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Directory UMM :articles:


Academic year: 2017

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Under st anding individual

sm oker s’ behaviour and CDTS

Rober t West


Sm oking t r ends in t he UK

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020

Men total ('000 deaths) W omen total ('000 deaths) Male smokers ('00,000) Female smokers ('00,000)



2 Hughes et al, Tob Con 2003, 12, 21-27 3. Shiffman et al, 2002, Addiction, 97, 505-512 4. Addiction supplement March 2005

5. Hughes et al, 2004, Addiction, 99, 29-38


Why do sm oker s not t r y t o st op

m or e oft en?


PRI ME Theor y

„ A new , com pr ehensive t heor y of m ot ivat ion t hat int egr at es choice, im pulse, ident it y, habit , self-cont r ol, and dr ive int o a single descr ipt ion of t he

„ Desir es have no effect unless t hey gener at e im pulses

„ The basis of all behaviour change is: t ension and

t r igger s


What is ‘t ension’?


‘Mot ivat ional t ension’ involves a feeling of

dissat isfact ion w it h t he st at us quo


I t has t he follow ing feat ur es:


I t is only pr esent w hen it is

‘br ought t o m ind’

† I t can oft en put ‘out of m ind’

† I t is m or e r esponsive t o changes in cir cum st ances t han st eady st at es


I t involves a com par ison w it h

som et hing ‘bet t er ’

w hich is achievable

† Ther e is a st r ong t endency t o m ake ‘upw ar d com par isons’


What ar e t r igger s?

† Tr igger s ar e event s in t he int er nal or ext er nal

envir onm ent t hat gener at e im pulses t o act t hat ar e st r ong enough t o over com e iner t ia and com pet ing im pulses

† I nt er nal t r igger s

„ Per sist ence of or incr eases in dr ive st at es

„ Recollect ion of int ent ions or plans

† Ext er nal t r igger s

„ Rem inder s

„ Cues

„ ‘Pr ovocat ions’

„ ‘Models’


Mot iv at ion t o st op

Mot ivat ional ‘t ension’

Tim e

Act ion t hr eshold


Cut t ing dow n

† Tension can be r educed by ‘cut t ing dow n’ or ot her har m m inim isat ion act ivit ies

† Appr oxim at ely 50% of sm oker s ar e at t em pt ing t o r est r ict t heir sm oking at any one t im e

† New dat a fr om Sm oker s Toolkit Pilot ( N= 84) indicat e t hat sm oker s w ho say t hey ar e ‘t r ying t o cut dow n on how m uch t hey sm oke’ have only slight ly low er

nicot ine int ake ( saliva cot inine of 331ng/ m l ver sus 370ng/ m l)

† But pr evious r esear ch show s t hat sm oker s w ho r epor t t hat t hey ar e ‘cut t ing dow n in pr epar at ion for quit t ing’ ar e m or e likely t o have quit one year lat er t han t hose w ho do not ( West et al, 2001)


Tension, t r igger s and sm oking




Wor r ies about healt h, feeling of disgust ,

em bar r assm ent , sham e, dissat isfact ion w it h t he

cost ,

feeling t hat st opping is possible


Tr igger s


Healt h scar es


Ot her people st opping


I nst r uct ion fr om an aut hor it y


‘New hope’ m essages


Cut Dow n Then St op ( CDTS)


Successful ‘cut t ing dow n’ m ay

incr ease t ension by incr easing t he

feeling t hat st opping is possible


The phar m acological com ponent of

t he dr ive t o sm oke m ay be r educed


Evidence used by Pfizer t o suppor t


2.02 4.5% (54)

8.6% (105) Percent (N) of smokers

who were abstinent at 12


I m plicat ions of CDTS

† Uncer t ain w het her it w ill incr ease quit at t em pt s or det r act fr om abr upt cessat ion

† Possibilit y t hat w ill w eaken t he ‘not a puff’ m essage for sm oker s in clinics

† Clinics should not be expect ed t o help sm oker s r educe – no evidence t hat t his is effect ive

† GPs should pr obably pr escribe NRT for CDTS in cases w her e st opping is m or e ur gent e.g. COPD but it is

clear t hat t he sm oker w ill not st op abr upt ly



† CDTS m ay incr ease t he r at e at w hich quit at t em pt s ar e m ade and t he use of NRT in t hose quit at t em pt s

† The effect on pr evalence depends on how far it subst it ut es for abr upt quit s

† I t is unlikely in it self t o achieve t he t ar get of doubling quit r at es. For t hat w e need m or e t ension and m or e t r igger s:

1. 20p levy on a pack of cigar et t es funding a t obacco cont r ol pr ogr am m e r un by an independent Tobacco Cont r ol Task For ce

2. Com plet e ban on sm oking in indoor public places

3. Mass m edia cam paigns and advocacy t hat focus m or e on t ension and t r igger s: addr essing t he sm oker ’s


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