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Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister




Register Number : 8106112031










Submitted to the English Applied Linguistics Study Program in Partial Fullfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Magister




Register Number : 8106112031






Elfi Khairani Nasution, The Effect of Teaching Strategy and Self Efficacy on Students´ Achievement in Reading Comprehension. Thesis : English Applied Linguistic Program State University of UNIMED

This research is aimed to find out : (1) The difference of students’ reading comprehension ability between PALS and QARs (2) The difference of students´ reading comprehension ability who have low self efficacy and high self efficacy (3) Interaction between teaching strategy with self efficacy on the students reading comprehension achievement.

The population of this research is all second classes of MTs Negeri Lubuk Pakam, Kabupaten Deli Serdang which have 180 students´ all together and consist of five classes. These samples are taken by using simple random sampling method. The sample of this research is 32 students taught by PALS and 32 students in QARs. The research instrument that used to measure the achievement is test multiple choice with 4 options with 40 questions. To get data of self efficacy used questionnaire Self Efficacy for Children that adapted from Bandura et al. with 30 questions. The research method uses experiment with factorial design 2 x 2. Technique of analyzing data uses ANOVA of two directions at significants α = 0.05.

The findings of the research indicate that : (1) The students´ reading comprehension achievement that taught by PALS (X = 31,31) is higher than the students´ achievement that taught by QARs (X = 30,63) with F observed = (4,34) > F table = (4,00), (2) The students´ reading comprehension achievement who have high self efficacy (X = 33,38) is higher than low self efficacy (X = 29,06) with F observed = (5,60) > F table = (4,00), (3) Be found interaction between teaching strategy and self efficacy on the students´ reading comprehension achievement with F observed = 5,48 > F table = 4,00.

The multiple comparation by Tukey test indicatess that (a) the students´ reading comprehension achievement that taught by PALS is higher than QARs, (b) the students´ reading comprehension achievement that have high self efficacy is higher than the students´reading comprehension achievement that have low self efficacy, (c) be found interaction between teaching strategy with self efficacy, that the students´ reading comprehension achievement that have high self efficacy is higher if use PALS, in the way arround the students´ reading comprehension achievement that have low self efficacy is higher if taught with QARs.




The writer’s endless gratitude is primarily expressed to Allah SWT for His forever

Blessing and Mercy that has enabled her to finish writing this piece of academic work.

In the process of writing this thesis, the writer has to confess that many people have

given her the care, attention, and bright ideas. In this connection, she would like to express

her very special appreciation to Prof. Dr. Berlin Sibarani, M.Pd. as her first advisor for his

strong support, comments, criticism, and bright ideas in shaping up this thesis and Dr. Didik

Santoso, M.Pd. her second adviser,for his understanding and the valuable suggestion and


She would like to thank her deepest gratitude to the reviewers and examiners: Prof.

Dr. Busmin Gurning,M.Pd., Dr. Anni Holila Pulungan, M.Hum., and Dr. Sri Minda Murni,

M.S. for the valuable inputs to be included in this thesis. She also wishes to express thanks to

all lectures who have given her the valuable knowledge during her study at the English

Applied Linguistics Study Program, Postgraduate School, State University of Medan.

Then, she would also like to express her sincere appreciation and love to her parents :

H.M.Yunan Nasutioan and Hj. Dahlia as her inspiration, her beloved husband : Drs Abdul

Malik,M.Pd, and her children : Nurfadhilah Amini, Rafika Hayati and Muhammad Alwi who

always show endless their full support, motivation and pray to finish the study.

He also thanks the Headmaster of MTsN Lubuk Pakam, Dra Mismah, M.Si., who

gave the permission to conduct the research at school and those teachers especially Mahya

Aini and Nurul Huda, students of MTsN Lubuk Pakam and the researcher’s friends who gave

full supports to this study, they should deserve her sincere gratitude for their cooperative


iii May Allah bless you !

Medan, April 2014

The writer,



2.1 The Nature of Reading Comprehension ... 9

2.1.1 Purposes for Reading ... 12

2.1.2 Level of Comprehension ... 13

2.1.3 The Process of Reading Comprehension ... 15

2.1.4 The Assessment of Reading Comprehension ... 20

2.1.5 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension... 25

2.1.6 Genre ... 26

2.1.7 Narrative text ……… 28

2.2 Teaching Strategy ... 30

2.2.1 Peer Assissted Learning Strategy (PALS) ... 31 The Nature of PALS ... 32

3.3 Technique and Instrument of Data Collection ... 57

3.3.1 Technique of Data Collection... 57

3.3.2 Instrument of Data Collection. ... 58



3.3.6. Control of Internal and External Validity ... 65 Internal Validity ... 66


4.1 Data Description ……….. 71 4.1.1 The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension taught by PALS ……… .. ………. 72

4.1.2 The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension taught by QARs ………... ….. 73

4.1.3 High Self Efficacy Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension taught by PALS and QARs …… 75

4.1.4 The Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low Self Efficacy taught by PALS and QARs……….. 76 5.1 The Differences on Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension between Students that Taught by PALS and QARs………. 92

5.2 The Difference of Students’ Achievement in Reading

Comprehension between High Self Efficacy and Low

Self Efficacy Student……….. 94 5.3 The Interaction between Teaching Strategies and



Comprehension……… 95 6. The Limitation of the Research………. 97


5.1 Conclusion……… 99

5.2 Implications ………. 100

5.3 Suggestions ………. 101




Table 4.2 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Taught with PALS ... 71

Table 4.3 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension Taught Using QARs .. 73

Table 4.4 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with High Self Efficacy Taught with PALS and QARs ... 74

Table 4.5 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low Self Efficacy Taught with PALS and QARs ... 76

Table 4.6 Students’ Achievement with HighSelf Efficacy in Reading Comprehension Taught ... 77

Table 4.7 Students’ Achievement with Low Self Efficacy in Reading Comprehension Taught with PALS ... 78

Table 4.8 Students’ Achievement with High Self Efficacy in Reading Comprehension Taught with QARs ... 80

Table 4.9 Students’ Achievement with Low Self Efficacyin Reading Comprehension Taught with QARs ... 81

Table 4.10 The Summary of the Normality Testing of the Teaching Strategies Data.. 83

Table 4.11 The Summary of the Normality Testing of PALS and Self Efficacy ... 83

Table 4.12 The Summary of the Normality Testing of QARs and Self Efficacy ... 84

Table 4.13 The Summary Analysis of Variance (Anova) Homogeneity Testing between PALS and QARs Using F Test ... 85

Table 4.14 The Summary Analysis of Homogeneity Testing Students’ Self Efficacy Using F Test and Barlet’s Test ... 85

Table 4.15 The Summary Analysis of Homogeneity Testing between Teaching Strategies and Self Efficacy ... 86

Table 4.16 The Summary of Anova Factorial Design 2 x 2 ... 87






Figure 4.1 Students’ Reading Comprehension Taught with Using PALS ... 72 Figure 4.2 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension

Taught with Using QARs ... 73 Figure 4.3 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with High

Self Efficacy taught with PALS and QARs ... 75 Figure 4.4 Students’ Achievement in Reading Comprehension with Low

Self Efficacy Taught by PALS and QARs ... 77 Figure 4.5 Students’ Achievement with High Self Efficacy in Reading

Comprehension Taught with PALS ... 78 Figure 4.6 Students’ Achievement with Low Self Efficacy Taught by PALS ... 79 Figure 4.7 Students’ Achievement with High Self Efficacy in Reading

Comprehension Taught with QARs ... 81 Figure 4.8 Students’ Achievement with Low Self Efficacy in Reading

Comprehension taught with QARs ... 82 Figure 4.9 The Interaction between Teaching Strategies and Self Efficacy ... 91






1.1 The Background of the Study

Developing the students’ competence to comprehend English textbooks in

achieving a certain functional literacy stage is one of the objectives of English teaching.

English teaching needs four language skill, namely listening, speaking, reading, and

writing. Reading is one of the four language skills,which should be applied in

comprehending the textbook. In comprehending the textbook involves multiple skills.

The multiple skills not only pronounce the sound of the letter but also all the higher

mental processes, such as memory, thought, imagination, organization, implementation,

and troubleshooting. They are gathered in comprehending text related one another. By

joining multiple skills are hoped to be able to comprehend text correctly.

Reading is an activity with purposes. A person may read in order to gain

information, for enjoyment, or to enhance knowledge of the language being read.

Reading also becomes more important in our lifes because in every aspect of life

reading activity is always envolved. Catering trader does not need going to the market

to know the price of the needed material because they can get information from the


In terms of reading comprehension, students are hoped to comprehend text

and to be interested to do task that teacher ask for them. It is not easy to make the




teachers just focus on teaching reading not understanding, as the consequence, the

students seem hard to comprehend the reading text.

The reality happened that many students failed in reading because they are not

taught reading well. More teachers focus on teaching “reading” not “understanding” As

the result, the students tend to have poor reading skill and habits. The matter arises

because of some factors: (1) Students do not have good motivation to read because the

text is not interesting, the teaching technique is boring or the text is too hard, (2) they

believe that when comprehending the text, they must comprehend every word in the

text, so they keep on looking up the words in a dictionary to find out the meaning of the

words, (3) they have very limited techniques and strategies in reading, (4) they read

aloud which slows them down and which may inhibit comprehension.

In addition reading comprehension test is one of the dominant test in English

national examination. Persentation reading comprehension test about 50 % of all the

test (Manurung, 2002). The other tests are short functional texts and writing

competence. Remembering students’ ability in vocabulary is less, it becomes a difficult

hard for students to answer the tests in the national examination. This case can be seen

English students’ achievement in national examination from 2011/2012 and 2012/2013

academic year in MTs Negeri Lubuk Pakam. Obtaining national examination mark can

be seen in the table below .

Table 1.

English Students’ Achievement of MTsN Lubuk Pakam 2011/2012 to 2011/2013 Academic Year

Academic Year Highest Mark Lowest Mark

2011/2012 8,0 4,00




Based on researcher’s observation as a teacher in MTsN Lubuk Pakam, reading

comprehension was less to get attention so the instruction was done teacher oriented,

not students oriented. The effort to obtain the comprehension toward the text, the

teachers should use certain strategy. The strategy is choosen by fitting to students, text

and context text. Particular strategy may be well suited for one student, it may not work

for another. Therefore, needing to assess the strengths of their students, fitted by the


Adler (2004) stated that comprehension strategies are concious plans sets of

steps that good readers use to make sense of text. Comprehension strategy instruction

helps students to become purposeful, active readers who are in control of their own

reading comprehension. Accordingly, the students will be easier to comprehend the text

if the teacher helps them with strategy in learning.

In terms of this problems, there are desire to compare two kinds of reading

instructions namely Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) and Question Answer

Relationship strategy (QARs). The PALS are designed to also help children develop

word-level reading skills (Fuch and Fuch,2007: 175) . The students help each other to

read and comprehend the text. Furthermore the Question-Answer Relationship (QAR)

strategy presents a three-way relationship among questions, text content, and reader

knowledge. Simply put, the QAR strategy shows that students who understand how

questions are written are better prepared to answer questions. These activities help

students "demystify" the question-building process as a step toward better reading




The researcher is interested in these kinds of reading instructions under the

consideration that the PALS provides strategies in which the students comprehend the

text by doing their own activities. They help each other in reading, searching main idea,

and making summary but they do themselves in answering question provided in text. In

contrary, the QAR provides strategies in which the students must comprehend kinds of

question conveyed and then they make categories based on the questions. This strategy

invites the students to think more before answering the question.

Beside the instructions, the students’ ability in reading comprehension is

influenced by other factor that is motivation. “In psychology, motivation is an internal

state or condition (sometimes described as a need, desire, or want) that serves to

activate or energize behavior and give it direction”. Huitt (2011) Accordingly, the

motivation is a force that move person to behaviour toward a goal.

Motivation can be described in many types and the main broad categories are

intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation within an individual, e.g., self

efficacy while extrinsic motivation outside an individual, e.g., grades. Children who

are intrinsically motivated tend to show greater persistence and put more effort into task

through their own volition. On the other hand, students who are extrinsically motivated

may perform tasks with resentment and disinterest, through coercion of an external goal

or reward.

In this study the researcher will analyze one of reading motivation that is self

efficacy . According to Pajares (1996), self efficacy is a persons’ confidence to perform

a specific task successfully and is linked closely to initial task engagement, persistence,

and achievement. Bandura (1997) refers to self-efficacy as one’s convictions to




provided the foundation for human motivation, well-being and personal accomplishment.

This implies that unless people believe that their actions can produce the outcome they

desire, they have little incentive to act or to persevere in the face of difficulties.

Based on students’ capabilities are hoped they can do task teacher given eagerly,

so it is needed to know influence of self efficacy for the students in learning English.

Research shows that self-efficacy predicts students’ academic motivation and learning

(Pajares, 1996). Therefore a questionnaire based on these constructs measuring self

efficay was used in the current study. It also measures of academic behaviour, social

and emotional students were used so that the importance of self efficacy could be

examined when included with cognitive skills commonly associated with reading.

Therefore, in this study the resercher is interested to discovering the effect of

Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) and Question Answer Relationship (QAR)

strategy in improving the students’ reading comprehension for those who have high and

low self efficacy of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) Lubuk Pakam where the

researcher teaches English.

1.2 The Identification of the Study

Based on the background of the study, it can be identified, the research problem,

they are :

1. What factors that influence the students’ achievement in reading comprehension ?

2. Does Peer Assisted Learning Strategy (PALS) significantly affect on students’




3. Does Question Answer Relationship (QAR) significantly affect on the students’

achievement in reading comprehension ?

4. Does the self efficacy significantly affect the students’ achievement in reading

comprehension ?

5. How is the students’ achievement taught by using PALS ?

6. How is the students’ achievement taught by using QAR ?

7. Is the students’ achievement in reading taught by PALS is higher than the students

taught by using QAR ?

8. Is the students’ achievement in reading with high self efficacy higher than the

students with low self efficacy ?

9. How is the students’ achievement with high self efficacy taught by PALS ?

10. How is the students’ achievement with high self efficacy taught by QAR ?

11. Do the teaching strategy and self efficacy significantly affect on the students’

achieving in reading comprehension ?

1.3 The Problems of the Study

The research problems of this study are formulated as follows :

1. Is the students’ reading comprehension ahievement taught by using PAL strategy

significantly higher than taught by using QAR strategy ?

2. Is the students’ achievement in reading comprehension with high self efficacy

higher than low self efficacy ?

3. Is there any significant interaction between PALS and QAR strategies with self




1.4 The Scope of the Study

There are many strategies that are used in teaching reading, especially reading

comprehension. In this study focused only on the use of the two strategies, they are

PALS and QAR strategies.

Self efficacy influences reading comprehension in doing certain task such as

find main idea, detail information, inferences and paraphrasing. That’s why self

efficacy choosen as the moderator variable. The students in junior high school, where

the researcher teaches English have different self efficacy. They have high and low self

efficacy because they have different background. The different background such as in

their basic education in elementary school, interest, economy, family, environment, ect

may affect the students’ reading comprehension.

1.5 The Objectives of the Study

It is necessary to state clearly what the objectives of the study in relation to the

problems posed. The objectives of the study are :

1) to find out if the students’ achievement in reading comprehension taught by using

PAL strategy is higher than that taught by using QAR strategy.

2) to find out if the reading comprehension achievement of high self efficacy students

is higher than reading comprehension achievement of low self efficacy students.

3) to find out if there is interaction between teaching strategies and self efficacy on

students’ achievement in reading comprehension

1.6 The Significance of the Study




Theoretically :

1) for the English teachers as the input to improve their students’ ability in reading


2) for students or readers to improve their ability in reading comprehension,

3) can be used as the references for those who want to conduct a research who want to

apply teaching strategies.

Practically :

1) for the English teacher as one of strategies when teaching reading,

2) it can help students who have problem in reading and more enjoyable in learning


3) As comparing for those who want to conduct further in depth research in reading







5.1 Conclusions

Based on the result of the research and discussion that have stated, it is

concluded that :

1. Teaching reading comprehension with PALS and QAR strategy

significantly affect the students’ achievement in reading comprehension.

PALS influences higher to students’ achievement in reading

comprehension than QAR strategy. Hence the PALS is more effective to

be used in teaching reading than QAR strategy in improving students’


2. High and low self efficacy give different influence to the students’

achievement in reading comprehension. The students’ achievement in

reading comprehension with high self efficacy is higher than that with low

self efficacy.

3. There is significant interaction between teaching reading strategies and

self efficacy on students’ achievement in reading .comprehension.

Students’ achievement in reading comprehension is influenced by teaching

strategies and self efficacay High self efficacy students showed significant

effect on their reading comprehension achievement if they were taught by




their reading comprehension achievement if they were taught by using

QAR strategy.


Based on findings, it can be known that PALS is more effective to be used

in teaching reading comprehension than QAR strategy. The findings give

implication to English teacher and students who wants to improve their

achievement in reading comprehension. In this research the researcher has tested

teaching strategies in reading comprehension, they are Peer Assisted Learning

Stategy (PALS) and Question Answer Relationship (QAR). They are applied on

high self efficacy students and low self efficacy students in order to know which

teaching strategies are appropriate for them in improving their achievement in

reading comprehension.

Based on this research that students’ achievement in reading

comprehension taught by PALS, it is higher than students taught by QAR

strategy. Thus, it implies English teachers should apply PALS.

Furthermore, in this research states that reading comprehension

achievement of high self efficacy students is higher than reading comprehension

of low self efficacy students. Therefore, the teachers should pay attention to the

students’ self efficacy so that the students can obtain better learning achievement,

especially in reading comprehension. Implication of students’ characteristic

difference give sign teachers in selecting strategies have to consider students’ self




Finally, there is significant interaction between teaching strategies and

students’ self efficacy on students’ achievement in reading comprehension. It

implies that teachers should apply the strategies that are appropriate with students’

self efficacy so that the students can improve students’ achievement in reading


5.3 Suggesstions

Based on the conclusions and implications above, some suggestions can be

recommended as follow :

1. Teaching strategy with PALS significantly affect the students’

achievement in reading comprehension higher than QAR strategy. It is

suggested to the lecturer or teacher to use PALS in teaching reading

comprehension in improving students’ achievement.

2. The students with higher self efficacy comprehend texts better than those

with lower self efficacy. It is suggested that the lecturer or teacher should

identify their students self efficacy level before doing the teaching and

match his/her teaching technique with the identified levels.

3. There is significant interaction between teaching reading strategies and

self efficacy on students’ achievement in reading comprehension. It is

suggested to the lecturer or teacher should choose appropriate teaching

strategy before doing the teaching and fit it with his students self efficacy





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Table 1. English Students’ Achievement of MTsN Lubuk Pakam 2011/2012 to


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