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Info Memo - XL Axiata


Academic year: 2017

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This document cont ains cert ain financial informat ion and result s of operations, and may also cont ain cert ain project ions, plans, st rat egies and object ives of XL, t hat are not st at ement s of hist orical fact w hich w ould be t reat ed as forw ard looking st at ement s w it hin t he meaning of applicable law . Forw ard looking st at ement s are subject t o risks and uncert aint ies t hat may cause act ual event s and XL’s fut ure result s t o be mat erially different t han expect ed or indicat ed by such st at ement s. No assurance can be given t hat t he result s ant icipat ed by XL, or indicat ed by any such forw ard looking st at ement s, will be achieved.


The t act ical st rategy t o im prove XL’s positioning w hich start ed in t he 4Q 12 has continued int o 1Q 13 wit h furt her encouraging result s of underlying operational im provem ent s and t ract ion in t he m arket .

Despit e t he changes in indust ry dynamics and com petit ion, 1Q 13 saw XL achieving YoY revenue grow t h of 2% w hich w as driven m ainly by grow t h in Dat a services. Wit h an aim t o im prove XL’s posit ioning amongst cust om ers, price changes w ere m ade begining in the 4Q 12 price and cont inued in t he first half of 1Q 13 w hile in t he second half of quarter we have st art ed t o bring price point s up again gradually, which w e anticipat e w ill cont inue t o be done in t he second quarter. As such w hilst , operat ional m etrics of subscribers and t raffic have recorded im proved m om ent um , t he price changes have had im pact t o t he revenue base. This t act ical approach is aim ed at im proving XL’s positioning and wit h t he continued t ract ion, revenue im provem ent s w ill follow .

As such, com pared t o t he corresponding period a year ago, Dat a grew by 16% while Voice and SM S declined by 11% and 6% respect ively. With t he continued grow t h in Dat a, non-voice revenue now cont ribut es 53% of XL’s t ot al usage revenue.

Data and VAS Business

Dat a rem ains t he key engine of grow t h as t he adoption of dat a cont inues t o be strong am ongst Indonesians. Dat a traffic grew 40% com pared t o 1Q 12 wit h dat a subscribers reached 29.1 million subscribers or close t o 60% of t he t ot al base. The trend in shifting consum er behavior t ow ards dat a has result ed in higher dat a revenue contribution from 19% a year ago t o 22%.


Wit h an aim t o im prove affordabilit y of dat a and appeal t o new or incident al dat a users, XL launched st art er pack “XL BEBAS” w hich offers 150M B/ m ont h w it h m ont hly cost of Rp. 5000/ m ont h for 6 m onths act ive period.

Cont inuing “ XL home for Android” cam paign in 2012, XL est ablished XL Rally Android Hotrod 3G+ in M edan and Surabaya. This program st rengt hened XL’s posit ion as a st rong Dat a provider t hrough Hot rod3G+ by providing a fast and st able experience.

XL is the first operat or to launch t he new est m obile advertising service t hat can be used by m arket ers t o send com mercial m essages t o XL subscriber on a localised basis, called Location Based Advertising (LBA). Through LBA, m arket ers are able t o int eract directly w ith their t arget m arket in a cert ain location and t im e in all areas of Indonesia.

Int egrat ing w ith social net w orking, XL launched “ myXL st ore” t hat com bines net w ork dat a w it h Facebook, w here XL subscribers (also FB users) are able t o access XL informat ion currently used (subsciber profile such as XL num ber, active internet package, rem aining balance, et c), and also purchase ot her available XL’s services.

XL collaborated wit h KakaoTalk in providing dat a packages, w here XL users are able t o use KakaoTalk w it h affordable t ariff. Users are able t o buy em ot icons, t hem es and st ickers using t heir balance.

BlackBerry XL users are now able t o enjoy t heir favorit e songs by dow nloading “Xlalu M usik” in BlackBerry App World wit h access t o affordable qualit y m usic.


Cont inued focus on dat a execution saw 13,295 Nodes Bs were inst alled as at 1Q 13, a 105% increase from a year ago. This brings t ot al num ber of 2G and 3G BTS t o 39,819 BTS.

Wit h t he accelerated rollout of Node Bs and invest ment in dat a infrast ructure peaked in 2012, t his year w ill see XL focus on capacity m anagem ent and effort s t o furt her increase netw ork utilisat ion. Investm ent s w ill be furt her prioritised t o enhance service experience in dat a pot ential areas.


Voice and SM S Business

Follow ing t he effort s t o win back cust omers and im prove it s positioning wit h com petit ive offers, XL has cont inued it s at t ract ive XLKU, Paket Serbu. This has result ed in continued m om ent um in st im ulating subscribers usage wit h furt her quart erly grow t h of minut es and SM S at 8% and 23 % QoQ respect ively.

Overall annual grow t h of SM S usage has been im pacted by t he int roduction of SM S int erconnection in June. Differentiat ed price bet w een on-net and off-net has result ed in decline in tot al outgoing SM S by 24% YoY.

Effort s t o im prove posit ioning saw a t act ical decision t o adjust prices w hich led t o revenue pressure. Nevert heless, as usage m om entum continues, t he lagging effect of revenue w ill im prove over time.

Digital Service

XL cont inuously seeks t o explore further opport unities in dat a beyond t radit ional t elecom municat ion services. Wit h t he cont inued st rong dem and for dat a, t here is growing t rend of behaviour t hat is int egrat ing dat a as part of t heir daily lifest yle. To cat er for such needs, XL rem ains innovat ive in developing digit al services in t he areas of m obile finance, comm erce and M 2M .

Below are som e product s/ services t hat XL has developed t hroughout t he first quart er:

M -finance: XL Tunai expands t he benefit for XL subscriber, not only for m oney rem it t ance and online paym ent , XL Tunai can be used for online shopping (e.g. m ultiply.com , blibli.com , alphaonline.com ), paym ent t o PLN, purchase airline ticket (Garuda and Lion Air), First M edia paym ent , and m -Insurance for Cigna Insurance



Income Statement (Audited)

* Net VAS revenue

* * Implement at ion of PSAK 24 (Revise 2010) “ Employee Benefit s” , recognit ion act uarial gains or losses, t hrough ot her compr ehensive income

Financial Statem ent (in Rp Billion) 1Q12 1Q13 Grow th


Operational Results

XL recorded gross revenue of Rp5.0 t rillion, a 2% YoY increase.

Cellular Telecomm unicat ion Service revenues increased by 4% t o Rp4.7 t rillion and contribut ed 93% t o t ot al revenue. Voice revenue declined by 11% t o Rp1.8 t rillion w it h outgoing minut es decreased by 14% YoY. SM S revenue decreased by 6% w hilst Revenue from Dat a and Value Added Services (VAS) w as up by 19% and cont ribut ed 25% t o t ot al usage revenues. Dat a alone show ed a robust grow t h of 16% driven by increased adoption of dat a and support ed by our investm ent in dat a infrast ruct ure.

The present at ion of VAS revenue is now on a net basis to reflect changes in t he Audit ed Financial St at em ent. Previously, XL report ed VAS on a gross basis w here gross VAS revenue w as recognized w hilst relat ed cost s recorded under Int erconnect ion and other direct expenses. The change w as m ade ret rospect ively t o t he com parative period.

Ot her t elecomm unicat ions services revenue com prised of m ainly leased t ow ers, leased lines and nat ional roam ing, declined by 18% t o Rp0.4 trillion, m ainly due t o term inat ion of agreem ent w it h Axis in August 2012. Ot her t elecom m unicat ions services revenue contributed 7% t o t ot al revenue.

Operating Expenses

Tot al operat ing expenses increased by 21% YoY t o Rp3.0 trillion.

Int erconnect ion and ot her direct expenses increased by 75% YoY.

This increase w as m ainly due t o recognit ion of SM S int erconnect cost s w it h t he introduction of SM S int erconnect ion t hat st art ed in June 2012.

Salaries and Em ployee Benefit s decreased by 8% YoY.

The decrease in salaries and em ployee benefit s w as part ly due t o t he t ransfer of em ployees in April 2012 t o Huaw ei relat ed t o the M anaged Service agreem ent.

Sales and M arket ing expenses increased by 12% YoY.

The increase w as m ainly due t o higher advert ising and prom ot ion wit h new offerings int roduced in 1Q 13.

Infrastruct ure expenses increased by 12% YoY.

The increase w as in line wit h our expansion in 3G net w ork coverage to support dat a business wit h increase in rent al sites and t ow ers, partially offset by decrease in Ut ilities expense that w as t ransferred t o Huaw ei under t he M anaged Services since April 2012. In addit ion M anaged Service fee w as recognised from 2Q12 onw ards.

Supplies and Overhead expenses decreased by 26% YoY.

The decrease w as m ainly due t o decrease in G& A expense and ut ilities& pow er – non net w ork



Depreciation and Amortization Expenses

The depreciat ion and am ortization expenses grew by 9% YoY due t o increased investm ent in dat a t o support t he business st rat egy t o capt ure grow t h in dat a.

Other (Expenses)/ Income

Ot her expenses in 1Q 13 decreased 2% t o Rp255 billion, due t o:

Forex gain in 1Q 13 of Rp6.4 billion com pared t o a loss of Rp10 billion from a year ago.

Unrealized forex loss in 1Q 13 decreased by 49% com pared t o 1Q 12.

Higher int erest expense due t o addit ional debt in 1Q 13.

Profit for the period

Profit for the period for 1Q13 am ounted t o Rp316 billion. Norm alized profit for t he period excluding t he im pact of unrealized forex t ransact ions, and accelerated depreciat ion recorded at Rp340 billion.

Balance Sheet (Audited)

* Implement at ion of PSAK 24 (Revise 2010) “ Employee Benefit s” , recognit ion act uarial gains or losses, t hrough ot her comprehensive income

In 1Q 13, t ot al asset s increased by 10% t o Rp37.1 trillion, due t o higher invest m ent in net w ork equipment , 3G access and t ransm ission t o support t he dat a business.

- Current asset s decreased by 7% YoY m ainly due t o decrease in cash and cash equivalent by 73% and part ially offset by higher advances and ot her prepaym ent s of 38%.

- Tot al liabilit ies increased by 4% YoY m ainly due t o increase in borrowings of 28% from Rp11.5 t rillion t o Rp14.7 t rillion.

Equity att ributable to owners of the parent ent it y

Share capit al & addit ional paid-in capital 6,282 6,313 1%

Ret ained earnings * 6,944 9,313 34%

Total Equity 13,226 15,626 18%


Capital Expenditure

* The original amount is in IDR and USD. The USD port ion w as convert ed t o IDR using closing rat e 31 M arch 2012 and 2013. The exchange rat e Rupiah against USD as of 31 M arch 2012 and 2013 w ere Rp9,180/ USD and Rp9,719/ USD, respect ively.

Cash Flow

Net cash flow generat ed from operat ing act ivit ies decreased by 48% t o Rp1.3 trillion due t o decrease in receipt from cust om ers and ot her operat ors by 6% and increase in paym ent s t o supplier and ot her expenses by 36%.

Net cash flow used in investing act ivities increased by 18% due t o Paym ent of Upfront 3G for t he new 5 M Hz block spectrum in 2100 M Hz.

Net cash flow generat ed from financing act ivit ies w as at Rp922 billion due t o higher cash proceeds from long t erm loan, relat ed t o new bank loan in 2013 of Rp1.6 t rillion.

Capital Expenditure (In Rp Billion) 1Q12 1Q13 Grow th

Capitalized capex 2,528 1,791 -29%

Paid capex 2,037 1,982 -3%

Com m it m ent s ent ered int o* 3,078 296 -90%

Cash Flow (In Rp Billion) 1Q12 1Q13 Grow th

Net cash flow generat ed from operat ing act ivit ies 2,428 1,268 -48% Net cash flow used in invest ing act ivit ies (2,089) (2,466) 18%

Free cash flow 339 (1,197) N/ A

Net cash flow generat ed from financing act ivit ies 549 922 68% Net increase/ (decrease) in cash and cash equivalent s 888 (276) N/ A

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 998 792 -21% Effect of exchange rat e changes on cash and cash equivalent s 0 1 N/ A


Description of Debts

The det ail of debt s as of 31 M arch 2012 and 2013 are as follow s:

* The USD port ion w as convert ed t o IDR using closing rat e 31 M arch 2012 and 2013. The exchange rat e Rupiah against USD as of 31 M arch 2012 and 2013 w ere Rp9,180/ USD and Rp9,719/ USD, respect ively.




XL w as aw arded t he t hird carrier for 3G of 5 M Hz in t he 2100 M Hz spect rum w hich is st rat egic and put s XL in a st rong position in long run for Dat a business.

 AGM S 2013 held on 11 April 2013 approved to increase t he dividend paym ent t o 40% of 2012 norm alized profit.


XL w as aw arded in Selular Aw ard 2013 for “M ost Innovative Program (Paket Serbu), Best Dat a Services, and CEO of The Year 2012” for CEO XL Hasnul Suhaimi.

In annual event of Eurom oney Best M anaged Com panies in Asia 2013, XL was aw arded as “ Best M anaged Com pany in Indonesia” .

XL w as aw arded as “ Excellent Service Experience Aw ard (ESEA) 2013” in cellular operat or cat egory by Carre Cent er for Cust om er Satisfaction and Loyalt y (CCSL) and Bisnis Indonesia.

XL received t w o awards in Indonesia Brand Cham pion Aw ard 2013 – Silver Brand Cham pion of M ost Widely Used Brand, for Telecomm unication & ICT Gadget cat egory M obile GSM Int ernet Provider and GSM Operat or, held by M arkPlus Insight .

XL is a m ajor cellular provider in Indonesia w hich is 66.5% ow ned by Axiat a Group t hrough Axiat a Investm ent s (Indonesia) Sdn. Bhd., and t he rem aining st akes are held by public including rest rict ed st ock (33.5%).


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