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Academic year: 2023



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Writing Folktale, Software for Writing a Story Script, Puyang Kemiri, Preserve, Empat Lawang region, and Moral Value

2.1. Story Book

Marianne (2017) cited that, “There are the three criteria for a good children’s book”. First, “Strong characters who evoke strong emotion” Good children’s books, no matter how simple or complex, offer a sense of joy. They can make us laugh or cry by giving us a character we want to care about. Second,

“A story that teaches” Good stories can teach simple concepts about numbers, letters or colors or they can teach about diversity, love, manners, and acceptance.

Third, “Mind-expanding illustrations, vocabulary or concepts” Great children’s book can tell just as much story through the artwork and offer an author the opportunity to expand young minds through interesting poetic language, fun alliteration, advanced vocabulary,etc.

Meanwhile, Keri (2018) mentioned the criteria of a good storybook: (1) Upholds and cultivates the readers’ values and morals, (2) Appeals to the child’s age, maturity and/or intellectual levels, (3) Stimulates the mind & imagination, (4) Provides useful information, and (5) Can be read over & over, a classic.

2.1.1 Kinds of Story Books

Macon (2021) mentioned, “There are several kinds of storybooks”. First,

“Picture Story Books” Text and illustrations tell the story in picture story books.

This type of book is especially appropriate for young children because the colorful and clear illustrations and artwork support a simple story line. Second,

“Participation Books” Participation books are another type of storybook. Young children delight in being able to repeat the book's suggestions, such as clapping their hands, touching their toes, or covering their eyes. Third, “Patterned Concept


Books” Concept books expand children's understanding of an idea, relationship, or theme. Patterned concept books also provide illustrated examples of various ideas and words.

Fourth, “Predictable Books” Predictable books involve children in the reading experience. The patterned language, repetitive phrases, and predictable storyline help preschoolers anticipate what is coming next. Fifth, “Wordless Books” Though wordless books contain little or no text, they have a real story to tell. Readers must interpret the stories from the pictures, examining details and expressions carefully. Sixth, “Folktales and Fables” The stories in these books are often the result of years of oral storytelling. Many of the stories have a moral concept or theme. Most folktales and fables have some cultural context or historical base and help children learn about diverse cultures and experiences.

These stories are often ones that parents can use for storytelling without the benefits of a book.

Seventh, “Poetry” There are a variety of poetry books available for young children. Each introduces the reader to the sounds of language. Rhyming poetry, especially ones with playful words, help children develop phonemic awareness.

Eight, “Nursery Rhymes” Nursery rhymes are natural for young children. They are often recited from memory by parents or grandparents. Ninth, “Alphabet Books” Alphabet or ABC books are used to help children recognize letters and realize that letters are used in language.

Tenth, “Counting Books” Counting books come in all sizes and shapes.

Beginning counting books often provide fun illustrations of everyday items and objects that feature the numbers from 1-5 or 1-10. Eleventh, “Rhyming Books”

Rhyming stories are fun for parents to read and provide lots of opportunities to read with emotion and to change the loudness and softness of the voice. Twelfth,

“Informational Books” Informational books are nonfiction and are written about topics that children have a natural interest in such as animals, food, vehicles, sports, or seasons of the year.

In this final report, the writer used Folktales and Fables as kind of storybook that would be made as the product of this final project.


2.1.2 How to Write Story Book

In writing a storybook there are some important things that must be used by the writer in order to make the storybook interesting and easy to understand.

According to Sarumpaet (2003)

Langkah dan hal penting yang harus diperhatikan dalam menulis cerita anak adalah sebagai berikut: (1) Mencari dan menentukan topik pembicaraan, (2) Menyusun pokok-pokok cerita, (3) Mengembangkan cerita, (4) Merevisi cerita, dan (5) Pemberian judul ....

It means that the things consider in writing child story such as finding and determining the subject, arrange the story, develop the story, revise the story, and give the title of the story. In addition, Sarumpaet (2003) stated several things to consider in writing children’s storybook

(1) Pilihlah kata-kata sederhana atau kalimat tunggal, (2) Hindarkan penggunaan kata-kata asing, (3) Hindarkan bahasa yang mengumpat, kasar, sadis dan jorok, dan (4) Tema cerita jangan terlalu besar, sajikan yang hanya dapat diterima oleh nalar anak-anak.

It means that there are 4 things to consider in writing children’s storybook, such as choose simple words or single sentences, avoid using of foreign words, avoid language cursing, rude, cruel, and slovenly, and theme of the story acceptable by the children.

2.1.3 Elements in Story Book

Sarumpaet (2003) mentioned that a good story book should have several elements for making it interesting and easy to be understood by the readers

Aspek struktur yang menentukan sebuah bangun cerita anak memiliki beberapa elemen. Pertama, “Tema” Adalah makna yang tersembunyi.

Tema mencakup moral atau pesan/amanat cerita ... Dengan cara itu, tema disampaikan kepada anak secara tersamar.

It means that theme is hidden meaning that includes the moral or message of the story. Thus, children can build good or bad understanding without feeling indoctrinated.

Kedua, “Tokoh” Tokoh adalah "pemain" dari sebuah cerita. Hal penting dalam memahami tokoh adalah penokohan yang berkaitan dengan cara penulis dalam membantu pembaca untuk mengenal tokoh tersebut ....


It means that figure is the player of story that important in understanding the character is characterization related to the way the writer helps the reader to get to know the character.

Ketiga, “Latar”Adalah waktu yang menunjukkan kapan sebuah cerita terjadi dan tempat di mana cerita itu terjadi menunjukkan latar sebuah cerita.

It means that background is the setting of time and place in the story that explain the time of the story occured.

Keempat, “Gaya Bahasa” Aspek yang digunakan untuk menelaah gaya dalam sebuah cerita fiksi adalah pilihan kata ... Kalimat dalam cerita anak-anak haruslah lugas, tidak bertele-tele, dan tidak harus menggunakan kalimat tunggal .

It means that language style is the choice of words that used in the story that can use complex sentences, logic, and directly lead to what we want to convey.

Kelima, “Alur” Alurlah yang menentukan sebuah cerita menarik atau tidak. Alur cerita anak biasanya dirancang secara kronologis, yang menaungi periode tertentu dan menghubungkan peristiwa-peristiwa dalam periode tertentu.

It means that flows determine the story is interesting or not. Children's storylines are usually designed in chronological order, covering a certain period and connecting events in a certain period

2.2 Folktale

Nuraeni (2010: 182) stated that,

Cerita rakyat adalah sesuatu yang dianggap sebagai kekayaan milik yang kehadirannya diatas dasar keinginan untuk berhubungan sosial dengan orang lain. Dalam cerita rakyat dapat dilihat adanya berbagai tindakan berbahasa ....

It means that folktale is something that is considered as property which exists on the basis of the desire to have social relations with other people. In folktale, it can be seen that there are various acts of language to display the values in society. Meanwhile, Isnain (2007) mentioned that,


Cerita rakyat juga dapat diartikan sebagai ekspresi budaya suatu masyarakat lewat bahasa tutur yang berhubungan langsung dengan berbagai aspek budaya ....

It means that folktale can be interpreted as a cultural expression of a society through spoken language that is directly related to various aspects of culture such as religion and belief, laws on economic activities of kinship systems and the composition of the social values of the community.

2.2.1 Characteristic of Folktale

Mughnifar (2019) mentioned that, “There are several characteristics of folklore”. First, it was passed down from generation to generation (from ancestors to the present). Second, the name of the author is unknown (anonymously). Third, it has many noble values. Next, it is traditional and can be entertaining.

Furthermore, folklore has versions and variations of stories and the last the plot of the story is expressed in the cliche form. Meanwhile, according to Danandjaya (2007: 3)

Ciri-ciri cerita rakyat disampaikan secara turun-temurun, tidak diketahui siapa yang pertama kali membuatnya, kaya akan nilai luhur, bersifat tradisional, memiliki banyak versi dan variasi, klise dalam susunan atau cara pengungkapannya, bersifat anonim ....

It means that the characteristics of folktale are delivered from generation to generation, it is not known who made it for the first time, rich in noble values, traditional in nature, has many versions and variations, has cliché forms in the arrangement or way of expression, is anonymous meaning the author's name does not exist, develops from the mouth word of mouth, and folk tales are often passed on orally.

2.2.2 Kinds of Folktale

Types of folklore based on the content and the characters in the story according to Mustakim (2008). Pertama, “Fabel” adalah cerita yang pelakunya adalah binatang yang merupakan symbol perilaku manusia. Biasanya cerita itu memiliki ajaran moral yang sangat eksplisit dan bahasa yang sederhana, dan sesuai dengan perkembangan bahasa anak. It means that fable is a story whose


character is an animal that is a symbol of human behavior. The story usually has very explicit moral teachings and simple language, and in accordance with the development of children's language.

Kedua, “Legenda” adalah cerita tentang kejadian suatu tempat atau sesuatu nama tempat yang dianggap mempunyai makna bagi kehidupan manusia.

It means that legend is a story about what happened somewhere or something that is considered the place names have a meaning for human life. Ketiga, “Mite”

adalah jenis cerita yang tokoh-tokohnya dianggap keramat. It means that mite is the kind of story that the characters are considered sacred. Keempat, “Sage”

adalah cerita rakyat yang menceritakan sejarah kesuksesan para tokoh-tokohnya.

It means that sage is a folktale that tells the history of the success of the characters.

However, Musack (2018) stated that, “Folktales are a particular subset of folktale, and refer to stories that were traditionally passed down verbally from generation to generation, though many of the stories can now be found in written form”. Folktale can take the form of legends, myths, fairy tales or fables. First,

“Legend” The term “legend” describes a subgenre of folklore that consists of stories that are generally regarded as historical but not completely verifiable. They are often based on real historical people or events and can be narrowed down to a specific time in history. While legends are often embellished over time with miraculous or mythical elements, they are rooted in reality. Legends usually involve heroic characters or fantastic places and often encompass the spiritual beliefs of the culture in which they originate.

Second, “Myth” A myth is another type of traditional story that concerns the early history of a culture. While legends are based on historical events and real people, myths are largely rooted in a religion or belief system. Some myths have their origins in something real, like a place, or a group of people that existed historically, but a myth’s purpose is to explain a natural phenomenon, and often contains supernatural or fantastic beings, gods, and demigods.


Third, “Fairy Tales” Fairy tales are traditional stories, usually written for children, which often involve imaginary creatures (such as unicorns, elves, witches, mermaids, or gnomes) as well as strong elements of magic. The traditional versions of fairy tales originated in oral folklore and often contain clear narratives that identify good and evil.

Fourth, “Fables” A fable is a short tale passed down through the generations that is intended to teach a moral lesson. Fables generally feature talking animals, or other creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature that are given human qualities.

In this final report, the writer used Legend as kind of folktale that would be made as the product of this final project.

2.2.3 The Role of Folktale in Tourism Industry

According to the World Tourism Organization (WTO) (Pitana, 2009 in Introduction to Tourism Science), tourism is defined as the activity of a person who travels to or lives in a place outside his usual environment for no more than one year continuously, for pleasure, business or other purposes. In tourism industry, tourist attraction is one component of tourism that supports tourism development.

“Daya tarik wisata adalah segala sesuatu baik berupa ciptaan Tuhan maupun hasil karya manusia yang memiliki keunikan, keindahan, dan makna tertentu sehingga menarik minat orang untuk berkunjung dan menikmati keberadaannya” (Sugiarto, 2016).

Based on this understanding, there are at least three criteria that can be used to identify tourist attractions, namely (1) uniqueness; (2) beauty; and (3) meaning. If the environmental components are interpreted, both physical components (abiotic), biological components (biotic), and cultural components (culture) that exist in the location, it is possible that the location will attract tourists to visit.

In Indonesia, “Folklor (salah satu di antaranya adalah cerita rakyat) dipertahankan dan dikembangkan, yakni untuk mendukung tumbuh-kembang industri pariwisata” (Dharma, 2018). It means that folktale has role in


maintaining, developing, and supporting the growth and development of the tourism industry. The role of folktale as a tourist attraction in a destination has actually been carried out in various regions in Indonesia.

Putra (2019) gives an example of the folklore of Putri Mandalika, a myth that is used as a branding for Lombok tourism. The title of this folklore is used as the name of a tourist area, namely The Mandalika Resort, which is being built by the government in Lombok. Apart from Lombok, other tourist destinations in Indonesia that use folklore as part of their tourist attraction are the Legend of Pulau Kemaro in Palembang, Malin Kundang in West Sumatera, Raden Alit dan Dayang Bulan from Tanjung Kemuning, Sumatera Selatan, and the myth of Raja Ampat in Papua.

It can be conclude that there is a mutually beneficial relationship between folklore as a work of oral literature and the world of tourism. On the one hand, folklore has made an important contribution to the development of tourism in an area, while on the other hand the development of tourism in an area has participated in introducing the folklore of the area concerned to visiting tourists, both domestic and foreign tourists.

2.3 Stages of Writing Folktale

Gail E. Tompkins (2010: 52) stated that, “There are 5 stages in the writing process”. The first stage is Pre-writing. Pre-writing is the stage of writing preparation to obtain and organize ideas, concepts, and problems related to the topic of the writing. The activities carried out by the author are choosing a topic, considering the purpose, form, target audience, and obtaining and compiling ideas. Through pre-writing activities, the author speak, draw, read, and even write to develop the necessary information.

The second is Drafting. Drafting is arranging written ideas so that they become coherent. Writers need to arrange ideas for writing in the form of an essay outline. The outline of the essay is used by the author to prepare herself when writing.


The third is Revising. Revising is the improvement of the essay made by the author or other people to correct the mistakes made. Revising focuses more on adding, subtracting, omitting, and rearranging the content of the essay according to the needs of the reader.

The fourth is Editing. Editing is an activity to revise or improve writing.

Editing here includes improvements to the mechanics and content. Editing is more complex because it deals with textual and contextual improvements.

The fifth is Publishing. Publication is to inform writing to give messages or information to other people. Publication media can be in the form of print media or electronic media depending on the target audience. Revised student essays can be published by uploading them to a blog or sending them to print media/newspapers.

2.4 Software for Writing a Story Script

In writing a story script, a special software is needed to make the writer easier to write the script and help it stay organized. Enfroy (2020) mentions several list of software for writing a story script. First, “Final Draft” is a multi- award winning screenwriting software, initially released in 1990. In 2013, it was awarded a Primetime Emmy Engineering Award and is famously used by Netflix, NBCUniversal, Paramount, ABC, Pixar, and more.

Second, “Celtx” is a cross-platform, cloud-based screenwriting and media pre-production software. With 6 million global users, it is one of the best screenwriting apps in the market. Third, “WriterDuet” is an excellent screenwriting software for writing and editing screenplays and other forms of mass media. It caters to a wide range of requirements and, apart from screenwriting, can be used in case of video editing and gaming as well.

Fourth, “Trelby” previously known as ‘Blyte,’ is a free and open-source screenwriting software. As of now, it operates on both Windows and Linux platforms and is currently available on Github. Fifth, “Scrivener” initially released in 2007, Scrivener is one of the best screenwriting software tools for authors and novelists. One of the best screenwriting software in the market right now, it offers


a wide range of activities, including organizing notes, drag-and-drop features, and editing multiple documents at one go.

Sixth, “Fade In” First released in 2011, Fade In is one of the best screenwriting software tools available in the market currently. It is widely used in the film industry and is compatible with multiple platforms like Mac, Windows, Android, Linux, and iOS. It is also one of the most affordable software tools on the market, offering great features. Seventh, “KIT Scenarist” very useful for high- level scriptwriting work in feature films and television series. It is also useful for authors and novelists and perfect for writers with a requirement in multiple languages, and statistical analysis.

Eight, “Movie Magic Screenwriter” is an award-winning software that is perfect for screenwriting, novels, comic books, stage plays, musicals, and a lot more. Ninth, “Highland 2” is one of the best screenwriting software in the market currently. However, as of now, it is compatible only with Mac. It has a user- friendly interface that is easy to navigate so that you can focus solely on your writing.

Tenth, “StudioBinder” is one of the most popular screenwriting tools on the market right now. Known for its modern design, it comes with an easy-to-use interface. Eleventh, “Page 2 Stage” Initially released in 2004, Page 2 Stage is one of the best screenwriting software on this list. It appeals to a vast global audience as it offers its resources in 30 different languages. Initially a commercial product, now it's completely free scriptwriting software.

In this final report, the writer used Final Draft as kind of software that would be used as the software in writing the story script of this final project.

2.5 The Legend of Puyang Kemiri

According to Pesonaempatlawang.com (2018), in brief, the story of Puyang Kemiri is starting from the descendants of Puyang the high priest, the son of Puyang Rio Tabuan or commonly called Ali Kekunang, which consists of 7 Puyang named Puyang Imam Rajo Besar, Puyang Imam Rajo Kedim, Puyang Seampai-ampai, Puyang maudaro, Puyang Siap Melayang, Puyang Robiah


(Princess of Sanggul Gelung), Puyang Serunting Sakti. Their story is long.

Puyang Serunting Sakti wandered, and Puyang Robiah (Princess of Sanggul Gelung married) with Seniang Nago so that only 5 Puyangs still lived in Kuto, until a few years later they were attacked by the invaders, due to lost in numbers and weapons, they lost and retreated to Kunduran (escape). The struggle continued to flare up, especially after Imam Rajo Besak met the king of Kedum from the mouth of the circle, Raden Alet from Tanjung Raye, and another from the mouth of the lake, these four warrior planned to attack the kingdom in Tuban which was led by a queen known as the Queen of Tuban. In that war, a leader or who led the war was the Imam Rajo Besak from Kunduran. After the attack, the Tuban kingdom was conquered, and the Tuban queen fled from work, so the four Lawangan entered the Tuban kingdom and took everything in the Tuban kingdom.

After everything was collected, it turned out that there was one object that could not be taken by 3 friends of Rajo Besar, it was a keris Ratu Tuban. After they reported this to Imam Rajo Besar, it was very easy for Imam Rajo Besar to attach the keris to the end of the kujur (spear) and until now the keris is still preserved in the district of Empat Lawang.

2.6 Preserve

Widjaja in Jacobus (2006: 115) defines

Pelestarian sebagai kegiatan atau yang dilakukan secara terus menerus, terarah dan terpadu guna mewujudkan tujuan tertentu yang mencerminkan, adanya sesuatu yang tetap dan abadi, berisifat dinamis, luwes dan selektif

It means that preserve is an activity that is carried out continuously, directed and integrated in order to realize certain goals that reflect something that is permanent and eternal, dynamic, flexible and selective. Meanwhile, Alwasih (2006: 18) stated that,

Pelestarian adalah sebuah upaya yang berdasar, dan dasar ini disebut juga faktor-faktor yang mendukungnya baik itu dari dalam maupun dari luar dari hal yang dilestarikan ....

It means that preservation is a well-founded effort, and this basis is also called the factors that support it both from within and from outside the thing being


preserved. Therefore, a process or preservation action recognizes strategies or techniques based on their individual needs and conditions.

It can be concluded that preservation is an effort through a process and has a way to maintain, protect, and can also develop something tangible or intangible so that it does not become extinct and continues to survive.

2.7 Empat Lawang Region

During the colonial era, the Empat Lawang area was included in the Palembang Residency which was then controlled by the Dutch East Indies government. Afdeling Tebing Tinggi is also noted as one of the areas that plays an important role as an administrative region regulator. It is because the Tebing Tinggi area is very strategic, with a fairly developed economic traffic. In fact, Tebing Tinggi was once proposed to be the capital of the residency of South Sumatra around 1870. However, because the plan to form the residency was canceled by the Dutch, the change in status to the capital city never happened.

Time continues to roll during the Japanese colonial period. The Tebing Tinggi area changed its name to the kewedanaan area until the independence era arrived. When it was entered into the territory of South Sumatra Province during the independence period, Empat Lawang stood under Lahat Regency. However, due to the dynamic political conditions during the Reformation era at the end of the 90s, there was a desire to establish a regency independently of Lahat. After going through various processes and hearings from all elements of the Empat Lawang community, the proposal for expansion was submitted to the Minister of Home Affairs and the Indonesian Parliament through Commission II.

In the end, the Plenary Session of the Indonesian Parliament on December 8, 2006 also gave approval for the formation of Empat Lawang Regency with 7 regions as its parts, namely Kec. Muara Pinang, Kec. Lintang Kanan, Kec.

Pendopo, Kec. Ulu Musi, Kec. Pasemah Air Turbid, Kec. Tebing Tinggi and Kec.

Talang Padang. In April 20, 2007 was recorded as the official birth date of Empat Lawang Regency. The inauguration took place at Griya Agung, the Office of the


Governor of South Sumatra with the presence of the Minister of Home Affairs Ad Interim, Jend. TNI (Ret.) Widodo A.S.

2.8 Moral Value

According to Bertens (2007: 18), value is something that is of interest to us, something we seek, something pleasant, something we like and want. Kenny (in Nurgiyantoro, 2012: 320) stated that morals are behavior based on the standards (values) of society that arise from the heart and not coercion from the outside, which is also accompanied by a sense of responsibility for the behavior (action). This action must prioritize the public interest over personal interests. The moral is knowledge concerning civilized human character. Moral also means the teachings of good and bad deeds, and behavior (morals). Meanwhile, Sulistyorini (2017) stated that,

Cerita rakyat mengandung nilai luhur bangsa terutama nilai-nilai budi pekerti maupun ajaran moral. Apabila cerita rakyat itu dikaji dari sisi nilai moral, maka dapat dipilah adanya nilai moral individual, nilai moral sosial, dan nilai moral religi.

It means that folktale contains the noble values of the nation, especially the values of character and moral teachings. Moral values can be divided into individual moral values, social moral values, and religious moral values.


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