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Design Of Tourism Destination Information System As A Tourism Service In Nusa Aceh Village


Academic year: 2023

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“Innovations to Support Emancipated Learning (MBKM), Research, and Community Services for Sustainable Development Goals”

Design Of Tourism Destination Information System As A Tourism Service In Nusa Aceh Village

Munawir1*, Erdiwansyah 2, Susmanto3 & Zulfan4


Computer Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Serambi Mekkah, Aceh, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author: munawir@serambimekkah.ac.id


Desa Wisata Nusa is the only village on the list of the top 50 Indonesian Tourism Village Awards (ADWI) 2021 from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which carries the theme of disaster education. The residents of Nusa Village maintain the values of local traditions and culture so that tourists can directly experience the culture in this village.

Tourists can stay in traditional wooden stilt houses. The inn was built by the local community independently. With so many opportunities from tourists, it is necessary to have an application that can help this tourist destination so that it can be published to the media, and can also be ordered through the application by tourists. This research aims to develop an application in the form of an android mobile to support integrated tourist destinations by utilizing the potential of the Nusa village and also using the marketplace. This research is development research, where this application was developed using mobile android, the development method in this research is the waterfall form. After doing research, the results are obtained, namely to facilitate the transaction process from tourists so that they can develop the village into a tourist village, because apart from the process of introducing tourist villages, promotions and also seeing potential, the ordering transaction process is also in one application.

Keywords: Android Mobile, Tourist village, Geographic Information System, Nusa Village

1. Introduction

Desa Wisata Nusa is the only village on the list of the top 50 Indonesian Tourism Village Awards (ADWI) 2021 from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, which carries the theme of disaster education. Nusa Tourism Village is a village built by the community independently after the tsunami disaster that hit Aceh in 2004. Tourists can learn to understand the challenges of disaster in the region. In addition, the local wisdom owned by the local community becomes more learning value that can be enjoyed by tourists.

One of the products of the creative economy of the Nusa Tourism Village community is Temuru oen chips. These snacks are made from curry leaves which are processed into chips. Curry leaves are generally known as a mixed ingredient in Aceh's signature dish, namely caught chicken. Besides oen temuru chips, tourists can also taste beulangong sauce, processed banana chips, honey, goyang flowers, timphan asoe kaya, seupet kue, kekarah, and emping melinjo.

Tourists can also learn about recycling waste processing. Residents of the Nusa Tourism Village process waste that is suitable for selling handicrafts. The handicrafts that can be found in the area are tissue boxes, pencil boxes, synthetic flowers, vases and other home decorations. Tourists can also buy woven fabrics typical of Aceh Besar District as well as bags and hats made from processed waste.

The residents of Nusa Village maintain the values of local traditions and culture so that tourists can directly experience the culture in this village. Tourists can stay in


traditional wooden stilt houses. The inn was built by the local community independently.

Tourists can also see arts such as the Sedati Dance, the Rapai Geleng Dance, the Ranup Lampuan Dance, and the Ratoh Duek Dance.

Tourists can see the expanse of green rice fields and rivers around it. The view is even more complete with Baisan Hill as the background. Visitors can enjoy the view while camping and fishing in the area provided.

As Sandiaga explained, “This tourist village is extraordinary, because it has an alluring natural tourist attraction, with the beauty of the Bukit Barisan. But apart from the natural potential and cultural arts, this village has great potential for the development of educational tourism about disasters,” (Kompas.com)

With so many opportunities from tourists, it is necessary to have an application that can help this tourist destination so that it can be published to the media, and can also be ordered through the application by tourists.

2. Method

This research aims to develop an application in the form of an android mobile to support integrated tourist destinations by utilizing the potential of the Nusa village and also using the marketplace. This research is development research, where this application was developed using mobile android, the development method in this research is the waterfall form. This method is carried out with a systematic approach, starting from the stages of analysis, design, coding, testing and maintenance. The method used is as shown below:


Requirement Analysis

System and Software Design

Implementation and Unit Testing

Integration and System Testing

Operation and Maintenance

Figure 1. Research Methods

From Figure 1 it can be explained that the requirement analysis, namely the method of gathering this information, can be obtained in various ways including discussions, observations, surveys, interviews, and so on. This task was also assisted by members of the research team, starting with interviews and field observations. Then design the system with the aim of helping a complete picture of what must be done, at this stage the team members also assist in preparing requirements starting from the design and design of the system. After the design is complete, then the implementation using the programming language was implemented. Then the researchers tested the system that had been created with Nusa village, if it goes well then the system will be published, the target is to work on the application for 6 months, then continue with the trial. Overall time needed in this study for 1 year.

After the system is running well, the next step is to make reports for both mandatory outputs and additional outputs. In preparing this report assisted by members of the research team.


“Innovations to Support Emancipated Learning (MBKM), Research, and Community Services for Sustainable Development Goals”

3. Results and Discussions

The results obtained from this study are mobile applications that can be used for the development of tourist villages that can be used by tourists by booking from several packages provided by the tourism village manager.

This application displays several packages that are in the application so that potential tourists can see several packages that have been updated by the village manager. After potential tourists see the package they want to choose, then all they have to do is choose and make a payment, for further details as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Tour Packages

Tourists who are interested and can order directly into the system by first registering an account, then on the transaction menu by selecting the booking date. In this menu you can see the details of the package that has been determined by the Nusa village tourism manager. To be clearer as in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Register and Transaction

After the transaction process is carried out, the next step is uploading proof of payment and also waiting for confirmation from the administrator, for the payment process there needs to be approval from the admin.


Figure 4. Upload Evidence and Transactions

The last step in this research is verification of transactions from payments and bookings from tourists who have chosen a tourist village as the location of the tourist's visit. After being approved by the admin, the status for the tourist login has changed to accepted on the specified date.

4. Conclusions

After doing research, the results are obtained, namely to facilitate the transaction process from tourists so that they can develop the village into a tourist village, because apart from the process of introducing tourist villages, promotions and also seeing potential, the ordering transaction process is also in one application.


Thank you to KEMENDIKBUD for providing funding for this research so that this research runs smoothly and also to Nusa Village for providing opportunities to conduct this research object.


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“Innovations to Support Emancipated Learning (MBKM), Research, and Community Services for Sustainable Development Goals”

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