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AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF USING THE WO^D “IT” (A case of the first year students of MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2001/2002) - Test Repository


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(A case of the first year students of MAN I Salatiga in the

Academic Year of 2001/2002)


Submitted to the Board o f Examiner in Partial Fulfillment o f The Requirements for the Degree o f Educational Islamic Studies (S.Pd.I)

In the English and Educational Department

B y :

Nurul Jazimah

NIM 113 97 004


S T A T E I S L A M I C S T U D I E S I N S T I T U T E ( S T A I N )



Drs. Sa’adi, M.Ag

The lecture of English Department Educational Faculty

State Islamic Studies Institute Salatiga


Salatiga, 15 o f January 2002

Case : N urul Jazim ah ’s Thesis


The Head o f State Islamic Studies Institute Salatiga

Assalama ’alaikum \vr. wb.

Having read accurately and corrected Nurul Jazimah’s thesis entlited “AN


Students o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Year o f 2001/2002)”. I have

decided and would like to propose that if could be accepted by the

educational faculty, . I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamu ’alaikum wr. wb







AN ERROR ANALYSIS OF USING THE WORLD ”IT” (A Case of The First Year Students o f MAN I Salatiga in The Academic o f Year 2001/2002)





Has been brought to the board o f examiners at 12 o f Dzulqo’idah 1422 H / 26 o f

Januari 2002, and hereby considered to fulfill the requirement o f the Degree o f Sarjana

Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in the English and Education Department,

12 Dzulqo’idah 1422 H Salatiga, — — ---

---26 Januari 2002 M

Board Examiners





Praise belongs to Allah SWT, who created, who writes all the beautiful symphony in

Universe and always gives everything to us. Ain this chance, I would like to thank

greatly to :

1. P ro f Dr. M. Zuhri, as the chairman o f State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)


2. Drs. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag, as the head o f Educational Faculty.

3. Drs. sa ’adi M.Ag, as the head o f the English Department and as my

consultant, who gives me great attention, knowledge, and guidance.

4. All lecturers and staffs in STAIN Salatiga, thank you for your favour,

relationship, and kindness.

5. All my friends who have helped me in making this material, suggestion, and


6. All K.tLChoirul D jihad’s and Al Qodri’s big family.

Finally, I confess that this material is very simple, and it is still far from

perfection. Iwould like to ask readers for criticizing, suggestions to me in

order to this material becomes correct. May Allah SWT bless us even' time.

Salatiga, 31th Desember 2001

The writer



I would like dedicate it for them who have always been in my heart,

they are :

• Allah SWT, for my talents and many perfect things blessed.

• My mother Mrs Siti Nur Rohmah and K.H. Drs Choirul Djihad

• My beloved husban Hadizumroni, for love, caring and support.

• My sw eet little daughter Sarah Alfi Maiza

• My brother Miftahuddin

• My sister Umi Fatkhiah

• My parents in law Mrs. Sukirah Al Zarkasi (in memoriam), and My

father Al Qodri

• My beloved Thoyib Ahmadi's big family, K.H Nasafi, and K.H Machfudz

Ridwan, Lc.



B. Reason For Choosing The Topics 4

C. The Identification o f The Problems 6

D. The Limitation o f The Problems 6

E. The Statement o f The Problems ^ 6

F. The Objective o f The Problems 7

G. The Benefit ofThe Problems 7

H. The Literature Review 8

L Methodology o f Research 9

J. the Organisation o f the Problems 14


A Mistake and Error 15

B. Error Analysis 16

C. The Causes or Sources o f Errors 18

D. The Use o f “It” in English Sentence 24


A The History o f MAN I Salatiga 34

B. Hie General o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic year o f

2001/2002 35

C. The Situation o f Teachers and Staffs 38

D. Data Presentation 43


A The First Analysis about the Main Error

in Using the Word “ if ’ 5 6




A. Background of The Problem

Human being always needs company in his life since he has to live in a

community. As the member o f a community, he also needs means o f

communication, which is called language. With the language, he can express his

ideas and wishes to other people. Although human beings process and speak

language, unfortunately, it has not been particularly easy for them to say what it

is. There are many definitions o f language given by some linguists. John B.

Carrol, as quoted by Ramelan defined language a s ....

An arbitrary system of speech sounds sequences of speech sounds which is used or can be used interpersonal communication by an aggregation o f human beings, and which rather exhaustively catalogs things, processes, events in human environment.'

Other linguist, Wardhough, defined language as a system o f arbitrary,

vocal symbols used for human communication.* 2 From the definitions above, the

writer can make conclusion that language is a system o f arbitrary, vocal symbols

by which human beings communicate or interact with one another in a certain


'RamelanIntroduction to Linguistic Analysis. Semarang, IKIP Semarang Press, 1992, page 10.


Moulton quoted by Ramelan says that the ability to speak language in

human being is not genetically transmitted but it is culturally learned from

their elders.3 A child w ill not automatically speak language just because he is

human being, but because he learns it from his parents or people around him. This

is why there is no universal language spoken by all human beings in the world,

since it is culturally determined that it depends on die community in which the

child brought up.

Frank classifies that English words in two big groups from classes and

structural groups. Form classes, it consists o f nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives,

and adverbs. In this paper the w riter intends to discuss die pronouns. Frank says

that the traditional definitions o f a pronoun as a w ord that take the place o f noun.4

It is applicable to the same type o f noun not the others. Later she says that modern

grammarians who regards position and function as the decisive factors and

classifying parts o f speech often consider pronoun as subclass noun.

One o f the types o f pronoun is personal pronouns which refers to:

1. The Speaker, called the first person.

2. The person spoken to, called the second person (you).

Ramelan, op.ctf,. page 15.


3. The person o f thing being spoken o f called the third person (He, She, It,




refers to the part o f personal pronoun, this w ord applies to the subject or

object position. For example: it is a cat. It is a pencil. In the examples above,


fills the Subject position and refers to an animal (a cat), and a thing (a pencil).


can be used in the object position, for examples she bought a book. Her brother

didn’t like it. In this example, it fills the object position, and refers to book.



is a kind o f expletive. In this case, this w ord does not really

refer to anything at all. It just fills a position in the sentence pattern.6 7 As an

expletive, it is usually accompanied by a singular form o f a linking verb, be. It has

special meaning o f identification, weather, time, and distance/ For examples:

1. Identification

Who is it? - It is Mary.

What is this? - It is a lawn mower.

2. Weather.

It is cold outside.

With verbs signifying weather. It was raining (or snowing, hailing, storming)




page 21




It is Wednesday.

It is January 25.

It is ten o'clock.

4. Distance

It is five miles from the library to my house (In terms o f space).

It is five minutes to w alk to my house.

B. Reason For Choosing The Topic

Indonesian students often make errors in using the w ord it When they use it in

sentences, Barry Taylor, as cited by Little wood, says that the beginner has less

previous second language knowledge to draw on in making hypothesis about

rules and there for might be expected to make correspondingly more use o f his

first language knowledge.3

According to this statement, the w riter assumes that error made by

learners in using the word


are caused by there less knowledge about


and they

have never formed Indonesian sentences using this pattern. The expression like

what time is it? It is six o'clock, w ill be translated in Indonesia as an utterance,

“Jam berapa sekarang?” Jam enam”. 8


In English sentences,


has never been translated into Indonesian as a

certain word, which has special meaning.

The topic o f this paper primarily deals with an error analysis in using the

word it, made by the first year students o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic year

o f 2001/2002. The reasons for choosing this topic are as follows:

1. An analysis o f the learners’ errors gives teachers evidence o f his competence

in the foreign language. We also gain valuable information important for

planning courses and constructing teaching materials.

2. The w ord it does not occur in Indonesian language and it is never translated

in certain word, which has special meaning. Though it is considered simple

and easy, many students still cannot use it correctly.

3. The choosing o f the first year students o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic

year o f 2001/2002 as the subject o f this research is based on the consideration

that the students had got sufficient basic knowledge about it, since they were

at Junior High School.

Because o f these considerations above, the w riter is interested in


case o f the first year students o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Y ear o f


C. The Identification of The Problems

To make easy and understanding the topic, this w ill be better, if the w riter

gives identification about the problems as follows:


1. There are many errors in using the w ord “ if ’ made by the first year students o f

MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Year 2001/2002.

2. There are many possible causes o f the enrdrs.

3. There are many possible ways out o f preventing those errors.

D. The Limitation of The Problems

This thesis deals with analyzing errors in using the w ord “ i f ’, made by the

first year students o f MAN I Salatiga, so the w riter wants to know about:

1. The main errors in using the w ord “ i f ’, especially errors caused by

Interlingual and intralingual errors.

2. The possible causes those errors.

3. The possible ways out o f preventing o f those errors.


E, The Statement of The Problems

The problems posed in this thesis are as follows:

1. What are the main errors in using the w ord “ i f ’ made by the first year students

o f MAN 1 Salatiga in the academic year 2001/2002?


3. What are the possible ways out o f preventing those errors?

F. The Objectives of The Problem

The w riter conducts this study to find out:

1. The main errors in using the word “ it” made by the first year students o f

MAN I Salatiga the Academic year o f 2001 / 2002.

2. The possible causes o f those errors.

3. The ways out o f preventing those errors.

G. The Benefits of The Problems

1. This research can be used to change the errors o f using the word “ if ’.

2. This research can develop and enrich the knowledge o f using the w ord “ it”.

3. This research can be guidance for teachers and students,

a For English teachers are as follows:

1. To improve the teaching method for the English teaching and learning


2. To help the teachers to minimize errors in using the word “ if ’,

b. For students:

1. To know how far the goal has been achieved and consequently what

remains for them to learn and what remedial teaching for them to cany'


2. To anticipate the error the students make when they are in the first

year, so that the same error can be avoided in the second and also in

the third year classes.

H. The literature Review.

Brown noted that a mistake refers to a failure in linguistic performance to

utilize a known system correctly. He further says that such lapses or mistakes are

pnot the result o f some sort o f breakdown or imperfection in the process o f

producing speech. When committing mistakes the speaker normally capable o f

recognizing and correcting them.9

In Browns’ opinions, however the term ‘error’ refers to noticeable

deviation, from the adult grammar o f a native speaker, which reflects the

Interlanguage competence o f the learner.10 Errors are caused by lack o f

knowledge about the target language or by incorrect hypothesis about it. The

making o f error is a sign that the students have not yet mastered the rules o f the

language being learned. To cope with this problem, one o f the strategies widely

used by linguists error analysis. Brown stated that error analysis is the study o f

student’s error, which can be observed, analysis and classified to reveal

something of the system operating within the learners. Brown point a view

9 Brown, H.Douglass. Principle o f Language Learning and teaching. New Jersey: Prenctice hall, Inc, 17&Q, page 165.


informs that error analysis is useful for the teachers. Error analysis w ill show

teachers some problems confronting the students.11

Frank says that traditional definitions o f a pronoun as a w ord that takes the

place o f noua It is applicable to the same type o f noun not the others. Later, she

said that modern Grammarians regard position and function as the decisive factor

in classifying parts o f speech often consider pronoun as a sub class o f noun.* 12 To

limit this discussion, the w riter intend to explain the use o f it as personal pronoun,

identification to state weather, time, distance as anticipatory, that does not mean

anything with linking verbs except be.

I. Methodology of Research

To write this paper, the writer w ill do two activities namely library

activity, and field one. The w riter uses the research procedures to obtain

empirical data required to profit materials for analysis as follows:

1. Subject of The Research a. Population

Population is the whole o f research subject.13 The population o f this

research are all o f the first students o f MAN I Salatiga in the academic year

o f 2001 / 2002.

n Ibid, page 166.

12 Frank, Marcella. op.cit.r page 20.


This is the calculation o f the data collected. The data are calculated to find

out the proportion o f error made by each subject, and to find out the

proportion o f frequency error in each type as w ell as the dominant errors

occurred. The percentage o f errors is found by taking the percentage

descriptive analysis as follows:

b. Statistical analysis


X = --- x 100%


Where X = the percentage o f errors

E = various kind o f errors

T = Test items

£ = The sum o f

The proportion o f frequency o f errors is calculated by using the pre selected

category approach formula as follow:

Formula 1

f i

Pi = --- x 100%


Where Pi = the proportion o f frequency o f occurrence

Fi = Absolute frequency o f a partial type o f error


Formula 2

P I=


_ xl00%


Where PI = the proportion o f frequency o f occurrence o f errors

FI = Absolute frequency o f all types o f errors

N = the total number o f possible errors observed

The last is to find out the dominant errors occurred. Any error whose (pi -

PI) is plus (+) is considered dominant In the other hand, i f the (pi - PI) is zero or

minus (-), it is said to be less dominant With these formula, the percentage o f

errors as w ell as the dominant errors namely the types o f errors which most /


J. The Organization of the Problem

The organization o f the problem is as follows:

Chapter I

presents the introduction which contains the background o f the %

problems, reasons for choosing the topic, identification o f the problem,

the limitation o f die problem, the statement o f the problem, the

objectives o f the problem, the benefits o f the problem, literature

review, the methodology o f research, the organization o f the problem.


II deals with the review o f related literature, which presents the

difference between errors and mistakes, errors analysis, the sources o f

errors, and the use o f “ i f ’ in English sentence.


I II presents research report and data presentation, which deals the

history o f MAN I Salatiga, the general o f MAN I Salatiga in the

academic year o f 2001 / 2002, the situation o f teachers and staffs, data



I V presents data analysis, which discusses the first analysis about the

main errors in using the word ”i f , the second analysis about the

possible causes o f the errors, the third analysis about the possible ways

out o f preventing those errors.


V is the last chapter. It presents closure, which deals conclusions and




A. Mistakes and Errors

We are accustomed to defining errors and mistakes are either synonymous

or identical words. But they are actually different in learning and teaching

process. It would be, therefore, useful for the w riter to distinguish them.

Brown notes that a mistake refers to a failure in linguistic performance to

utilize a known system correctly. He further says that such lapses or mistakes are

not result o f a deficiency in competence, but the result o f some sort o f breakdown

or imperfection in the process o f producing speech. When committing mistakes,

the speaker is normally capable o f recognizing and correcting them.1

In Brown’s opinion, however, the term “ error” refers to a noticeable

deviation from the adult grammar o f the native speaker which reflect the inter

language competence o f the learner.1 2 Errors caused by lack o f knowledge about

the target language or by incorrect hypothesis about it.

1 Brown, H. Douglass. Principle o f la-'.gunge learning and teaching. New J e rs e y : Prentice Hall, Inc, 1980, page 165.


In learning and using a foreign language, one o f the most inhibiting

factors is the fear o f making mistakes or errors.

The making o f enrors is a sign that students have not yet mastered the rule

o f language being learned. To cope with this problem, one o f the strategies

widely used by linguists are

Error Analysis.

Brown states that error analysis is

the study o f the student’s error, which can be observed, analyzed and classified to

reveal something o f the system oper ating within the learners. B row n’s point o f

view informs that error analysis is useful for the teacher. Error analysis w ill show

teachers some problems confronting the students/’

Johansson stated that an analysis o f the learner’s errors gives the teacher

evidence o f the learner’s competence in the foreign language. The teacher will

also gain information concerning learner’s difficulties at different levels. Such

information is important for the planning o f courses and constructions o f the

teaching materials.3 4

By conducting error analysis, the teacher w ill be able to investigate the

communicative strategies. It means that he w ill be able to examine the language

the learner uses. This can take the forms o f avoiding certain structure or

vocabulary items, generally those which learners feel uncertain about.

B. Errors Analysis

3 Brown, H Douglas Op.ci.t, page 166.


In addition, die errors occurring within he process o f learning may show

teacher areas where his teaching has not been affective yet. By conducting a

systematic study o f error, he may improve his teaching methods. He may attempt

to find some answers or solutions to solve some problems faced by his students.

Corder, as Richards quoted, stated the significance o f learner’s errors:

A learner’s erro rs... are significant in three different ways. First to the learner uses in order to learn.5

By using the result o f the errors analysis findings, the teacher w ill be able to

know how far the goal has been achieved and consequently, what remains for

them to learn and what remedial teaching for them to carry out.

In line with Corder’s opinion, Etherton states that error analysis is based on

adequate data as shown below:

1. Common weakness with which sentences needs helps: either through teaching or by introducing o f new material.

2. Words, structures or verbs inform which prove to be too difficult, as a particular stage and which should be differed.

3. Inadequacies in an official syllabus stipulated by the government: too much material, a faulty sequence o f units, or the omission o f the essential material.


4. Weakness or errors, which may be entirely new to the teacher. In this area the task o f making an error analysis can be the most rewarding seeing that the analysis may reveal problems which are unknown to some textbook writers but which ought to be dealt with in class. They consequently do not provide any suitable solutions for such problems.0

It is obvious that an error analysis can provide valuable data for the preparation

o f the teaching materials, textbooks, and test or examinations.

C. The Causes or Sources of Errors

Errors as stated by Brown arise from several possible general causes or sources:

interlingual errors o f the interference from the native language, the socio

linguistic context o f communication, psycho linguistic or cognitive strategies, and

no doubt countless affective variables. To limit the discussion, the w riter would

only like discussing errors caused by interlingual and intralingual errors.

1. Interlingual errors

It is understood that interlingual errors are those, which are caused by the

interference o f the native language.5 They have something to do with

Constructive Analysis hypothesis as pointed out by Brown:

This hypothesis claimed that principal barrier to second language acquisition is the interference o f the first language system with the second language system, and that scientific, structural analysis o f the

two languages.. .yield a taxonomy o f linguistic contrast between them * 7 8

° Ethertcn, A R. B, Error Analysis : Problems and Procedure. ELT Journal Vol. XXXI. page 67-63.

7 Brown, H.Douglass, op.city age 166.


which in turn would enable the linguist to predict the difficulties a learner would encounter.9

It is clear that constructive Analysis aims at describing the differences and

similarities o f languages with a view o f predicting the possible learning

problems. Elements o f target language that are similar to the native language

may be simple for the learner and those fiat are different may be difficult.

Predicting errors using constructive Analysis can be carried out in term o f

hierarchy o f difficulty. Therefore, a teacher or linguist can make a prediction

o f the relative difficulty o f a given aspect o f the second language.

Clifford, as edited by Brown categorizes the essence o f the

grammatical hierarchy in six categories.10 The categories, in ascending order

o f difficulty, are as follows:

a. Level 0— transfer

There is no difference or contrast between two languages. Here, students

can easily transfer (positively) linguistic items from the native language to

the target language. Such transfer is posited to be o f difficulty. Hence the

cable is level zero.

Examples: A lot o f w ater

{banyak air).

Much money

{banyak uang).


b. Level 1— Coalescence

Two or more items in the native language become coalesced into

essentially on item in the target language.

The first person singular 7 ’has some counter parts in Bahasa Indonesia

such as

says, beta, aku dan hamba.

However, those differences hardly

cause any problems for Indonesian learning English as a foreign language,

nor do they facilitate learning process,

c. Level 2— Under Differentiation

Two different items in the target language may sometimes be considered

the same, due to such lack o f differentiation in the native language. The

differentiation has grammatical consequences; and therefore, students often

fail to use or supply the required structural items ’many’ and ‘much’ are

considered the same, due to such lack o f differentiation in Bahasa

Indonesia, which is


for either forms. For example, the sentence

there is many water

instead o f

there is much water.

Brown pointed out that under differentiation might also refer to items in

the native language which were absent in the target language. Therefore,


Examples: The boy entered into the room.

Students discussed about their holidays.”

In this case, students often supply the unnecessary' structural items due to

the influence o f their mother tongue.

d. Level 3— Reinterpretation

An item existing in the native language is given a n e w shape distribution in

the target language. English active, construction, such as It happens may be

interpreted as passive construction, resulting the fact that those verbs are

semantically passive in Bahasa Indonesia

e. Level 4 - Over divergence

An entirely new item bearing a little, if any, similarity to the native

language must be learned.1' It may have something to do with forms and

meanings. For example, students often use ‘bidder’ in replacing ‘w orse’

which means ‘lebih buruk’ in Bahasa Indonesia

£ Level 5-Split

On item in the native language become two or more items in the target

language, requiring students to a new distinction. Verb inflections in

English may cause some problems. An Indonesian verb ‘belajar’ has no

inflections namely ’studies’, studied’ and ‘studying’. It may result in errors

such as ‘He study’. 11 12


2. Intralingual errors

Intraiingual errors are also called developmental errors. Richards

writes that an intralingual interference refers to items produced by learners,

which reflect Not the structure o f the mother tongue, but generalization based

on partial exposure o f the target language. Thus, intralingual errors are the

direct result o f the learner’s attempt to create language system he is learning.

Richards classifies the intra lingual errors into four categories, namely

(1) over generalization, (2) Ignorance o f rule restrictions, (3) incomplete

application o f the rules, and (4) false concept hypothesized or semantic

errors.13 N ow we take a closer look to the four categories,

a. Over generalization

Richard says that this group o f errors is the result o f the use o f previously

available strategies in new situations. In other words, it occurs when a

learner creates a deviant structure on the basis o f his experience o f other

structure in the target language. Furthermore, Richard points out that over

generalization is associated with redundancy reduction. It may occur, for

instance, with items which are contrasted in the grammar o f the language

but do not carry significant and obvious contrast for the learner.


The - ed marker, in narrative or in other past contexts, often appears to

carry no meaning since past ness is usually indicated lexically in stories,

and the essential notion o f sequence in narrative can be expressed equally

w ell in the present—yesterday,

I go to the University and I meet my new


b. Ignorance o f the Rule Restriction

In this type of error, the learner fails to observe the restriction o f existing

structure. Some rule restriction errors may be accounted for in terms o f

analogy and


result from the rote learning rules. A learner, for

example, may use ‘to infinitive’ after verb like ‘tell’ in

‘Tell him to return

the book

' or ‘ask’ in

‘1 ask you to go there’.

He, then, produces an


'1 make him to do it

'. In this sentence, the learner ignores the rule

restrictions of the verb ‘make’.ei the verb ‘make’ is always follow ed by

infinitive without to ’. The learner mostly tends to generalize syntactic rules

he has previously learned, ignoring the new rule.

c. Incomplete Application o f the Rules

Intralingual error o f this type may occur when the learner fails to apply the

rules completely due to the stimulus sentences.


It shows an utterance o f structures whose deviancy represents the degree o f

development o f the rules required to produce acceptable utterances,

d. False Concept Hypotized

This -- sometimes called semantic error -- may be derived from the faulty

comprehension o f distinctions in the target langage. The learner fails to use

the correct concepts. These errors are sometimes due to the poor gradation

o f teaching items. The form *itV may be interpreted as ‘its’ such as

‘in Its

pleasant in the garden

' instead o f

It ’s pleasant in the garden


D. The Use of ”it” in English Sentence

1. The Use o f


as personal Pronoun

English words can be classified as nouns pronouns, verbs, adjectives and

adverbs. The w riter intends to discuss the pronoun. Frank says that the

traditional definition o f a pronoun is w ord that takes place o f noun. It is

applicable to the same type o f noun not tire others. Later, she says that

modern grammarians who regard position and function as the decisive factors

in classifying parts o f speech often consider pronoun as a subclass o f noun.lj 15


Frank divided pronouns into several parts. Those are:

1. Personal Pronouns 4. Reflective Pronouns

2. Relative Pronouns 5. Reciprocal Pronouns

3. Demonstrative Pronouns 6. Indefinite Pronouns.16

He explains to pronouns only. Personal pronouns consist o f certain parts,

which can be seen below:

a Subjective or Normative case

It refers to pronouns that function as subjective case in a sentence. The

subjective cases o f the pronouns are:

1) . I as first person

I wish to go abroad next month.

2) . We as first person plural (the speaker).

We find much trouble in studying English.

3) . You as second person singular and plural (the person spoken to)

You show them the way to the station.

4 ) . He, she, and it as the third person singular (the person or thing being


He goes to school on foot.



She drinks milk every morning

It takes a long time to study English.

5). They as the third person plural (The person or thing being spoken

of). They play tennis very well.

b. Objective or Accusative Case

It refers to a pronoun that function as an objective case in a sentence.

The objective cases o f the pronouns are:

me, us, you, him, her, it,




1) . My father gives me money every month.

2) . Those books belong to us.

3) . I can visit you next month.

4 ) . I w ill ask him to study English

5) . D iah’s aunt often invites her to go to market

6) . He wants to take it to cut with.

7) . We w ill call them after playing.

c. Possessive or genitive Case

In a sentence, it shows the possession. Those are

my / mine




your/your, his/his, her/hers, their/theirs.



1) . D on’t use


2) . Do you know



3) . Please take


and then show it to me

4) . The red car look like


5) . I want to borrow


to study.

6) . Our culture is different from


From the explanation above, we know that the word


belongs o the

part o f personal pronoun, either the subjective or objective case.


I have a new pen. It is red.

It is a door.

It is a dog.

In the examples above,


fills the subject position or subjective case and

refers to the thing '

a pen ’


'a door,

and the animal

‘a dog ’. It


also fill the objective position in a sentence.


Diah bought a n ew novel. Her sister didn’t like it.


In both sentences,


refers to a thing. In the first sentence


refers to

‘novel’, while in the second sentence,


refers to bycicle.

2. The Use o f


As An Expletive

Although expletives are classified as pronouns, in most dictionaries and

conservative grammar books, they actually differ somewhat from other

pronouns. Expletives have less semantic content than other pronouns. Frank says

that their chief function is either to provide a sentence with a formal subject or to

anticipate a subject that appears in the predicate. She, further, explained that

because expletives are used merely for a grammatical purpose, modem,

grammarians often classify them into the structure words that do not belong to

any part o f speech.

There are two kinds o f expletive in English. They are expletive





In this part, the w riter discuses the expletive


A singular form

o f a linking verb, usually be, is used with the expletive


a. Impersonal


Based on function as expletives,


often stands with a predicate noun

plus an adverbial.


can be called a predicative adjective o f a sentence when

the predicate is followed by an adjective. The predicative noun means that

after a predicate, a noun follows it. It is called impersonal




2) . It is pleasant in the garden.

3) . It would be wide if you went there now.

4) . It is more fim when we all go together.

In English sentences, it mostly functions as impersonal


which reveals

different meanings, such as:

a) . Identification


can be used in a sentence to give identification.


Who is it? It is a new student.

What is it? It is a pen.

b) . Weather


can be used to express weather. When there is a question, such as, w


is the weather like?

the answer is not only ‘raining’ or ‘nothing’ at all.

Therefore, the right answer o f a question about weather can be as follows:

It is cold outside.

It is raining (or snowing, hailing).

c) . Time


can be used in a sentence to state time.


What time is it? It is five o ’clock.


It is Friday.

It was November 3,1973.

d). Distance

There are two kinds o f distance. The first one is a distance, which is

connected with time and second one refers to space.


1) . It is 110 km from Pekalongan to Semarang.

It is about five miles to library

2) . In term o f time

It is ten minute walking to the theatre.

It is an hour going to Simpang Lima.

In a special kind o f construction, impersonal


co-occurs with a clause that

modifies a subjective complement. This construction permits greater

emphasis on the complement than does the alternate construction without


1) . Noun or pronoun complement

It is not I who I am to blame (or I am not to blame).

It was some poet who said we live in an age anxiety (or some poet


2) . Adverb complement


(Or he died four years ago).

It was there that I met him.

(Or I met him there).18

Apart from linking verb be, it is also often followed by other linking verbs,

such as:

- Appear: Can you tell me who is out?

It appears to be small girl.

- Seem: It seems to be hot here.

- Get: It gets very cold here in the winter

- Become: It becomes very cold here in the winter.19

- Sound: It sounds easy to do.

- Look: It looks terrible.20

b. Anticipatory


The other function o f it is as an anticipatoiy. In this case, it merely fills the

subject position o f a sentence. Frank and Walker said that the actual subject is

a noun structure in the predicate, an infinitive or that clause.


1). It is difficult to understand the announcement

18 Frank, Marcella.op.crf.page 36. 19 ibid, page 37.


2) . It is true that the plane is late.

3) . It is important (or you) to be there on time.

4) . It is unbelievable what doctors can do these days.

5) . It astonishes the amount o f work he can do in one day.

The noun structures, infinitive or those clauses in the predicate after anticipatory

it may also appear in their regular subject position.


1) . (For you) to be there on time is important.

2) . What doctors can do these days is unbelievable.

3) . The amount o f work he can do in one day is astonishing.

4 ) . That plane is late is true.



also occurs with passive verbs o f believing or communicating,

such verbs are followed by the clauses, which are the actual subjects.


1) . It is suggested that you be there on time.

2) . It was believed that he had committed suicide.

3) . It is rumored that secret peace talks have already begun.



with such passive verbs only occasionally appear in subject

position. For example:

That there had been foul play

was believed by many




are in apposition with


The apposition here is considered to be

o f the same nature as the apposition with


used as objective o f a verb.


1) . Apposition with


as subject

a It is hard to do all these works.

b. It is possible that they may arrive next week.

2) . Apposition with


as object

a I find it hard to do all these works.

b. We think


possible that they may arrive next week.



Research Report and Data Presentation

A. The History o f MAN I Salatiga

MAN I Salatiga is a state islamic educational college, which teaches exact,

social, and religion sciences. As an educational college it has the same level as

Senior High School, which teaches at least 30 % in its curriculum. It was

overtaken from PGAN Salatiga by Government’s policy no: 64 April 25th 1990.

Since it was overtaken, PGAN developes progressively by under control o f

the first Principal o f M adrasah Djumadi, BA, in the years 1990 until 1995. It

developes some program e.i. Islamic Science (A l), Physics (A2), Biology (A3),

and Social sciences (A4). In the 1996 Mr. H. Qowa’id took the principal hold, n

the year 1997 the alteration o f national curriculum took place, that influences all

study programs into Natural Sciences and Social sciences programs only. uUder

control by Mr. Qowa’id’s MAN I Salatiga added its facilities by establishing new

classes. In the year 1999 Drs. Qowa’id was mutated, and the position was

overtaken hold by Drs. Hadis until now. 1


MAN I Salatiga is located on K.H W ahid Hasyim no. 12 in North Sidorejo

District in Sidorejo sub district in Salatiga. It settles the ground as wide as

51 13m2. There are borders lines o f MAN I Salatiga as follows:

At the South side is restricted by settlement

At The West side is restricted by settlement

At the North side is restricted by Kauman Street

At the East side is restricted by KH. W ahid Hasyim Street

B. The General Situation o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Years of 2001/2002

1. The situation o f Mediums and Instruments

MAN I Salatiga occupies the land wide 5 1 13m2, with the details are as follows:

Class buildings and office are as wide as 2351,6 m2

Other buildings are as wide as 4454,4 m 2

Sport yard is as wide as 1500 m 2

The free area is as wide as 816 m2

The available mediums and Instruments are as follows:

1. Class room : 23 rooms

2. Principal room : 1 room

3. Teachers room : 1 room

4. Library room : 1 room


6. OSIS room : 1 room

7. Administration room : 1 room

8. Counseling room : 1 room

9. Store house : 1 room

10. Cafeteria : 1 room

11. Little mosque : 1 room

12. Security guard : 1 room

13. Computer Laboratories : 1 room

14. Physic Laboratories ; 1 room

15. Biology / Chemistry Laboratories : 1 room

16. Holy water place : 2 rooms

17. Principal toilet : 1 room

18. Teachers toilet : 1 room

19. Students toilet : 5 rooms

Besides that, MAN I Salatiga also has complement devices for the

laboratory; among others are the devices for Natural Sciences (Biology, Physic,

and Chemistry), and other facilities like tables, chairs, television, telephone, and

sports complements. For underpinning teaching and learning process MAN I

Salatiga is also completed with library, which supplies lesson books, general


By those mediums and instruments, M AN I Salatiga undertakes its

function as an educational institute as a level as General high School, it teaches

m odem science and religious subjects. Besides teaching them formally, MAN I

Salatiga also runs extracurricular activities to develop students’ interest and

talents, also plans them relationship attitude between one to another and train

them to run organization. Besides extracurricular activities, there is devotion

one, which asks them to put Islam in practice. The activities are as follows:

1. Action o f Devotion Activity

a. Praying Dzhuhur together

b. Reciting the Holy Koran

2. Extracurricular activities

a. Reciting Islam ’ s teaching

b. Scout Activities

c. Red Cross Students

d. Wall magazines

e. Students’ Scientific Work (SSW)

f. Computer

g. Badminton


C. The Situation o f Teachers and staffs

2. Drs. Muhammad Kholis Teacher Koran & hadists

3. Mahmudi, BA. Teacher / Vice Headmaster o f

Mediums & M easurements


The National and

W orld History

4. Drs. Ishak Teacher / Home-room teacher

o f m IPA-2

6. Drs. Eko Supamo Teacher Pancasila &


7. Drs. S undo wo Teacher / Social relationship


M athematic

8. Dra. Nur Nazilah Teacher / Home-room teacher

o f 1-2

The Education o f

Pancasila &



1 2 3 4

9. Rodji’un, BA Teacher / Treasurer The National &

W orld History

10. Drs. Nasuha Teacher / Home-room teacher

o f 1-4

12. Drs. Hadi Mulyanto Teacher / Vice Headmaster o f

Curriculum Department


13. Drs. Mahsum Alwaid Teacher / Vice Principal o f

Students field / Achievement


Fiqh & SK I

14. Dra. Nurul Isnaeni Teacher / Home-room teacher

o f 1-5

17. Dra. M u’tasimah Teacher / Home-room teacher


1 2 3 4

Dra. Hartatik SW Coordinator Counseling

Guidance & BK

23. Drs. Kastomo Teacher /The field o f OSIS

Guidance / Home-room

teacher o f H-8

Mathematic &


24. Dra. Sri Avianita Teacher / Home-room o f H-5 Indonesia


25. Dr&Umi Haminah Teacher / Home-room teacher

ofn -1

The Education o f

Pancasila &

matters pertaining

to the state, CG

26. Joko Susiio, S.Pd Teacher / Provisioning &

Choosing mediums &


Biology, CG


1 2 3 4

28. Siti Mahmudah Teacher / Home- room

Teacher o f 1-3

30. Agus Junaedi, SPd. Teacher / Home-room teacher


Biology, CG

31. Siti Robitoh, S. Pd Teacher / Home-room

teacher o f II-3

Mathematic, CG

32. D ra Tri Jaliyah Teacher / Home-room o f HI



33. Dra. Ngamilah Teacher / Home-room teacher


Aqidah, Koran

hadists, and CG

34. M. Khozin, BA Teacher / Home-room teacher



Language, CG

35. Dra. Fatonah Teacher Home-room teacher

o f CUPS - 2


36. Munawir, S.Ag Teacher Arabic Language

37. Misbahul Munir. S.Ag Teacher / Home-room teacher


Arabic Language,


38. Sri Kundari Teacher Indonesia/?


1 2 3 4

39. Dewi Wardah, S.Pd Teacher Indonesia j'?


40. S. Ariyah, S.Pd Teacher Indonesia


41. Soffatinajah, S.Pd Teacher Physic

42. D ra Sri Winarsih Teacher Chemistry

43. Dwi Nurhidayat Teacher / The field o f Scout

& PKS Guidance

47. Istianah, S.Pd Teacher / Home-room teacher


Economy &


48. Ulfi Khoirotun, S.Pd Teacher / Home-room teacher


Economy &


49. Tri Hartut, S.Pd Teacher Geography

50. Dyah Nuhraheni, S.Pd Teacher / Home-room teacher


59. Muhammad Sofyan D river

60. Muhammad Kharis Office man

61. Mrih Wikamto Security guard

62. Budi Waluyo Gardener

D. Data Presentation

1. The Data about main errors in using the word “it” made by the first year students of MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Year of 2001/2002.

In processing the data obtained from the result o f the test, the w riter did

two steps. First, the writer found the percentage o f errors made by students

using a percentage descriptive analysis. Second, the w riter found the dominant

errors by using reselected category approach favored by Etherton as adopted by

Norrish , in which the statistical computation, w ill be analyzed by the w riter on

Chapter IV.

Table H

Data of The main errors in using the word “it” made by the first year students of MAN I Salatiga in the Academic Year 2001 / 2002 as below:

No. Name of The Number of Errors The Sum

Respondent (Based on the Number of Questions) of Errors

1 2 3 4

1. A rif Asnawi 5,8,12,19,20,22,27,29 9

2. Aris Suyalmi 5,8,9,10,12,18,20,25,26 10

3. Asriatun

Q ori’ah


Q ori’ah

7. E k o R in iF 3,5,7,9,11,12,13,15,18,19,20,21,25,26,29 15

8. Eko Sugiarto 5,7,8,9,10,11,12,17,19,20,24,25,26,28,29 15

20. M. Abdul H 5,8,12,19,20,22,26,29 9


37. Vadchurrochi 3,5,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,15,18,19,20,23,2 17

m Ixvianti 6,28

38. Widi Tri R 3,5,8,9,12,20,22,23,26,28,29 12

39. Yuslam A. 1,3,5,7,8,9,12,14,15,18,19,20,21,22,26,2



40.. Zainal M 5,8,11,12,14,19,20,22,27 9

2. The Data about Reliability of The Test

Reliability o f the test shows the stability o f the test scores when the test is

used. Harris says that to have confidence in measuring instrument, the

researcher needs to make sure the reliability o f the scoring o f the test. 2 To

measure the reliability o f the test, the writer uses the procedure o f Pearson-

Product Moment Correlation as follows:

1). Administer the test and give the result o f each student’s test paper a


2). Divide the test into halves, and record scores made by each students

on each half. It is usually safe to take odd items as one h alf o f the test

and even items test as the other half. Then list the pair o f scores in

two columns. Label the column to the left (X), and the column to the

right (Y). Each score under X has corresponding scores under Y for

the same students.


3) . Calculate the following statistic:

a) . The sum o f X scores

b) . The sum o f Y scores

c) . The sum o f the square o f X scores

d) . The sum o f the square o f Y scores

e) . The sum o f product o f each X scores, with its corresponding Y

scores for the same students.

This data are needed in order to compute the correlation between the

X and Y scores by means o f the Pearson formula presented in step 4.

4) . Apply the following formula:

rX Y =




(L Y )2

{ 2 Y 2 ---} N

Where rXY = The correlation o f the score on two halves o f the


N = the number o f respondents

XX = the number o f respondents

XY = th e sum o f X scores

XX2 = the sum o f the square o f X scores


E X Y = the sum o f the result o f X and Y scores eash


5) . Compute rXY and the result is the obtained reliability o f half o f the


6) . Use the Spearman-Brown formula to estimate the reliability o f the

entire test. The formula is as follows:

2 . rXY r l l =

---1 + rXY

where r l l = the obtained reliability coefficient o f entire test.

rXY= The obtained reliability coefficient o f h alf test3.

The following the six steps above, the writer made table i n to facilitate the

computation below:

Table m

Preparatory Table For Value

No. X Y X2 XY

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. 7 7 49 49 49

2. 6 7 36 29 42

3. 7 8 49 64 42

4. 7 5 49 64 56

5. 7 8 49 64 56


32. 6 4 36 16 24

1 2 3 4 5 6

33. 5 6 25 36 30

34. 3 3 9 9 9

35. 5 3 25 9 15

36. 3 5 9 25 15

37. 5 4 25 16 20

38. 5 7 25 49 35

39. 5 4 25 16 20

40. 7 7 49 49 49

T otal 210 210 1176 1220 1170

Based on the table above, the result o f the computation are as follows:

1. The score o f odd number items:

EX = 2 1 0

EX 2 = 1 1 7 6

2. The Score o f even number items:


= 2 1 0

E Y 2 = 1220

EX Y = 1 1 7 0

N = 3 9

B y applying th e form ula on th e

com putation below:


r X T = ZXY

(I X ) (L Y )

rXY =






{ZX2- (ZX)2} { S Y 2- ( I Y ) 2}




) (


) EX Y-


{1176 -(2 1 0 r} { 1 2 2 0 -(2 1 0 n

39 39


1 1 7 0 - 1130,77

(1176 - (1130,77) (1220-1130,77)

__________ 39,23



(42,23) (82,23)

39,23 58,928



Because the results are obtained from an odd even number, the results

must be computed again by using the formula in step 6 to determine the

reliability o f the entire test The computation is like this:

r n = 2. rXY

1+rX Y

= 2.0,666




= 1.332


= 0,7995

= 0,80

After the w riter gets the reliability coefficient o f the entire test, the writer

consults the table o f correlation. The table confirms that the critical value o f

r product-moment, with 95% o f confidence level and the number o f the

subject o f 40, is 0,312. Since the reliability coefficient o f the try out test,

0,80 higher than that o f the table, the test is reliable.

3. The Data about the Sum of the Number of Errors per Item


4. The data about eight levels o f errors

a. Errors in the use o f “it” as personal pronoun

( Item number 9,13,15 and 21) = 6 3 errors

b. Errors in the use o f “it” as identification

(Item number 2 and 16) = 3 errors

c. Errors in the use o f “it” to state weather

(Item number 3,14 and 27) = 5 7 errors

d. Errors in the use o f “it” to state time

(Item number 4,5,24 and 26) = 78 errors

e. Errors in the use o f “it” to state distance

(Item number 6,10,29) = 52 errors

f. Errors in the use o f “it” as anticipate

(Item number 7,11,17,20,28 and 30) = 1 1 2 errors

g. Errors in the use o f “it” that does not mean anything

(Item number 1,18,23 and 25) = 64 errors

h. Errors in the use o f “it” with other linking verbs except be




After obtaining the data the writer w ill analyze the data to answer die questions about:

1. What are the main errors in using the word “it” made by the first year students o f MAN I Salatiga in the Academic year 2001 / 2002?

2. What are die possible causes o f die errors?

3. What are the possible ways out o f preventing those errors? The statement o f the problems above w ill be analyzed as follows:

A. The First Analysis about The Main Errors in using The Word ”it”

It is made by die first year students o f MAN I Salatiga in the academic year o f 2001 / 2002, she did two steps. First, she found the percentage o f errors made by the students, using a percentage descriptive analysis formula, as follows:


X= --- x 100 %


where X = percentage o f errors E = various kinds o f errors T = Test items


In this steps, she had 39 computations o f the percentage o f incorrect answer. The result o f the data analysis are presented in die table below:


Second, the writer found die dominant errors by using reselected category approach favored by Etherton as adopted by Norris, in which die statistical computation is based on the Gulos’ formula as follows:


Pi = n

X 100 °/o

Where Pi = The proportion o f frequency o f occurrence fi = Absolute frequency o f partial type o f errors

n = The total number o f possible errors observed

Related to the word “i f ’, there were 8 (eight) levels o f errors to be analyzed, they were:

1. Errors in the use o f “i f ’ as personal pronoun 2. Errors in the use of “if ’ as identification 3. Errors in the use o f “if ’ to state the weather 4. Errors in the use o f “if ’ to state the time 5. Errors in the use of “if ’ to state distance 6. Errors in the use o f “if ’ as anticipatory

7. Errors in the use o f “if ’ that does not mean anything 8. Errors in the use o f “if ’ with other linking verbs except be



x 100% N

Where PI = The proportion o f frequency o f occurrence o f errors as a whole FI = Absolute frequency o f types o f errors all levels

N = The total number o f possible errors o f all levels. The computation goes like this:


--- x 100%


= 546

--- x 100% 1170

= 46,67 %


Table n.

Tbe Proportion of Frequency of Occurrence of Errors

Number of

£ items



(PI-pi) %



Pi (%)













2 2















































From the table above, in descending order, the most dominant through the least dominant one occurred in:

1. Errors in the use o f “it” with other linking verbs except be 2. Errors in the use o f “it” as anticipatory

3. Errors in the use o f “if ’ to state the time

4. Errors in the use o f “if ’ that does not mean anything 5. Errors in the use o f “if ’ as personal pronoun


B. The Second Analysis about The Possible canses of the errors

To get a clear description o f the sources or causes o f errors at the level o f the word “it”, the writer found it essential to tabulate the number o f causes or sources o f errors in the following: 1

Table Causes or Sources of Errors


Causes or Source







1 Transfer 8 1,46

2 Under differentiation 144 26,38

3 Split 82 15,02

4 Ignorance o f Rule Restriction

206 37,73

5 False Concept Hypothesized

106 19,41




1. Interlingual Errors

Consulting fee table above, fee writer found out feat 234 errors (42,86 %) were interlingual errors. Those errors were caused by transfer (8 errors = 1,56 %), under - differentiation (144 errors = 26,38


and split (82 errors = 15,02 %) a Transfer

Nine errors due to transfer occurred at heading o f fee level, i.e fee use o f “if ’ as anticipatory.


Test item 24

Which one is correct?

a Five minutes pas eleven (Transfer) b. It is five minutes past eleven

c. It’s five minutes past eleven (Answer) d. It five minutes past eleven

Even though transfer is considered to be level zero, these students failed to transfer the whole pattern. It is because there is no such pattern in Indonesian Language, which is translated into utterance “Jam berapa sekarang?”, these students just translated the utterance into English ,i.e Five minutes pas eleven”.

In English sentences, this pattern needs the word “if ’ so, the correct pattern is: “it is five minutes past eleven”, or ‘I t’s five minutes past eleven”, Therefore, the item takes option C.

b. Under Differentiation

There were errors due to under - differentiation. This type o f error occurred at four headings o f the word ”it” were use “it”

1. As personal pronoun (31 errors = 21,52


(Item number 9,13 = 24 + 7 = 21,52 %) 2. To state weather (29 errors = 21,52 %)


1. As Anticipatory (51 errors = 35,42%)

(Item number 7,11,17 = 17 +19+15 = 51 errors). 4. That does not mean anything 933 errors = 22,92%)

(Item number 1,18 = 5 + 28 =33 errors)

Those errors occurred when students failed to use or supply the required structural items. Items that do not exist in Indonesian language confused them, because there are two or more patterns used in English as their target language.

For example, at the level o f the use “it” that does not mean anything 9test item 18), it was surprising that 23 students chose distracter A (There is) 11 students distracter C (This is )as their answers.

Test item 18

... pleasant in the garden

A There is under (Under-Differentiation) B. It is (answers)

C. This is (under- differentiation)

D. Its


Data of The main errors in using the word “it” made by the first yearTable H
Table mPreparatory Table For Value
The Sum of The Number of Errors by the first year students of MAN ITable IV
Table I Percentage of Errors


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