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6 Things to do if involved in a Motorcycle Accident


Academic year: 2017

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336 Summary:

Motorcycle accidents have a reputation for being some of the deadliest. Motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of an accident; therefore the injuries are often severe requiring long recovery periods.


personal-injury, bankruptcy, social-security-disability, workers-compensation

Article Body:

Motorcycle accidents have a reputation for being some of the deadliest. Motorcycles offer little protection to riders in the event of an accident; therefore the injuries are often severe requiring long recovery periods.

Usually, motorcycle accidents are not the biker´s fault. Due to the size difference between a motorcycle and passenger vehicle, motorcycles are harder to see and are frequently lost in the passenger vehicle´s ˆblind spot.˜ Due to this fact biker´s are often sideswiped by vehicles that simply did not see them.

Some shocking statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration show that motorcyclists are 32 times more likely to die in an accident than passenger vehicle occupants, and 6 times more likely to suffer injuries. It is important to remember that biker´s are entitled to compensation for injuries due to someone else´s negligence as well as passenger vehicle drivers. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident it is important to remember the following things:

1. Report the accident to police. The police report is helpful to your auto accident injury lawyer in determining fault.

2. Record the names and statements of witnesses to your accident. Take pictures and record any unusual circumstances or whether that may have contributed to the accident. This will be especially useful should your case go to court. 3. Do not speak with any insurance agents or adjusters that may show up at the scene. This is an unscrupulous tactic sometimes used to get people to admit fault or say something that could hurt their claim.

4. Call your insurance company to report the accident. Do not speak with the other party´s insurance carrier. Let your motorcycle accident injury lawyer deal with them.

5. Even if you feel you haven´t sustained a serious injury, it is a good idea to get checked out by a physician. Some brain injuries do not show up right away and insurance companies may be reluctant to pay for an injury later on. 6. Contact a motorcycle accident injury lawyer as soon as possible.

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