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Academic year: 2022



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Abdelraheem, Abubkr, Asaad Mubarak Hussaien, Mohammed Abaker Ahmed Mohammed, dan Yosra Azhari Elamin Elbokhari. 2021. “The Effect of Information Technology on the Quality of Accounting Information” 7: 191–

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Ahmed, Habib, dan Ak Md Hasnol Alwee Pg Md Salleh. 2016. “Inclusive Islamic financial planning: a conceptual framework.” International Journal of

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Ahmed, Mustafa Omar Mohammed, Ogunbado Ahamad Faosiy, Norzaidi Mohd Daud, Universiti Teknologi Mara, dan Shah Alam. 2015. “Examining the Perception of Muslim Community in Uganda on Waqf and its Role on Socio- Economic Development Kulliyah of Economics and Management Sciences , Communities of Research , Humanities and Quality of Life ,.” Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 23, no. 6: 1173–80.


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