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Percubaan UPSR BI Jempul - Sumber Pendidikan Scheme of answer


Academic year: 2017

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Scheme of answer

Section A

1. Egg Salad

2. a delicious

3. shell

4. salt and pepper

5. a plate

Section B (i)

List three occasions from the dialogue that usually gather Hadi and Elena with their extended


1. Birthday parties

2. Weddings

3. Hari Raya

Section B (ii)



Dear ………..,

How are you? I am glad to receive your letter. It was so interesting to know about your big

extended family.

I would like to tell about mine. My grandfather is 75 years old. He is a loving


uncles and 4 aunts. Two of my uncles and three of my aunts are married with children. I have

twenty cousins.

My cousins and I are like good friends. We eat, play and do many things together

when we meet. We don’t live near to each other. We always meet when there are birthday

parties and weddings. Our yearly gathering is during Hari Raya.

That’s all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,


(Accept any suitable answers)

Section C (Q1)

Last Monday evening, Zaki lied to his mother. He should be at school on that evening

for his extra class but he skipped it. He went for fishing at the river near his village.

He brought his fishing rod and some baits of worm. He waited there for big fish until

7.00 p.m. Unluckily, there were no fishes caught by him. He was very angry. He spent too

much time but he got nothing.

Without any longer, he went home. After his mother knew about it, he was scolded by

her. He was regretted and promised not to repeat again.

Section C (Q2)


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