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the effect of giving reward on learning english of the


Academic year: 2023

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PENGARUH PEMBERIAN REWARD TERHADAP PEMBELAJARAN BAHASA INGGRIS SISWA KELAS II SMPN 2 BANGKELEKILA' TORAJA. Dengan ini saya menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang berjudul “Pengaruh Pemberian Reward Terhadap Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris Siswa Kelas Dua SMPN 2 Bangkelekila” dan seluruh isinya adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan bukan merupakan hasil plagiat. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan yang penulis peroleh di SMPN 2 Bangkelekila adalah prestasi siswa meningkat dengan adanya pemberian reward.

The effect of giving reward on the English learning of the second grade of SMPN 2 Bangkelekila'. Praise and gratitude to God for the mercy, blessing and opportunity that the writer was able to complete this skripsi. The writer realizes that without the motivation and people who have given their valuable suggestions, guidance, help and advice in a research and writing process, the writer cannot complete this skripsi quickly.

Rahmat Basir because of their support and help, the writer was able to complete this thesis well.

Table 3.1 : Classifying the Students’ Score  18
Table 3.1 : Classifying the Students’ Score 18



The problem is how to persuade the students or learners to strive to develop the spirit of learning to achieve optimal performance. In the study, we still found that students are mostly quiet, just listening to the explanation of the teacher and taking in the material described. Therefore, the teacher should motivate the students to learn English because we know that English is a very important language in the world and English is a globalization language.

Through the implementation of the reward, it is expected that students can be passionate about the learning process in the classroom. By applying reward during the learning process in the classroom, students can develop English language skills. Reward considering that all teachers are a nice tribute to students based on good results achieved in the educational process to improve performance.

34; The effect of Giving Reward on Learning English of the Second Grade of SMPN 2 Bangkelekila' Toraja Utara," the researcher hopes that the students were not bored while learning English and that they will become more active and can improve their knowledge of English.

Research Question

The role of teachers in this learning process, teachers should be more sensitive to read the situation and condition of students in learning dance art. What is the effect of reward on the learning of English in the second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Bangkelelekila'.

Objective of the Research

Significance of the Research

The Scope of the research

This chapter presents the concept of reward, stage of reward, definition of English learning, summary, theoretical framework and hypothesis.

Previous Related Findings

The Concept of Reward 1. The Definitions of Reward

  • The Purpose of Reward
  • The Forms of Reward a. Praise
  • The Kinds of Reward
  • Reward Principles

This is meant to do something, not because of the action simply, but there is something to be achieved with his actions, because with the goal will give direction in steps. And with the reward, it is also expected to build a positive relationship between teachers and students, because the reward is part of the incarnation of a teacher's love for students. So the purpose of the reward is the most important thing is not the results achieved by a student, but with the results achieved students, teachers aim to form a heart and a better will and more hard on the students.

Verbal praise is the most common form of rewards that teachers provide to students; it consists of complimenting students when they behave in a positive way. Others could be including the student's name or photo on a bulletin board or poster. The smiley face is one of the signs as a face and gives to the students who can answer the question for the teacher.

The grade is that the teacher gives a point to the students when the students can answer the teacher's question.

The Stage of Giving Reward

The teacher gives an explanation for the material that will be discussed in each meeting in the learning activities. Students pay attention to the teacher when the teacher explains the material to be learned. Teachers motivate students by giving rewards that will be given by the teacher during the lesson.

Any student who completes the task well and correctly will get rewards from the teacher or all students. From the above statement, it is clear that the reward must be educational and accompanied by considerations whether the reward is given to the students in accordance with good deeds done or results achieved.

Definition of Learning English 1. Learning

  • English

These concepts above also give way to a number of subfields within the discipline of psychology: acquisition processes, perception, memory (storage) system, short and long-term memory, recall, motivation, conscious and subconscious learning styles and strategies, theories of forgetting and also reinforcement . According to Ritcher (2002:95), learning is the activities of education or teaching; activities that transfer knowledge or skill. Webster (1913) stated that "learning conveys the knowledge to give intelligence concerning as knowledge before unknown, or rules for practice to inculcate as true or important to exhibit impressively".

English is the first Germanic language spoken in England in the early Middle Ages and is currently the most widely spoken language in the world. English is spoken as a first language by the majority of the population in various countries, including Great Britain, Ireland, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and a number of Caribbean countries; As well as being the official language in nearly 60 sovereign nations. English is the third most widely spoken native language in the world, after Mandarin and Spanish.

English is also used as a second language and official language by the EU, Commonwealth and UN as well as various other organizations (Mydans, 2007).


Theoretical Framework


This chapter contains research method and design, time and place of research, population and sample, research variable, research instrument, data collection procedures and data analysis technique.

Method and Research Design

The Time and Place of Research

Population and Sample 1. Population

Variables of the Research

Instrument of the Research

The Procedure of Collecting Data

Technique of Data Analysis

Then the author analyzes the data obtained from the results of the students' pre-test and post-test.


  • Pre-test X = 𝛴𝑋 𝑁
  • Post-test X = 𝛴𝑋

In collected data, the author used a test, which was used in pre-test and post-test. This shows a significant difference from the students' score after treatment was given the pre- and post-test. The mean score and standard deviation of the students are used to know the significance difference of the students' performance in pre-test and post-test.

The results of the students' average score in the pre-test and post-test show different significance. We can conclude that there was significance between the student's pre-test and post-test. This means that there was a significant difference between the students' pretest and posttest in rewarding students' improved achievement in learning English.

In other words, the pre-test and post-test scores were significant.

Table 4.1: The Students’ Score in Pre-Test  NO
Table 4.1: The Students’ Score in Pre-Test NO


The writer assumes that teaching English by giving reward is useful to influence the student's achievement because it was supported by the frequency and percentage of the score scale of the students' scores in the pre-test and post-test. Students score after presenting the English lesson (To be, vocabulary, expressions and tenses) through the science approach strategy. So students need to know more vocabulary to help them facilitate the translation process.

Therefore, the students should improve their performance in learning English to memorize some vocabulary. The post-test is done in one meeting, in the first meeting the author distributed the test and to the students. After the students found the meaning of the test, the author gave the students an opportunity to answer the teacher's question one by one.

In the second meeting the author shares the same test for the students, in this section the author started teaching the students. The description of the data collected by treatment test, as explained in the previous section, shows that students' performance has improved. This is proven by the rate percentage and the frequency of the students' pre- and post-test.

After giving treatment twice, students' performance in learning English is categorized as good because there are 2 students got excellent (7%) 9 students got very good (30%) 10 students got good (33%), 8 students got fair (27) %), and 1 student got poor (3%). Based on the calculation, it means that giving reward can significantly improve the students' performance in learning English in the students of class VIII-b in SMPN 2 Bangkelekila'. This research thus supported (H1) that there is a significant difference in students' performance in learning English before and after given treatment.

Reward creates fun and interest for the students, makes them learn and know the meaning of words more easily, engages friendly and competitive, but keeps students interested because this method creates the motivation for the students of English to get involved and participate actively learning activities to be taken. Therefore, it can be concluded that the students' English performance by giving rewards can have an effect on the English learning of the second grade of SMP Negeri 2 Bangkelekila.


The first part is a conclusion based on the research results and suggestions, the second part is a suggestion based on the conclusion.







SUMBER BELAJAR Experience, book



Soal Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa dapat membuat kalimat dalam bentuk lisan maupun tulisan berdasarkan kosakata yang telah dipelajarinya. Eksplorasi Siswa belajar menyampaikan pengalaman baik lisan maupun tulisan dengan memperhatikan struktur kalimat. Siswa Asosiasi dapat menceritakan pengalamannya kepada orang lain secara lisan maupun tulisan dengan memperhatikan struktur kalimat.

Instrument of the Research (Pre-test and Post-test)

Susunlah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang baik: adalah – tetangga – mereka – sangat – ramah – membantu – dan. JUDUL: “Pengaruh pemberian reward terhadap pembelajaran bahasa Inggris siswa kelas II SMPN 2 Bangkelekila' Toraja Utara. Tujuan diadakannya tes ini adalah untuk penyusunan tesis untuk program sarjana (S1) jurusan pendidikan bahasa Inggris , Fakultas Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Universitas Bosowa, Makassar.

The Results of Students in Pre-test

The Results of Students in Post-test

The Results of Students in the Treatment

The Students’ Score and Classification in Pre-Test

The Students’ Score and Classification in Post-Test

The Rate Percentage and Frequency of the Pre-Test

Appendix 11: T-test Value of Students’ English Achievement Test of Significance

Test of Significance (T-test)

The Distribution of Critical T-values

Appendix 14: The Students Pre-Test and Post-Test, the Gain and the Square of the Gain

Pictures of the Research


Table 3.1 : Classifying the Students’ Score  18
Figure 2.1.Students’ achievement in learning English
Table 4.1: The Students’ Score in Pre-Test  NO
Table 4.2: The Students’ Score in Post-Test   NO


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