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Getting A Grip On Your Panic Disorder


Academic year: 2017

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522 Summary:

The article deals with Panic Disorder, a psychiatric condition that is accompanied by recurring panic attacks and psychological stress. The article cites the different symptoms of panic disorders and discusses some of the ways to cope and treat this psychiatric condition.


panic disorder, anxiety, anxiety disorder, stress management

Article Body:

Despite their superstar status and larger-than-life personalities, the rich and famous are not immune to phobias or having intense fear. By being as prone to fear and anxiety as the rest of us, they reveal how normal they can be. These celebrities have fears that hound millions of other non-celebrities. What do these celebrities fear the most?

Michael Jackson, Whoopi Goldberg, and Jennifer Aniston share the same fear of flying. Orlando Bloom is scared of pigs and Johnny Depp is afraid of clowns. Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. And would you believe that Pamela Anderson is afraid of mirrors?

Celebrities and non-celebrities can break out into panic attacks whenever they encounter that which they fear the most. While it is common to be just uncomfortable about facing a certain fear or scary situation, there are some cases when the fear can be so overwhelming that it causes total panic.

What is a panic attack? A panic attack is a sudden intense fear followed by an overwhelming feeling of danger. It is often accompanied by anxiety, sweating, rapid breathing, and rapid heart beat. Panic attacks are sudden and unprovoked. It can even worsen into a debilitating condition that pose a devastating impact on a person’s family, work, and social life. An attack can occur at anytime and it can interfere with day-to-day activities. An untreated panic disorder can possibly lead to substance abuse, depression and, in rare cases, even suicide.

Panic disorders can develop during the teen years or early adulthood. People with panic disorder have this dreaded fear of danger or terror and it could repeat without warning. It is far more intense than the feeling of simply being ’stressed out’. A panic attack includes: l trembling

l shaking l sweating l chest pains l hot flashes l racing heartbeat l light-headedness

l Fear that you are going crazy or about to die

People who have full-blown, repeated attacks can be psychologically disabled by their condition and should seek treatment. They should also avoid places or objects that could trigger another panic attack. A panic attack is not dangerous, but it can be terrifying, largely because it creates a feeling of being ’out of control’ on the part of the person who is suffering from it.

Only a licensed therapist can diagnose a panic disorder. Occasional bouts with worry and moderate levels of anxiety are still considered normal. However, panic attacks that occur more than four times in a row is a sign that a person is under extreme psychological stress. Persons who experience frequent, debilitating panic attacks should immediately seek the assistance of a mental heath professional.

Most insurance plans and health management organizations (HMOs) provide coverage that includes treatment for anxiety disorders. To make treatment more effective, people with panic disorders are advised to join a support group or undergo sessions with a psychiatrist. Even something as simple as talking to a trusted friend, a loved one, or a church counselor can do wonders. Stress management techniques and meditation can help people with such disorders. Regular exercise can also have some calming effect on a person saddled with worries.

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