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The negative ideas found in veronica roth’s novel “insurgent “


Academic year: 2017

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A. The Biography of Veronica Roth

Veronica Roth is an American novelist and short story writer known for her debut New York Times bestselling Divergent trilogy, consisting of Divergent, Insurgent, and Allegiant, and Four: A Divergent Collection. Divergent

was the recipient of the Goodreads Favorite Book of 2011 and the 2012 winner for Best Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction.

Veronica Roth was born on August 19, 1988 in New York City, and was raised primarily in Barrington, Illinois. Her mother, Barbara Ross, is a painter who resides in Barrington. She is the youngest of three children. Her parents

divorced when she was five years old, and her mother has since married to Frank Ross, a financial consultant for landscaping companies. Her brother and sister live


She is of German and Polish descent. Roth said that her father had a

job, and worked far away. Now, she has a good relationship with her stepdad. Her maternal grandparents were concentration camp survivors, whose religious convictions pushed her mother away from religion. Veronica Roth learned about

Christianity by attending a Christian Bible study during her high school years, and has stayed with it.

Roth graduated from Barrington High School. After attending a year of college at Carleton College, she transferred to Northwestern University for its creative writing program. She married photographer Nelson Fitch in 2011. They

reside in the Chicago area.

Veronica is best known for her trilogy novels: Divergent, Insurgent,

and Allegiant; Allegiant was released on October 22, 2013. She is the recipient t of the Goodreads 2011 Choice Award and the Best of 2012 in the category Young Adult Fantasy and Science Fiction and also Best Goodreads Author in 2012. Roth

wrote her first book, Divergent, while on winter break in her senior year at Northwestern University. Her career took off rapidly with success of her first

novel, with the publishing rights sold before she graduated from college in 201 and the film rights sold mid-March 2011, before the novel was printed in April 2011.

Roth sold the film rights to the Divergent series to Summit Entertainment. Filming of Divergent, the adaptation of the first book in the series,


released on March 20, 2015. On April 11, 2014, Summit Entertainment

announced that the third book Allegiant would split into two films titled Allegiant – Part 1 and Allegiant – Part 2, with Part 1 scheduled to be released on March 18, 2016 and Part 2 on March 24, 2017.

B. Summary of Novel

Insurgent picks up where Divergent left off with

headquarters where some members of the broken-up Abnegation have gone for protection. Tris is taunted by nightmares of shooting

killed while he was under the simulation. The Amity, led by representative

peaceful. Soon, however, Erudite and Dauntless traitors arrive at Amity to seek the refugees, and after a heated fight the refugees have no choice but to leave and escape back into the city. Marcus reveals to Tris that the reason

in the first place was to steal some essential information that Abnegation had been trusted with to keep them from revealing it to the city. Tobias does not believe

this, but Tris does.

On the train Tris and her friends encounter a group of factionless and head with them to the factionless headquarters in an old warehouse. Tris is

astonished to find out that Tobias has known she is alive for a while now. Evelyn and the factionless plan to


headquarters, where the rest of the loyal Dauntless have taken shelter, but they are

immediately arrested upon arrival.

The leader of Candor, the Dauntless control room, supposed they were the ones running the simulation,

and accused them of crimes against humanity. They face a trial immediately, and have to relay the details of what happened under the influence of Candor's famous

truth serum. They are cleared of charges, but Tris reveals that she killed Will. This is the first time Tobias and Christina feels that Tris has betrayed her.

Traitor Dauntless invade Candor headquarters seeking people who are Divergent, led by

everyone's arms that inject them with a simulation transmitter so that they will be susceptible to simulations at all times. The traitor Dauntless capture Tris, but she takes a gun out of her back pocket and stabs Eric, severely injuring him. Loyal

Dauntless stream into the room and drive the traitors off.

Tobias has been repeatedly called a coward because of the information

he revealed under the truth serum, so one night at dinner he beats up his father, Marcus, to prove that he is not. Tris goes to Marcus afterward and reminds him that he could use her help in trying to get back the information that Erudite stole.

Meanwhile, Jack Kang believes that having the Divergent in Candor puts them all in danger, and arranges a meeting with one of Jeanine's representatives to try and


Tris and a few of her friends go to eavesdrop this meeting, and realize

that Jeanine is speaking through the Dauntless traitor she has sent to represent her using an earpiece. Tris knows Jeanine must be nearby; however, before she can figure out where she is, one of her friends

and Tris tries to go after Jeanine, but one of their friends is injured and they have to take her back to Candor. Tobias is angry at Tris for continuously risking her life

so senselessly, and threatens to end their relationship.

They know that Jack will agree to Jeanine's demands to turn over all the Divergent, so they decide the best thing to do is return to Dauntless

headquarters, where they will all be safer. They hold a Dauntless meeting and choose new leaders, ending up with

leaders. They then execute Eric officially for crimes against Dauntless. Finally, they head back to the Dauntless compound, cover all the surveillance cameras with paint, and try to achieve some semblance of normalcy. Christina at last

forgives Tris for killing Will.

Tobias takes Tris to meet Evelyn on a train, and they form an alliance

between Dauntless and the factionless. Tris is not pleased with this, because she thinks Evelyn is using Tobias. Erudite soon strikes again with another simulation, making Dauntless members commit suicide every other night until one Divergent

turns him or herself over for experimentation. Tris knows she has to stop this, so she lies to Tobias and Christina and turns herself in at Erudite headquarters, where


a Divergent mind. Tobias shows up there too, presumably to sacrifice himself and

die along with Tris.

Jeanine reveals the secret weapon that has allowed her to manipulate Tris so effectively: Caleb, her brother. He betrayed Tris and their family in order

to remain loyal to his faction, Erudite, and help Jeanine. The experiments continue, and Tobias finally reveals to Tris that he did not come here on a suicide

mission, he came here to scope out headquarters and find Erudite's central control room so that when the factionless and Dauntless invade they will know where to target. He tells Tris to hold out for two more weeks, even though she now wants

to die.

Tris continues to resist the simulations, and tells Jeanine that she will

never be able to control her. Jeanine, angry, tells Tris that she will resume testing on Tobias instead, and schedules Tris's execution for the following morning. Peter, Tris's old enemy, leads her to her execution and appears to injects her with

a death serum. However, this is not actually a death serum; Peter replaced it with one that merely causes paralysis, and sneaks her body out of the room so she can

escape with Tobias. Peter did this because he could not stand to be in her debt. They break out of Erudite and make it to Abnegation headquarters, where the factionless have camped out. They are about to begin their plan to bring

down Erudite and abolish the factions, but Tris decides that it is important that she help Marcus get this vital information from out of Erudite’s hands before the


Johanna breaks away from her faction because she knows stopping the violence in

the city is the right thing to do.

Back in the city, Tris and the others head to Erudite headquarters to find the computer containing the stolen Abnegation information. The factionless

have already begun their invasion. Tris and Marcus make it to Jeanine's private lab, where Tris fights a simulation in order to get past security. Once past, she

finds Tori with a gun pointed at Jeanine, about to kill her. Tris knows she needs Jeanine to find the information on her computer and tries to stop Tori from shooting, but it is too late; she shoots, and Jeanine dies. Tori thinks Tris is a

traitor, and sends her down to be tried with all the other traitors.

Tobias, however, finally believes that what Tris says is true, and forces

Caleb to help disarm the security system on the computer so they can get the information. Just as Evelyn is talking about how there will no longer be any factions, Tobias comes down and plays the video that he has retrieved. It is a

woman speaking about how the factions were created as an experiment in order to get rid of the flaws in human nature and create Divergent people with flexible,


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