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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Registration Number. 209121030






First of all, the writer would like to thank the Almighty Allah SWT for His

blessings so the writer is able to accomplish her thesis as a partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of sarjana pendidikan at the English Department

of Language and Arts, Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS), State University of

Medan (UNIMED).

During the process of writing, the writer realizes that she cannot

accomplish without support from many people. The writer would like to express

her sincere gratitude to:

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik, M.Si., as the Rector of State University of Medan

Dr. Isda Pramuniati, M.Hum., as the Dean Faculty of Languages and Arts, Vice Dean I, II, III and all the administrative staff;

Prof. Dr. Hj. Sumarsih, M.Pd., as the Head English Department, Faculty of Languages and Arts, and also as her examiner.

Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed., as the Head of English Education Study Program for their valuable administrative advice and guidance in completing

all the procedures required;

Dr. Sri Minda Murni, M.S., as her Examiner, for the advice and suggestion.  the writer’s beloved parents, Bapak Kocik Abu Bakar Sirait and Ibu



Arda and Fatir, and to all her family members for their endless love, care, support, and prayer;

the Headmaster of SMP Negeri 3 Kisaran Bapak Malanton Lahade

Hasibuan, S.Pd, M.Si, and Vice Headmaster Bapak Gumri Harahap, S.Pd, and also English Teacher Ibu Wardah Sinambela, S.Pd., for allowing the

writer to conduct the research;

 the Principal and all of Primagama’s Crew Citra Wisata Medan, for giving a chance to the writer to teach and to educate students;

Arif Muhtarif Isda, S.Pd, for his love and care to support the writer to accomplish this thesis;

last but not least, her beloved friends in KABE (Henny, Eta, Hana, Irma, Ona, Dini, Trisno), in WG ( Orli, Kori, Orde, Dewi, Mimi, Vey, Diana, Cony, kak

Debo, Tini), her best friends ( Lisda, Mellita, Mahari), her field teaching

practice (Praktek Pengalaman Lapangan: PPLT) SMP Negeri 3 Kisaran

friends, and all class members of Reguler A, B, C 2009 English Education.

Medan, February 2014

The Writer



Sirait, Novika Sari, Reg.No 209121030. 2013. The Effect of Applying Advance Organizer Strategy on Students’ Reading Comprehension. A Thesis. Medan : English Departmen, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

The aim of this study was to find out the effect of applying Advance Organizer




Table 2.1 Conceptual Framework by using Advance Organizer Strategy… 26

Table 2.2 Conceptual Framework by using Conventional Strategy……... 30

Table 3.1 Experimental Research design………...……….. 31

Table 3.2 Table of specification………. 34

Table 3.3 Teaching procedures for Experimental Group……….. 36

Table 3.4 Teaching procedures for Control Group……… 41




APPENDIX A The Reliability of the Test……… 52

APPENDIX B 1. The score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group……… 54

2. The score of Pre-test and Post-test of Control Group……… 55

APPENDIX C 1. The total Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Experimental Group……… 56

2. The total Score of Pre-test and Post-test of Control Group……….. 57

APPENDIX D The Calculation of the t-test………. 58

APPENDIX E Table of Distribution t……….. 60

APPENDIX F Lesson Plan……… 61

APPENDIX G Reading Comprehension Tes……….. 82





A. The Background of the Study

Language is a way to communicate ideas comprehensibly from one person

to another in such a way that the other will be able to act exactly accordingly.

Clark & Clark (1977:3) say that the fundamental function of language is for

communication. It means that language is used by the speaker or writer to express

ideas, feelings, and desires, and to get information from other people. There are

various languages that people can produce to communicate with others, English is

one of them. English is very important, because it is the most used language

around the world for social activities, science, economic, and international

relationship. Therefore, studying English is very important since mastering

English can enrich and improve one’s knowledge.

English as a foreign language consists of four basic skills that should be

achieved by the students who learn English namely listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. In this case, the learners are required to comprehend (listening and

reading) the language and produce (speaking and writing) the language. Among

the four language skills taught in schools, reading is one of important skill to be

taught to the students because through reading they will get information,

knowledge, and science. Grabe & Stoller(2002:9) elaborate that reading is a way

to draw information from printed page and interpret this information

appropriately. From the quotation, reading means to find out the message of the



Further, Educational unit-Oriented Curriculum (Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan

Pendidikan; KTSP) 2006, of Junior high school (Sekolah Menengah Pertama;

SMP) level states that there are four skills that should be achieved in learning

process namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Reading is one of four

skills that must be mastered. It is stated that the students are intended to

comprehend the meaning of the functional and short essay text in report,

descriptive, narrative and recount text in the context of daily life.

In fact, reading is a problem for students. A research on international

reading achievement revealed that the students’ skill particularly in reading

achievement is still far from satisfactory. PIRLS (Progress in Reading Literacy

Study) that held by IEA (International Association for the Evaluation of

Educational Achievement) in 2011 shows that Indonesian students’ reading

achievement is on the lower level. Indonesian students are ranked 42 of 45

nations. This case indicates that Indonesian students have low ability in reading

skills. It is strengthened by the writer’s observation in teaching practice (PPLT

2012) in junior high school.

The writer’s observation during teaching practice (Praktek Pengalaman

Lapangan Terpadu; PPLT) 2012 in State junior high School 3 of Kisaran (Sekolah

Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Kisaran; SMP Negeri 3 Kisaran) shows that most of

students are not able to understand what they have read. They only read the

material without knowing what they have read. Therefore, reading activities in the

classroom will not be useful for them if they don’t know and understand the



20 students said that they got difficulties in identifying the implicit and explicit

information of the text. Besides, many students have low motivation in reading

class. The students’ lack of understanding on reading lesson is mainly caused by

an inappropriate teaching technique used. The teacher only uses one technique

namely conventional method which is lecturing. In the reading class, the teacher

presents a subject in the text book and asks students to read silently or loudly, and

then students have to answer the questions that follow. Consequently, the reading

lesson becomes monotonous and boring, students lack motivation to read, even if

they read, they show negative attitudes. As a result, the students are not able to get

good scores in reading.

Reading cannot be separated from comprehension. Therefore, it appears a

lot of problems dealing with reading comprehension. Many English learners find

it is difficult to understand the English text. Very often, they get stuck because of

some problems, such as unfamiliar words, their inability in understanding the

context, being reluctant, and so forth. Reading is not an easy skill to master. It is a

complex process that requires specialized skill of the reader (Dechant, 1977: 21).

Besides, it is also comprehension process as well as writing. According to Nunan

(1998: 33), reading needs identification and also interpretation processes which

require the reader’s knowledge about the language structure used in the text and

his knowledge about a given topic. It is the complexity that makes some students

less interested in this kind of activity. They find it is difficult to understand what

is on the reading passage since they do not know the technique which can help



To solve this problem, learning reading by using Advance Organizer

Strategy can be an alternative way in teaching learning process. Advance

organizer is a concept developed and systematically studied by David Ausubel in


The advance organizer is teaching strategy available to teachers to aid

students in the processing, understanding, and remembering of newly presented

materials. It is designed to strengthen students’ cognitive structures as stated by

Ausubel as quoted by Joyce, Weil & Calhoun (2009:281). The Advance organizer

strategy has some advantages for students. The advantages of Advance Organizer

are the students can explain, integrate, and interrelate with the material in the

learning task with the previously learned material. Students can distinguish the

new material from previously learned material and in teaching reading which is

related to daily situation. Therefore, it will be useful for students to recognize the

material into familiar structure.

All the explanation above inspires the writer to discover the effect of

applying Advance Organizer Strategy on the students’ reading comprehension


B. The Problem of the Study

Based on the background of the study, the problem is formulated as


“Is the students’ reading comprehension achievement taught by applying Advance



C. The Objective of the Study

In relation to the research problem, this study will attempt to find out the

effect of Advance Organizer strategy in teaching reading on the students’

reading comprehension.

D. The Scope of the Study

In this research, the focus of the investigation is limited to the effect of

Advance Organizer strategy on the students’ reading comprehension. There are

four levels of reading comprehension; they are literal comprehension,

interpretative comprehension, critical comprehension, and creative

comprehension. In this study the level of reading comprehension is limited to

two levels, namely literal and interpretative comprehension. The kinds of the

text will be focused on report text.

E. The significance of the Study

The findings of this research are expected to answer the proposed problem

and it is intended to give many benefits in:

1. Practical perspectives

a) For the students

To assist the students to build reading competency. Thus, they are



b) For the teachers

To provide the English teacher to plan and conduct a better and

interesting teaching learning process, especially in teaching


2. Theoretical perspective

a) The result of this research can be a useful input to English

teaching-learning process, especially for teaching reading.

b) The result of this research can be used as reference for those who

want to conduct a research in English teaching-learning process,




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Table 2.1 Conceptual Framework by using Advance Organizer Strategy… 26  Table 2.2 Conceptual Framework by using Conventional Strategy…….....
Table of Distribution t………………………….. 60 Reading Comprehension TesLesson Plan……………………………………… 61 …………………….


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