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THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF MAN 1 BOYOLALI The English Teaching And Learning Process of MAN 1 Boyolali.


Academic year: 2017

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement to achieve the Master Degree in English Language Study

By: WINDRATI NIM. S 200110050




God will elevated to high ranks those that have faith and knowledge among you. God is

cognizant of all your action .

(Mujadilah surah verse 11).

There are o ly t o ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as

though e erthi g is a ira le .

( Albert Einstein)

Good frie d, good ooks a a sleepy o s ie e: this is ideal life .



This thesis is wholly dedicated to : My beloved husband

My beloved Children

All my relatives and friend at MAN 1 Boyolali All teachers and staff at MAN 2 Boyolali



In the name of Allah, lord of universe, the compassionate, the merciful and sovereign of

the day judgment. Praise to only to Allah, for his abundance blessing and shinning, hence writer completed writing he thesis e titled The English Teaching and Learning Process of MAN 1

Boyolali . “he is absolutely aware that there are many people helping her throughout this study. She thanks Prof.Dr. Khudalifah Dimyati, M.Hum as Director of Graduate School and

Prof.Dr. Markamah, M.Hum as Language Study who had given the writer permission and

opportunity to complete this thesis.

The writer also expresses her sincerest, deepest graduate to her first advisor Prof. Dr.

Endang Fauziati, M. Hum, the second advisor Dr. Anam Sutopo and the examiner Mauly

Hikmah Halwat, M.A, Ph.D who have guided the writer with their suggestion, comments and

correction to fulfill the thesis completely.

She also expresses her great thank to the principal of MAN 1 Boyolali who had given

opportunity to writer and allowed the research in the school. The writer also thanks the vice

principal, English teachers, staff and students of MAN 1 Boyolali.

The writer wants to acknowledge special thank and gratitude to her beloved husband,

lovely sons, parent who never tired supporting her during the research.

She also wants to express her big thank to all friends of MAN 1 Boyolali who have been

purely support her in conducting this research. The last but not least, writer expects suggestion

and critics for the sake of better thesis since it is still far from being perfect.

Surakarta, 18 october 2016





B. Theoritical Review ... 20

1. Nature of ELT ... 21

a. Nature of Teaching... ... 21

b. Nature of Learning ... 22

2. Learning Objectives ... 24

3. Syllabus a. Notion of Syllabus ... 26

b. Types of Syllabus ... 28

4. Classroom Procedure ... 30

5. Classroom Technique ... 32

a. Definition of Technique in Classroom ... 32

b. Kinds of Classroom Technique... 32

6. Learning Material ... 35

a) Notion of Learning Material ... 35

b) Role of Learning Material ... 38

7. Teache ’s Role a d “tude t’s Role ... 39

a)Teache ’s Role ... 39

b)“tude ts’s Role ... 40

8. Media a) Notion of Learning Media ... 43

b) Role of Teaching Media ... 43


9. Assessment

a. Defintion of Assessment ... 45

b. Aspects of Assessment ... 46


1. Learning Objective ... 58

a. General Objective ... 58

b. Specific Objective ... 59

2. Kind of Syllabus ... 62

a. Grammar or Structural Syllabus ... 63

b. Functional Syllabus ... 64

c. Lexical Syllabus ... 65

d. Genre Based Text Syllabus ... 65

e. Skill Based Syllabus ... 67


3. Classroom Procedure ... 68

4. Classroom Technique ... 76

a. BKOF ... 76

b. MOT ... 82

c. JCOT ... 86

d. ICOT ... 87

5. Learning Material a. Printed Material ... 91

b. Unprinted Material ... 97

c. Visual Material ... 99

a) General Objectives ... 121

b) Specific Objectives ... 121

2) Appropiateness Syllabus ... 121

3) Classroom Procedure ... 122

4) Variety of Instructional Material... 123

a) Handbook ... 123


c) Cassette ... 124

a) General Objectives ... 129

b) Specific Objectives ... 129

2) School Unit Syllabus ... 129

3) Classroom Procedure ... 129


B. Discussion ... 132

1. Learning Objective ... 133

2. Syllabus ... 134

3. Classroom Procedure ... 134

4. Classroom Technique ... 135

5. Teache ’s Role a d “tude t’s Role ... 136

6. Learning Mate ial………. . 137

7. Media ... 137

8. Assessment Model ... 138

Chapter 5 Conclusion, Implication and Suggestion A. Conclusion ... 140

B. Pedagogical Implication ... 142

C. Suggestion ... 143

Bibliography ... 146


Picture 25 : “tude t’s Discussio ……….. 102

Picture 26 : Student as Problem Solver ………. 105

Picture 27 : Teacher as a Manager ……… 106

Picture 28 : Teacher as A Guide ………. 107

Picture 29 : Teacher as an Organizer ……….. 107

Picture 30 : Procedure Text ……….. 108

Picture 31 : MS-Excel Media ……….. 111

Picture 32 : “tude t’s Po tfolio ……….. 117



Appendix 1. Observation and Interview Outline ... ……….. 149

Appendix 2. Observation and interview Schedule ... ……….. 150

Appendix 3. Syllabus ... ………. 154

Appendix 4. Lesson Plan ... ………. 161

Appendix 5. Mrs. JH Field Note ... ………….. 170

Appendix 6. Mr. RHM Field Note ... ………. 173

Appendix 7. Tape “c ipt of M s. JH………. ... ………. 176

Appendix 8 Tape Script of Mr. RHM ... ………. 178

Appendix 9. Tape Script of Students ... ……… 179

Appendix 10. Surat Ijin Penelitia ……….. 181


THE ENGLISH TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCESS OF MAN 1 BOYOLALI knowledge. The existence of English teaching learning process is a current issue in senior high school. It is needed to face Asian Economic Community. The purposes of this study are expose briefly the English teaching learning process of MAN 1 Boyolali namely : learning objective, syllabus, classroom procedure, classroom technique, learning

material, teacher and student’s role, media, assessment and strength and weaknesses. The study was an micro ethnographic study. The result of research portrays learning objective categorized into general and specific outcome. The syllabus of research is mixed syllabus. It consist of functional, structural, lexical, genre based text and skill based syllabus. The classroom procedure is two pattern namely : BKOF-MOT-JCOT-ICOT and BKOF-MOT-ICOT. The classroom technique are mind mapping, brainstorming, think-pair-share, think-aloud pair problem solving, drilling, questioning, presenting, practicing, discussing, and concluding. The learning material is divided into printed for instance,

handbook, worksheet , handout and and unprinted such as MP3 file, slide, cassette and CD room. The Student’s role

are as listener, an active participant, a processor, coordinator and problem solver. The teacher’s role are a manager, guide and instructor, a guide and instructor and explainer. The media are language laboratory, laptop and LCD projector, internet and , speaker active. The assessment applied to written test such as dialogue completion task, multiple choice and listening close task. It also uses observation, portfolio and project in assessment. There are strength and weakness among English teaching learning process at MAN 1 Boyolali. Due to to finding , discussion, conclusion and implication, the writer suggests for English teacher to enlarge their knowledge and involves their student in classroom actively. The application of variety methods, model and technique are obviously needed in English teaching. The writer also recommends for future to inflate the study in other research field.




Bahasa Inggris adalah alat utama sebagai jalan international di dunia. Keberadaan proses belajar bahasa inggris menjadi isu terkini dalam pendidikan menengah. Hal ini sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi masyarakat ekonomi Asia. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah

bagaimana proses belajar mengajar bahasa Inggris di MAN 1 Boyolali. Tujuan penelitian ini mengg ambarkan secara jelas proses belajar mengajar yang meliputi tujuan pembelajaran, syllabus, prosedur di kelas, teknik di kelas, bahab ajar, peran guru dan siswa, media, penilaian serta kelemahan dan kelebihan. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian micro ethnographi. Hasil dari penelitian menggambarkan bahwa tujuan pembelajaran terdiri dari tujuan umum dan khusus. Silabus yang digunakan adalah silabus campuran. Ini terdiri dari fungsional, structural,

lexical,genre dan ketrampilan. Prosedur di kelas terdiri dua pola yaitu BKOF-MOT-JCOT-ICOT dan BKOF-MOT-ICOT. Teknik dalam kelas yaitu pemetaan pikir, olah otak,

berfikir-berpasangan-berbagi, pemecahan masalah, melatih, menanya, menempilkan, mempraktekkan, mendiskusikan dan menyimpulkan. Bahan ajar dibagi menjadi bentuk cetak yaitu buku

pegangan, lembar kerja, hand out, sedangkan bentuk non cetak meliputi file MP3, slide, Kaset dan CD Room. Peran siswa sebagai pendengar, peserta aktif, prossesor, coordinator dan pemecah masalah. Peran guru yaitu manager, instruktur dan pemberi keterangan. Media yang digunakan adalah laboratorium bahasa, laptop, LCD, internet dan pengeras suara. Penilaian yang diterapkan dalam bentuk tes tulis adalah tugas melengkapi dialog, pilihan ganda dan melengkapi teks

kalimat rumpang. Penilaian juga menggunakan pengamatan, portofolio dan proyek. Ada kelemahan dan kelebihan dalam proses kegiatan belajar mengajar di MAN 1 Boyolali.

Berdasarkan penemuan, pembahasan,kesimpulan , saran dan implikasi, penulis menyarankan bagi guru bahasa inggris untuk memperluas pengetahuannya dan melibatkan siswa di kelas dengan aktif. Penerapan berbagai metode, model dan teknik sungguh diperlukan dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Penulis juga merekomendasikan bagi penelitian lanjut untuk memperluas penelitian dengan sudut pandang yang berbeda.

Kata kunci : Belajar, Mengajar, Proses


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