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Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report


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Plagiarism Checker X Originality Report

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INTENSIFICATION *Mahrus Ali, Abdullah Hosir,Nurlina Agrotechnology Study Program Faculty of Agriculture University of Surabaya Jl.

Ketintang Madya No VII/2 Surabaya sengkomahrus@gmail.com Abstrak: The purpose of this study is to find out the extent of the difference in the number of seedlings per planting hole on the growth and yield of rice crops (Oryza sativa L. ) using sri method (The SystemRice Intensification)).

The research was conducted in the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Merdeka Surabaya, from January to March 2016. The study using Acak Group Design (RAK) consisted of six (6) treatments with three (3) repeats and two (2) sample plants. The treatmentis the Number of Rice Seedlings per Planting Hole: : A = 1 (one) seedling per planting hole,B = 2 (two) seedlings per planting hole,C = 3 (three) seedlings per planting hole and D = 4 (four) seedlings per planting hole..

Hasil penelitian showed menunjukan the treatment of the difference in the number of seedlings per planting hole showed no real effect on the length of plants and the

number of leaves, but in jumlah anakan total and jumlah anakan produktif, and bclosely 100 biji gabah and the weight of dry milled grain per rumpun showed a noticeable influence.


plant and the number ofleaves, jumlah anakan total, jumlah anakan p roduktif, dan and btightly 100 biji gabah and the weight of dry milled grain per rumpun the maximum, while the optimum results indicated the treatment of the use of 1 (one) seedling per planting hole. Keywords: Number of seedlings per holes,Rice Crops, RAK, SRI. Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of the effect of differences in the number of seeds per planting hole on the growth and yield of

rice(Oryzasativa L.) using the SRI(TheSystem of RiceIntensification). Research conducted at the Experimental Farm, Faculty of Agriculture University of the Free Surabaya, from January to March 2016.

The study used randomized block design (RAK) consists of six (6) treatments with three (3) replicates and two (2) samples of plants. The treatment is the amount of seed paddy per Hole Planting: A = 1 (one) seed per planting hole, B = 2 (two) seeds per planting hole, C = 3 (three) seeds per planting hole and D = 4 (four) seeds per hole.

The results of these studies show treatment differences in the number of seedlings per planting hole shows no real effect on the length and number of leaves of plants, but the total number of tillers and the number of productive tillers, as well as the weight of 100 seeds of grain and dry milled grain weight per panicle shows the real effect.

Treatment usage of 2 (two) seeds per planting hole resulted in a plant and number of leaves, number of tillers total, the number of productive tillers and weight of 100 seeds of grain and weight of milled rice per clump maximum, while optimum results indicated treatment use 1 (one) seedlings per planting hole. Keywords: The number of seeds per hole, Rice, RAK, SRI. Introduction kIndonesia merupakan nsebggara agraris, sebagian besarpenduduknya livedarisektor pertanian.

Salahsatujenistanaman panngan yangbanyakdihasilkan adalahpadi,

yangmerupakanbahan makanaanprincipal bagi seagagianbesarpenduduk Indon esia almost 235 million penduduk (Martin2014). Consumption of beras rata- rata139 kg/kapita / tahundengantotalkeneedanberas32.66 million tons / tahun.

Pertambahanjumlah pendudukmendorongmeningkatnya keneedan akanberas olehkarena it perlu ingalakkan usahapeningkk atan produksi berasto memenuhi keneedantersebut.

Peningkattan kngbebutuhan beras in Indonesia sejalan e etan nngan lajupenn ngka tap ert ampendudukmaterial, namm un laju peningkatanproduksipadi tidaksebanding dengan lajupertammaterialpenduduk,sehinggapemerintahm enambil kebijakkan mell ui mpor beras.. Malthus (1789) dalam Zaini (2008),bahwapea pertumbuhan populasi


mempunyai kecenderungan meningkat melebi hidai dari i da kee eersediapangan, sehingga memacu paraahliuntuk memmake terobosan-terobosan te rhadap upayapeningkatanproduksi padiuntuk me nngataasi anana manman kelangkaan pangan. m Rice production in 2012 is estimated at 68.59 million tons (GKG) or an increase of 2.84 million tons (4.31%) compared to 2011. The increase in production is estimated to occur in Java of 1.59 million tons and outside Java by 1.25 million tons. The increase in production occurred due to the estimated increase in harvest area of 237.30 thousand ha (1.80%) and productivity of 1.23 kuintal/ha (2.47%).

The estimated increase in rice production in 2012 is relatively large in the provinces of East Java, Central Java, South Sulawesi, and South Sumatra. While the estimated

decrease in rice production in 2012 is relatively large in the provinces of West Java, Riau, Nusa Tenggara Barat, and Banten (BPS, 2012).). grPrtaogram ketahanan

pangandiknaahkan pada kemandirriian apetaniyang berbasis pada p otensi sumberdayalokalmelalui proo oam penngkamaintainfood availability, safe and accessible to all masyarakat in setiap daerah , antisipasiterhadap kemungkinan occurrence ofinsecurity pangan.

Because rice m mesasih merupakan hanhran angan utama bagise bbagian bee sar masyarakat Indonesia, maka prroram eersebut still focused on theups and

downsofriceproduction. Hal ini tersurat pada rumusan pembtbangunan pertt anian, bahwasasa rsan peningkaan produksi commodity utama food crop until 2006 andgovernment food reserves are also still based on beras (Darwaanto, 2005).

luMelihat gr kenyataanini, upaya peningkatshean p produktivitas tanaman padi menjadi foan tkkus peratian to depan, sebabpeningkaan produksipadi melll u p rram ekaste si fraiikasi akan terkendfaa la denganketerrsediaan lahanyang sesuai unttuu k budidaya ricefields. On the other hand, the lands that have been menjadi penyusoturtle mbang main national rice productionhas mengnatural saddle (leveling off) produktivitasnya. Teribukti bahwaselama lima tahun tberr akhir, produktivitas padi in nasionaltidak mengalami peerubahan yang nyata.. i Rata-rata prooduktivitas lahan secara nasional tahun 2001 (4.39 ton/ha),2002 (4.47 ton/h/ha),2003 (4.54 tons/ha), 2004 (4.54

ton/hha),2005 (4.57 tons/h/ha) and2006 (4.59 tons/ha)(Palm, 2006).

Various efforts toincrease riceand rice productivityhave beencarried out kan, among others through theprogram (ICM) Integrated Crop Management (Planting Management Terpadu).). Menekankanpadatigakomponenutama,yaitu pengg elolanan air

secararegular, pengelolaan nutrisi, dan pemindaha n bibit pada ummurm uuda. Dalam pengujian, metodeini mamppu menghasilkan aabah drymilled rata-rata 6. 9


ton/ha,sedangkan padatingkat farmersamounting to 5.4 tons/ha (Wardana et al., 2002). Method-ICM is actually in line with the methodSRIyangdikembangkan in Madagaskar in the early1980s. SRI is alsoa method of increasingtheproductivity of rice fields

throughintensification of five komponen teknis culture, management of air yang

tidakmenggenang, umur pindah bibit young, loose plantdistance, plant one seedling per point, and penmorganicmaterial(Uphoff, 2003)).

Kegduametode b terkuhseubut pada prinsipnya attempt to

integratecomponents-komponen kultauruteknis, sehingga bersinerrgi posit if

mendukung pet utmuhan da npteeremanan tanamaman pain secara optimalgunamen ghasilkan peningkatt an productivity secara signifikan.

Pengelolaanbudidayapadimenggunakan sri dapatmenghh emat penggunaan air sampaimat p50%.

Air yangterge nnang membuatsawahmenjadi hypoxic (kekuranganoksigen) bagi akarda n tann tidakideaal untuk pertumbuhan. For itu perlu adanya periode kering 3-4 hari agartanamaanmemperollereh aerase yangbaik. Budida ya konvensioanl terbiasa de nngan conditions tanah yang tergegenang or pengunaan air


Inanjurkanpemeelaerian airdisesuafish dengankebutuhantanamaan dan dalam rentanng kapasitaslapang. Penekanan pada innovationteknologi method SRI terletakpada

pengelola an pada s sistem pengaira nhowever, keberhasilan budidaay a tanaman specialnya tanaman pain banya kink ditentukan by factor another antara

otherjumlahbibitper holetanam.

Budidayapadi dengansistem SRI yang penamannagmannya me nngunakan cara tanam tunggal dengan satubenih perlubangtanam, akan memudahkan tiap tanaman can menyerap nutrisi, oksigen, dan ray matahari secara lebih optimall (Bau a man, etal., 2002)). l The test results conducted Sumardi (2007) total number of 29 sticks,, the tid produktif 79%, cukuptinggi, which is 6.76 tons/hadry milled grain (GKG).

According to Vetlnka teswarluand Visperas (1987) in Sumardi (2010) peningkatan kepadaincreasedto tan populasifrom16 rumper meter menjadi 25 clumps per meter,49 clumps per meter dan 100 rumpun per meter, menurunkanjuml ah anakan total, jumlah anakan pr ooduktt if, jumlahspikelet per malai , percentage spikelet fertil, weight gabah tiap rumpun, namun meningkakkan bobot dry grain giling per tile (100 m2), ie 47.57 kg g per petak pada kepadatan populasi 16 rumpun per meter and 85.53 kg per plot at a populas density of 100 clumps per meter..


According to Sumardi (2010) peningouukakaan populasi ama namman pes satuan lube errreelasinegatif j jumlahanakkan produced, total anescyl and productive anescyl, the amount of malai per unit area. Menurut Joko Susilo,Ardianand ErlidaArheni(2015), jumlah seedsperlubang tanamb2015erpengaruh nyataterhadapjumlah anakan produktif dan berat 1000 seeds gabah, berpengaruhtidak nyata pada parame ter lainnyae. Perlakuanjumlah two dua bibit perlubang tanamda nfertilizerdoseUrea120 g/plot + SP-36 60 g/plot + KCl 60 g/plot hasilproduksi gabahkering giling perplot yangg tt ertinggi2181.2 grams (setaradennganhasil7.2 ton/ha). According to Muyassir (2012), analisis ragam jumlah bibit berpengaruh tidak nyata tsierhadap j jumlah gabah per malai, persentase gabah hampa, and berat 10 000 butir, berpengaruh nyata terhadap produksi tana a man padi.

Based on these explanations, the number of seedlings per planting hole is one of the limiting or important factors that need to be studied further in an effort to improve the cultivation of rice crops. MATERIALS AND METHODS This research was conducted in the Experimental Garden of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Merdeka Surabaya, from January to March 2016.

This research is experimental using Aca k GroupDesign (RAK) consisting of four

(4)treatments with three (3) repeats and two (2) sample plants. Treatment placement on the test plot is done randomly.. As for the treatmentgiven, namely jumlah rice seedlings per hole tanam, among others: A = one seedling per planting hole, B = two seedlings per planting hole, C = three seedlings per planting hole,D = four seedlings per planting hole..

variables pertumbuhan and plant results padi observed in this studyinclude: panjang tanaman (cm), jumlah daun (helai), the number of total (stem) children, the number of produktif (stem), berat 100 bijiga bah (gram)) and the weight of dry milled grain per rumpun (gram). Analysis of data analisisvariety of plant length due to the difference in the number of bibit per hole tanam total DB 11 and JK 201992,625, while a nalisis variety of leaves due to the difference in the number ofseedlings per planting hole total DB 11 and JK 1320894,917,inthe analysis of the total number of children due to thedifference in the number of seedlings per planting hole total DB 11 and JK 5817,312,while the analysis of the variety of productive children due to the difference in the number of seedlings per planting hole total DB 11 and JK 2154,625,in the analysis of the weight of 100 grams of grain due to the difference in the number of seedlings per planting hole total DB 11 and JK 3034,156 and in the analysis of the total weight per clump due to the difference in the number of seedlings per planting hole total DB 11 and JK 202221,625.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Plant Length and Number of Leaves The results of variety analysis showed that the treatment of perbedaan number of seedlings per planting hole has no real effect on variable observation of plant length and number of leaves during rice plant growth ((Table 1). This is in accordance with the research of Muyassir

(2012),that from hasilanalisis ragam jumlah beibi t beeerpengg aruh tidak nyata terhadap jumlah gabah per maltai,persenase g gabah hampa, and berat 10 00butir, tetfire berpengaruhnyata te rhadap produksi tanaman padi. a Table 1.

Average Plant Length (cm), Number of Leaves, Total Number ofChildren, Number of Productive And Heavy 100GrainSeeds, Dry Grain Weight Giling per Clump Due to Treatment Differences In Number of Seedlings per Planting Hole Treatment of Difference in Number of Seedlings per Planting Hole _Plant Length (cm) _Number of Leaves (strands) _Total Number of Oversal (bars) _Number of Productive Children (stems) _Weight 100 Grain (grams) _Weight of Dry Milled Grain per Clump (gram) _ _1 Seedling per Planting Hole _115.66 a _294.17 a _ 33.56 bc _ 19.67 bc _ 21.33 b _185.33 bc _ _2 Seedlings per Planting Hole _116.97 a _298.36 a _35.82 c _20.83 c _ 25.17 c _192.83 c _ _3 Seedlings per Planting Hole _114.17 a _290.38 a _ 31.49 ab _18.50 b _ 23.50 bc _180.83 ab _ _4 Seedlings per Planting Hole _113.33 a _287.03 a _28.99 a _16.00 a _ 18.50 a _174.00 a _ _BNT 5% _t.n. _t.n. _3,73 _1,68 _2,20 _8,99 _ _ Description : t.n.

means unreal The numbers accompanied by the same letter on the the same column is no real different on a 5% BNT Test In Table 1. can be seen, that the highest rice plant growth value, both on the variable observation of plant length (116.97 cm) and the number of leaves (298.36 strands) is always shown the treatment of the use of 2 (two) seedlings per planting hole and the lowest value is indicated the treatment of the use of 4 (four) seedlings per planting hole (plant length 113.33 cm and the number of leaves 287.03 strands).

However, statistically among the treatment of the number of seedlings per planting hole does not show a noticeable different influence. This is in accordance with the opinion of Hasrizal and Ani (2010), that rice seedlings planted 1 seedling per planting hole gives a higher yield of 0.5%. In the treatment of planting seedlings 1 per planting holesince the beginning of plant growth has not experienced competition so that plants are more free to grow the maximum and freely in the absorption of nutrients and supported by high plantheight, so that the cross-section of leaves more freely absorb sunlight for the process of photosynthesis.

The use of 1 seedling per planting hole at first did show sluggish growth, but in the following weeks began to develop rapidly and can even exceed 2 and 3 seedlings per


planting hole. The use of seeds 2 or 3 per planting hole has started to occur competition between plants, while with 1 seedling per planting hole this competition can be

reduced, so that the development of the child continues to run well. Increasing growth in 1 seedling per planting hole is growing rapidly with the rapid increase in the number of children per clump.

Furthermore, Atman (2007) explained, that penanaman seedlings with relatively more amounts ofrice competition (inter-species competition) is veryhard to get

water,nutrients, CO2,O2,light andspace to grow,so the growth will become abnormal. As a result, tanaman ricebecomes weak, easily crumb, easily attacked by diseases, and the condition can reduce grain yields.

While the use of fewer seeds (1-3 seedlings per planting hole) causes competition among rice crops will be lighter, fewer seeds used,thereby reducing production costs, and grain income will increase.. Total Number of Children and Number of Productive Children The results of variety analysis showed, that the treatment of p erbedaan number of seedlings per planting hole has a real effect on jumlah anakan total and jumlah saplings produktif rice crops(Table 1).).

Sumardiu(2010)o melaporkan, bahwa peningkakaan popp ulasi tanaman per satu an lubaeerrrelasieegatiif dengan jumlahanakan produced, both total and productive weeds, but posistifsi with the numberof malai per unit area. Further from the results oft sumardi research (2010) showed, that peningkatanto tanpopulasiof16 rumper mether meonjadi 2 55 clumps per meter,49 clumps per meter dan 100 rumpun per mether,

menurunkanjumll ah anakanltott al, juml ah anakan pooduktif, jumlah spikelet per malai, spikelet percentage fertil, weight gabahtiap rumpun , namun meningkakkan bobotdry grain giling per tile (100 m2),ie 47.57 k kg per petak pada kepadatan populasi 16 rumpun per mether and 85.53 kg per plot at a populas density of 100 clumps per meter.. In Table 1.that the use of the number of seedlings two stems per planting hole produces an average total number of children and the most productive number of seedlings is 35.82 stems and the number of productive weeds 20.83 stems, although statistically the results are not different from the treatment of the use of the number of seedlings 1 (one) stem per planting hole, which is 33.56 stems for the total number of weeds and 19.67 stems for the number of productive children.

While the lowest result is shown by treatment using the number of seedlings 4 (four) stems per planting hole, which is 28.99 stems for the total number of weeds and 16.00 stems on the number of productive weeds. The results of research Hesthiati and

Rawiniwati (2012) stated, that penggunaan jumlah 1 bibit per hole tanam dapat cause tinggitanaman, panjangmalai, jumlah malai, jumlah bulir, weight gabahbasah, danweight


g gabaah kering yang more baik daripengunaan jumlahbibit othernya.

Interaksi jaraktanam 45 cm x 45 cm dengan perlakuan lah n 1 bibit per lubangtanam nghasilkan tinggi tanaman age 2, 4, 6, 8 dan 10 weeks after planting, panjang malai, jum lah bulir, weight 1000 butir biji, weight gabah basah, dann weight gab ah kering

tanaman pain yang lebih tinggidibandingkanplants lainnya. Selanjutnya Masdar (2006) stated that jumlah seeds per planting hole affects growth because it directly faces competition between plants in a clump.

In Indonesia it is usually recommended to plant 2 to 3 seedlings per planting hole with an average rice production of 4.5 tons / ha. Treatment of 1 and 2 seedlings per planting hole together can be used as a number of recommended seedlings. Each of these numbers not only produces the highest yield component, but also differs unreal according to statistical tests.

In this case, there are two options, namelythe first option isreviewed from the economic calculation in the form of capital used for the cost of seedlings, then the number of 1 seedling per planting hole is more in demand. The use of 1 seed alone means that it has saved 50% of the cost compared to the use of 2 seedlings per planting hole.

If reviewed from the risk of possible dead seedlings after moving field, then the use of 2 seedlings per planting hole is more in demand. The reason is, the death of 1 seedling for each planting hole does not require fertilization. Budidayapadidengan sistem SRI

yangpenamannamanngya me nngunakan cara tanam tunggal dengan satu benih per lubang tanam, akan memudahkan tiap tanaman can menyerap nutrisi, oksigen, dan ray matahari secara lebih optimall (Baumaan , et al., 2002)). l Weight of 100 Grain seeds and Weight of Dry Milled Grain per Clump..

The results of variety analysis showed, that perbedaan the number of seedlings per planting hole has a real effect on bclosely 100 biji gabah and the weight of dry milled grain per rumpun rice crops (Table1).). This is in accordance with the statement

submittedt Muyassir (2012),that from heasil analisis ragam jumlah bibib beerpengg aruh tidaknt byata terhadapj jum llah gabah per malai,persentase gabah hampa, and berat10 00butir, tetfireberpengaruhnyata terhadap produksi tanamanpadi.

According to Dachban and Dibisono (2010), bertambahnya number of seedlings per planting point,tends to increase crop competition, both between plants in one clump and between the rate of plant growth (LTT). As a result, plant fitness and production rate of dry materials per plant tendsto decrease, so that the distribution level is relatively low from d aun to flower stalks and eventually until seed seed.


The results of Hery Christyanto's experiment (2013) showed, that the interaction

between a number of seedlings per planting hole withvariations in dengan variasi jarak tanamplantingdistance, has a very real effect (P<0.01) terhadap heavy dry grain

harvest(tons per ha),dry grain weight oven (tons per ha), weight of 1000 seeds dry grain oven (gram),harvestindex and real effect (P<0,05) against jumlah grainper malai. Single planting distance has a very real effect (PP<0.01) on leaf area index (ILD).

The highest yield (4,387 tons per ha) was obtained from a combination of treatment of one seedling per planting hole with a planting distance of 30 cm x 30 cm. While in Table 1. it is seen, thatitu dua with the increasing use of the number of seedlings per planting hole to a certain amount, yes that two seedlings per planting hole will produce an average weight of 100grains (25.17 grams) and the weight of dry milled grain per clump (192.83 grams) the highest among other treatments, although statistically (P= 0.05) isnot different from the practice of the useof one seedling per planting hole.

If the use of bibeetroot is increased again to three seeds or 4 four seedlings, then the average yield of 100 grain weight and the weight of dry milled grain per clump continues to decrease. It is suspected that the increasing number of seedlings per planting hole will also increase competition for nutrients and the existence of microclimate changes among the seeds of these plants.

Further research results Susilko et al, (2015), mentioned, that faktor jumlah seeds per lubang tanamaberpengaruh nyataterhadapjumla han akan produktif dan berat 1000 seeds gabah, tetapi berpengaruh tidak nayat apada variable observation lainnyaa p. Perlakuan jumlah 2 (two) bibit perlubang tanam da ndoseof fertilizerUrea120 g/plot + SP-36 60 g/plot + KCl 60 g/ plotmemp120 glihatkanhasil produksi gabah kering giling perr plot yangtertinggi 2181, 2grams (setara denngan hasil7,2 tons/ha). 4.

CONCLUSION Based on the results of observations and discussions from the study of differences in the number of seedlings per planting hole to the growth and yield of rice crops (Oryza sativa L. ) by using SR Imethodcan be concluded as follows: There is a relationship between the number of seedlings per planting hole in the SRI (The System of Rice Intensification) method on growth, the number of weeds, the productivity of rice fields per clump and the rate of plant growth (LTT),can be implied rice planting in flower pots benefiting limited land or narrow land that lacks water.

The effect of treatment per hole one to four of the highest value of treat on two

seedlings per hole, at plant length (116.97cm), number of leaves (298.36 strands), lowest value padatreatment of one seedling (115.66), three seedlings (114.17)and fourseedlings


(113.33), while the most value on the treatment of two seedlings per hole the number of total (35.82) ), the number of produktif (20.83) low gradesare inone seedling (33.56), two seedlings (31.49) and four (28.99) and weight of 100 grain (25.17),the weight of dry milled grain per clump (192.83) high tervalueper clump on bibit two per hole, while the weight of grain 100 grains and the weight of dry milled grain per clump due to the difference in treatment per hole the value of treatment is in the seed one (21.33) , , seeds three (23.50) and seedlings four (18.50).

The treatment of the number of seedlings needs to develop seedlings of one samapai four on the length of the plant and the number of leaves is not real. The influence of a single number of seedlings per planting hole shows the number of 2 seedlings and 3 seedlings give the same influence both on the growth of leaf area index (ILD), the ratio of roots and top safe and index harvest. LIBRARY LIST Atman. 2007.

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Memacu PeningkatanProduksi Padi Sawah mllllui Inovasi Teknologo i BudidayaSpe sifik LocationdalamEra Revolusi HijauLestari.. OrasiPengukuhan Profesor Riset Bidang


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