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lt bingg sbmptn 2013


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Latihan Soal Sbmptn 2013

Tes Kem am puan Dasar Um um (TKDU) – Bahasa Inggris

---Created by ujiantulis.com ( sebagian dari 5 Paket Latihan Sbmptn)

The follow ing text is for questions 1 to 5

In 1956 a Brazilian scient ist im port ed som e special bees int o Brazil from Africa. The African bees were t he sam e size as ordinary bees. But t hey w ere m uch st ronger and m ore dangerous. A st ing from one of t hese bees can kill a m an of even a buffalo very quickly.

The scient ist im port ed t he bees because he w ant ed to breed a new t ype of bees using t he African bees and ordinary European bees. He w ant ed t o com bine t he st rengt h of t he African bee w it h t he safet y of t he European bee. Unfort unat ely, in 1957, 26 queen bees escaped and began t o breed in t he jungles of Brazil. They spread very quickly and since t hat t ime t hey have been m oving slow ly nort h- w ards, covering 300 t o 400 kilom et ers a year. Over 200 people have died aft er being st ung by t he killer bees, and t housands of anim als have also died. By M arch 1978 t he killer bees had reached Venezuela and in 1980 t hey arrived in Panam a. If t hey cont inue t o move at t he not as dangerous as t he European bees (B) The African bees are sm aller but more poisonous st ing of t he African bees

(D)The dangerous bees m oved t o Venezuela before reaching Panam a

(E) The im port ed African bees are less dangerous t han t he European ones

4. When t he passage w as w rit t en?



(C) Scient ist had found w ays of st opping t he

killer bees

(D)The Brazilian scient ist s had already bred a new t ype of bees

(E) People in Brazil had already know n how t o live wit h t he killer bees

The follow ing text is for questions 110 to 111

Hospit alit y is nat ural in m y village. Guest s arrive at any t im e of t he day or night and t hey are alw ays w elcome. Nobody asks t hem , ‘Why have you com e?’ or ‘How long are you going t o st ay?’ They becom e a part of t he fam ily.

The villages are delight ed t o receive guest s. They are fed, clot hed and given present s. When guest s arrive t hey are offered a pot of w at er t o w ash t heir hands, face, and feet . Then t hey are given m at or a chair to sit on. Previously, sherbet w as offered, but now it is t he cust om t o give a cup of t ea, a depending on t he t im e of the day. Guest s are never asked “ Have you eat en?” or “ Would you like som et hing t o eat or drink?” . Food is placed before t hem and it is im polit e for guest s t o refuse. Hospit alit y m eans giving yourself com plet ely t o guest s and st rangers.

5. What is t he t opic of t he paragraph? (A)Guest s and st rangers

(B) Hospit alit y in a village (C) Rules of polit eness (D)Advice for guest s (E) The arrival of guest s

6. What is t he m ain idea of t he t ext ?

(A)In t he w rit er’s village, guest are alw ays received w armly

(B) Guest have t o w ash t heir hands, face, and feet w hen t hey arrive

(C) The host s never ask t heir visit ors quest ions (D)Guest are usually asked about t he purpose

of t heir visit

(E) It is im polit e t o refuse food and drink offered by t he host

The follow ing text is for questions 6 to 10

M ot ion sickness com es in m any form s, not just seasickness. Ninet y percent of t he hum an race is suscept ible t o m ot ion sickness one kind or anot her. Som e people becom e sick w hen t hey sit in t he backseat of a car; ot hers cannot read or look at a m ap in any kind of m oving vehicle. People get m ot ion sickness on airplanes, m ot orcycles, am usem ent park rides, and even on cam els! Scient ist have learned t hat m ot ion sickness occurs w hen t he brain is t rying t o m ake sense of a sit uat ion and t here are t oo m any conflict ing m essages. While t he eyes are sending one m essage, t he ears are t rying t o send a message about balance. The skin and bone joint s, sensit ive t o air pressure, send anot her m essage.

M any people w ho have experienced violent m ot ion sickness t ry t o avoid t ravel. But t hat is not alw ays possible. So t ravelers should em ploy som e w ell-know n st rat egies t o avoid get t ing sick. The m ost useful st rat egy concern food; eat a light m eal before t ravelling and bring along a packet of plain soda crackers t o snack on regularly. Avoid alcoholic and carbonat ed beverages, high-fat , and spices. Care in choosing t he locat ion of your seat is anot her im port ant st rat egy. In car, sit at t he front and keep your eyes fixed on t he horizon.



Copyr ight© ujiantulis.com all r ights r eser ved | Dist ribut ed by info.sbm ptn.w eb.id Page 3 7. A suit able t itle for t he t ext is ….

(A) M ot ion Sickness

(B) Inability t o avoid M ot ion Sickness (C) Effect of M otion Sickness

(D) The Worst Kind of M otion Sickness (E) Suscept ibilit y to M otion sickness

8. A person get mot ion sickness because of …. (A) sitt ing in vehicles

(B) reading a book w hile t raveling (C) w aiting for t he airplane to com e

(D) the conflict ing m essages received by t he brain (E) w at ching rides in t he am usem ent park

9. Vict im s of m otion sickness can reduce t he chance of becom ing sick by doing following, except …. (A) avoiding spicy foods

(B) eat ing a light before t raveling (C) consum ing high-fat food (D) taking t he back-seat in a car (E) not consum ing alcohol

10. The m eaning of ‘over t he count er m edicat ion’ is m edicine bought …. (A) out side drugst ores

(B) in sm all grocery st ores (C) only in drugst ores (D) by paying cash (E) w it hout prescript ion

11. From the text w e m ay conclude that ….

(A) basically everyone t ends t o get sick w hen they are t raveling (B) there is no define solution t o t he problem of m otion sickness (C) m edical help is t he best w ay t o cure m ot ion sickness

(D) there are so m any w ays for people t o st op get ting m ot ion sickness (E) m ot ion sickness can be overcom e by any drug prescribed by a doct or

The following text is for questions 12 to 13



Copyr ight© ujiantulis.com all r ights r eser ved | Dist ribut ed by info.sbm ptn.w eb.id Page 4 rat e increases during t he m orning and also during t he aft ernoon. Furt her st at ist ical st udies then reveal som e of the m ajor contribut ing factors involved in these accident s.

12. Which of the follow ing w ould best begin t he paragraph above?

(A) So far there has not been enough inform ation about people having accident s at a w ork sit e (B) An indust rial firm is concerned about t he large num ber of accident s occurring in it s plant (C) Invest igat ors have found out t hat w orking hours in som e industrial firm s are too long (D) The result of an invest igat ion show s that accident s in a plant never occurs in the evening (E) St at ist ics plays a very im portant role in eliminat ing t he causes of accidents in a plant

13. The t opic of t he above paragraph is …. (A) the invest igat ion of causes of accident s (B) the role of statistics for invest igat ors (C) w orking hours and t ypes of accident s (D) contribut ions of investigat ors in a com pany (E) m ajor accidents in t he w orking hours

The following text is for questions 14 to 15

Tradit ional ninet eenth –cent ury education is usually w it h the image of a st ern teacher st anding in front of a blackboard in a one-room schoolhouse, t eaching only t he t hree R’ s of reading, w rit ing, and arithm et ic, and dem anding rot e (m echanical repetit ion) learning in an atm osphere of silence and rest raint . Accurate or not, the im age conflict s sharply w ith t he m odern realit y. Today, the typical public school offers students a diversit y of subject areas, a plethora of educat ional m aterials, and a variet y of act ivit ies from creative dram at ics t o journalism . The m odern school com plex cont ains an array of educat ional facilities. Within t he classroom set ting, students are encouraged t o speak up and engage in guided discussion. In fact, articulat e speech and debat e are desirable skills. Children are encouraged t o int errelate on class project s t hat are independent of the t eacher.

14. Which of the follow ing w ould best end t he t ext?

(A) There has been a change in the t eacher’s at t it ude in the past few years (B) Tradit ional and m odern education have different goals t o achieve (C) The developm ent in educat ion t ends t o m ake st udent s independent (D) Unlike t he t radit ional education, t he m odern one is less st rict (E) It is t he t ask of m odern education t o m ake children creative 15. The t opic of t he t ext is ….

(A) the tradit ional ninet eenth century educat ion

(B) the freedom of st udent s t o choose from a variet y of subject s (C) the role of t he t eachers in education


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