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123654 AKJ 2008 01 18 PT Anindya Mitra Inernational Merugi


Academic year: 2017

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On average, it takes over 80 days for a company to fully detect a data breach and recent studies show that over 10% of data breaches are not discovered until two years later..

diri pelamar, kemudian stop map dimasukkan dalam amplop coklat tertutup dengan menuliskan nama pelamar, nama unit kerja yang dilamar, jabatan yang dilamar, nomor ujian,

In the present paper three schemes for partial averaging of impulsive differential equations with supremum are considered and justified..

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For a fibration with the fiber K ( π, n )-space, the alge- braic model as a twisted tensor product of chains of the base with standard chains of K ( π, n )-complex is given

Hence if we use the balancing ergodic equality (see [4]) instead of the equality (1), then we get the uniqueness theorem for the ergodic maximal operator..

In connection with Zygmund’s problem we had the following question [2]: Given a pair of directions σ 1 and σ 2 differing from each other, does.. there exist an integrable function