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Academic year: 2023



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Alhamdulillah, the greatest thanks goes to Almighty Allah Subhanahu Wa'ala and Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu 'Alaihim Wasallam for the guidance, bless so that the researcher is finally able to write a dissertation titled 'The Effectiveness of Facebook Wall in improving students'. Without blessing and guidance from Allah, it is impossible for the researcher to complete this thesis. This thesis partially meets the requirement for a degree in English.

However, without the help of the following number of people who have a great contribution and influence in the writing of this thesis, it seems that it is very difficult for the researcher to complete her work. Pd., the first adviser who had given him instructions, advice, suggestions and encouragement for the completion of this thesis. Mami Nunung Anugrawati S.Pd., M.Pd, the second adviser who had given her guidance, advice and encouragement for the completion of this thesis.

So that the researcher gets criticism and some suggestions from anyone to improve it. The researcher expected that the thesis could be especially useful for the researcher, especially those involved in the English teaching profession.


  • Problem Statements
  • Objective of The Research
  • Significance of The Research
  • Scope Research

The teacher sometimes does not ask students to do writing assignments because assigning students' writing takes too much time. If the teacher gives the students homework to write, she takes the job of checking the students' writing (Marza: 684). When students can comment on each other, they can get a good response and feel more open to being better.

There are some solutions to this problem to help students, but another technique is needed in teaching writing to make it more interesting for students. Based on the aforementioned background, the researcher wanted to conduct a research on the effectiveness of the Facebook wall as a medium to improve students' ability to write repetitive text in the eleventh grade students of SMA 1 Sungguminas. Rewriting ability of eleventh grade students of SMA N 1 Sungguminas in academic year 2016-2017.

Writing here refers to students' ability to understand a recount text in terms of content and mechanics. Students are able to write well using general structure in writing in terms of recounting text in content and mechanics.


  • Writing
  • Recount Text
  • Media
  • Facebook Wall
  • Facebook as a Media of Language Learning
  • Conceptual Framework
    • Scheme Conceptual Framework
  • Research Hypothesis

Based on the explanation of experts, it can be concluded that writing is one of the important skills to be mastered by the students. Based on the explanation of experts, it can be concluded that, component writing is divided into five main areas. Based on the explanation of experts, it can be concluded that, retelling the event in the past, there are some features of a recount such as constructive and grammatical.

Based on the expert's explanation, it can be concluded that there are many types of narrative texts, such as personal narrative texts, etc. A diversion that "rounds out" a sequence of events or tells what happened at the end. Based on the explanation of the experts, it can be concluded that there are four steps for the composition of a written narrative text, namely orientation, event, personal comment and redirection.

Based on the experts' explanation, it can be concluded that the linguistic features commonly found in recounting and functional grammar production are important shared grammatical patterns of recounting. In the concept paper, Blattner and Fiori examine how Facebook can provide opportunities to enhance "the development of social-pragmatic competence in language learners" and "a sense of community in the language classroom."


Population and Sample a. Population

Population in this research were all eleventh grade in SMA N 1 Sungguminasa, so the population research was 384 students. Sampling in this study using purposive sampling because researcher directly descends to a specific place that has a population of randomized research by selecting two classes, one class was given treatment by teaching Facebook wall media and one class as control class. They were X12 as experimental class consisting of 20 students and XI 3as control class consisting of students.

Variable of The Research

After training students to write retelling test using Facebook Wall media, the students gave a good quality on content and mechanics.

Research Instrument

The Technique of Data Collection

Experimental class was the study explaining how to make a writing text narrate on Facebook wall media as media in process learning. Treatment given by using the Facebook wall with the material recount text based on the events of the students and implemented by students writing on each student's Facebook wall media. The teacher prints the result on the Facebook wall and checks writing errors in the recount text for content and mechanics. c.

The teacher explains that he repeats the material about the narration of the text again so that the students understand better. The teacher prints a record of the results on the Facebook wall media and checks the content and mechanics for written errors in the text of the recount. The teacher prints a record of the results on the Facebook wall and checks the content and mechanics for written errors in the text of the recount b.

The post-test is given to know the change of the material understood about the recounting of the text after the treatment using Facebook. The post-test is given to know the change of the material understood about the recounting of the text after the treatment using Facebook.

Data Analysis Technique

  • The Result Writing Ability in Term of Content

Deviation of each pressure test score from pretest of control class N: Number of students of experiment class. The research aimed to describe the use of Facebook wall to improve students' ability to write narration test of SMA N 1 Sungguminasa. Based on pretest and posttest in experimental class and control class in writing retell text in terms of content and mechanics in eleventh grade IPS 2 and IPS 3.

The result of pretest 100% students do not master writing retell text in terms of content 2. Total percentage 100% from 20 students and pretest, 8 students got adequate to fair, 12 students got unacceptable. Data Descriptive Statistics percentage of content and mechanic in writing retell text shown in content was an improvement of 79.39% from post-test score 59.2 and pre-test was 33.

The text recount data during mechanics was 70.80, and the improvement in post-test scores was 69.6. Can concluded that learning by using the Facebook wall to improve students' ability to write narrative text in terms of content and mechanics is significantly improved.

Table 4.2  The Percentage of Students’ Writing Result in term of  Content
Table 4.2 The Percentage of Students’ Writing Result in term of Content

Percentage Pre Test and Post Test in Experimental Class Based on in pre test mean 33 in term of content, 59.2 in post

  • The Result Writing Ability in Term of Mechanic

Based on table 4.6, it results that before the test, 100% of the students did not master the writing of the recount text in terms of content. Pre-test score 100% of students do not master the content of the recount text. Based on table 4.8, it appears that before the test, 100% of the students did not master the mechanical writing of the recounting text.

Data Descriptive Statistics The percentage of the content and mechanism in the written recount text shown in the content was 66.31% improvement with the post-test was 54. Based on the results of the data percentage improvement, it can be concluded that the experimental lessons learned through the Facebook wall are taught, compared to the control lessons that teach through the discussion method.

Table 4.6 Statistics of Content in Writing Recount Text IPS 3
Table 4.6 Statistics of Content in Writing Recount Text IPS 3

Percentage Pre Test and Post Test in Experimental Class Based on Chart 4.2 in pre test mean 32.5 in term of content, 54.05

  • Disscussion
    • Students` Writing Ability in Terms of Content and Mechanics by using Facebook wall
    • Students` Writing Ability in Terms of Content and Mechanics by Using Discussion Method
  • Suggestions
    • Lesson Plan A.2 List of attendees
  • Identitas
  • Kompotensi Dasar
  • Indikator
  • Materi Pembelajaran
  • Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan pertama : Pre test
    • Penilaian
  • Kompotensi Dasar
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan Ketiga
    • Kompotensi Dasar
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan Kelima
  • Kompotensi Dasar
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan Ketujuh
  • KompotensiDasar
  • MateriPembelajaran
  • Model/MetodePembelajaran
  • Langkah-langkahpembelajaran Pertemuanpertama : Pre test
  • KompotensiDasar
  • Kompotensi Dasar
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan Ketiga
  • Kompotensi Dasar
    • Membuat test recount sederhana sesuai dengan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/ kejadian/
  • Materi Pembelajaran
  • Langkah-langkah pembelajaran Pertemuan Kelima
  • Kompotensi Dasar
    • Menyusun test recount sederhana sesuai dengan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/ kejadian/
    • Membuat test recount sederhana sesuai dengan struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/ kejadian/
  • Materi Pembelajaran
    • Score writing in term of content and mechanic (Experimental class)

The result of the pretest 100% of the students do not master the writing of the recount text in terms of content. 100% of students do not master writing recount text from 20 students very weak in content and mechanics. In this case, there should be some advantages and disadvantages in teaching the text to recount using Facebook.

Based on data in pre-test and post-test in experimental class and control class written retell text in terms of content and mechanics in eleventh grade IPS 2 and IPS 3. The following is the score comparison of the result percentage of learning English students experimental class and control class . Writing retelling text using discussion method in writing retelling test period of content in the control class was in pretest mean 32.5 which means low category, posttest showed mean 54. Retelling Text is a kind of text in English that tells about events or experiences in the past .

Melakukan tes recount sederhana terhadap struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks recount sederhana tentang pengalaman/peristiwa/. acara, sesuai dengan konteks pengguna di dinding Facebook J. Buatlah teks hitung mundur berdasarkan grup Anda. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan tes recount di dinding facebooknya sesuai dengan pengalaman kejadian sesuai dengan struktur tes recount yang telah diajarkan. para siswa diminta untuk menulis teks recount dengan topik yang berbeda masing-masing. siswa berbagi informasi rinci serta fungsi sosial dari teks berhitung sederhana. siswa dituntut untuk disiplin dan bekerja sama dengan baik dalam pembelajaran. Siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan tes recount di dinding facebooknya sesuai dengan pengalaman kejadian sesuai dengan struktur tes recount yang telah diajarkan. para siswa diminta untuk menulis teks recount dengan topik yang berbeda masing-masing. siswa berbagi informasi rinci serta fungsi sosial dari teks berhitung sederhana. guru meminta siswa untuk menyampaikan kesulitan dalam menulis teks recount di facebook.

Recount text merupakan salah satu jenis teks bahasa inggris yang menceritakan kejadian atau pengalaman pada masa lampau. Membuat teks recount berdasarkan peristiwa/pengalaman yang anda alami dalam diskusi kelompok F. Media, alat dan sumber pembelajaran :. Siswa diminta bertanya tentang hal-hal yang kurang dipahami baik dari teks recount maupun pertanyaan sosial yang diberikan guru.

Do a re-text based on your group's event/experience F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran:. Make a text based on an event/experience in your group F. Media, Alat, dan Sumber Pembelajaran:.


  • Teaching using Facebook wall C.2 Teaching using discussion method

SCORE VALUE OF PRE-TEST AND POST-TEST CLASSROOM STUDENTS CONTENT AND MECHANICS CONDITIONS IN SMA. What were your special events during this time? Give a reason Make a recount text by answering the question instructed above. Calculate the difference of the mean value of the initial test (y) with the mean value of the final test (x) using "t test" with the formula used.

Researcher RISNAWATI HM was born on January 1, 1996 in Labakkang. The researcher is the second child from the marriage of her parents H. Rosdiana. In 2002, the researcher registered as a primary school student in SD N 4 Kabirisi and graduated in 2007. , in 2013, the researcher continued his studies in the English Education study program at Muhammadiyah Makassar State University in the Strata One (S1) program.



Table 3.1 Quasi Experimental Design Model Nonequivalent :
Table 3.2 Rubric of content assessment in writing.
Table 4.2  The Percentage of Students’ Writing Result in term of  Content
Table  4.2  showed  there  was  1  student  got  category  excellent  to  good, 6 students got good to adequate, 4 students got adequate to fair,  9 students got unacceptable, 0 student college level work in post test


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