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Academic year: 2023



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(A Study of Students English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar)


Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University of Makassar in partial fulfillement of the requirement for the Degree of

education in English Education Department

NURUL HIKMAH UMAR 105351118716














Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar Telp : 0411-860837/860132 (Fax) Email : fkip@unismuh.ac.id Web : www.fkip.unismuh.ac.id


SURAT PERNYATAAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Nurul Hikmah Umar

NIM : 10535 11187 16

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


Dengan ini menyatakan bahwa skripsi yang saya ajukan di depan tim penguji adalah hasil karya saya sendiri dan bukan hasil ciptaan orang lain atau dibuat oleh siapapun.

Demikian pernyataan ini saya buat dan saya bersedia menerima sanksi apabila pernyataan ini tidak benar.

Makassar, 26 Februari 2021 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nurul Hikmah Umar



Jalan Sultan Alauddin No. 259 Makassar Telp : 0411-860837/860132 (Fax) Email : fkip@unismuh.ac.id Web : www.fkip.unismuh.ac.id


SURAT PERJANJIAN Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:

Nama : Nurul Hikmah Umar

NIM : 10535 11187 16

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


Dengan ini menyatakan perjanjian sebagai berikut:

1. Mulai dari penyusunan proposal sampai selesai menyusun skripsi ini, saya akan menyusun sendiri skripsi saya (tidak dibuatkan oleh siapapun).

2. Dalam menyusun skripsi, saya akan selalu melakukan konsultasi dengan pembimbing yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemimpin fakultas.

3. Saya tidak akan melakuan penjiplakan (plagiat) dalam menyusun skripsi.

4. Apabila saya melanggar perjanjian seperti pada butir 1, 2, dan 3, saya bersedia menerima sanksi sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.

Demikian perjanjian ini saya buat dengan penuh kesadaran.

Makassar, 26 Februari 2021 Yang Membuat Pernyataan

Nurul Hikmah Umar



Nurul Hikmah Umar, 2021. Students’ Perception of English Meeting Club to Support Their Speaking Skill (A study of Students English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar). A thesis of English Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of Makassar. Guided by Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, M.Hum and Hijrah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

This study aims to find out students’ perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill. English meeting club was a club or group of humans with common ambitions or interests in English. This study focused on the students’ perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill. The subject of this study is the students of English department of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar as participants. This study used a qualitative method, this study used interview as research instrument.

The result of interviews, the majority of the students had positive perception about joined in English club. The student absolutely believe if English club could support them to speak English fluently. The student also had a perception through an English meeting club as a media to develod skills particularly in speaking, it could be one of the alternatives for those who need to learn and practice more about how to speak English well and it can also enhance their ability to speak English fluently.

Based on the data obtained, the researcher concludes that the students had a positive perception of the English club. The English Club gives students a place to properly practice speaking English without fear to make mistakes and is an appropriate media to improve students' speaking skills.

Keywords: Students’ Perception, English Meeting Club, Speaking Skill.




Nurul Hikmah Umar, 2021. Persepsi siswa tentang klub bahasa inggris untuk mendukung keterampilan berbicara mereka (Mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar). Tesis Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Guru, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dipandu oleh Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, M.Hum dan Hijrah, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi siswa tentang klub bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung keterampilan berbicara mereka. Klub bahasa Inggris adalah klub atau sekelompok manusia dengan ambisi atau minat yang sama dalam bahasa Inggris. Penelitian ini difokuskan pada persepsi siswa tentang klub bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung keterampilan berbicara mereka. Adapun Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa Jurusan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar sebagai peserta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini menggunakan wawancara sebagai instrumen penelitian.

Hasil wawancara, mayoritas siswa memiliki persepsi positif tentang bergabung di klub bahasa Inggris. Mahasiswa sangat yakin jika klub bahasa Inggris dapat mendukung mereka untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.

Mahasiswa juga memiliki persepsi melalui klub pertemuan bahasa Inggris sebagai media untuk mengembangkan keterampilan khususnya dalam berbicara, ini bisa menjadi salah satu alternatif bagi mereka yang perlu belajar dan berlatih lebih banyak tentang bagaimana berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan mereka untuk berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan lancar.

Berdasarkan data yang diperoleh, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa siswa memiliki persepsi yang positif terhadap klub bahasa Inggris. Klub Bahasa Inggris memberikan siswa tempat untuk berlatih berbicara bahasa Inggris dengan baik tanpa takut salah dan merupakan media yang tepat untuk meningkatkan keterampilan berbicara siswa.

Kata kunci: Persepsi Siswa, Klub bahasa Inggris, Keterampilan Berbicara.




“Verily, with every hardship there is ease”

QS Al Insyirah: 6


A Thesis for My Beloved Family Especially for My Strongest Father,

My Beautiful Mother, My Sisters, And My Bestfriend

Also, For My own self I Deserve this billion times



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ميحرلانمحرلاهللامسب

Alhamdulillahi Robbil Alamin. The researcher expresses her highest gratitude to the almighty Allah SWT, who has given guidance, blessing, and mercy to his in completing this thesis. Salam and Shalawat are addressed to the final, chosen, religious messenger, the prophet Muhammad S.A.W.

Further, the researcher also expresses sincerely deepest gratitude to her beloved parents; her father Muh. Anwar and her lovely mother Jamila for their prayer, financial, motivation and sacrificed for his success, and their love sincerely and purely without time.

The researcher realized that in carrying out the research and writing this thesis, many people have contributed their valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice for the completion of this proposal. Therefore the he would like to acknowledgment them:

1. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag., the Rector of Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

2. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D., the Dean of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar.

3. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd, M.Pd, the head of English Education Department of FKIP UNISMUH Makassar, who gave his valuable authorities and suggestion in doing this thesis.

4. Her biggest thanks to Dr. HJ. Andi Tenri Ampa M.Hum as my first supervisor who has given his valuable time and patients, to support assistance and guidance to complete this thesis.



5. Her biggest thanks to Hijrah S.Pd., M.Pd as my second supervisor who has given his valuable time and patients, to support assistance and guidance to complete this thesis.

6. Her biggest thanks to Muh Arief Muhsin S.Pd., M.Pd. as a Lecturer on Seminar on ELT. Also, her Academic Advisor for more than 4 years who has given his valuable time and patients, to support assistance and guidance to complete this thesis.

7. Her greatest thanks to Family as a supporting family in all condition.

8. Her greatest thanks to 404Not Found Squad as a supporting friendship system who always supported me to complete this thesis.

9. Her greatest thanks to Thiesna Aulia, Musfira Yuniar, Sri Wahyuni and Herfin Marlina as close friend who always supported to complete this thesis.

10. Her greatest thanks to Fraternity Class as a class who have given experiences in developing his character.

11. Her greatest thanks to beautiful members of group Midnightzen who always supported me to complete this thesis.

12. Her greatest thanks to 23 boys were being moodbooster when I got stressful with the thesis.

13. Her greatest thanks to the all participants who helped her a lot and make this thesis completed.

14. Her greatest thanks to the all people who always asked “Kapan wisuda?” that give me a big motivation to do this thesis.



15. Finally, for everyone who have given valuable suggestion, guidance, assistance, and advice to completion this thesis may Allah S.W.T. be with us now and happily ever after.


Billahi Fi Sabillil Haq Fastabiqul Khaerat

Makassar, 26 Februari 2021 The Researcher

Nurul Hikmah Umar









ABSTRACT ... vii

ABSTRAK ... viii





A. Background ... 1

B. Problem Statement ... 3

C. Objective of the study ... 3

D. Significance of the study ... 3

E. Scope of the study ... 4


A. The Concept of Perception…………...………...6

1. Process of Perception……….7

2. Aspects of Perception………8

B. The Concept of English Meeting Club………9

1. The Principles of English Meeting Club……….….11

2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Joining EMC…….…12

C. The Concept of Speaking………...12

1. The Components of Speaking………..14

2. Elements of Speaking ... 16

D. Conceptual Framework ... 18




A. Research Design ... 22

B. Population and Sample ... 22

C. Research Instrument ... 23

D. Technique of Data Collection ... 23

E. Technique of Data Analysis ... 23

CHAPTER IV………..……….24

A. Findings………..24

B. Disscussion……….44

CHAPTER V………..………. 48

A. Conclusion………..48

B. Suggestion………. 50 BIBLIOGRAPHY





Speaking has become such a part of our daily life that individuals take it for granted. Speaking is an activity for the exchange of ideas or informations, and it is an activity for efficient communication. Speaking is also a type of practicing language specifically, which can help students who are still fluent in communication to have good communication skills. It is important to the students to learn speaking correctly, to master speaking skill students should be educated to use English in oral communication.

We can identify speaking as a way to hold out our thoughts across words, communication with others. Speaking is also used to express as a communicate, to make a request, to make a speech. This means speaking is still using it in our lives, because without speaking, we are going to be stupid and never know what other people talking about. According Byrne, (1984: 9) the main objective of learning speaking skills is oral fluency; the capacity to express ideas intelligently;

accurately, reliably and without excessive hesitation. Speaking skill is a complex skill to use a word or a language to express oneself in a common voice.

Speaking is one of the importance skill because speaking is an action to convey information or to express one's own thoughts and feeling in the spoken language. It is one of the skills English needs to be learn to enhance the communication between the students and other people.


However, speaking is a skill that needs to be practiced the more students practice by expressing their ideas the better speakers they are. In addition Davison, (2003: 107) claim that students need opportunities to speak and listen in a broad variety of settings and for a wide range of reasons in order to increase their ability to think and grow their communication skill. But in fact most of the students still seem to be difficult to speak English fluently, the students do not know how to interpret various transactional and interaction signals in specific situations. There are some problems causes by a various factors, including hesitation, awkwardness, lack of confidance , fear to make a mistakes. That is all problems can making oral errors other than students, show poor speaking ability and lack of peers or social competence.

Nowadays there are some effective ways that can support students to enhance their speaking skill, one of them is joining English meeting club.

According to Yuliandasari A, (2015) the benefits of joining the English club is that students will be able to participate. Various activities based on the objectives of the club, students will have the opportunity to take part in the national and international competitions in English, Students will be able to develop their listening and speaking skill. Formal and informal situations, and last but not least, students will have a chance to go aboard and learn about different cultures and to achieve the benefits required to be able to use English as a language of communication.

Many studies have been performed by the other researcher related to English meeting club. The previous research findings were discussed as follows :


The studies about English meeting club for teaching and learning English are abounding. The first study by Elnadeef, E (2019) entitled the effectiveness of English club as free voluntary speaking activity strategy in fostering speaking skill in Saudi Arabia context. The subject of this study is to investigates the significance of English club in fostering speaking skill in Saudi Arabia context.

The participants of this study is chosen randomly from the English language students at Collage of Art and Sciences – Dharhan Aljunoub, King Khalid University and participant consist of fourt five students. The result of this study is the English club allows Saudi students to be free from language anxieties and conventional repetitive daily classroom activities lets them practice enthusiastically speaking English and encourages critical thinking, persuasive and argumentative skills between students.

The second study by Melviza Z (2017), entitled students’ perception toward English club activities. The objective of the study is to find out students


perceptions toward English club. The participant of the study are 40 students who join English club and the result of this study is show student perceptions toward English club has an important role to support their speaking skill and they can get more knowledge and experiences by joining the English Club.

The third study by Yuliandasari A (2015), entitled students’ perception on English club extracurricular in speaking practices at madrasah. The objective of the study is to investigate the students perception on English club extracurricular toward students’ speaking skill. The participant of this study is consist of 26 student who join English club. The result of this study based on the methods used to collect the information are evaluation, questionnaire and speaking tests. It is recommended that students will join the English extracurricular club because it can improve the ability of students to talk.

Based on some studies above, it could be assumed that there are similarities between this research and the previous research above, it can be seen from the English Club affecting speaking ability that investigated. However, there are some different results found by the researcher. From the result of the studies above showed that English meeting club has positive result in learning English. After discussing the positive references in regard the use of English meeting club above, the writer expect to have some good result, but in same area of English skills, namely speaking.


Based on the explanation above, the researcher conducted to research on students’ perception in praticing speaking English by the tittle “Students’

Perception of English Meeting Club to Support Their Speaking Skill”.

B. Research Problem

Based on the background illustrated above the researcher formulated the problem statement / research problem as follow:

What are students’ perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill?

C. Objective of the study

Based on the research problem / research questions above, the objective of the research is:

To find out students’ perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill.

D. Significance of the Study

This research expect to be useful information for many people in learning process, such as:

1. This research is expected to contribute theoretically and practically in the development of English teaching.

2. This research also expected to give the students way to learn English and make them confident in speak English


3. This research can be used as a reference for other researcher who interested in conducting research which has the same topic

E. Scope of the Study

Based on the research question above, the researcher focus at students of English department. The researcher took ninth semester, the current participants that researcher took only the students of English Education Department at Muhammadiyah University of Makassar who have learned speaking subject and joined English Club. This research aimed to find out students’ perception of English meeting club and how English meeting club supported their speaking skill.



REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. The concept of perception

Perception can be described as our awareness and interpretation of sensory information. Perception additionally consists of how we reply to the information.

We can suppose of grasp as a technique the place we take in sensory statistics from our surroundings and use that data in order to have interaction with our environment. Perception approves us to take the sensory statistics in and make it into some thing meaningful.

According to Fikri S, (2018) says perception is a procedure that went before by detecting's perception, which is comprise process was acknowledged by it upgrade by individual by means of sense's device or likewise purported sensors' perception. The specialist characterizes that discernment is a view, depiction and supposition, in light of the fact that in the recognition there is a reaction of an individual around one thing or item. In this examination, the scientist need to explore the understudy recognition about English language and the causes the understudies would prefer not to practice English on English week.

Perception is actually constantly a bigger thing than this definition would quickly infer; in light of the fact that we are constantly mindful in the "

periphery," out of sight of awareness, of sense exercises other than those we talk about as being seen, particularly those associated with the interior tasks of our


own living being. Perception as analysts depict it is consequently, similar to sensation, something of a deliberation.

According to Melviza Z, (2017) states that perception is a process whereby humans pick, prepare and interpret sensory stimulations into meaningful records.

It manner that perceptions is a technique of spotting and object with the assist of the senses, where on receives stimuli form the out of doors with full consciousness and trying to recognize and interpret the stimulus will become a which means that can be understood.

According to Karunia, C.R, (2014) states that Perception is intently associated to attitudes. In different words, a individual interprets the stimuli into some thing significant to him or her, primarily based on prior experiences. However, what an man or woman interprets or perceives might also be appreciably distinct from reality. Therefore, their perceptions are wished in order to discover out what elements have an effect on their speaking. Perception which comes from a man or woman self is referred to as self perception. And the way in which humans see themselves is referred to as self-perception. Self appreciation comes from your personal experiences.

1. Process of Perception

The mechanism of perception starts with the presence of stimuli that activate and inhibit sensory instruments. Stimulus obtained from the sensory organs is transmitted to the brain from sensory nerves. So there is a cycle in the brain as the center of consciousness, so that people know what is seen, what is heard, or what they feel.


In addition, Armita Y (2019) cited in Walgito B, claimed that the phenomenon of perception is something that occurs in the following stages:

a. The first stage is the stage defined as the experience or physical process.

The process is the mechanism of capturing a stimulus by a human senses.

b. The second stage, known as physiological processes, is the process of preserving the stimulation provided by the receptors (sensory devices) through the nerves of the senses.

c. The third stage is the stage defined as the psychological process. The process of individual awareness of the stimulus that has been received by the receptor.

d. The fourth stage is the result of the process.

e. Perception that is in the form of responses and behaviour.

2. Aspects of Perception

According to Armita Y (2019) cited in Allmort, there are some aspects of perceptions, namely:

a. Cognitive component

Namely, the components arranged on the basis of knowledge or awareness Information that anyone has about the focus of his attitude. From this one, Knowledge is going to shape a certain confidence in the object of that attitude.


b. Affactive component

Affective is connected to pleasure and displeasure. So, this is conservative in nature that is closely related to the cultural values or value structure that it has.

c. Conative component

It is the ability of a individual to act in relation to the object of his Attitudes.

B. The concept of English meeting club

According to Hamad A (2019), an English club is an business enterprise of human beings with a common cause or interest, who meet often and take phase in shared activities. As Marrinova (2000), it is a group or affiliation of humans with common ambitions or interests. An English Club is a location for language newcomers to use English in a informal setting and it is in a spare school room at an English school. After school room hours, most colleges stay open for an hour or two so that teachers can put together for their classes. Paltridge, (2001). There some objectives of english club that can help students to develop their speaking skill as follows:

1. To motivate students’ participation in English club.

2. To provide students exercise speaking skill.

3. To foster the modern-day club’s continuity.

4. To establish mutual care of activities between college students and administration. (Hadley, 2001).


As Riyana N (2016) states that the English Club is a student-run group that organizes exciting social and cultural activities such as language conferences, essay writing , creative writing, and poetry readings. English club means a club for people who are involved in the use of English. They meet in the club with the same aim of developing their English skills. The presence of an English club is very useful for learners of foreign languages.

As Zulhermindra (2019) The English club may be one of the alternatives.

There are many reasons why English clubs can enable learners of all ages and abilities to improve their English. The most important explanation is that they give learners a chance to practice English by speaking. There are also other benefits. The English clubs are less formal than the setting up the classroom.

Many learners find it more enjoyable than the regular English lessons. These also encourage learners to practice English in more real-life circumstances. This can increase a learner 's willingness to practice and learn on their own. The English Club is a venue for language learners to use English in casual settings. In the English Club, students get a chance to learn a lot of different skills in an environment that is more like real life. Although your English teacher understands your English, friends of the English Club would encourage you to speak more clearly and listen more carefully.


1. The principles of English Meeting Club

According to Zulhemindra (2019) cited in Ewens, To be able to fulfill the goals of the creation of an English club, provide certain values that can be used as guidelines. These are all the principles:

a) A successful English club should be a participant-centered club. Some approaches to accomplish this are to give participants the ability to express themselves creatively in English , for example through drama, poetry or storytelling. Instead, give them the opportunity to explore visual contact, such as art or dance, with a post-performance discussion in English.

b) A good English club plays an important social role. An English club can be a place to meet new people and make new friends (both moderators and participants). It can be extremely important , for example, for students learning English abroad. Try to organize a plan so that there's room for people to stay and talk afterwards.

c) A good English club is giving people equality. Students also enjoy independence from syllab, tests and learning goals. Facilitators should be concerned about this freedom.

d) A good English club is rooted in the community. Facilitators may organize visits to local places or interest, or invite people from the local community in to talk to the participants of an English Club.

e) A good English club is a lot of fun. Whatever the topic and the events, the facilitator should be able to make English fun and exciting.


2. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Joining English Meeting Club The advantages of joining the English club, Galanes and Adams (2013 ) suggest that the benefits of joining the Speech Club are as follows:

a. English club members enjoy more fellowship and fellowship.

b. Students should provide moral and emotional support For their own views.

c. Get the love for not reticence (challenged) reticence.

d. Speak will have access to information.

e. Get the same turn to speak.

f. More pleasing and acceptable than usual class (English class).

g. Get your new vocabulary, skills and facts when the interlocutor talks.

Meanwhile the disadvantages of joining the English club as follows:

a. When members of the speaking club speak up, some of the participants do not pay attention to the speaker.

b. Sometime students don't get excited about what kind of materials / topic teacher they 're giving; some of the students are bored and have a loaf to speak.


C. The concept of speaking

Speaking is an activity for the exchange of ideas or informations, and it is an activity for efficient communication. Speaking is also a type of practicing language specifically, which can help students who are still fluent in communication to have good communication skills. It is important to the students to learn speaking correctly, to master speaking skill students should be educated to use English in oral communication.

Maryam Jayadi (2017) states a key to reach a good communication is to be capable of speaking plainly and articulately for one's success in life, as it plays a major role both individually or socially. In the classroom for English as a Second Language (ESL) or English as a Foreign Language (EFL), effective language learning is measured by the capability of the student to communicate.

However, speaking is a skill that needs to be practiced the more students practice by expressing their ideas the better speakers they are. In addition, Davison and Downson (2003: 107) claim that students need opportunities to speak and listen in a broad variety of settings and for a wide range of reasons in order to increase their ability to think and grow their communication skills. Nowadays, the students still seem to be difficult to speak English fluently, the students do not know how to interpret various transactional and interaction signals in specific situations. There are some problems causes by a various factors, including hesitation, awkwardness, lack of confidance , fear to make a mistakes. That is all problems can making oral errors other than students, show poor speaking ability and lack of peers or social competence.


Speak requires precision and fluency. Accuracy relates to "the correct use vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation," while fluency relates to "the ability to keep speaking instinctively" (Gower - 1995). Speech requires precision and fluency. Accuracy relates to' the proper use of vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation,' while fluency is concerned with "The capability to keep going while speaking automatically" (Gower - 1995). Furthermore, while speaking fluently, students should be able to get a meaning across without paying direct attention to grammatical errors or deliberate choice of words. In helping students resolve this difficulty, teachers must provide their students with a lot of conversational activities in the target language.

As a crucial part of second-language teaching and learning, speaking has often been seen as the most difficult of four language skills. Bygate (1987) sees speaking as an ability that needs attention in teaching the first and second languages. We can identify speaking as a way to hold out our thoughts across words, communication with others. Speaking is also used to express as a communicate, to make a request, to make a speech. This means speaking is still using it in our lives, because without talking, we are going to be stupid and never know what other people talking about.

The main objective of learning speaking skills is oral fluency; the capacity to express ideas intelligently; accurately, reliably and without excessive hesitation (Byrne, 1984: 9). speaking skill is a complex skill to use a word or a language to express oneself in a common voice. It may provide details on the needs-request (Brown & Yule, 1983).


1. The Components of Speaking

According to Harmer (2007) cited by Armita Y (2019) states that Speaking is a complex ability, because it is concerned at least with components of vocabulary, pronunciation, fluency, grammar and comprehension. There are several essential components of speaking, there are:

a. Vocabulary

Brown (2007) argues that other than grammar, vocabulary is the other essential aspect. Vocabulary means a certain diction used in communication. Without adequate vocabulary one can not effectively communicate or convey their ideas in both oral and written form.

Vocabulary is the cumulative number of words in a language; all words referred to a person or used in a specific book, subject, etc.; a list of words with their meaning, notably those accompanying a textbook (Hornby, 1995).

b. Pronunciation

Based on Gerrad (2000) states that pronunciation is the way for students as they speak to create simpler words. It complies with the phonological process, which refers to the elements of a grammar made up of elements and concepts that determine how sounds varied and the pattern in a language. There are two characteristics of pronunciation:

phonemes and supra-segmental features.


c. Fluency

Fluency can be described as the ability to communicate with fluency and accurately. Speaking fluently is the target of many language learners. Fluent signs include a relatively fast tempo of voice, with just a few gaps with "ums" or "ers." These signs mean that the speaker does not need to spend much time looking for the language items required for the message to be conveyed (Brown, 2007).

d. Grammar

Leech (1982) argues grammar is a collection of rules that explain how we are using a language. Grammar also helps to understand the right way to gain oral written language skills. For students to arrange a correct sentence in conversation, therefore, grammar is necessary.

e. Comprehension

Comprehension is the one component of speaking, also. Hornby (2000) claims that comprehension is the mind, act power of understanding exercise aimed at improving it is learning. There are four components that the students need to pay attention if they wanted to speal well and fluency.

2. Elements of speaking

Speaking is one of four foreign language learning skills, in addition to listening, reading and writing. Communicating in English is not an easy matter for the students. When they speak English they have to think more often. To communicate, students obviously need to interact with others (teachers, peers,


parents, etc.). According to Bygate (1987) cited by Fikri S (2018) recognizes that

"interaction capacity requires the ability to use language to satisfy specific demand. Firstly, it has to do with the internal terms of speech. Second, it includes the interpersonal aspect of conversational interaction”

Based on the four skills that mentioned before, it possibly separating them into two categories: oral and written. Orally refers to spoken word, of, by or for the mouth. Although on the other hand the type of letter, sign, word or messages etc. is written particularly on paper (Hornsby, 2008).

According to Harmer (2007) cited by Fikri S (2018) states that the ability to speak English presupposes the following elements required for the spoken development.

a. Language Features

The elements required to generate spoken word are as follows:

1) Connected speech: speech is modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), inserted (linking r), or weakened (by contractions and stress patterning). It is for this purpose that students should be interested in programs expressly designed to enhance their related voice.

2) Expensive devices: Native English speakers adjust the pitch and stress of particular utterances, vary in volume and speed, and display by other physical and non-verbal (paralinguistic) means how they feel (especially face to face – face interaction). The use of these instruments aids in the ability to express meaning.


3) Lexis and grammar: therefore, teachers should have a variation of phrases for various purposes, such as agreeing or disagreeing, voicing surprise, indignation or approval.

4) Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from the terminology of negotiators used to obtain clarity and to demonstrate the structure of what they mean. Someone also has to ask for clarity while he / she is listening to someone else's conversations and it's really helpful for students.

b. Mental / social processing

The success of the speaker also depends on the speedy thinking skills that speaking necessitates (Harmer, 2005):

1) Language processing: Language processing includes the extraction and compilation of words into syntactic and propositional sequences.

2) Interacting with other: effective speaking often requires a lot of listening, recognizing how other participants feel, and knowing how to turn around linguistically or enabling others to do so.

c. Information processing (on the spot) : Often quite apart from our response to the feeling of others, it also needs to be able to handle the details they are saying the moment they get it.


D. Conceptual Framewrok

The conceptual framework underlying in this research was given in the following diagram:

Figure 2.1

The figure 2.1 described about aim of the research. In this case the researcher to knew the students’ perception on English club. This research was a descriptive qualitative research that described about the students’ perception on English meeting of speaking skill. In this case percpetion is divided into three kinds namely interpretation, ideas and comprehension. The students are asked about their perception of English club through online interview by whatsapp messanger.

English meeting club club

Speaking skill

The students


Interpretation Ideas Comprehension



A. Research Design

This research would be used a descriptive qualitative method while the researcher tried to find out the students' perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill by students of English Department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar.

B. Research Subject

The subject of this research was the student in English department Muhammadiyah University of Makassar consisted of 10 students, the subjects were selective by using purposive sampling technique. The researcher used purposive sampling as the technique for selecting sample. Purposive sampling was one of the most common sampling strategies, groups participants according to preselected criteria relevant to a particular research question. Based on the criterion of purposive sampling the researcher decided the students from English meeting club which they were students of English Deparment as subject of this research.


C. Research Instrument

The interview was a further instrument to gather the data in this research; the interview adopted semi structural interview technique which utilized the question guideline but allow the interview given clarification and elaboration based on the question that given. This kind of interview also known as in depth interview, while in technically it was more flexible than the structure interview. The questions of Interview is adopted from Sri (2020) and she took 12 questions but, researcher only took 7 questions and mixed them with researcher own question.

The researcher choose interview from Sri (2020) because the questions of interview related to get answers to the problem statement of this research.

Interview is a tool for the researcher to add the data deeply about students’

perception; the researcher took 10 students to be interviewed that represent the perception from the entire subject of the research. The interview was structured was online mode through Whatsapp online messenger and using Google form as media because the pandemic Covid-19.

D. Technique of data collection

The objective of questions in interview was collecting the information about their opinion in English meeting club that they had joined and also to known what kind of skill that they got after it. In collecting the data, the researcher presented some procedures as below:

1. The researcher would ask for permission to the participant via online chat.

2. The researcher explain the objective of the interview.


3. The researcher gave the link of google form to the participant that has some questions as interview that related to English meeting club.

E. Technique of data analysis

After collecting the data, the researcher classfied the data through google form. Classifying data was a grouping of data into more detail than previous data.

The researcher transcribed the results, summarized the findings and draw some conclusions from such findings. The researcher concluded data analysis. Besides that, researchers also make implementations and suggestions based on data information.




To produce the data of this research students related to interviews through online mode by using google form. The aim of this research is to find out students’ perception of English meeting club to support their speaking skill. The reseracher took students from English department who joined English meeting club. The data from the interview list are based on the rules in chapter 3 to find out students’ perception of English meeting club.

a. The Student’ Perception of English Meeting Club

In order to got the actual data from the students to find out student’s perception of English meeting club. The researcher had asked the students by interviews. The findings of each interview are listed out in description below:

How you defined English meeting club in general?

Based on the interview given to the students by the researcher, with the question, “In general, how would you define English meeting club?”. Most of the students answered as follows:

HM1: English club is an activity that provides many chance who join with to know more about English.

From the students’ answer above, the reseracher could intepret that students’ statement about English meeting club as an event which offers many opportunities to become acquainted with English and to help them in practicing English and mastered it.


N1: English meeting club is a activities where we can share some important information or skill. for example practicing English.

Based on the students’ answer above, it can concluded that The English conference club is an experience that helps one to exchange valuable knowledge or expertise. From the English meeting club not only studied about the theory of English itself but the student could practice more in speaking English , so the student got more experience and could being expressing while speaking English.

AP1: English club is a place to exchange ideas and discuss confusing material.

From the students’ answer above, the researcher concluded the students’

opinion that the English meeting club is a forum to discuss and exchange any information about English. The student could share languages in the English Meeting Club and it would be enjoyable during the process for the student to combine it with other activities in exchange ideas, sharing new vocabulary and information with their peers.

SW1: English meeting club is activity that can improve students' ability in learning language.

Based on the students’ statement above, it can be concluded that English meeting club is a genuine place were learning English is more realistic. It may also be summarized up that the English club is a forum that encourages students in practicing, increasing and motivated students to learn speaking English.

English club would bring pleasure and develop students’ personalities.

W1: English meeting club is a place to get knowladge especially to learning English.


Based on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion that under the club, students actually exchange and learn with each other, acquire more knowledge in understanding the English language and content, connect more in various places to enhance the learning context and encourage the language. English contact between the members of the club produces a desirable language

AGAK1: A place or a club that can improve our english by practicing with other people.

Based on the students’ opinion above, it could be interpret that English The English club is intended to coordinate specific activities as a st udent association and to promote the English language proficiency of student and meet new people and praticing English together.

MY1: I assume that the English club is a place for Informal English leaners.

The English Meeting Club will have a good opportunity to learn in a variety of different ways many skills and to put them in a real way.

Based on the students’ answer above, the studen assumed that meeting club such place that offer an opportunity for learners of English to practice English in a comfortable and pleasant environment. English clubs give students the chance to learn English in a comfortable and casual atmosphere.

SNS1: English meeting club is one of the many ways to improve my ability in English.

Centered on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion through English meeting club there were so many ways that could be imrove student skill and abilities in learming English itself.

AS1: English Club is a club for learner to speak English in a casual setting.


Based on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion that English meeting club such a club for students who wanted to studying English in informal setting. In the English meeting club, students get a chance to learn a lot of different skills in an environment that is much like everyday life. In the club the student need to more clearly and speak more carefully.

MAT1: English club is a part of community that learn English.

Based on the students answer above, the student explained that English meeting club is one of the English community of people who meet regularly to practice speaking in English and a series of regularly scheduled sessions where club Members meet. Practice the language and help the group overcome the issues.

Based on the all students’ description above, it can be concluded that the students interviewed that had an explanation on “In general, how would you define English meeting club?”, Most of the students defined that English meeting club is a place to learn English in informal setting with other people.

Some of the students assumed that English meeting club was a club that can increase the students’ ability in learning English.


What are the benefits do you get after joining English meeting club?

Dependent on the interview that the researcher gave to the students, for question, “What are the benefits do you get after joining English meeting club?”, the students’ answer as follows:

HM2: after joining English meeting club I got many benefits one of it is public speaking.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion that joined English meeting club the students provided a lot of advantages from the club, one of them was being public speaking. As we know that, public speaking is one of the important skill part that should be mastered it.

N2: the benefits that I got is I have another knowledge that I never had in learning process at school.

From the students’ answer above, the student stated that she got another understanding thatI have never had at school during the learning process.

English meeting club was such an activity that was not part of learning class that student gotten. The major purpose for establishing an English meeting club It was built to accommodate or provide space for students to enhance their talents and abilities. In English meeting club the student might got a different way in learning English than they got in regular class or school.

AP2: Increasing my English skill.

Based on the students’ answer above, it could be expand that in joining English meeting club could enhace their skill and encouraged them to learn English so that she got improved for her English skill.


SW2: after joining the English Meeting Club, speaking ability will certainly improve, not only that self-confidence will be better and we have a broader social life too.

From the students’ answer above, the student had an explanation that joined English meeting club it could make speaking capacity will increase, not just that self-confidence will improved because there were several activities in the English meetting club also that would help students develop their skills in English. One of the activities was built a self confidence, as we know that self confidence it was really important and needed while we speaking English.

W2: the benefit of English meeting club is more confident while speaking.

Based on the students’ answer above, the students 5 had the same statement with student 4. She claimed, English meeting club can helped her to more be confident while speaking English. English meeting club had big a role in for supporting and improving students’ competence.

AGAK2: Can get new friends and absolutely improve my English skill specially speaking.

From the students’ answer above, the students claimed that from the English meeting club had several benefit such as got new friends who had same interest in learning English and English meeting club also helped her to improved her speaking skill.

EMY2: Have many English speaking friends, increase confidence in speaking English.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student claimed that joining English meeting club made a new connection with a group of people who had same interest and purpose in joining the club which was for increased her


confidence in English. In a pleasant and comfortable atmosphere, English clubs offer an opportunity for English language learners to practice using English.

SNS2: Get a connection with new friends, They can help me in learning English easier.

From the students’ answer above, the student stated that got a conncection with a friend made her learn English more easier. English Clubs encourage learners of English to practice speaking in English in informal, relaxed surroundings. So the student will more enjoyable during the process of learning English.

AS2: I fell enjoyed when i joining English meeting club, because i learn with out pressure. and i can improve my speaking.

From the students’ answer above, the student said that when she joined the English meeting club, she was impressed, because she studied without pressure and she also claimed that she could improve her skill. A good astmosphere also had important role in learning because it motivated the student to learn more about English itself.

MAT2: I learn a lot about english in basic.

Based on the students’ answer above, it can expanded that in English meeting club he also studied about the basic of English. Not only the studied about the basic English, the English meeting club organizes several activities based on various topics according to the particular criteria of the participants, such as speaking, listening, reading and writing skills.

Based on the all students’ explanations above, the researcher concluded that there were various benefits of English meeting club. Most of the students


stated that joining English meeting club can make them feel more confidence in speaking English like public speaking and the English club plays a significant social role. An English club might be a place to meet new people and make new friends.Not only in speaking aspects, join English meeting club could improve vocabulary mastery and the other side, join English meeting club had a lot of fun and enjoyable in learning English.

Does English meeting club can help you speak English well? Explain your reasons!

Focused on the researcher's interview given to the students, with the question, “Does English meeting club can help you speak English well? Explain your reasons!”, then the students’ answer as follows:

HM3: Yes, through English meeting club we can try to use English by speaking without worry to make a mistakes because there are also mentor who can help us.

Depend on the students’ answer above, the students agree if the English meeting club could help her to speak English well. The student had a perception through the English meeting club, the student should learn to use English by speaking without fear to make mistakes, and there were mentor that can guide them during learning and teaching process.

N3: Yes, because English meeting club help us to improve our skill, one of that skill is speaking.

Centered on the student's answer above, the students agree that the English meeting club might to help her speak English well. The student had a view of the English meeting club might enhanced the students’ skills and abilities, one of them is speaking skill.


AP3: Of course, because in meeting club we are trained to speak English.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student had an agreement if the English meeting club could make them speak English well because the main objectives of the English meeting club was to educated the student to speak English fluently. This means that if students want to be more competent in listening and speaking English and build confidence, the English meeting speaking club is a perfect place to start practiced.

SW3: Yes it does because we meet some people from different circles whether it's from differences in language and culture and sometimes it can help us to know what we don't know before.

From the students’ answer above, the student said yes if the English meeting club might help her in speaking English. The student stated that she met people from various circles, whether it's because of difference in language and culture, and sometimes it can motivated her to realize something that she don't understand before.

W3: Yes, beacause in english meeting club we must to speak english area, so it means we must to push our English.

Focused on the student's direct reply, the student answered yes if the English meeting club might help her speak English because through English meeting club, we seem to speak English, so that presupposes students have to push the English ability. Through English meeting club encouraged them in cooperation and communication.

AGAK3: Sure! Because by joining meeting club I could practice or having interaction with other people using english and its really helpfull.


Based on the students’ anwer above, the student had an agreement if the English meeting club might to help her to speak English well because through English meeting club she might learn or communicate with other people have used English and it is quite helpful. This was made possible as they were in English club, participants can interact with each other through groups and with people involved from other groups.

EMY3: Yes of course, well cause using english at every meeting it means Every meeting increase Confidence when using English with friends and no more awkward when speaking english, Thats why English club very helpful for me to speak English Well.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student said yes. The student stated through English meeting club at every interaction, it means that every meeting enhanced trust when she used English with her peers and no more uncomfortable when I speak English, that's why the English club is very useful for me to speak English.

SNS3: Yes, because most of English meeting club focus on improve the Speaking skill.

Based on the students’ anwer above, the students agree that the English meeting club could help them speak English well. The student's stated that most of English meeting club could have improved students' talents and abilities, one of which is speech skills.

AS3: Yes, because so many vocab (formal and informal) i can learn in english meeting club.

Depends on the students statement above, the student agree that English meeting club had role in encouraged the student to speak English well. The


student stated through English meeting she got more knowledge especially vocabularies and vocabulary is a tool to learn about speaking.

MAT3: Not really. Depends on the person.

Based on the students’ anwered above, He not really believed if the English meeting club might help the student to speak English well. He stated that depend on the person who wanted to learn about English.

From the all the students’ answered the question, the research took a conclusion that English meet club could help the student to speak English well.

Most of the students claimed that in English meeting club they trained how to speak English well and the mentors help them to improve their speaking skill.

Some of the students stated that they enjoyable while speaking because did not feel awkward and feel more comfortable.

Do you get improvement in speaking ability after joining English meeting club? What’s your improvement?

Focused on the interview given to the students by the researcher, with the question, “Do you get improvement in speaking ability after joining English meeting club? What’s your improvement?”, the students’ answer as follows:

HM1: Yes, my improvement is can speak the words properly.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student had a statement that she got improved after joined the English meeting club. The student stated Her progress was speak the words correctly.

N4: Yes, my improvement is I can speak more fluently without making so many fillers.


Centered on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion that the student got improved after joined the Englih meeting club. The student stated that she have not making any fillers while speaking so it means that she could speak English well.

AP4: I got improved in pronunciation when speaking English.

From the students’ anwer above, the student stated if she got improved after joined the English club. The student said whe she speak English, she got better pronunciation. Pronunciation is an important part in speaking, because a good pronunciation make the speaker had a good communication and it could make clear what the speaker talk about.

SW4: Yes i do. in this case the ability to speak greatly improved than before.

Focused on the students’ answer above, the student said yes if she got improved after joined English meeting club. Her ability in speaking English improved than before she joined the club.

W4: Yes, after join english meeting club i fell more confident to speak english, and get new friends also.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student had an opinion that she got improved after joined English meeting club. The student claimed that she gain a better confidence while speak English and English meeting club might be a place to meet friends and make close mattes.

AGAK4: Of course, i got some vocabulary, and more confident in speaking English.


Based the students’ answer above, the student stated that she got improved and claimed that her vocabulary increased. In the English meeting club make student could make new vocabularies and speak it directly without memorizing.

EMY4: Of course, More fluency and accurately in speaking english.

Centered on the student's answer above, the student was of the impression that she had changed since joined the English meeting club. The student could fluently and accurately while speaking English.

SNS4: Yes, I do. I get more focus on something that we speak or discuss about.

Depend on the students’ statement above, the student said that she improved after joined the English meeting club. She got more emphasis on something that she was learning about or talking about.

AS4: Yes, can improve my speaking skill.

Based on the student answer above, the student got she speaking ability improved. The siginificance of the club was coul be gained and develop their speaking so the student be more fluent in and speaking English.

MAT4: I learn about speech English literacy improved.

Focused on the students’ answer above, the student claimed in the English meeting club he learn about how to speak English well. In another side the student stated that English meeting club enhaced his English literacy.

English language literacy is a systematic capacity to use language to strengthen one's abilities and facilitate one's social development.


Based on the all students’ statements above the researcher inferred that at the English meeting club, they improved when speaking English, no longer fillers, could pronounce the words appropriately, speak well throughout pronunciation, speak correctly and feel confident in speaking. In addition to enhancing one's English communication abilities, language skills are important for self-improvement as well as for engagement in various social spheres.

After joining the English meeting club, Are you motivated to speak English continously?

Based on the interview given to the students by the researcher, with the question, “Through English meeting club, Are you motivated to speak English continually?Why, the students answer as follows:

HM5: Yes of course, because through joining English meeting club we can improve our skills in english especially in speaking.

Based on the students’ answer above, the students said yes and motivated to speak English continually. In addition, the student claimed that English meeting club could have improved students' skills and abilities, one of which is speaking skills.

N5: Yes, because speaking English makes me more confident and improve my ability to communicate in English.

Depends on the students’ perception above, the student had an opinion that English meeting club make her to speak English continually. The other side, the student claimed that she felt more confidence while speaking English and after joined English meeting club her ability to communicate improved.


AP5: Of course, because there more friends are invited to speak English, I feel more enthusiastic I am to speak in English.

Focused on the students’ answer above, the student agree if joined English meeting club make her to speak English continually because through English meeting club There were more friends who were asked to speak English and the student feel more excited about speaking English. Through English meeting club the student have an opportunity to practice casual environment and comfortable opportunity to learn English,

SW5: I am very motivated because after hearing people speaking english in a different accent I think it is cool and sometimes it sounds sexy.

Focused on the students’ answer above, the student had a perception of English meeting club make her to speak English continually because she motivated listen to the different accent of English, she claimed it sounds cool.

W5: Yes, because I want to speak english like a native speaker.

Centered on the students’ answer above, the student said yes if she motivated to speak English continually after join English meeting club. The student stated that she wanted to fluent in speaking English like a native speaker of English.

AGAK5: Yes I am, because speak English is really fun.

Based on the students’ answer above, the student wanted to speak English continually because she really enjoyed while speaking English because learn about English, especially speaking was interesting and entertaining.

EMY5: Yes. I motivated to speak English and in English meeting club make me more creative and innovate.


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