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Web design and web development article.


Academic year: 2017

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Web design and web development article. Word Count:

241 Summary:

Information about website design, flash design & web application programming


ˆWebsite Design, Website Design Company, Web Development, eCommerce, CMS, Content Management System, shopping Cart, SEO, Search engine Optimize, Business Website Design, Flash Website design˜

Article Body:

Web designing is a process of designing the electronic files through planning, concepts, ideas, creativity, thinking, language etc, which is delivered via internet in the form of web site. The main purpose of the web designing is to create a web site. Web site interprets the information about particular topic and website design is creation and arrangement of web pages that can be done by web development that includes but not limited to; Web Development, eCommerce, CMS, Content Management System, shopping Cart, Business Website Design, Flash Website design, business development.

Main intent of designing/developing a website is to promote the business, advertising, access of online products, publishing news, giving information, education, money matters, etc .

It is important that the website must be well developed and designed, not under construction, and content must be specific and neat about the particular topic, otherwise, it will not attract any visitor.

So to design and develop a website, several companies of website designing can be found on the internet, but the trick here is to choose appropriate company. One of which on the internet for web designing and web development named <a href=ˆhttp://www.mahiinfotech.com˜>http://www.mahiinfotech.com</a> , is a well-established, well-experienced company, which also provides the best, qualitative, affordable services of web designing, web development, eCommerce, web, shopping cart, logo design, etc. For more information, visit the site <a href=ˆhttp://www.mahiinfotech.com˜>http://www.mahiinfotech.com</a>

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