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Terrific Teak The Ultimate Choice


Academic year: 2017

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Variety of furniture material is available in the market viz., wooden, metal and plastic materials. When you decide to go for wooden furniture Teak Wood becomes the ultimate choice as it is more beautiful and stands good for ages.


Variety of furniture material is available in the market viz., wooden, metal and plastic materials. When you decide to go for wooden furniture Teak Wood becomes the ultimate choice as it is more beau

Article Body:

Variety of furniture material is available in the market viz., wooden, metal and plastic materials. When you decide to go for wooden furniture Teak Wood becomes the ultimate choice as it is more beautiful and stands good for ages. Teak wood is grown mostly in tropical forest and it is a fine hard wood. Teak wood is highly durable and hard and it can withstand any weather. It has also the quality of standing against crack, rotting and warping. However, proper care is needed to preserve the quality of teak like frequent natural warmish. Fine quality teak furniture beautifully handcrafted is rich enough to create envy among friends and neighbors. Variety of teak furniture is available in the market viz., teak tables, armchairs, loungers, folding chairs, steamers etc.

Teak wood is rather called Terrific Teak as it is Hardwood and gives good return on investment. Teak wood furniture stands for decades and of course, expensive. Teak wood is best suited for Indoor, Outdoor or leisure furniture. Teak contains natural oils in it and is easily workable wood. Teak is mostly used in India for house-old furniture as well as for making windows, doors etc. Teak furniture made out of well grown and old teak is harder and durable. Teak wood has natural resistance against termite attacks. Teak is a dense and close grained hardwood. The natural oil in teak wood prevents it against moisture and serves as insect repellent. Teak wood has become the ultimate material for furniture as it is un-comparable with any other wood with regard to elegance, stability and maintenance free. Teak has the inherent beauty and unique in every piece. Teak wood furniture has also the repurchase value and can be sold for a good price every after a decade.

Teak can serve even the worst weather conditions and can be left outside in your garden without any fear of it getting damaged. People prefer to leave the teak bare as the natural oil in the timber protects its surface and keeps the wood solid and resistant to water. However, applying Teak Sealer protect the wood from getting grey when exposed to sunlight. Treatment of teak wood is recommended only if any choice of color is required. Most people prefer only the natural color of teak and it requires no treatment.

Quality Teak grows up to 150 feet height and it is very good for any kind of furniture. The inherent anti bacterial and anti fungal properties in teak wood prevents it from disease or parasites. Teak wood furniture can also withstand high pressure without crack. The cave temples and war ships of early days used only teak wood and the palaces adorned with teak furniture alone stand as a proof for the durability of teak wood and a testimony for ages of its use. Teak wood furniture is always the preferred choice of majority population as cedar and oak furniture are available only some regions of the world. Teak furniture is available around the world. Indoor furniture like Tables, chairs, dining set or outdoor furniture like garden furniture arbor, bridges sit-outs, loungers or steamers teak wood is preferred due to the above quality.

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