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Buying Cheap Humidors


Academic year: 2017

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There are numerous vendors who offer humidors at low prices. Many retail stores have departments that sell humidors of many kinds. Typically though retail stores will offer limited styles of smaller desktop and travel humidors. There are also stores that specialize in humidors and cigars that offer upgraded models of humidors and may even offer specials on cabinet humidors.


Humidors, Cigar Humidors, Travel Humidors, Cheap Humidors

Article Body:

There are numerous vendors who offer humidors at low prices. Many retail stores have departments that sell humidors of many kinds. Typically though retail stores will offer limited styles of smaller desktop and travel humidors. There are also stores that specialize in humidors and cigars that offer upgraded models of humidors and may even offer specials on cabinet humidors. However, the prices one may pay at a specialty store will likely be more than what one will find on the Internet for comparable items. The Internet is a great place for researching and purchasing humidors of all styles, brands, and models. There is no limit to what one can find except for where imagination ends.

A quick search of the internet using humidor sale returned hundreds of companies offering low prices on humidors of all kinds from small travel humidors to large cabinet humidors even to humidors designed for jewelry. A search for discount humidors also returned hundreds of companies in the same way that a search for wholesale humidors returned many possibilities. With access to so many companies selling cheap humidors, the most difficult part to purchasing a humidor today, especially with internet stores, is being able to narrow down one´s search and to settle on one particular style of humidor with many costing much less than $100.

In an internet search, one can find a very beautiful rosewood cabinet humidor with a Spanish cedar interior that measures 15" x 9 3/4" x 6 3/8" and will hold up to 120 cigars for a mere $79.99, plus shipping and tax costs. This item typically retails for $199.00. Another deal on the internet was for a cabinet humidor that holds up to 3000 cigars and only costs $599.00. And these are only two examples of such great deals one can find for Cheap Humidors on the internet. The internet now affords the cigar aficionado the opportunity to research and purchase cheap humidors, offered either through a sale, discount or wholesale offering, from the comfort of their home.

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