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Academic year: 2023



Teks penuh


Volume 10 Nomor 3 December 2022 Hal. 254-258 p-ISSN:2541-4232 dan e-ISSN: 2354-7146



Nana Harlina Haruna1, Ari Wibowo2, Marilyn Lasarus3

1,2 Universitas Sawerigading Makassar Email: nanaharlina86@gmail.com Email: arhyhikmal88@gmail.com

3Universitas Kristen Indonesia,Toraja Email: lasarusmarlin@yahoo.com

(Received:17-5-2022; Reviewed:10-6-2022; Revised: 22-08-2022; Accepted: 27-09-2022; Published: 29-12-2022) ©2022 –Daya matematis: Jurnal inovasi pendidikan matematika. This article open acces licenci by

CC BY-NC-4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) Abstract

This study aims to describe students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems for class XI AKL 1 SMK Negeri 4 Makassar in the matter of a system of two-variable linear equations using word problems. The research method is descriptive with a qualitative and quantitative approach. The subject of this research was taken by 4 students, namely 2 students with high critical ability and 2 students with low critical ability from 34 students of class XI AKL 1 SMK Negeri 4 Makassar. The process of critical thinking skills in solving math problems students who have high critical thinking skills can solve problems because they have previously understood the material and examples of questions given, and worked carefully and thoroughly. Meanwhile, students with low critical thinking skills still do not understand the material and examples of questions given by researchers so that in solving math problems there are several steps to solving them that they do not understand.

Keywords: Critical thinking, Ability, Mathematics Problems


Education is a process related to educating, educators or students. Be it in the school, community or family environment. Education is carried out through structured and formal teaching and learning activities. Education can be measured and determined within a certain period of time. The purpose of education is to cultivate certain abilities to prepare students to be able to live in society.

In everyday life the science that humans use to solve their problems and is related to education is mathematics. Mathematics is knowledge that is obtained by thinking or reasoning. In studying mathematics students are required to be able to think critically mathematically in a problem solving. And problem solving that students often find in learning mathematics is questions in the form of stories on SPLDV material. students' critical thinking skills in solving problems in the form of math word problems are very important.

Teachers can guide students in solving word problems with appropriate procedures, so that students can develop critical thinking skills about what they are learning. Based on the background of the problems that have been described previously, the formulation of the problem in submitting this title is:

1. How are students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems?

2. Describe the process of critical thinking skills experienced by students in solving math


Based on the formulation of the problem described above, the objectives of this study are:

a. Describe students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems.

b. Describe the process of students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems.

The benefits of research are:

1. For students, students can understand the right concepts in solving math problems and students can develop critical thinking skills and can strengthen their memory of what they have learned.

2. Educators, especially teachers in mathematics, through this research can consider learning styles in learning so that students can improve critical thinking skills in problem solving.

3. For researchers, knowing the critical thinking skills of each student is different when solving math problems, as an additional insight into researchers in the world of education, and as reference material in developing subsequent research.


This type of research is descriptive research with qualitative and quantitative approaches, which aims to describe what was when the research was carried out and aims to determine students' critical thinking skills, namely the process of critical thinking in solving math problems for students with high and low critical thinking abilities. The research location is an educational unit with a SMK level and is under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture, namely SMKN 4 Makassar having its address at JL. Bandang No. 140, Parang Layang, Kec. Bontoala, Makassar City, South Sulawesi, zip code 90155 with state school status.The method of selecting research subjects was a tiered method based on mathematical abilities based on tests made by researchers by taking math word problems, selecting SPLDV material that had been studied by research subjects. The research subjects were chosen by 2 students based on high critical thinking skills and 2 students based on low critical thinking skills.

The research instrument is a tool used to collect data or information that is useful for answering research problems. The instruments used in this study were test instrument sheets, interview guides, and documentation.Data collection techniques are methods that can be used by researchers to collect data, techniques in designating a word that is abstract and not embodied in objects, but can only be seen through interviews, observations, test sheets, documentation, and others. Qualitative data analysis was carried out during the collection process, this means that data analysis can be carried out starting from the first data collection in the field and ending at the time of preparing the research report. Data analysis was carried out in this study with the following steps: (1) transcribing student answers, (2) examining student answer data from various sources, namely interviews, (3) data reduction (4) data categories, (5) analyzing thinking processes critical, and (6) draw conclusions.

The indicator of success in this research is when the stages of learning for problem solving are implemented with the help of learning modules as a source of learning and the achievement of student learning outcomes with a minimum score of 76 for mathematics. If there is a significant increase in students' critical thinking skills from test I to test II and III after the action is given with a high critical level category on the subject of the Two Variable Linear Equation System (SPLDV) it can be seen from the suitability of critical thinking indicators which include stages, clarification, assessment , inference, and strategy



This critical thinking ability is based on statement items on the research instrument, namely critical thinking. Each of these statements includes indicators of critical thinking which total 4 stages. There are also test instruments and interview guidelines that measure the level of critical thinking skills of XI AKL 1 students based on their patterns of thinking in solving given math problems, previous math problems have been validated by expert lecturers

The table describes the results of the scores obtained by students, test 1 is a test in the form of the most basic questions without using word problems with the number of questions, namely 3 items. The test was tested on all XI AKL 1 students and then the data was analyzed. After checking the answer sheets, the lowest score (Xmin), the highest score (Xmax), and the average value (Xaverage) are obtained. The highest score on test 1 is 100, the lowest score on test 1 is 10 and the average score on test 1 is 81.0. Only 11 students met the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) and 23 students did not meet the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) while the KKM on SPLDV material was 76.

In test 2, there were 4 questions in the form of a story. The ability test 2 was tested on all students and then the data was analyzed. After being examined, a student with the first highest score was obtained with a score of 100 and a student obtained the second highest score, namely with a score of 95. The lowest score in test 2, namely with a score of 80, was obtained by two students. The average score on this test was 84.90, XI AKL 1 students in test 2 totaled 33 students who passed, a student was unable to attend this second meeting so he did not take part in learning and did not get a grade and 33 students have fulfilled the grade KKM is 76.

Test 3 is the final test of students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems in the form of story questions on SPLDV material given to student I AKL 1 where of the 3 tests is to find out whether 2 students have high critical abilities and 2 people have low critical abilities.

After the answer sheets were checked, 2 students were obtained with the highest score of 100.

The lowest score was obtained by 2 students with a score of 80, the average student score in test 3 was 88.64, all XI AKL 1 students passed this test and all students has met the KKM.

In the table above it is explained that through tests 1, tests 2 and tests 3, 2 students with high critical thinking skills and 2 students with low critical thinking skills were found. Students with critical abilities, namely Ain Ayuniin Atiq, after seeing the answer sheet from test 1, obtained a score of 100. In test 2, he also received a score of 100 to determine whether the student with high critical abilities was given test 3, it turned out that the score was 100. From the three tests, the average score was the average of 100 students is included in the criteria of high critical ability.

The student named Faidah on test 1 got a score of 100, then on test 2 she got a score of 95 the score decreased by 5. On test 3 it turned out that the score was 100, from test 1, test 2 and test the average score obtained by the student was 98.3. This student belongs to the criteria of high critical ability.

In the table above, it can be seen that 2 students with low critical ability, a student named Andi Alfan, on test 1 obtained the lowest score, namely 10. Then on the second test, the student received a score of 80, which experienced a significant increase from the previous test. In test 3, the value is still 80, there is no increase. The average value of the student's test 1, test 2 and test 3 is 56.6. This student includes the criteria of low critical ability students.

Sri Rahayu is a student who gets a low score on test 1, which is 20. On test 2, she gets a score of 80, experiencing a significant increase from test 1. Then on test 3, she gets a score of 95,


three tests, namely 65 students, is included in the criteria for students with low critical thinking skills.

The discussion is a general presentation of the research results that have been previously described in the form of research tables, student test results, and interviews.

1. Students with High Critical Ability

Based on the results of the study it turned out that two students with high critical ability were able to complete test 1 without using story questions using 3 methods on SPLDV material as many as 3 questions. In tests 2 and 3, where the tests were in the form of story questions, the students were able to solve math problems properly and correctly involved from indicators of success and the stages of critical thinking skills in this study. Indicators of success that have been achieved by students in research, namely the implementation of learning stages in solving math problems by using learning modules as learning resources and the achievement of student learning outcomes by meeting the minimum completeness criteria (KKM) 76 for mathematics lessons are two students with high critical abilities from test 1, test 2 and test 3 the value has met the KKM.

As for the stages of high critical thinking skills that are fulfilled by students with high critical abilities, namely clarification where students mention the information contained in the questions, write down what is known, ask questions and how to solve math problems.

Assessment, that is, students formulate the points carefully and thoroughly contained in the questions. Inference, that is, students connect between relevant concepts that have been carried out in the steps of problem solving. The strategy is that students make conclusions from the results of solving problems that have been done based on valid and invalid logic.

2. Students with Low Critical Ability

Based on the results of the study that two students with low critical ability, on test 1 in the form of the most basic questions without using story problems with 3 methods on SPLDV material as many as 3 items were unable to complete the test. In tests 2 and 3, where the tests were in the form of story questions, two students with low critical ability were able to solve math problems according to their own knowledge and understanding involved from indicators of success and stages of students' critical thinking abilities in research. Indicators of success that have been achieved by students with low critical abilities in this study are the implementation of learning stages for solving math problems through the use of learning modules as teaching materials and the achievement of learning outcomes that include a Minimum Completeness Criterion (KKM) score of 76 in mathematics. Based on test 1, the KKM of two students with low critical ability did not meet, but after using the learning module and directions from researchers regarding the material provided, these students experienced a significant increase in score from the KKM score, which was 76 on test 2 and test 3.

Regarding the stages of critical thinking skills that were fulfilled by two students with low critical abilities was a clarification where the student only mentioned the information contained in the problem but did not write down what was known, what was asked, and how to solve math problems. Assessment is that students formulate the subject matter carefully and thoroughly contained in the questions. Inference is where students link between relevant concepts that have been carried out in the completion steps, two students with low critical ability connect concepts in solving mathematical problems in detail according to their own version. Strategy is an activity where students make conclusions from solving math problems based on valid and invalid logic.



Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that students' critical thinking skills in solving math problems on the ability tests given by researchers experienced significant changes and some were not significant enough because understanding in solving math problems was still not understood by some students.The process of critical thinking skills in solving math problems Students who have high critical thinking skills can solve problems because they have previously understood the material, the information contained in the questions and examples of questions given and worked carefully and thoroughly on these questions. Meanwhile, students with low critical ability still do not understand the material, the information contained in the questions and examples of questions given by the researcher so that in solving math problems there are several steps to solving them that they do not understand.


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