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Slide PSI 204 Pertemuan I


Academic year: 2017

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Assess Your Own Management Skills


Organization & Manager

 Organization

 A consciously coordinated social unit, composed of

two or more people, that functions on a relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals

 Managers

 An individual who achieves goals through other


Organizational Behaviour

 Definition



 The study of human behavior in organizational

settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself

(Moorhead & Griffin, 2010)

 A field of study that investigates the impact that

individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying

such knowledge toward improving an organization’s


Organizations are effective if …

 Seluruh anggota dapat bekerjasama

 Atasan dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan


 Seluruh anggota memiliki tujuan yang sama

 Seluruh anggota memiliki keinginan untuk mencapai


 Seluruh anggota bekerja, sehingga tidak


The Importance of Organizational


 The study of organizational behavior can greatly

clarify the factors that affect how managers manage

 Describe the complex human context of

organization and to define the opportunities,

problems, challenges, and issues associated with that realm.

 Organizational behavior isolates important aspects

of the manager’s job and offers specific


Management Functions, Roles and Skills

 Functions

 Roles


Basic Concepts

 Organizational Behaviour

 Individual Process

 Interpersonal Process


Disciplines that Contributes to

Organizational Behavior

 Psychology

 Human behavior in organizational settings

 Social Psychology

 How individuals influence others

 Sociology

 Social systems

 Anthropology

 Cultural environment

 Political Science

 Power system

 Economics

 Production, distribution and consumption of goods and services

 Engineering


Contextual Perspectives

 Perspectives

 Systems

 An interrelated set of elements that function as a whole  flow &


 An organization’s environment is important  resources & feedback

 Situational

 Variables influencing organization situations and outcomes

 Universal conclusions are virtually impossible

 Interactionalism: People and Situations

 How people select, interpret and change various situations


Developing a Model

 Model

 Dependent Variables

 Productivity

 To achieve its goals at the lowest cost  effectiveness & efficiency  Absenteeism

 The failure to work  Turnover

 Permanent withdrawal from an organization  Deviant Workplace Behavior

 Voluntary behavior that violates significant organizations norms and threatens the well-being of the organization or its members

 Organizational Citizenship Behavior

 Performance beyond expectations  Job Satisfaction


Developing a Model

 Independent Variables

 Individual-Level Variables

 Age, gender, marital status, personality characteristics, emotional framework, values, attitude and basic ability levels

 Group-Level Variables

 Group behavior, group dynamics, communication patterns, leadership, power and politics as well as conflict

 Organization System-Level Variables



 Descriptive

 To describe relationships between two or more

behavioral variables

 Systematic

 To look at relationships, to attribute causes and effects

and to draw conclusions

 Evidence-Based

 To use available evidence and to apply relevant



Challenges & Opportunities

 Economic Pressures

 Globalization

 Workforce Diversity

 Customer Service

 People Skills

 Innovation & Change

 “Temporariness”

 Networked


 Work-Life Balance

 Positive Work



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