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Upaya Diplomasi Komersial Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Menyikapi Sertifikasi Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)


Academic year: 2021

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Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).Bidang Kerja RSPO

Sangatlah Penting Dalam Mendorong Industri Untuk Menuju Kesinambungan.,

http://4m3one.wordpress.com/2011/06/06/roundtable-on-sustainable-palm-oil- rspo-bidang-kerja-rspo-sangatlah-penting-dalam-mendorong-industri-untuk-menuju-kesinambungan/

RSPO. Summary of RT8 Results, /12/1%20Summary%20Presentations%20RT%208.pdf

Agro Indonesia.RSPO untuk kepentingan siapa?, http://agroindonesia.co.id/2011/10/25/rspo-untuk-kepentingan-siapa/

Commercial Diplomacy.What is Commercial Diplomacy, http://www.commercialdiplomacy.org/site_userguide/faq2.htm#WhatisCommerci al Diplomacy

CNN Indonesia. Belum Kantongi ISPO, Pemerintah tegur 11 Perusahaan



CNN Indonesia. Kementan paksa 5 perusahaan sawit Indonesia keluar dari



Achmad Mangga Barani (Direktorat Jenderal Perkebunan Departemen Pertanian). Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Segera Diberlakukan di 2010,


Down to earth (DTE). Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Scheme to speed up palm oil development,


European Commission. Database Uni Eropa, http://ec.europa.eu

GAPKI. Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil Standard, http://www.gapki.or.id/news/detail/72

Investor Daily. 2013 Produksi CPO Indonesia Naik 10 Persen, http://www.investor.co.id/agribusiness/2013-produksi-cpo-indonesia-naik10-persen/51459

Info Sawit. Daftar anggota RSPO dari Indonesia, http://www.infosawit.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=201 :sustainable-palm-oil-dan-rspo&catid=45:fokus

ISPO.Prinsip – Prinsip ISPO,

http://www.ispo-org.or.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=52&Itemid=217&lan g=en

LRQA.Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil,


ISPO.Prinsip – Prinsip ISPO, http://www.ispo-org.or.id/

Industri Bisnis. Petani Sawit Indonesia Mendapat Sertifikat RSPO Pertama,


Kemendag. Peluang RI Rajai Pasar CPO Eropa Mulai Terbuka,


Kemendag. Peluang RI Rajai Pasar CPO Eropa Mulai Terbuka, http://www.kemendag.go.id/ko/news/2014/06/12/peluang-ri-rajai-pasar-cpo-eropa-mulai-terbuka

Kabar Bisnis.Tiga Negara Ini Menjadi Penopang Ekspor CPO Asal RI, http://kabarbisnis.com/read/ 2844218

Medan Bisnis. Ri Perjuangkan Harga Patokan CPO dalam Rupiah, http://www.medanbisnisdaily.com/news/read/2014/01/22/74431/ri_perjuangkan_h arga_patokan_cpo_dalam_rupiah/

Medan Bisnis. Perusahaan sawit tanpa ISPO akan dicabut izinnya, http://www.medanbisnisdaily.com/news/read/2015/05/12/163293/perusahaan-sawit-tanpa-ispo-akan-dicabut-izinnya

National geographic. GAPKI Keluar dari RSPO, http://nationalgeographic.co.id/berita/2011/10/gapki-keluar-dari-rspo

Mongabay. Indonesia to launch rival palm oil certification standard, http://news.mongabay.com/2010/1110-ispo_plam_oil.html

RSPO.Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil , http://www.rspo.org/?q=page/576

YB.Tan Sri Bernard Dompok. Speech on RT 7 RSPO, http://rspo.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20of%20RT7.pdf

RSPO.General Assembly RSPO ke -8 Berhasil Mencapai Kuorum, http://www.rspo.org/news_details.php?nid=84&lang=5

Keynote Speech of The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic Indonesia.

Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil,

http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT2/Proceedings/Day%201/Minister%20Speech.pd f

RT6 Press Release. Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil,


Fitrian Ardiansyah. WWF-Indonesia. Impact Assessment on Oil Palm Development.,

http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT2/Presentations/Impact%20Assessment%20on% 20Oil%20Palm%20Development%20(IPOC%20&%20WWF).pdf

Catherine Cassagne. Biodiversity and Agriculture Commodities Program

(BACP). IFC, http://rspo.org/files/pdf/RT3/Proceedings/IFC%20&%20PWC.pdf

Marieke Leegwater. RSPO Supply Chain Organisation, http://rspo.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20of%20RT7.pdf

J.P caliman. Scientific Research for Sustainable Palm Oil Production, http://rspo.org/files/pdf/RT3/Proceedings/Session%203A%20CIRAD.pdf

Norman Jiwan. RSPO Smallholders Task Force, http://rt9.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/03_Norman_Jiwan%20P7(2).pdf

Norman Jiwan. Institutionalisation of Respect for free, Prior and Informed


http://www.rt10.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/PC1_3%20Norman%20Jiwan%2 0Presentation.pdf


RT6 Press Release. Roundtable On Sustainable Palm Oil,


RT 6. Presentation Session 2.Challenges In The Near Distance, http://www.rspo.org/files/resource_centre/Session-02.pdf

Margaretha Nurunnisa. FFB’s Traceability System and Legality Aspects in


http://www.rt12.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/4_%20Rizkiasari%20Y%20%26 %20Margaretha%20N.pdf

Desi Kusumadewi. Overcoming the Challenges with Constructive Solutions,

http://rt9.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/PC4_2%20Desi%20Kusumadewi.pdf Factsheet. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, http://www.rspo.org/file/RSPO_factsheet_indo_May2012.pdf

Agung Prawoto. Smallholder Group Certification Scheme, http://rspo.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20of%20RT7.pdf

Asril Darussamin. Indonesian Smallholders Working Group Activities Towards Group Certification of Oil Palm Smallholders in Indonesia, http://rt9.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/P7_5%20Asril%20Darussamin.pdf

Agnes Pondaven dan Joko Arif. Trademark : Opportunities & Challenges, http://www.rt10.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/P3_3%20Joko%20A%20%26%2 0Agnes%20P%20Presentation.pdf

Friends of the Earth (EWNI). Projects and Activities on Sustainable Palm Oil,

http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT2/Presentations/Friends%20of%20the%20Earth %20Presentation%20(FoE).pdf

Dr.Rosyani. Impact of RSPO Certification to Economy, Environment and Social of Oil Palm Plantation with Tanjung Sehati Smallholder Jambi,Sumatera, http://www.rt12.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/P1_1%20Dr%20Ir%20Rosyani.p df

Ismael Dodo ProForest. Developing a Mechanism for Palm Oil Traceability

from Plantation to End User,

http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT3/Proceedings/Supply%20Chain%20Presentation %20(ProForest).pdf

Rukaiyah Rofiq. Certification for Independent Smallholders. Yayasan SETARA Jambi, http://rspo.org/sites/default/files/Summary%20of%20RT7.pdf

Dr. Rosediana Suharto. Indonesia Palm Oil Commission, http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT2/Invitation%20to%20RT2%20(IPOC).pdf

Tony Lass. From Words to Action,


Gan Lian Tiong. Musim Mas Management Approach to Sustainable Palm

Oil Production,

http://www.rspo.org/files/resource_centre/(7)%20RT5(I)_Musim%20Mas.pdf Perpetua George. Driving Demand for Legal & Traceable Palm Oil, http://www.rt12.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/3_Perpetua%20George.pdf

Chris Wangkay. Supporting Labour Rights in Palm Oil Plantation : An


http://www.rt13.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/Prep%201_2_2%20Chris%20Wa ngkay.pdf

Adrian Suharto. Biofuels: For Certification and Beyond, http://www.rt12.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/2_%20Adrian%20Suharto%20Fi nal.pdf

John Hartmann. Motivating Smallholders to Sustainability, http://rt9.rspo.org/ckfinder/userfiles/files/PC4_5_John_Hartmann.pdf

Dr. Simon Roulston. Sustainable Palm Oil in United Biscuits, http://www.agripress.be/_STUDIOEMMA_UPLOADS/downloads/PalmOil_in_U nited_Biscuits-Simon_Roulston_-_United_Biscuits.pdf

Fitrian Ardiansyah. WWF-Indonesia. Impact Assessment on Oil Palm


http://www.rspo.org/files/pdf/RT2/Presentations/Impact%20Assessment%20on% 20Oil%20Palm%20Development%20(IPOC%20&%20WWF).pdf

Sawit Watch.Sawit Watch dan RSPO,

http://sawitwatch.or.id/2013/11/sawit-watch-dan-rspo/ Unilever.Transforming the Palm Oil Industry,


Waspada Online.50 % CPO Dunia Dipasok Indonesia, http://www.waspada.co.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=282 300:50-persen-cpo-dunia-dipasok-indonesia&catid=18:bisnis&Itemid= 95


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