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Academic year: 2017



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The greatest thankfulness is given to Almighty God, Jesus Christ who always give blessing and provide health, wisdom, strength, spirit, knowledge and material for writer in composing this thesis accordance with the planned time.

The title of thesis is “The Implementation of Problem Based Learning with Multimendia Based on Computer to Foster the Student’s Creativity and Increase the Student’s Achievement in Salt Hydrolysis Topic” that arranged to obtain the degree of Sarjana Pendidikan in Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, State University of Medan (Unimed).

In this opportunity, the writer would like to express the thanks and great appreciation to the late Prof. Dr. Suharta, M.Si. and Prof. Dr. Ramlan Silaban, M.Si. as my thesis supervisor for his valuable time spent in giving guidance, advices, motivation and suggestions during completing this thesis. The writer also thanks to Prof. Drs. Manihar Situmorang,M.Sc., Ph.D., Dr. Ajat Sudrajat, M.Si., and Drs. Jamalum Purba, M.Si. as reviewer conselor for this thesis that giving me advices, suggestion, guidance and constructive comments for this thesis’s completeness.

The writer also say thanks to Prof. Motlan, M.Sc., as the Dean of Mathematics and Natural Science Faculty, State University of Medan, Prof.Dr.rer.nat Binari Manurung, M.Si., as the coordinator of Bilingual Department, Dr. Iis Siti Jahro, M.Si., and Mr. Syamsudin as administrator of Bilingual Office for their advices and other necessary administrative business. The great thanks are also given to Eddiyanto, Ph.D., as my academic supervisor for his guidance during my academic process in this University. The writer also say thanks to Dr. Retno Dwi Suyanti, M.Si., and Drs. Ani Sutiani, M.Si. as instrument’s validator in this research.


the research there. It is also given to principle of SMA Negeri 5 Medan who gave place for writer in examining the instrument test.

A deepest love, appreciation and thanks also goes to my dearest parents, the late J. Lumbantoruan and M. Situmorang, also my dearest brothers Frizt Yonif Yongly and Frans Swandi Yahya for their motivation, prayers and financial support to me during my university lecture process. Unvaluable thanks also given to my boyfriend Andre Anusta Barus, that always become inspiration, motivation, and strength during this process.

Special thanks are given to all my classmate in Bilingual Chemistry Education 2010 that always gives me the best memory in my education process, especially for Sheila and Anggi (my thesis team), Dewi, Bernike, Sinitta, Fredika, and Santhy for their kindness in my academic process from the first semester, also Lina, Yogi, Yasir, Rudi, Debby, Melisa, Rabiah and others for spending quality time in many times of our limited time. The writer also would like to say thanks to Resianna and everyone whose names cannot be mentioned one by one for your support and helping in my thesis process.

Finally, writer hope this thesis can be used for those who would like to explore more about learning model in salt hydrolysis topic. The writer realize that this thesis is still far from being perfect therefore critique and suggestion are needed for further improvement of this thesis.

Medan, July 17th, 2014 The writer,











Ratification Sheet i

Biography ii

Absract iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content vi

List of Figure ix

List of Table x

List of Appendix xi


1.1.Research Background 1

1.2.The Scope of Research 4

1.3.The Problem Formulation 5

1.4.The Problem Limitation 5

1.5.The Objectives of Research 6

1.6.The Benefits of Research 6

1.7.Operational Definition 7


2.1. Problem Based Learning 8

2.1.1. Syntax for Problem Based Learning 11

2.1.2. Direct Instruction Method 12

2.1.3. Syntax for Direct Instruction Method 12

2.2.The Learning Media 13

2.2.1. Media Audio Visual 15

2.2.2. Media Based on Computer 15

2.2.3. Media Combination between Print Technology and Computer 15



2.2.5. Animation Media in Power Point Computer 16

2.3. The Character Education 16

2.3.1. Student’s Creativity Character 17 2.4. Learning and Learning Outcomes 19

2.5. Salt Hydrolysis 21

2.5.1. The Properties of Salt Solution 21

2.5.2. The Concept of Hydrolysis 21

2.5.3. The pH Calculation of Salt Solution 23 2.6. Application Model and Media in Salt Hydrolysis 25

2.7. Conceptual Framework 25

2.8. Hypothesis 26


3.1.Location and Time of Research 28

3.2.Population and Sample of Research 28 3.3.Research Variable and Instrument 29

3.3.1. Independent Variable 29

3.3.2. Dependent Variable 29

3.3.3. Control Variable 29

3.3.4. Research Instrument 29

3.3.5. The Instrument’s Trial 32

3.4.Research Design 35

3.5.Research Procedure 37

3.6.Technique of Data Collection 40

3.7.Technique of Data Analysis 40

3.7.1. The Normality Test 40

3.7.2. The Homogeneity Test 41

3.7.3. Normalized Gain 41

3.7.4. Improvement Student’s Creativity Character 41 3.7.5. The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning 41


CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION 43 4.1. The Description of School Sample 43 4.2. The Description of Problem Based Learning in Salt Hydrolysis 43

4.3. The Instrument’s Analysis 46

4.3.1. The Observation Sheet of Student’s Creativity Character 46 4.3.2. The Validity of Evaluation Test 46 4.3.3. Reliability of Evaluation Test 47 4.3.4. Difficulty Index of Evaluation Test 47 4.3.5. Discriminating Power of Evaluation Test 47 4.3.6. Distractor Index of Evaluation Test 47 4.4. The Data of Research’s Result 49 4.4.1. Data of Student’s Creativity Character 49 4.4.2. The Student’s Achievement Data 49

4.4.3. The Gain Data 51

4.5. The Analysis Test of Data 52

4.5.1. Normality Test 52

4.5.2. Homogeinity Test 53

4.5.3. Hypothesis Testing 54

4.6. The Effectiveness of Problem Based Learning Model 56

4.7. Discussion 56


5.1. Conclusion 60

5.2. Suggestion 60




Page Table 2.1. The syntax of problem based learning 11 Table 2.2. The syntax of direct instruction method 13 Table 2.3. Table of the sub topic of salt hydrolysis 25 Table 3.1. The distribution of the student in the selected samples 28 Table 3.2. The aspects that observed 30 Table 3.3. The grille of the student’s achievement test instrument 32 Table 3.4. The design of research 35 Table 4.1. Description of class that used as sample 43 Table 4.2. Description of problem based learning in salt hydrolysis 44 Table 4.3. Summary of the instrument test’s analysis 48 Table 4.4. The improvement data of student’s creativity character 49 Table 4.5. Data of student’s achievement in pretest 50 Table 4.6. Data of student’s achievement in posttest 51 Table 4.7. The description data of gain 51 Table 4.8. Normality test of the student’s creativity character 52 Table 4.9. Normality test of student’s achievement 53 Table 4.10. The homogeneity test of student’s creativity character 54 Table 4.11.The homogeneity test of student’s achievement 54 Table 4.12. Hypothesis I testing 55




1.1.Research Background

Education is one of the necessities of life that are very important to increase students quality. The education that is able to encourage the building in future is the education that is able to develop student’s potential, so students can be able to solve the life’s problem that faced. It is fundamental to remember that education is made as one measure of human welfare and education is seen as an effective tool in trying to preserve and inherit the values of life.

The developments in science and technology has prompted reform efforts in utilizing the results of technology especially in education. One of the problem that faced by education world is the problem of lack of learning, children are less encouraged to develop the ability to think. The learning process in the classroom geared to the child's ability to memorize information without required to understand the information that he remembered it to connect with everyday life. Consequently, when our students leave school, they are clever in theory, but they are poor in applications.



The quality of education can be achieved with a suitable learning process in the classroom. However, there are still many facts on the ground that student management systems only be done by direct instruction methods that can not make students enough understand and lead to passive students which can not foster and promote creativity and student learning outcomes. This is obvious with the discovery of the facts on the ground in SMAN 1 Padangsidimpuan that the students are still low in chemistry learning outcomes. It can be seen from the results of daily exams with the KKM value of Chemistry is 70, while the students that were able to achieve only 30%.

It is caused by the characteristic of Chemistry. Situmorang (2009) states that chemistry has difficult things to be learned because of its characteristics, they are: 1) a number of chemistry is abstract, 2) chemistry was implication from the fact, 3) chemistry are successive and develop quickly, 4) chemistry are not only about the explanation of facts, laws, term and etc, but also the numeric problem that has important part in learning chemistry, and 5) there are so many topics in chemistry that must be studied. Furthermore, the topics in chemistry is belongs to 3 characteristics, they are the decomposition of concepts, mathematical calculations, and excecution of experiments. According to this characteristics of chemistry and its topics, we need a creative teacher that has proper model of teaching for each chemistry’s topics.

The lack of student’s learning outcomes can not be separated from the quality of teacher performance in teaching and learning process in the classroom, where the teacher is an element in the process of teaching and learning that has important role in the success of students receive lessons and master optimally. The barriers in learning chemistry is where students are not comfortable the teacher’s way in learning process because it just uses a speech method of making a boring lecture for the student to absorb the lessons without understanding it well.


see the relevance that they often miss in other contexts. The promise of Problem Based Learning model is that students would learn better, understand what they learned, and remember longer by working cooperatively in groups. It prepares students to think critically and work creatively in using appropriate learning resources.

While salt hydrolysis is one of chemistry topic in senior high school for the second grade or class XI. On the topic of Salt Hydrolysis, there are 2 characters that must be mastered namely, 1) mastery of the concept of hydrolysis and the characteristic of salt solution, and 2) the claculation of the salt solution’s pH. Because of that, for mastery salt hydrolysis, we should apply the model of Problem Based Learning.

The Laws of Number 20 Year 2003 about The National Education System in paragraph 3 states that the national education has function to develop the ability and form the character and the culture of nation that has value in educating nation’s life. The national education has objective to develop the potential of students to be the faithful human to the God, have a certain character, healthy, bookish, capable, creative, autonomous, and being the democtratic and responsibility citizen (Deputi Menteri Sekretaris Negara Bidang Perundangundangan, 2003).

Based on the function and objective of national education, Suyanto (2009) states that education in every level must be under one’s belt systematically to reach the objective. It relates with the character formation of students to be able competing, have ethics, moral and respectful with interacting people. It shows that the quality of student’s character education is very important to be improved.



subject not as object in learning process, and arranging the exact evaluation until they can support the creativity development of students (Fatimah, 2009).

Because of the reason, the writer wants to apply the learning model that can improve student creativity by using some media such as macromedia flash animation, power point presentation and etc. This is the suitable media for showing the visualization of the material so there is no misundersatanding between students and teacher. It shows the interesting illustration for students from the animation so student can be more active and creative in learning the topic. By using some media and Problem Based Learning model, students can more comprehend the material of Salt Hydrolysis well so it can improve the learning outcomes and the creativity of the students. Sinaga (2012) has done the research and state that the problem based learning with macromedia flash animation is better than the direct instruction method with macromedia flash animation on the topic acid and base. Then the research of Belliyna (2010) conclude that PBL give significant in learning outcomes of SMP Bridjen Katamso Medan students in chemistry on the topic acid and base as 30.69 %. The research of Raja (2013) also concluded that the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning (PBL) that integrated by multimedia based on computer is 11.56% in rate reaction topic.

Based on the background mentioned above, the writer has done the research which title is: “The Implementation of Problem Based Learning with Multimedia Based on Computer to Foster The Student’s Creativity and Increase The Student’s Achievement in Salt Hydrolysis Topic.”

1.2.The Scope of Research

To make it easier to understand the problem and simplify the implementation of the research, it is necessary to know the scope of study, they are:

1. The topic that taught was Salt Hydrolysis.


4. The result that measured were the student’s creativity character and the student’s achievement.

5. The subject in this research was the students in grade XI of SMA Negeri 1 Padangsidimpuan, SMA Negeri 3 Padangsidimpuan and SMA YP HKBP Padangsidimpuan.

1.3. The Problem Formulation

To make research brief that can be used as reference, so the problem statement is made as below:

1. How is the student’s chemistry achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer and Direct Instruction method?

2. Is the student’s creativity character that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer significant higher than taught by direct instruction method?

3. Is the student’s achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer significant higher than taught by direct instruction method?

4. How many the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning with multimedia based on computer to increase the student’s achievement if compared with the student’s achievement that taught by direct instruction method ?

1.4.The Problem Limitation

The problem limitation in this research are :

1. The learning process that only directed to the ability of memorizing, and comprehending the information without any application makes studens passive in classroom.



3. The model of teaching that iss used by teachers makes the role of students in learning process is still passive.

4. The development of character in classroom is seldom to be done by teachers now especially for student’s creativity character in learning chemistry is still low.

1.5.The Objectives of Research

The objectives of this research is to know the implementation of Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer in fostering the student’s creativity and increasing the student’s achievement. Spesific objectives of the study are:

1. To know the student’s chemistry achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer and Direct Instruction method.

2. To determine whether there are significant higher of the student’s creativity character that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer than taught by direct instruction method.

3. To determine whether there are significant higher of the student’s achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer than taught by direct instruction method.

4. To investigate the effectiveness of Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer to increase the student’s achievement if compared with the student’s achievement that taught by direct instruction method.

1.6.The Benefits of Research


with multimedia based on computer to Chemistry teaching on Senior High School. The benefits of this research generally are described as below:

1. Getting learning model that suitable and effective on teaching of abstract concept to increase the student’s achievement and student’s creativity character.

2. As the input for chemistry teacher how to design learning process in classroom that can increase the student’s achievement and student’s creativity character.

1.7.Operational Definition

To avoid the differences or lack of clarity of meaning, the operational definitions in this study are:

1. Problem Based Learning is a way of constructing and teaching course using problem as a stimulus and focus on student activity. PBL is an approach for structuring curriculum content, facing students with problems from practice, which provides a stimulus for self-directed learning of students following defined steps.

2. Multimedia based on computer is consist of some medias that is able to show the clear visual for students so the abstract material can be illustrated more interesting for the students by the using of animation picture and etc.

3. Creativity is a phenomenon whereby something new and valuable is created. 4. Student’s achievement are the skill or knowledge, attitudes and the result that





5.1. Conclusion

After conducting the research and analyzing the data, there are some conclusion that gotten, they are:

1. The student’s chemistry achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning with multimedia based on computer is better (100% could pass KKM) than taught by direct instruction method (62.50% could pass KKM).

2. The student’s creativity character that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer is significant higher than the student’s creativity character that taught by direct instruction method (sig < α; 0.000 < 0.05).

3. The student’s achievement that taught by Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based on computer is significant higher than the student’s achievement that taught by direct instruction method (sig < α; 0.000 < 0.05). 4. The effectiveness of Problem Based Learning model with multimedia based

on computer to increase the student’s achievement if compared with direct instruction method is 21.78%.

5.2. Suggestion

From the result of the research, there are some suggestion must be raised:

1. Chemistry teacher can use Problem Based Learning with multimedia based on computer in learning Salt Hydrolysis topic to foster the student’s creativity character and increase the student’s achievement in learning process.



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