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Academic year: 2017



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Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan



Reg. Number: 2112121030






Rambe, Ruminah. Register Number: 2112121030. An Error Analysis of Coding Past Experiences in Linguistic Expression in Recount Text at the Twelfth Grade Students of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang. A Thesis. English Educational Program, Satate University of Medan, 2015.

This research deals with an error analysis. The objectives of the study are (1) to identify and classify the kinds of error in recount text made by the twelfth grade of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang, and (2) to investigate the causes of past tenses’ errors in recount text by the twelfth grade of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang. The research design that was used in this study is descriptive research. The source of data were taken from the twelfth grade students of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang which consist of 30 students who were choosen by taking the XII-1 class as the sample. In this research, the writing text was used as collecting data. The result of the study showed that there are the highest and the lowest errors made by the students. The highest common errors are capitalization with the number is 200 or 23.90% errors, word choice with the number is 110 or 13.14% errors and verb tense with the number is 105 or 12.54% errors. The lowest-three errors are 3 or 0.36% incomplete sentence errors, 13 or 1.55% meaning not clear errors and 21 or 2.51% singular-plural errors. Based on the total result types of errors, the writer found that the number of total causes of errors are communication strategy has 428 or 51.14% source of errors, interlingual transfer has 295 or 35.24% source of errors, intralingual transfer has 94 or 11.23% source of errors, and context of learning has 20 or 2.39% source of errors.




First of all, the writer would like to express the greatest gratitude to ALLAH

SWT for the blessings, guidance, guarding, and everything that has been given along

her life until the writer finally accomplishes her thesis.

Her thesis is aimed at fulfilling one of the requirements to obtain the S1 degree of

Sarjana Pendidikan at English Department in Faculty of Languages and Arts, State

University of Medan.

In completing her thesis, the writer realized that she faced some problems and she had

received the academic guidance, suggestions, and comments and got a lot of assistance

and moral support from many people. Therefore, the writer would like to express her

gratitude and special thanks to:

S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English Education Study Program, Faculty of Languages and Arts, State University of Medan.

Prof. Amrin Saragih, M.A, Ph.D as her Thesis Consultant, Dra. Tjut Ernidawati, M.Pd., as her Academic Adviser and as the Examiner, and also Dr. Rahmad Husein, M.Ed and Dra. Masitowarni Siregar, M.Ed.,

as her Thesis Examiners who have given their precious time, guidance, for their attention, assistance, and information, and her patients in helping



Ust. Defri, S.Pd, as the Headmaster of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang, and whole the teachers of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang.

Mr. Sulaiman Rambe, S.S as the English Teacher of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang, who helped her so much during doing the research. Thank you so much.

 Her special sincere gratitude goes to her beloved parents, her lovely father

Alm. Khalifah Sainal Rambe, her beloved mother Hj. Maryam Hasibuan, her lovely brothers and sister Ahmad Rifa’i, S.Pd, Ahmad Suhairi Rambe, Rizki Maulana Rambe and Mastika Rambe and all her families for their endless love, pray, inspiration, motivation, and

everything that they have given to the writer during her whole life, love

them so much.

All her classmates in Reg A and B 2011 who cannot be mentioned one by

one that conquered the lectures and shared knowledge, ideas, and

bitter-sweet of campus life together and have been cooperatively supporting the

writer in completing her thesis.

Her beloved friends 4 Hijabers, Annisa Nasution, Rafiqah Rahmah and

Widya Wulandari for their endless support, attention, pray and love and beautiful day spent together.

The writer realizes that her thesis is still far from being perfect, she warmly

welcomes any constructive suggestions, comments, and advices that will improve the

quality of her thesis. She hopes that her thesis would be useful for those who are read

and interested in the field of her study.

Medan, August 2015

The writer,



A. The Background ofthe Study ... 1

B. The Problems of the Study ... 3

C. The Scope of the Study ... 4

D. The Objectives of the Study ... 4

E. The Significance of the Study ... 4


C. The Procedure of Collecting Data... 30

D. The Technique of Analysing Data ... 31


B. The Data Analysis ... 36

C. Research Findings ... 41



page Table 1.1 The Percentage ofthe Twelfth Grade Student’s

Score in Writing ... 2

Table 2.1 The Distinction between Error and Mistake ... 7

Table 2.2 The Example of Recount Text ... 24

Table 2.3 Be as an auxiliary verb ... 25






A. The Background of the Study

English as an international language has an important role to develop

science and technologies. Many countries in the world use English as a medium of

communication among people in different countries, and also of writing many

kinds of books which were spred in different countries. In Indonesia there were

many kinds of foreign books written in English, whether they were Medical,

Economical, Botanical, or other books. So Indonesian students were expected to

learn English in order they could understand the book they read so that the

development of science and technologies in Indonesia could be obtained.

English teaching in high schools covers four skills, namely listening,

speaking, reading, and writing. Among the basic skills, writing was considered to

be the most complicated skill because in writing the researcher should be able to

combine and express his/her opinions in good written forms. In writing, the

researcher should not neglect the language components (structure, vocabulary, and

spelling)because the content of writing could only be understood if those language

components were written in correct forms.When the writing skill was taught in the

classroom, the students were expected to be able to write in English using a

correct structure. Structure or grammar is one of the basic components of

language which must learn.

Based on the researcher’s observation of the twelfth grade students at

MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang on Mei 20th


the teacher about the students’ score and the minimum criteria mastery (KKM or

Kritera Ketuntasan Minimum) in writing for first semester. It was applied 75,

meanwhile the students’ writing score were still low. Most of students could not

exceed the minimum criteria mastery (KKM) which applied by school for English

lesson. For more detail, the student’s accumulated score are shown below.

Table 1.1.The Percentage ofthe Twelfth Grade Student’s Score in Writing

Source: The Students accumulated score of twelfth grade at MAS Daar Al Ma’arif

Kota Pinang academic year 2015/2016

From the data above, it was concluded that the student’s ability in writing

is still low. It could be seen from the most of students’ score percentage were

under the KKM. Referring to the Educational Unit Oriented (Kurikulum Tingkat

Satuan: KTSP) 2006 and the syllabus of Senior High School, the students were

expected to be able to write various types of writing genres, such as descriptive,

narrative, report, recount, procedure, explanation, analytical exposition, hortatory

exposition, anecdote and news item. So the researcher uses recount text as the

writing genre in this study.

1st Semester 75 ≥ 75 75

XII-1 12 Students (30 %) 1 Student (10 %) 27 Students (67,5 %)

XII-2 15 Students (37,5 %) 5 Students (12,5 %) 20 Students (50 %)


Recount text is one of kinds of the text in English writing. In recount text

there are some information about what happened, and when happened in

life.Recount text refers to text which retells chronological activities in the past

usually from researcher’s personal interpretation, Emilia (2010:106). It can be

concluded that recount is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its

purpose is either to inform or to entertain the audience.

Betty (2000: 27) stated that simple past indicates an activity or situation

began and ended at the particular time in the past. As the researcher interview of

the twelfth grade students at MAS Daar Al Maa’arif Kota Pinang the researcher

found some mistakes in student’s writing such as they wrote the past of “stop”

become “stoped” and “plan” became “planed” but the correct forms are “stopped”

and “planned”.

Dulay(2003: 56) stated that making error is an inevitable part of learning.

People can not learn language without first systematically committing errors.

Brown (2007) also stated that learning is fundamentally a process that involves

the making of mistakes.

It was concluded that error analysis as an usual made by someone in the

process of doing something, we could learn from the error or mistake that we have


A. The Problems of the Study

Based on the background of the study on the previous, the problems were

formulated as follows.

1. What kinds of error in linguistic expression for coding past experiences did

the students make in recount text by twelfth grade of MAS Daar Al Maa’arif

Kota Pinang?

2. What were the causes of error in linguistic expression for coding past

experiences did the students makein recount text by twelfth grade of MAS

Daar Al Maa’arif Kota Pinang?

B. The Scope of the Study

The study deals with the errors analysis. The study focused on the

identification, classification the kind of errors and cause of the errors in coding

past experiences in linguistic expression in recount text by twelfth grade of MAS

Daar Al Maa’arif Kota Pinang.

C. The Objective of the Study

Based on the statement of the problems above the researcher has some


1) to identify and classify the kinds of error in recount text made by the

twelfth grade of MAS Daar Al Ma’arif Kota Pinang.

2) toinvestigate the causes of past tenses’ errors in recount text by the


D. The Significance of the Study

The study was expected to have both theoretical and practical perspective.

1. Theoretical Perspectives

a) The finding of result of the research could be useful for teaching past

tensein recoun text.

b) The result of this research could be used as a reference for those who

want to conduct a research about using past tense in recount text.

2. Practical Perspectives

The researcher expected that this research would be useful for the teachers

and students.

a) To the Teachers

The result of this study intended to become an input for them for the

importance of giving more exercises and correction about simple past

tense and the teacher could rearrange the suitable curriculum for the

students based on their difficulties.

b) To the Students

The researcher hopped the students would be able to do simple past

tense items well and improved the students’ mastery of simple past




This chapter presented the conclusion of the result of the study that has

been discussed in previous chapters and suggestion for English teachers, students,

and another researcher.

A. Conclusion

Based on the data in the previous chapter, the researcher would like to

draw up a conclusion that were related to the statement of problem about coding

past experiences in linguistic expression that the twelfth grade students of MAS

Daar Al Ma’arif still made many errors in recount text writing, they are:

1. The types of errors made by the students are punctuation with the number

of errors is 200 or 23.90%, word choice with the number of error is 110 or

13.14% and verb tense with the number of error is 105 or 12.54%.

2. The causes of errors identified in this study were communication strategy

with the number is 428 or 51.14% source of error, interlingual transfer

with the source of error is 295 or 35.24%, intralingual transfer with the

source of error is 94 or 11.23%, context of learning with the number

source of error is 20 or 2.39%.

B. Suggestions

After the researcher carried out the research, the researcher would like to


applied easily in teaching learning activity and decrease the errors both

theoretically and practically.

1. For the Teachers

a. The teacher should has brainstorming as warming-up before starting to

teaching learning in classroom in order to make the students happy and

relax. It also could help the students to switch their concentration from the

previous class-subject to focus on the material.

b. Writing has some rules and text types. Therefore the teacher should

simplify the explanation about the lesson, especially about coding past

experiences in linguistic expression in recount text without less the

substance of material given.

c. The teacher should give more exercises continuously to their students. So,

they would be able to know how to code their past experiences in

linguistic expression in recount text. By doing so, the students were

expected not t do the same errors.

2. For the Students

a. The students should be able to comprehend the form of coding past

experiences in linguistic expression in recount text, so they can write a

recount text well.

b. The students are expected to study or practice more about the use of past

tense, so their errors could be reduced and they could master the using of

past form.

c. The students should be aware of their errors and avoid repeating the same


3. For Other Researcher

It finally suggested that other researchers should conduct a further study about

coding past experiences in linguistic expression in recount text which has a very



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Table 1.1  The Percentage oft                                                                                                                  page he Twelfth Grade Student’s                   Score in Writing  .............................................
Table 1.1.The Percentage ofthe Twelfth Grade Student’s Score in Writing


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