‟s trivial things to avoid the law enforcement, being strict to the law enforcement, focus on the contradiction, focus on the propaganda action and emphasize the KPK obedience to the law / legal process. The reproduction and the representation of corruption discourse are definitely found after these strategies show up on social practice analysis dealing with ideology.


situation to KPK and charge denials of KPK. On the other hand, the ideologies from SB news articles are the powerful KPK and limitation of KPK‟s authority. The set of beliefs that TJP puts in corruption discourse will support mostly the readers especially the foreigner readers‘ point of view about Indonesia socio-political condition which influence the economy stability in the country. This study finally shows that TJP contributions can support not only the powerless, minor, marginalized and/or discriminated KPK within the claim of degrading KPK authority in the draft revision of the Commission Law no. 30/ 2002 controlling and supervising the systematical working of KPK itself but also to support KPK becoming more powerful in order to eradicate corruption.

Keywords: Systemic Functional Grammar, Critical Discourse Analysis,



Putri Adinihaqi Chusnul Chotimah. 2016. Ideologies of The Jakarta Post’s News on Suryadharma Ali’s and Sutan Bhatoegana’s Corruption Case: A Critical

Discourse Analysis. Yogyakarta: Program Pascasarjana Kajian Bahasa Inggris,

Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Penelitian in menggunakan Analisa Wacana Kritis (AWK) yang meneliti tentang ideologi The Jakarta Post (TJP) dalam pemberitaan kasus korupsi Suryadharma Ali (SDA), mantan menteri agama dan Sutan Bathoegana (SB), mantan ketua komisi VII DPR. Pemilihan leksikogramatika dalam teks berita menentukan leberpihakan TJP dalam arus wacana terutaman mengenai korupsi SDA dan SB.

Dikarenakan penelitian ini adalah penelitian AWK, penggunaan alat bahasa yaitu Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG sebagai pisau bedahnya agar dapat mencari fitur bahasa sebagai bukti ketika menganalisa wacana yang ada. Dua perumusan masalah digunakan untuk memulai analisa penelitian ini. Pertanyaan pertama adalah Masalah sosial apa yang muncul dalam teks berita koran The Jakarta Post guna mengungkap kasus korupsi Suryadharma Ali dan Sutan Bhatoegana? dan kedua adalah Ideologi apa yang teks berita koran The Jakarta Post refleksikan dalam kasus korupsi Suryadharma Ali dan Sutan Bhatoegana?

Beberapa teori digunakan untuk dapat membantu menjawab perumusan masalah: analisa wacana kritis, ideologi, bahasa dan kekuatan simbolis, wacana media, Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG), Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dan The Jakarta Post (TJP). Teori-teori ini berhubungan satu dengan yang lain guna membingkai analisa ideologi dalam artikel berita.

Kerangka analitis membantu peneliti menganalisa data menggunakan tiga dimensi bingkai milik Fairclough. Dalam analisis teks, SFG sengaja digunakan untuk menjelaskan makna ideational (field), interper sonal (tenor) dan textual (mode). Analisis transitivity dari material, mental, verbal, relational dan existentia l process digunakan dalam ideational metafunction. Analisis modality digunakan dalam interpersonal metafunction, sedangkan kata hubung (conjunction) dan topic (thematic) analysis digunakan dalam textual metafunction. Di dalam analisis proses, penemuan fitur bahasa dari analisis tekstual digunakan untuk menafsirkan praktek wacana dan kemudian hasilnya digunakan untuk menjelaskan analisis praktek sosial. Kritik dihasilkan kemudian dengan menggunakan lima tahap explanatory critique milik Roy Bhaskar setelah analisa tiga dimensi pembingkaian berita milik Fairclough.

Dari hasil analisis tekstual metafungsi, strategi bahasa diproduksi sebagai element wacana. Strategi bahasa jurnalis diindikasikan sebagai praktek wacana, yaitu: fokus terhadap penyangkalan dan ketakutan aktor akan penjara KPK, fokus terhadap hal sepele untuk menghindari penegakan hukum, tegas pada proses penegakan hukum, fokus terhadap kontradiksi, fokus terhadap propaganda dan menekankan pada kepatuhan KPK terhadap hukum. Reproduksi dan representasi dari wacana korupsi ditemukan setelah strategi tersebut muncul dalam analisis praktek sosial yang berhubungan dengan ideologi.


pemberitaan SB adalah KPK institusi yang kuat dan pembatasan kewenangan KPK. Keyakinan yang TJP masukkan dalan wacana korupsi akan menciptakan sudut pandang pembaca khususnya pembaca asing mengenai kondisi sosial politik di Indonesia yang dapat mempengaruhi stabilitas ekonomi dan demokrasi di negara ini. Penelitian ini akirnya dapat menunjukkan bahwa kontribusi TJP dapat mendukung tidak hanya ketidakberdayaan KPK dalam kaitannya mengenai kasus pelemahan KPK dalam draft revisi UU KPK no.30/2002 mengontrol dan mengawasi sistematika kerja KPK tetapi juga mendukung KPK supaya lebih kuat dalam mencegah dan memberantas korupsi.

Kata Kunci: Systemic Functional Grammar, Analisa Wacana Kritis, Komisi




This introductory part presents the research background, research questions,

research objectives and research benefits. Research background represents why

the study of the topic is worth to study. Research questions are specified to

explain what matters this study has to answer. The purposes of this study are

clarified in the research objectives. Research benefits are complementary to

define so that the readers can relate their ideas with the benefits presented here.

1.1 Background of the Study

The issue of corruption especially for the political purpose in Indonesia

continues to make daily headlines in many Indonesian media and generates much

heated debate and fierce discussion. The answers are still searched for the

questions of corruption whether it has been roots in traditional pre-colonial

societies, the Dutch colonial era, the Japanese occupation (1942-1945) or the

subsequent independent Indonesian governments.

Related to the previous paragraph that political corruption is still unknown

when it is started, an important thing is still believable that certain people who are

able to control the hegemony is dominating and prospering in certain circumstance,

in spite of, battling for the citizens‘ interest and welfare. Through social and

political context, power conducts the more powerful and dominating agents to

influence the powerless and being dominated people behavior both consciously

and unconsciously. It is the main element of how a discourse indicates


tactics in communication, the politician who act as a professional have

been successfully persuade or argue the media and its reader depend on, what

Bourdieu (1991) says, the accumulation of capitals he acquires and the historical

experience of nation. The politician step in a discourse successfully contributes

to the object (political practice). It can make slight dividing-line between political

consciousness and unconsciousness, also, only the agent of change can make a

breakthrough about many political actions or practices that by using a critical

analysis; the existence of discursive practice in the discourse involving

domination, inequality and power imbalance (van Dijk, 1997).

A discourse has never been autonomous anymore if there is still no

analysis production of objectivity. Bourdieu (2010: 170) claimed it as the

two-fold sense of what goes without saying and what cannot be said for lack of an

available discourse. A critical discourse analysis (CDA) actually is totally

opposed and different to the discourse analysis. A CDA analysis has a purpose to

take side to a position with the discriminated and / or powerless group. The

subjectivity is produced in judging certain practices whether the researcher gives

resistance, opposition, complementarity, etc. For instance, the flow of story in a

news article ―Suryadharma Unaware of Haj Graft‖ in The Jakarta Post (TJP) on

May, 8th 2014 can be used as a bridge to analyze the intertextuality between one to

another corruption practices. ―Suryadharma‘s unaware‖ statement is controlled by

the journalist based on the factual events of ―Haj Graft‖ to represent a narration of

corruption, collusion and nepotism. TJP can persuade the reader that Suryadharma

is giving a mark of being innocent and having hands cleaned. However, a text


about power imbalance in governmental structure. In this matter, the

chronological events must be on the logical and systematical way so that redlines

around the corruption discourse is found. For the simplification, an article has an

interrelationship with other articles to gather specific information, in this case,

Suryadharma‘s corruption case.

The term authority is often applied for domination in political power,

perceived as a legitimate business. On the other hand, power can be also seen as

injustice manner for domination (Joseph, 2006) and the exercise of imbalance

power is still accepted as a deadly virus to humans as social beings. Criminals

who commit crimes and the status is still a witness or suspect under corruption

investigation, are possible to break the rules because of his political power and

capitals accumulation he has. He also can speak any ―tongue-twister‖ because his

ability on using the artful language used so that the quality of messages might

influence public attitude.

However, the law has its authority as the more powerful body to arrest. For

example, now, the constraint of Indonesia corruptor can stand under the Law of

KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission) since Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono,

the Indonesia president in 2004-2014 has made it as the most powerful body

charged with the tasks and responsibilities of eradicating Corruption matter, also

involving graft, bribe, collusion and nepotism in Indonesia society. Having the

legitimation to act under KPK legislation, this body is also supported by

professional national and international independent third parties so that it can

work efficiently. In addition, the complex strategic to watch every corruptor


investigations in order to get arrest sooner the corruptor. Media as public

representation, especially TJP in reporting corruption cases, also plays a role in

supporting KPK by giving the transparencies of information to the public so that

its news can make the reader believes the ideologies behind its text article.

Indirect communication is successfully delivered from the sayer to the

receiver if the participant, known as Media, also successfully processes the

message/idea and informs it exactly. In order to be able to report and to interpret the

utterances of corruptor as a political actor while speaking to the public, journalists

as a participant in the communication contexts play a part to contribute to certain

belief so the reader or audience can assume and assure about the corruption, the

existent of crime phenomenon.

The two main problems of this paper rely on, first, the framing of the

language used in The Jakarta Post (TJ P) news article especially about the

corruption cases of Suryadharma Ali and of Sutan Bathoegana. The framing is

intended absolutely to provoke disagreement over the phenomenon of corruption

in Indonesia, so that can lead news reader to the certain ideologies. Related to the

anti-corruption movement, van Dijk in Putz (2004: 5) has dubbed this perspective

as belief systems. The journalists and KPK, however, as the subject of matter and

the corruptors as the object of matter have their own cognitive concept and

ideology to present their own existence in the mediated political discourse, in

which politics is seen by Media as the processes of ‗external‘ determination of

professional political discourse (Fairclough in Bell, 1998: 146). KPK has its

legitimation to be the most powerful body, on the other hand, the corrupt


conclusion, TJP as the newspaper media has its own authorization in reproduce

the experiences and react fairly the representation of world into a piece of

newspaper text based on the interpretation of existence, whether it is something

or someone.

The second problem is how vocabulary choices and well-ordered

sentences in building up sequences of discourse are intended to design and to

produce corruption news articles. Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG)

concerns to how meanings are made in different contexts. Halliday (2004)

defines three metafunctional languages of the grammatical system used by the

speaker/writer to rely on human experience. First is ideational metafunction

which function of the grammar is ‗language as reflection‘. Starting from his

function focuses on ‗language as action‘ how the language used in a text

cannot be abused or misused by the language users because it presents the

representation of the world. Second is interpersonal metafunction which

function is ‗language as exchange‘. There is a transaction between speaker

and listener. The subject is responsible for the validity of what he is saying

about Object. Third is textual metafunction which focuses on how language

creates discourse. When the grammar is represented systematically, it constructs

not only discourse sequences but also the discursive flow, cohesion, and

continuity due to the contexts where the function can mean purpose or way

of using language. Those three different functional configurations can make

up separate strands of meaning but their relationship construes the whole

united meaning of corruption phenomenon objectively. Bourdieu (2010) calls


play roles in determining the authority of the text instead of free from its producer

(writer and utterer).

Between actor and participant, there must be a relevant participant who can

take part in the discourse to be criticized, intend to be delivered to audiences or

readers. They act as the recipient of politics information (van Dijk 1993: 13). This

statement points clearly to the students of linguistics in playing the role as the

agent of change to sound the independent judgment about ideological critic in

what the journalists reveal about the political corruption. It proposes producing an

autonomous text – objectivity – based on the important ―real-life experience‖

meaning. Bourdieu (2010: 170) terms this condition as epoche (French) or epoch

(English). It means that a language analyst must take a distance to make

trajectory of interpretation buildings by using structural analysis, instead of

bracketing the text.

The clauses, not only sentences, are bracketing to speak publicly ―Words

wreak havoc‖. That means Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) occurs ―when

they (words) find a name for what had up to be namelessly‖ (Sartre in Bourdieu

2008:170) and are reproducing truth in rhetorical frameworks of explicature and

implicature (Joseph, 2006: 110-112 and Huang, 2007: 187-197). Fairclough

(2010) clarifies the clear ideological text are potentially having: features of

vocabulary and metaphors, grammar, presuppositions and implicatures,

politeness conventions, speech-exchange system, generic structure, and style.

This paper tends also to focus on what Halliday, McIntosh, and Strevens (1964 in

Halliday 2004: 33-34) believe in the essence that the environment of meanings


linguistic features of mode, field and tenor indicated as multi-dimensional

semiotic space are applied to analyze Suryadharma Ali and Sutan Bathoegana the

ex-ministers corruption news article of TJP. By employing SFG, the researcher

wishes the systemic structural analysis behind the text can be found objectively.

Because of the readers‘ authority in receiving information; various assumptions

between ‗agree‘ and ‗disagree‘ ‒ probably be just neutral ‒ can appear and

reproduce the text they have already read. Since it is impossible for CDA

researcher to criticize objectively the ideology found in the text, the analysis of

CDA must be sit-in certain subjectivity to prove the truth, revealing ideology.

In analyzing the clauses of a news article in TJ P, Halliday‘s transitivity is

used as a fundamental and powerful semantic concept. It generally refers to the

representational meaning of the clause to show how language users encode in a

language their mental picture of reality (assumptions) and how they account for

their experience of the world around them (presupposit ions). Since transitivity

is dealt with the transmission of ideas, it is considered to fall within the realm of

the ideational function (field values) of language.

Halliday‘s transitivity is concerned also with propositional meanings and

functions of syntactic elements. The language users play roles to a large amount

of the social impact that represents states of being, action, events, and situations

concerning a given society. The concept is the speaker or writer, in this case, in a

news article, makes the choice from available options to state. It means that his

opinion and point of view are ideologically significant and consistent, e.g. by

using of certain modality and tense (tenor) as a means to build the relationship


a number of witnesses and experts [to convince the panel of judges at the court].

The inclination modulation would is used to express the writer‘s intention to state

the earlier doing-and-happening legal move of corruption suspect while the verb

present refers to present tense.

The textual metafunction (mode values) relates to the construction of the

text. It means that an enabling or facilitating function construe experience and

enact interpersonal relations so the sequence of discourse, the discursive flow,

cohesion, and continuity enable to be built up along the context, above the text.

The division between semiotic and social activities, between linguistic and

semiotic (in language context) activities, the rhetoric, dialogic or monologic turn,

written or spoken turn, and channel whether phonic or graphic can be facilitated

through mode. In the constraint of meaning, Halliday defines the Theme

functions to point the departure for the message. It is the element the speaker

selects for ‗grounding‘ what he is going on to say. For example, the using of

Unmarked Theme in the clause: and that he committed none of the offenses...

The underlined is Unmarked because it has a function as the subject, nominalized

clause as Head. On the other hand, in the clause: and that he committed none of

the offenses the KPK has accused him of. The underlined is Marked and it

indicates that this nominalized clause is Complementizer and has a function as

the Head, while ‗the KPK‘ is the independent subject but categorized in Rheme.

In the realm of dogmatic CDA, as the language users, news media make

the sum of reports about the proposition from corruptor‘s utterances into both

reported and quoted speech. It means that this condition can be used for the valid


Newspaper articles also provide abundant examples of the ideological

significance. This paper intentionally makes overt The Jakarta news writers‘

concept in constructing and evaluating a report related to political participants

and actors in a news text. Due to the process of assuming corruption scandal,

there must be part(s) of event that needs(s) to be deleted or added in order to

make a logical and a chronological story.

A problem appears when the journalists are commonly non-native English

speakers in which their English ability must be in the same degree of natives‘

English competence to make a good arranged of English news text. Although

their mental lexicons are different with the English natives, their ideas and

structures of writing hereby are built in the realm of English language. It can make

sense that the journalists can influence the English readers to (dis)agree about the

corruption scandals or cases. Van Dijk (1997) states that basic frameworks of

social cognition should be able shared by members of social groups and three

kinds of unconscious human elements of cognition in order to cover news

writers‘ ideologies can be met. His three-previous-terms are a symbol,

representation, and language. They are best indicators in constitute and organize

an ideological scheme that represents self-definition of a group. In addition,

Fairclough (1998) optimizes that the lexis and rhetoric on the language used of

news article do not only represent symbol but also power to dominate others.

For simplification, the text has a mean to construct a language which is

intended for hegemonic control.

Since this study tends to be more mediated political discourse, the


the previous studies. Here two researchers who are interested in analyzing the

discourse analysis of Media by using SFG as the fundamental of structural

analysis to conduct a CDA study as the approach to use. The first is Matu and

Lubbe (2007). They examine the application of two approaches from discourse

analysis, that is, the ideological square from CDA which analyzes consistency

and relevancy of Kenya print media‘s idea; and transitivity of Halliday. The

component of SFG in the representational clause analysis of political parties in

the 1997 elections intend to show how political groups in the sense of us vs them

and the representational processes of transitivity can construct ideological


The second is Akinwotu (2014). He compares only the discursive strategies

in the media interviews of participants in the January 2012 crisis on the removal

of fuel subsidy in Nigeria. The framework of CDA examines a total of ten media

interviews of government spokespersons and protesters on the rationality of

government‘s action. His research shows that the government spokespersons

deploy blackmail containing opinion and defensive rhetoric, while protesters

utterances are characterized as a threat to government by using combat and

condemnatory rhetoric. Manipulative persuasion strategies of solidarity and

framing are significantly used by those parties.

It is interesting since Corruption Discourse is an integrated part of Political

Discourse which is mediated through the media. It is said as Mediated Political

Discourse, stated in ‗Media Discourse‘ in Fairclough (1995: 77). There are few

Indonesia researchers conduct CDA framework in political fields in order to find


Mardikantoro (2014) analyzes the attitudinal study of how Kompas, Koran

Tempo, Republika, Ja wa Pos and Suara Merdeka have their own point of view

in reporting the corruption cases, especially in the editorial. The ideologies are

found within Fairclough‘s Framing. Firstly Koran Tempo in the two editorials

shows its disagreement about misleading two suspects into custody. They are

Indar Atmanto, an ex-Indosat director who sentenced as the accused in the

corruption case instead of a witness informing the corruption case; and of

Brigjen Heru Sukrisno, who lately give back the corruption document of military

‗Fokker F-50‘ project he had examined. Secondly, Koran Tempo, Kompas,

Republika, Jawa Pos and Suara Merdeka show their support to some

corruption cases which involving Nazarrudin, Wiendu Nuryanti, Fathonah and

Gayus Tambunan.

Saputri and Suratnoaji (2015) examine a CDA study in Seputar Indonesia

and Ja wa Pos covering the ruling party leader corruption. They found that the

discursive strategies construe and the ideological goals probe Anas Urbaningrum

(AU), the former ruling Democrat Party leader corruption case before the 2014

general election was held. Seputar Indonesia (Sindo) texts are defending AU by

presenting very systematic and consistent discourse patterns even after the

Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) sentenced AU a suspect in corruption

and money laundering cases. Ja wa Pos texts, in contrary, is emphasizing law

enforcement for AU corruption case trying to elaborate the attacking comments

from some party senior cadres to AU that make the reputation of Democrat party


From the elaboration of the background of this study in the previous

paragraphs, this paper intends to observe the written form of language use in

news articles of corruption cases in The Jakarta Post (TJP) with Systemic

Functional Grammar. The analysis of Halliday‘s SFG, i.e. the clause as message

(textual metafunction), the clause as exchange (interpersonal metafunction) and

the clause as representation (experiential metafunction) in the newspaper TJP

generally attracting public attention of corruption cases done by ministries; are

still in the line with the goal of CDA: finding out the ideology of news text

that relates to the power, control, inequality, hegemony and oppression in

language system by considering the situational context behind it (van Dijk,

1993 and Wodak, 1995).

1.2 Research Questions

This study intends to answer the following questions:

1. What social wrongs do The Jakarta Post texts reveal in Suryadharma Ali‘s

and Sutan Bhatoegana‘s corruption case?

2. What ideologies do The Jakarta Post texts reflect in Suryadharma Ali‘s and

Sutan Bhatoegana‘s corruption case?

1.3 Research Objectives

The first objective of this study is to determine what social wrong is. Fairclough

(2001: 135) defines that CDA should focus upon social problems and have the

emancipatory objectives. The focus upon the problem deals with controversial and

debated matter indicating the condition of oppressed group versus the dominant. The


Since KPK posits as the oppressive subject compared to the Representatives, the problem

considers being depoliticization of democracy. Several trials to limit anti-corruption

movements emerge in macro-political behavior. Representatives‘ policy about the draft of

Commission Law no. 30/2002 considers being the gap between power

stakeholders, for instance, KPK and National Police in enforcing the law. The

indication to find out the depoliticization of democracy, social context is needed rather

than the text itself to get broad perspective on the social order (p. 139). The feasibility to

understand the effect of TJP ideologies can reflect the representation of social cognition

about corruption.

The second objective is to reveal the ideologies of TJP about former

ministries‘ corruptions. In the relations of power, there exists a common sense

idea sustaining unequal quality that could lead to social causes or problems

(Fairclough, 1998). The critical analysis of corruption discourse relying on SFG,

become the framework to give prominence on corruption context in an analysis

of text. The concept of ‗hegemony‘ and ‗power‘ can usefully be used in analyzing

orders of discourse (Fairclough, 1997). The lexico-grammatical, semantic

choices and syntactic structures concern to be the language marker to convey that

in a discourse; the power imbalance and domination can be created to control the

hegemony by using strategies, as what Bourdieu (2010) and van Dijk (1997) state

―unconsciously the news recipients are under control to agree or disagree about

the news and the consideration of oppression is being denied, if the accumulation

of capitals are in the hand of political leaders and media‖. TJP as media plays its


The third objective is to seek the exploration of language metafunctions of

ideational. Halliday (2004) in ideational function defines the transitivity

approach (TA) deals with how the experiential metafunction of meaning is

realized. Halliday argues that TA in the clause as representation has aims to put

the experience of the world in the form of language. In this function, the language

user has many choices in relying his experience of the world, in here the events

of a corruption scandal, on the form of systemic language.

The fourth objective is to explain why the language users in clarifying the

text whether animate e.g. corruptor, delegate and/or inanimate e.g. corruption

cases, allegation uses certain vocabularies and patterns to express their ideas based

on their real-world experience. Halliday (2004) calls it as the interpersonal

function of metalanguage. The journalists receive the info from speakers‘

message, and as the language user, they write the message into a well-structured

news article, especially the use of certain modal and tense. Stitcher and Wodak

(2000) define that the concept of meaning in which ‗part of a complex process

of discourse formation‘ are produced and reproduced in a dialectical process of

negotiation. The written articles in here are observed to find the processes of

news writers‘ choice of certain linguistic features which consist of linear

organization of words in a clause as an exchange.

The fifth objective is to find out the Theme what the speaker selects for

‗grounding‘ he or she is going on to say in creating relevance to context. A

clause has a meaning as a message, a quantum of information in the flow of

discourse. The theme is the element that serves as the point of message departure


first. The speaker enables to choose the Theme as his or her point of departure to

guide the addressee in developing an interpretation of the message. The

thematic message which is observed as Marked also the Unmarked ones may

help the researcher to gather information about what is the prominent message,

enables herself as the addressee to process the message.

1.4 Research Benefits

This study has both theoretical and practical benefits. Theoretically, this

study gives the contribution to the development of Critical Discourse Analysis of

corruption, especially in Indonesia. The discourse taken from newspaper media

The Jakarta Post (TJ P) are analyzed in the angle of mode, field, and tenor

values. The findings of this metafunctional language can present how vocabulary

choices, build-up sentences, and word meanings are part of the discursive practice

that might carry certain ideologies as the representation of Indonesian reality in

promoting anti-corruption movement. The limited analysis of reported and quoted

speeches of corruptor written by TJ P can be beneficial for the next researchers that

the evidence of language strategies (presupposition) of the suspect, e.g. frequent

denial and innocent expression of corruptors indicate media‘s alignment

framing the texts.

This research also gives the contribution that the corruption cannot be

identified as common social practice but a crime against the life of civil.

Eradicating corruption to the entire sectors in so many parts of governmental

and private institutions has to be a good initial step since Susilo Bambang

Yudhoyono created KPK. Nowadays it is like the civil war against corruption.


The journalists, however, has the legitimation to report the case, to quote the

utterances and to produce texts; and the researcher also can play role as the

addressee of information has an opportunity to criticize agree/disagree. The main

tool to analyze the written texts is the metafunction analysis, and the research on

CDA based on SFG that news text has its own alignments to oppose or to support

(anti) corruption, is applicable to be used in text analysis. Titscher and Wodak

(2000) explicitly agree that Fairclough‘s CDA is related to the grammatical

construction of Michael Halliday‘s Systemic Functional linguistics that language

is dealt with social interaction, and the dialectical process, the cultural and

historical acts of meaning making are essential to provide as data text. By

observing the linguistic structure and applying the SFG approach, the relation

between text and the social circumstances will be relatable in accordance with

each other.

Practically, this research helps, first, the academic reader comprehend the

language use in how the messages are expressed and interconnected the ideas.

Fairclough (1997) defines languages used, as well as other semiotic systems, are

a particular type of social structure that use to be a felicity. Through syntactic

level, the meanings of corruption action moments in news article can be

expressed in the concept of socio-political interaction which takes part

linguistic form. It also, second, gives a contribution that by using linguistic

approach the crime in the framing of news text can be justified clearly even

before the investigation continues to the decision court level. If the use of the

language of speakers is intelligible enough, the misconception and


and social practice and other elements or ‗moments‘ of social events classified as




This chapter consists of three divisions. The first is literature review which

displays the theories underlying this research that identified as the main tools to

answer the research questions. The second is the related studies that focus on

previous studies which are in the same interest and area with this research. The

third is the theoretical framework of how the theories are elaborated to answer

the research questions.

2.1 Theoretical Review

This part shows the theories that are used to clarify the research topic.

Those are Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), Ideology, Language and Symbolic

Power, Media Discourse and Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG).

2.1.1 Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA)

Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) concerns with relations of power,

ideology, and inequality in language. CDA becomes one of the most influential

and visible schools of Discourse Analysis (DA) in order to represent a more

general process of convergence in theories and practices of research on social and

language. Between CDA and DA, there is a discrepancy to determine.

Bloomaert and Bulcaen (2000) define that discourse refers to a text in context. It

is the contexts which can produce the emergence of texts. However, It is a

complicated power object in modern societies that need to be analyzed as a


‗a field of both ideological processes and linguistic processes, and ... there is a

determinate relation between these two kinds of process‘. In other words, DA

assumes as a language in action; while CDA aims to make it more visible and

transparent. The purpose of CDA is to analyze structural relationships of

dominance, discrimination, power, and control as manifested in language.

Therefore to analyze the power structure, the task of critical linguistics and

discourse analysis show the role of language and discourse in the development

of maintenance and reproduction of that system (van Dijk, 1997). Malrieu (1999:

96-97) defines a main of two Discourse Analysis theoretical tricks from French

which involved many linguists and social scientists in distinguishing between

text and discourse. The text is studied by means of linguistic theories while

discourse is described by ideology theory. The analysis of DA goes directly

from linguistic features to interpretations. Meaning is the object of ideology

theory, but Semantics is idealism in linguistic study. In conclusion, CDA focuses

on relations between the structure of language strategies (interpretation) and of

social practices (explanation) so they can be constituted in the semiotic dimension

(orders of discourse).

CDA is an important study in order to show the existence of discourse of

economic, socio-political and cultural changes of modernity. Wodak (1997: 173)

states that the critical approach is distinctive in its view of, first, the relationship

between language and society and, second, the relationship between analysis and

the practices analyzed. It means that a social theory of discourse is constructed

and a methodological blueprint for critical discourse analysis is provided in


Every language has an ideology in its structures or events that concluded in

present condition. Ideology issues figure in the wider framework of theories and

analysis of power, i.e. hegemony concept. Ideology locates at various levels in

various ways. The key is a property of structures and a property of events. In

searching for the ideology, Fairclough (1997) determines an analytic-three-

dimensional framework for conceiving of and analyzing discourse that both in

structures which constitute the outcome of past events and in events which the

conditions for current events reproduce and transform.

The first dimension is discourse-as-text. It means that the linguistic features

and organization of concrete instances of discourse as like vocabulary choices

and patterns, grammar, cohesion, and text structure should be analyzed

systematically. For example, the use of passive verb forms in news article the

title of religion minister had been entrusted to him” can result the effect of

concealing the agent of political processes. In this sentence, the subject is deleted

intentionally pointing out the president.

The second dimension is discourse-as-discursive-practice. It means that the

text has its own object (intertextuality) and assumption (presupposition). As the

circulation of concrete linguistic objects; discourse is produced, circulated,

distributed, and consumed in society. In analyzing vocabulary, grammar,

cohesion, and text structure; attention should be given to speech acts, coherence,

and intertextuality that link a text to its context. For example, big font title

―Suryadharma Unaware of Haj Graft‖ is put above a picture of a religion affair

ministry smiling and waving hands to describe that the accused of corruption


Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). The choice of words as a headline

can determine the politician‘s careless behavior towards an anti-corruption

movement that he is apathy, showing ‗none of my (Suryadharma) businesses‘.

The third dimension is discourse-as-social-practice. It means that discourse

is a feature in the ideological effects and hegemonic processes. Hegemony

concerns power that is achieved through constructing alliances and integrating

classes and groups through consent so that the articulation and rearticulation of

orders of discourse are correspondingly one stake in the hegemonic struggle. The

way in which corruption discourse is being represented, respoken, or rewritten by

TJP journalist sheds light on the emergence of new orders of discourse, struggles

over normativity, attempts at control, and resistance against regimes of power.

For example, the effects of news title and the article can produce various

significances. In the perspective of politic, an accused ministry is using his

political power as the Islamic party head to symbolize that he may not do

corruption. A capital symbol which he holds on can give an effect of power

relation and contribute to social struggle that to arrest the corruptor need bigger

effort and support from many related people. In conclusion, this framing analysis

can determine the reframing of the researcher to talk about going back and

re-interpreting the meaning of news story text in TJP about corruption discourse.

In an interdisciplinary research, it requires CDA to be integrated within

frameworks for trans-disciplinary research. It means that this research needs

critical social analysis of particular areas or aspects of social life so that positive

critique can be produced in support of alternative ways in the case of social


done, Fairclough in Woodak (2001) presents the methodology of Bhaskar‘s

explanatory critique. It can be formulated in five ‗procedural orders‘, called as

‗stages‘ then further elaborated as ‗steps‘.

The first stage is a social wrong, in its semiotic aspects. In this stage, the

selection of research topic ‗Indonesia Corruption‘ considers being the

construction of research object. Depoliticization of the recent political situation is

the major problem here. Democracy seems failed and doesn‘t work to be public‘s

medium in speaking loudly the aspiration. Related to social wrong, the discourse

signifies the semiotic features of what corruption meaning is. The social wrong is

referred to the problems which powerless group of people is confronted with and debated,

otherwise, it is actually the object of semiotic itself (p.125).

This stage focuses on what is problematic and calls for change, and need

socio-cultural context to define who is being oppressed by whom. The

researcher has several emancipatory objectives to support the oppressed ones

instead of KPK (Corruption Eradication Commission/KPK) since the future plan

to reform KPK regulation is on processing. This matter has become sudden

controversy within anti-corruption campaigns until now because it can reduce

KPK‘s authority. The researcher suggests that the social order needs the problem

to be overcome so it contributes to sustaining particular relations of power and

domination in the matter of anti-corruption.

The second stage is obstacles to the social wrong being tackled. In this

stage, the analysis both semiotic aspects and relevant texts can contribute to

comprehending relations between the level of social practices (orders of


(fields, institutions, organizations). Since the social life is structured and

organized, the term of obstacles appears afterward can make the social wrong

(problem) being resistant to find an easy resolution. There are three obstacles to

be identified so that this study can make a bridge to past them.

The first obstacle is the network of (social and discursive) practices

constituting a social order. When corruption is being the way of life, for

instance, the existence of KPK becomes the scariest enemy to many corruptors

especially those in the state agencies. When the data comes from news text of

Suryadharma Ali‘s and Sutan Bathoegana‘s cases, the corruption

practices are framed into ideological perspectives. The practices relate

each other including not only the corruptors but also other agents. They

constitute both governments (the House of Representative members, the

ministries, etc) and non-governments (the politicians in parties, the

private stakeholders, etc). Bold names below are the example of doer

agents that probably involving in a case:

Due to his powerful position in control of the energy ministry Sutan also allegedly instructed Rudi to rig the bidding for a lucrative multimillion-dollar oil project held by a local unit of US energy giant Chevron, in which Edhie “Ibas” Baskoro, the youngest son of former president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, was also implicated (41, X, E)

‗Due to his powerful position in control of the energy ministry‘ can be

identified into nepotism while collusion is ‗instructed Rudi to rig the

bidding for a lucrative multimillion-dollar oil project held by a local unit

of US energy giant Chevron‘. These other particular practices at issue

here are categorized afterward into a powerful network of corruption.


eradicating corruption. By understanding the network of practice, the

researcher can identify that, first, ‗corruption‘ is eventually framed into

media‘s domination to influence readers and, second, KPK needs support

to eradicate corruption.

The second obstacle is the relationship of semiosis to other (social)

elements within the particular practice(s) concerned. This part has an aim in

bridging between the network of social practices and semiosis. The way how

‗corruption‘ is structuring the social life and how it produces the people

identities operating the particular practice can indicate that ‗corruption‘ term is

restructured by TJP as media in representing political discourse. In this part of

analysis, the researcher should focus to highlight again the social wrong of

depoliticization which crippling the power and the function of KPK. The

importance to revoke the draft bill of the criminal code and the criminal

procedural code must be explained clearly in this part.

The third obstacle is the discourse/semiosis itself. Semiosis plays a

crucial role in imposing, extending and legitimizing especially the term

‗corruption‘ (p.130). The ways of using language in particular interaction

between structure and action influence the researcher about The Jakarta Post

(TJP) newspaper articles which has been read and analyzed. The researcher

needs first, interdiscursive analysis (instead of intertextuality) to identify the

dominant genres, discourses, and styles inside the texts, second, linguistic and

semiotic analysis which proven by Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) that

a language is shaped by the social functions it has come to serve. The


the depoliticization really happens to degrade KPK‘s authority and the language

power of TJP help to influence the emergence of revoking the revision of

criminal code and of criminal procedural code.

The third stage is the place of social wrong. By raising the question, the

anticipation answer can show that social order should not be changed for specific

political purposes degrading KPK‘s authority. Dealing with TJP‘s ideologies, the

effect can conclude TJP‘s alignment whether supporting, neutral or unsupporting. It is a

way of linking ‗is‘ to ‗ought‘. It means that the way what social life is should be

changed. However, particular interest does not represent the public interest. If a social

order inherently produces major social wrongs/ problems that are a reason for the

researcher thinking perhaps it should be changed. The questions of ideological

discourse in TJP news article arise in this stage of analysis in order to sustain

power and domination. In this study, unequal relations of power in the texts are

ideologically controlled by TJP in order to generate strong public support for

KPK against corruptors.

The fourth stage is possible ways past the obstacles. In this stage, the

analysis moves from negative to positive critique. It means that the

identification o f not-really-realized possibilities for change show difference and

resistance matters in the social order. The critique would seek explanations of

social practice (ideology) of how and why corruption discourse emerges as part

of TJP strategy (discursive practice) and into news story texts analysis. It is

what Fairclough and Fairclough (2012: 82) refer to social structures, the most

abstract form of social reality. These structures directly shape practices, and


otherwise as mediated by social practices. Hence, KPK as the one which

legitimized by the president and House of Representatives is considered to be an

annoyed figure for those commit to corruption offense. This practice can show

how the relationship between the dominated and the dominating in the interaction

is a failure (resistance) in the social order. The ‗sounds‘ from law experts,

Indonesia Corruption Watch, and other neutral institution can be used for the


The last stage is a critical reflection. This stage provides an analysis to turn

how effective it as critique reflexively does or contribute to social emancipation.

The tackling problems are met then attempts for eradicating corruption in

Indonesia can be sustained and extended. The researcher can make a contribution

to other social researchers who are accessible to findings of this study so KPK

must exist.

2.1.2 Ideology

In linguistics and (critical) discourse studies, a theory of ideology needs to

be multidisciplinary. Ideologies are often based on scientific reasoning, ‗a

realistic interpretation‘ of the Subject‘s interpretations or explanations which are

not available on reality. It means that ideologies are produced from human

rationality. Ideology, moreover, is the theory of systematical ideas used by

protagonists in the struggle. The received ideas have become as meaningful

criticism if the analysis is be able to contribute to a social life (Boudon, 1989).

Hopefully, this research can contribute to how to analyze and find ideologies


ideologies can represent the critique of readers‘ point of view to the news, i.e. in

this study is the researcher.

As meaning in the service of power, the ideologies are examined by

providing linguistic evidence. They emerge practically in a certain discourse and

figure as implicit assumptions in texts (Fairclough, 1995: 14). Their effects to

produce or reproduce relations of power and of domination are mediated by

language. The whole sets of linguistic resources and practices should be

verbally expressed, formulated and reproduced in interaction and

communication processes among or between a group of inside and outside

members who are able to share the same ideological concept. In this study, the

deeper language analysis can help to find detailed understanding of ideologies

produced and distributed by TJP.

Truth or falsehood is various but important to exist as the ideology. The

fundamental concept of ideologies as being ‗false‘, ‗misguided‘, ‗wrong‘ or

‗illusionary‘ should be left. Ideologies are not ‗false‘ or ‗true‘ in any interesting

sense, and even less when falsity is typically attributed to the ideas of ideological

‗Others‘. The evaluation of ‗false‘ regarding ideologies refers to what

psychologists can name an ‗attribution error‘. Ideologies are to be ‗true‘ by those

who share them. It is what van Dijk (2004) dubbed as Knowledge.

Meanwhile, ideologies are closely related to language. Using language

with various structures is the common form of social behavior which relies on

common sense assumptions (Fairclough, 1989: 2 and Alip, 2000: 10). By using

language, the knowledge of ‗false‘ and ‗true‘ are able to find the searching of


between the producer and the receiver of language. The findings in this study posit

the researcher as the one doing a Subjective point of view and argue them to be

the social formations that will make it real and true.

2.1.3 Language and Symbolic Power

Indonesia citizens‘ eyes are now open wide to delegate their interest and

power in trusting the politicians to represent them in the political arena (game)

since Soeharto‘s regime of New Orde had been fallen down. In analyzing

political representation, the term of habitus and disposition are used as a

reflection of Bourdieu‘s approach in the sense of a structured social condition

(1991: 203-219). The existence of individuals social condition especially

newspaper writer is reflected in the habitus which is a set of dispositions causes

agents, newspaper media to act and react the reality of corruption practice in

certain ways. Dispositions generate political practices, perceptions, and

attitudes which are regular without being consciously coordinated or governed

by any ‗rule‘. The virtue of invested power in political disposition, for instance,

consider as the features of habitus. They are incalculated, structured, durable,

generative and transposable by political professionals (party, leader, and other

appearance). They take control and monopolize the production of perception and

expression of a given population especially news reader.

When individuals act, they always do practices and perceptions/assumptions,

works and appreciations in specific social contexts or settings or fields. As a

structured space of positions, the distribution of four kinds of resources of

capital is the struggles site in which individuals seek to maintain their status quo


or play the game. The first is economic capital. It deals with money and other

valuable materials. The second is social capital which deals with the career

positions and society networking. The third is a cultural capital. It relates to the

ownership of knowledge even educational intelligence. The fourth is symbolic

capital how the accumulation of capitals determines someone to win the political

competition or game.

In the relation with capitals, symbolic power remains as the practice

defining reality. In the production of news, the ability to define reality is a

fundamental form of power. Bourdieu states that this kind of power is invisible

and can be exercised only with the complicity of those who do not want to know

that they are subject to it or even that they themselves exercise it (1991: 164). The

effect of symbolic power is to influence the actions of others and indeed to create

events, by means of the production and transmission of symbolic forms which

especially include ideology. The Jakarta Post (TJP) as the news media is a

central player of knowledge-production and meaning-exchange of what happen

about corruption in Indonesia. TJP‘s work is actually the exercise of symbolic

power itself. Using symbolism make people see and believe about social reality

(p. 170). This paper at least shows that TJP owns the power to name, to define, to

endorse and to persuade through news matters. What are cited, written,

distributed and produced in the news are its responsibility of marketization so

that Indonesia‘s socio-political realities can influence more investors to invest in


A proclamation occurs that objective consensus validates the subjective


Table 4.2  Binary Semic of Humphrey Djemat Table 4.3  Binary Semic of Andreas Nahot Silitonga
figure as implicit assumptions in texts (Fairclough, 1995: 14). Their effects to
Table 2.1 SFG Analysis of Verbal Process
Figure 3.1 A three-dimensional framework of Fairclough


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