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Neighborhood Processing Image Enhancement


Academic year: 2018

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Basic Image Processing


Neighborhood processing

process the pixel with its neighborsPoint operations


Point Processing


Original DarkenDarken


Invert LightenLighten

Lower Contrast

Lower Contrast

Raise Contrast

Raise Contrast Nonlinear Lower ContrastNonlinear Lower Contrast

Nonlinear Raise Contrast


Point Processing


Original DarkenDarken


Invert LightenLighten

Lower Contrast

Lower Contrast

Raise Contrast

Raise Contrast Nonlinear Lower ContrastNonlinear Lower Contrast

Nonlinear Raise Contrast

Nonlinear Raise Contrast

x + 128 x * 2

255 - x ((x / 255.0) ^2) * 255.0

x - 128 x / 2


Neighborhood operations

Image Edge detection Blur

Deteksi tepi ( Edge detection ) adalah operasi yang dijalankan untuk

mendeteksi garis tepi (edges) yang membatasi dua wilayah citra homogen yang memiliki tingkat kecerahan yang berbeda

Tujuannya adalah untuk mengubah citra 2D menjadi bentuk kurva


Neighborhood Processing

3x3 Mask

Output derives from multiplying all elements in the mask

by corresponding elements in the neighborhood and



A rule or procedure for processing an imageCombination of mask and function

Goal: separating/attenuating a desired component of an observed image


Linear (function), Nonlinear (function)


Steps of

Linear Spatial


Position the mask over the current pixel.

Form all products of filter elements with the corresponding

elements of the neighborhood.

Add all products.

Other names for mask:


Linear Spatial Filter: Example


Linear Spatial Filter: Example


20/9 0/9


Linear Spatial Filter: Example


15/9 20/9

10/9 15/9

10/9 10/9

Add all products for output.

15/9 + 10/9 + 20/9 +

0/9 + 10/9 + 15/9 +

20/9 + 10/9 + 10/9

= 12.22

Output intensity of blue pixel

= 12.22


Correlation and




Sum of the product of mask and intensity on each point.


Example: Correlation (2)

Multiply and sum all products.


1 +15

2 +10



2 +20



4 +5

3 +0





Exercise: Correlation



Sum of the response on each point


Example: Convolution (2)

Multiply and sum all products.


5 +15

4 +10



4 +20



2 +5

3 +0





Exercise: Convolution


Example: HPF (2)

Filtered Image

10 20 10 15 5

5 0 20 -10 0

20 -40 25 15 5

10 5 -35 0 10


Edges of The Image

A linear filter is represented as a matrix, e.g., the 3 x 3 averaging


Edges of the Image

There are a number of different approaches to dealing with this problem.

Ignore the edges: The mask is applied to all pixels except the edges and

results in an output image that is smaller than the original. If the mask is very large, a significant amount of information may be lost.

Pad with zeros: We assume that all necessary values outside the image are

zero. It will return an output image of the same size as the original, but may have the effect of introducing unwanted artifacts, e.g., edges, around the image.



1/9 1/9 1/9

1/9 1/9 1/9


Edges of The Image

Batas atau tepi citra (edges of the image)

hal yang harus diselesaikan dalam operasi filtering

misalnya, bagaimana jika sebagian “mask” berada di luar


Edges of The Image (1)

Tidak mempedulikan batas atau tepi citra

“mask” hanya diaplikasikan pada piksel-piksel citra dimana

seluruh “mask” berada dalam citra.

Pendekatan ini menghasilkan citra output yang ukurannya lebih kecil daripada citra input.

Jika ukuran “mask” sangat besar, akan menyebabkan sejumlah


Edges of The Image (2)

Tambahkan piksel-piksel dengan nilai 0 (Pad with zeroes)

Dalam pendekatan ini, diasumsikan bahwa semua piksel yang

berada di luar citra mempunyai nilai grey-level nol.

Pendekatan ini menghasilkan citra output yang ukurannya sama


Filtering in MATLAB

Command: filter2

Syntax: filter2(filter, image, shape); filter2(filter, image);

• shape:

• ‘same’: pad edge with zeros. Size unchanged. (default)

• ‘valid’: apply mask only to inside pixel. Size smaller.


Filter Construction in


Command: fspecial

Syntax: fspecial(type, parameter); fspecial(type);

type: type of the filter

‘average’ : average filter • ‘gaussian’ : Gaussian filter • ‘laplacian’ : Laplacian filter …

parameter: parameter of the filter (size, sigma, …). Default varies


Filter on Frequency Domain

Low-pass filter (LPF): filter that allows only the low-frequency

components and reduces or eliminates the high-frequency components.

E.g. Gaussian, average

High-pass filter (HPF): filter that allows only the high-frequency

components and reduces or eliminates the low-frequency components.

E.g. Laplacian, Prewitt, Sobel

Spatial data (intensity) transformed by Fourier transform. Simplified version:

high-frequency indicates the abrupt changes in intensity  edges.


Computing Consideration

Filter may lead to the value outside [0,255]

Solution 1: Make negative values positive (use

absolute value)

good when there are few negative

values and the negative values are close to zero

Solution 2: Clip values

. Values larger than 255 become

255 and values less than 0 become 0.

not good if

there are many values outside the range.

Solution 3: Scaling transformation

. Rescale the range


Rescaling Intensity

Rescaled value (y)

1. Map



to 0.

2. Map



to 255.

3. Interpolate for

the remaining


Rescaling: MATLAB


>> gH = max(filtered_image(:));

>> gL = min(filtered_image(:));

>> scaled = (image – gmin)/(gmax – gmin);


Rescaling: MATLAB (2)

Command: mat2gray

Syntax: mat2gray(double_image); What this command do?

scale the value in double_image to displayable value. Output is double type.


Low Pass Filter



Low Pass Filter

Useful for reducing noise and eliminating small details.The elements of the mask must be positive.

Sum of mask elements is 1 (after normalization).


Filter Average

Filter average penting dalam permasalahan-permasalahan di

mana aspek citra yang menjadi perhatian adalah bukan detail citra

objek pengamatan :

berapa jumlah objek yang ada pada citra

luas daerah gelap dan daerah terang pada citra.


Low Pass Filter : Averaging

Mask size determines the degree of smoothing (loss of detail).

3x3 5x5 7x7

15x15 25x25


Low Pass Filter : Averaging

Mask size determines the degree of smoothing (loss of detail).


Low Pass Filter : Gaussian

1D Gaussian filter:

2D Gaussian filter:


Low Pass Filter : Gaussian

σ (sigma) controls the amount of smoothing

As σ increases, more samples must be obtained to represent

the Gaussian function accurately.

σ = 3


Low Pass Filter : Gaussian

Filter Gaussian

Implementasinya : membangun filter Gaussian, mengalikannya

dengan matriks hasil transformasi Fourier, dan menginversikan hasilnya.

Filter Gaussian merupakan jenis filter yang “paling smooth” dan


Benefits of Gaussian Filter

They are

mathematically very well behaved

. The

Fourier transform

of a Gaussian filter is




There are rotationally symmetric, so are very

good starting points for

some edge-detection



They are separable in




axes. This can lead


very fast implementations



convolution of two Gaussians

is another


Low Pass Filter : Gaussian

Effect of Gaussian filter = blurringlarger leads to more blur.



Averaging vs Gaussian Smoothing



Gaussian Filter: MATLAB

Construction of Gaussian filter:

command: fspecial(‘gaussian’, size, gamma);

size : size of the filter [row column], default [3 3] gamma : , default 0.5.

>>gaussian1 = fspecial(‘gaussian’, [5 5], 5);

Create the 55 Gaussian filter with the value of 5.

>>gaussian2 = fspecial(‘gaussian’, 3, 0.75);

 Create the 33 Gaussian filter with the  value of 0.75.


High Pass Filter

Useful for

highlighting fine details


The elements of the mask contain both





Sum of mask elements is 0.

1st derivative

of Gaussian

2nd derivative


Edge Sharpening

Also known as edge enhancement, edge crispening, unsharp masking.

Process to make the edge slightly sharper (tajam) and crisper


E.g. linear edge sharpening, unsharp masking, high boost filtering

High pass filter (HPF)


High Pass Filter : MATLAB

Command: filter2

Syntax: filter2(filter, image, shape); filter2(filter, image);

• shape:

• ‘same’: pad edge with zeros. Size unchanged. (default)

• ‘valid’: apply mask only to inside pixel. Size smaller.

• ‘full’: pad edge with zeros and applying the filter at all places on and around the image where the mask intersects the image matrix. Size larger.



LPF = perbedaan warna rendah

HPF = perbedaan warna tinggi atau signifikan


Unsharp Masking

and High Boost


Unsharp Masking

Obtain a

sharp image



a lowpass filtered

(i.e., smoothed) image








[unsharp_image] = [input](a [filter]  [input])

= (I* – a [filter]) [input]

= [unsharp_filter]  [input]

I* : matrix whose center member is 1 and the others are zero.

E.g. for 3  3 matrix I* =

For 33 matrix, after some rearranging term:

[unsharp_filter] =


Unsharp Filter: MATLAB

Command: fspecial

Syntax: fspecial(‘unsharp’, alpha);

alpha : alpha value for unsharp filter

Size of the filter is fixed to 3  3


Effect of Unsharp Masking



High Boost Filter

Image sharpening emphasizes edges but low frequency components are lost. (menekankan ketajaman)

High boost filter: amplify input image, then subtract a lowpass image.

Best result when 3/5  A  5/6

Used in dark image.

Boost the intensity of the original image.


Effect of High Boost Filter


High Boost Filter : MATLAB


Image Derivatives

How can we differentiate a


image F[x,y]?

Option 1: reconstruct a continuous image,



compute the derivative

Option 2: take discrete derivative (finite difference)

1 -1

How would you implement this as a linear filter?




Image Gradient

The gradient points in the direction of most rapid increase in intensity



of an image:

The edge strength is given by the gradient magnitude (besar gradient):

The gradient direction is given by:


Metode Robert

adalah teknik differensial pada arah horisontal dan differensial


Image Gradient

A different approximation of the gradient:

•We can implement and using the following masks:




Metode Prewitt

Metode Prewitt merupakan pengembangan metode robert

dengan menggunakan filter HPF yang diberi satu angka nol


Metode Sobel

Metode ini mengambil prinsip dari fungsi laplace dan gaussian


Image Gradient : MATLAB

Command: fspecial • Syntax:

• fspecial(‘prewitt’);

• fspecial (‘sobel’);


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