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Laporan Tahunan | Semen Indonesia


Academic year: 2017

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Memperkokoh Landasan untuk

Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan

Laporan Tahunan


Annual Report









We continued to contribute to the country’s growth and

development, increased net income by 32% to Rp3.3

trillion and EBITDA by 23% to Rp4.8 trillion while ensuring

environmental sustainability at all times.

With the continuous application of strategic initiatives,

we established a solid foundation for achieving higher

levels of performance.

Kami mampu tetap berkontribusi dalam pembangunan

bangsa, mencatat peningkatan laba bersih sebesar 32%

menjadi Rp3,3 triliun dan peningkatan EBITDA 23%

menjadi sebesar Rp4,8 triliun dengan tetap mampu

menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.

Meneruskan penerapan langkah strategis yang terus

berlanjut, kini kami menetapkan landasan pencapaian

kinerja pada level baru yang lebih tinggi.


EncoURAGInG PERFoRMAncE In 2009,



Consistent application of the operational strategies

- revenue management, cost management, capacity

management and increasing our competitive

advantage - have enabled us to increase revenue

by 18% to Rp14.4 trillion while maintaining EBITDA

margin above 30%. We continued to maintain our

market leadership position with a market share of

around 45%.

Penerapan fokus strategi yang meliputi






management dan increasing competitive advantage






membukukan peningkatan pendapatan 18%

menjadi Rp14,4 triliun, menjaga EBITDA margin

pada level di atas 30% dan mempertahankan

kepemimpinan pangsa pasar pada kisaran 45%.


05 06 07 08 09 1.999



8.728 9.601

2.849 3.867



05 06 07 08 09

22,4 23,6 26,8


Our capacity management strategy enabled

us to utilize our production facilities efficiently

and effectively. In line with the continuous

market growth, we initiated construction of new

production facilities to increase capacity.


capacity management yang kami





mengoperasikan fasilitas produksi pada level

tinggi dengan tingkat eisiensi yang baik.

Seiring dengan pertumbuhan pasar yang

terus berkembang, kini kami memulai langkah

pembangunan unit-unit produksi baru menuju

level kinerja baru.

Increased Production Capacity

Towards New Performance Levels


16,9 16,9 17,1 18,0

05 06 07 08 09 05 06 07 08 09


Komitmen kami dalam menjaga kelestarian

lingkungan dilakukan dengan menerapkan

serangkaian program pengelolaan, perawatan





berkelanjutan yang menjamin penciptaan

lingkungan yang harmonis. Kami berhasil secara

berturut-turut mencapai predikat “PRoPER





Dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan) hijau” serta


Investment Award dalam dua

tahun terakhir.

Our commitment to environmental sustainability

is reflected in the application of a series of

sustainable programs to create, protect and

maintain a harmonious environment. We

also succeeded in maintaining our PROPER

(Company’s Environmental Performance Rating

Program) Green status and earned the Investment

Award for the last two consecutive years.



COGS to Revenue Ratio (%)

Rasio Beban Usaha Terhadap Pendapatan (%)

Operating Expense to Revenue Ratio (%)

Rasio Laba Terhadap Total Aset (%) Return on Assets (%)

Debt to EBITDA Ratio (X)

Rasio EBITDA Terhadap hutang (X)

*Efektif sejak Januari 2008 telah diterapkan PSAK 30 (Revisi 2007) As of January 2008, PSAK 30 (Revised 2007) has been applied





Aktiva Lancar current Assets 8.207.041 7.083.422 5.267.912 4.153.263 3.740.623 Investasi pada Perusahaan Asosiasi

Investments in Associates 66.671 59.566 50.259 43.830 43.725 Aset Tetap Fixed Assets 4.014.143 3.308.878 3.089.622 3.162.919 3.419.589 Aktiva Tidak Lancar Lainnya other non-current Assets 663.453 151.098 107.434 136.407 93.923 Jumlah Aktiva Total Assets 12.951.308 10.602.964 8.515.227 7.496.419 7.297.860 Kewajiban Lancar current Liabilities 2.294.842 2.090.589 1.445.874 1.460.083 2.165.374 Kewajiban Tidak Lancar non-current Liabilities 338.372 338.660 349.766 455.160 596.374 Total Kewajiban Total Liabilities 2.633.214 2.429.249 1.795.640 1.915.243 2.761.748 hak Minoritas atas Ekuitas Anak Perusahaan

Minority Interest in Equity of Subsidiaries 120.415 104.129 92.324 81.562 69.179 Jumlah Ekuitas Total Equity 10.197.679 8.069.586 6.627.263 5.499.614 4.466.932 Belanja Modal Capital Expenditure 1.614.648 562.830 357.734 190.297 190.840 Modal Kerja net Working capital 5.912.199 4.992.833 3.822.037 2.693.180 1.575.249 LABA RUGI STATEMEnTS oF IncoME

Volume Penjualan (dalam ton)

Sales Volume (in tons) 18.448.163 17.677.842* 17.080.253* 16.761.860 16.342.604 Pendapatan Revenue 14.387.850 12.209.846 9.600.801 8.727.858 7.532.208 Beban Pokok Pendapatan cost of Revenue 7.613.709 6.855.225 5.600.144 5.400.346 4.640.413 Laba Kotor Gross Profit 6.774.141 5.354.621 4.000.657 3.327.512 2.891.795 Beban Usaha operating Expenses 2.431.578 1.967.435 1.603.808 1.548.133 1.352.557 Laba Usaha operating Income 4.342.563 3.387.186 2.396.848 1.779.379 1.539.238 Laba Bersih Net Income 3.326.488 2.523.544 1.775.408 1.295.520 1.001.772 Laba Sebelum Bunga, Pajak, Penyusutan dan

Amortisasi (EBITDA)

Earning Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (EBITDA)

4.772.573 3.867.228 2.848.528 2.234.456 1.999.359

Jumlah Rata-rata Tertimbang Saham Biasa yang Beredar

Total Weighted Average outstanding Shares (in thousand of shares)

5.879.361 5.922.179** 5.931.520 5.931.520 5.931.520

Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar (dalam Rupiah)*)

Basic Earnings per Share (in Rupiah)*) 566 426 299 218 169


Marjin Laba Kotor Gross Proit Margin 47,1% 43,9% 41,7% 38,1% 38,4% Marjin Laba Usaha operating Margin 30,2% 27,7% 25,0% 20,4% 20,4% Marjin Laba Bersih net Proit Margin 23,1% 20,7% 18,5% 14,8% 13,3% Marjin EBITDA EBITDA Margin 33,2% 31,7% 29,7% 25,6% 26,5% Rasio EBITDA terhadap Bunga (x)

Interest coverage Ratio (x) 234,43 147,65 245,03 27,76 12,73 Rasio Laba terhadap Ekuitas Return to Equity 32,6% 31,3% 26,8% 23,6% 22,4% Rasio Laba terhadap Total Aktiva Return to Assets 25,7% 23,8% 20,8% 17,3% 13,7% Rasio Lancar current Ratio 358% 339% 364% 284% 173% Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Ekuitas Debt to Equity*** 1,5% 2,2% 2,4% 4,1% 19,1% Rasio Kewajiban terhadap Aktiva Debt to Assets*** 1,2% 1,7% 1,9% 3,0% 11,7%


2008 2007 2006


*Dikoreksi Revised

**Tahun 2008, setelah program pembelian kembali saham Perseroan In 2008, after buy back of company’s shares *** Kewajiban berbunga Interest bearing debt

*)Disesuaikan setelah stock split Adjusted to stock split 1 : 10



Significant Events

Penyelenggaraan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (“Rapat”) Perseroan dengan keputusan sebagai berikut:

• Perubahan rencana pembangunan pembangkit listrik dari semula 10 unit berkapasitas 410 MW dengan investasi USD 573 juta, menjadi 2 unit berkapasitas 70 MW (2x35 MW) dengan investasi USD 114 Juta di Sulawesi.

• Mengukuhkan pelaksanaan Pembelian Kembali Saham Perseroan (share buyback) tanggal 13 oktober 2008 sampai dengan tanggal 9 Januari 2 0 0 9 s e b a n y a k 6 8 . 0 3 2 . 0 0 0 l e m b a r s a h a m dengan nilai transaksi Rp198,7 miliar.

held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (“EGMS”) that concluded the following:

• change in plan for constructing power plants in Sulawesi from an initial 10 units with capacity of 410 MW for an investment of USD 573 million to 2 units with capacity of 70 MW (2x35MW) for an investment of USD 114 million.

• Execution of buyback of 68,032,000 company shares with a transaction value of Rp198.7 billion from october 13, 2008, through January 9, 2009

M e m p e r o l e h p e n g h a r g a a n K e c e l a k a a n n i h i l (Zero Accident Awards) pada Puncak Peringatan Bulan GERnAS (Gerakan nasional) K3 2009 di Kabupaten Tuban.

R e c e i v e d Z e r o A c c i d e n t A w a r d a t t h e f i n a l commemoration of Gernas (Gerakan nasional/national Movement) Month K3 2009 in Tuban District.

Penandatanganan perjanjian kerjasama Perseroan dengan Sindicatum carbon capital (Scc) yang berbasis di London dalam rangka pelaksanaan program

Clean Development Mechanism (cDM).

Signed cooperation agreement between the company and London-based Sindicatum carbon capital (Scc) for the clean Development Mechanism (cDM) program.

Peresmian mahakarya Jembatan Suramadu yang menghubungkan pulau Jawa dan pulau Madura oleh Presiden RI, Susilo Bambang yudhoyono, dimana Perseroan adalah pemasok utama kebutuhan semen khusus bagi pembangunan jembatan.

P re s i d e n t o f R I , S u s i l o B a m b a n g yu d h o y o n o , inaugurated the opening of the Suramadu Bridge mega-project that connects Java Island with Madura Island. The company was one of the main construction materials supplier for the project.




10 JUnI


30 JAnUARy

20 MARch

10 JUnE

30 January 2009 26 February 2009


Penyelenggaraan RUPSLB dengan keputusan persetujuan untuk menindaklanjuti rencana Pembangunan Pabrik Baru di Sumatera Barat yang diintegrasikan dengan rencana Perseroan secara menyeluruh.

Penandatanganan kontrak pengadaan peralatan utama (main equipment) untuk pabrik semen baru senilai Euro 189 juta.

contract signed for procurement of main equipment for new cement plant amounting Euro 189 million.

held extraordinary EGMS with the decision to follow-up and integrate the plan for construction of a new plant in West Sumatra into the overall company plan.

Peletakan batu pertama pembangunan perluasan pabrik semen baru di Tuban (Pabrik Tuban IV), berkapasitas 2,5 juta ton per tahun oleh Menteri negara BUMn, Sofyan A. Djalil.

State Minister of State owned Enterprises Sofyan A. Djalil performed the ground breaking ceremony for the expansion the cement factory in Tuban (Tuban Plant IV), with a capacity of 2.5 million tons per year.

Mendapatkan penghargaan Peringkat Hijau program PRoPER 2008-2009, dari Kementerian negara Lingkungan hidup.

Awarded the Green Ranking certificate for the 2008-2009 PRoPER Program by the State Ministry of the Environment.

Pembayaran dividen interim tahun buku 2009 sebesar Rp58 per saham.

Paid interim dividend of Rp58 per share for the 2009 iscal year.

Meresmikan Packing Plant ciwandan, Banten untuk meningkatkan operasi dan eisiensi distribusi semen Perseroan di wilayah Jawa bagian barat.

officially opened the packing plant at ciwandan, Banten, to expand and improve the efficiency of cement distribution operations in the western part of Java.

25 JUnI

26 JUnI


15 oKToBER



26 JUnE

25 JUnE


15 ocToBER



25 June 2009 28 December 2009



Awards and Certifications

Zero Accident Award dari Bupati Tuban, atas prestasi tanpa kecelakaan kerja pada tahun 2008.

Zero Accident Award from the Regent of Tuban for the company’s success in ensuring no accidents in the workplace in 2008.

Best Managed Company dari FinanceAsia urutan ke-7 sebagai perusahaan dengan pengelolaan terbaik.

Ranked 7th by FinanceAsia on its Best Managed company list.

Creator Award 2009 sebagai The Best Public Company on WAI (Wealth Added Index) Method, peringkat ke-9 dari 100 perusahaan di Indonesia atas prestasinya sebagai perusahaan terbaik yang mampu memberikan peningkatan kekayaan secara berkelanjutan kepada stakeholders-nya.

Granted the 2009 creator Award for achieving 9th rank in the WAi (Wealth Added index) from among the 100 best public companies in Indonesia for it accomplishment as the company best able to provide sustainable increases to its stakeholders’ wealth.



HR Excellence Award 2009 dan The Best BUMN in Talent Management dari Lembaga Management Universitas Indonesia bekerjasama dengan Majalah SWA dan hR Indonesia.

honored with the 2009 hR Excellence Award and as the Best SoE in Talent Management by the Management Institute of the University of Indonesia in collaboration with SWA magazine and hR Indonesia.

Top Brand Award 2009 dari Frontier consulting Group bekerjasama dengan Majalah Marketing.

Granted the 2009 Top Brand Award by the Frontier consulting Group in collaboration with Marketing Magazine

Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (PROPER) Hijau 2009 dalam pengelolaan Lingkungan hidup, dari Kementerian negara Lingkungan hidup, atas komitmen perusahaan dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dan pengelolaan yang baik dengan melakukan 3 R (reduce, reuse, recycle).

honored with the 2009 PRoPER Green award for environmental management under the Assessment of company Performance Level Program by the State Ministry of the Environment for the company’s commitment to environmental protection and good management through the implementation of the 3 R (reduce, reuse, recycle) program.







Zero Accident Award Best Managed company creator Award 2009

PRoPER hijau Top Brand Award 2009

hR Excellence Award 2009


e-Company Award 2009, dari Warta Ekonomi atas prestasinya dalam transformasi bisnis berbasiskan IT (information & technology) Peringkat I kategori

Basic Industry.

Granted the 2009 e-company Award by Warta Ekonomi Magazine as an acknowledgement for the company’s achievement in IT based business transformation in the Information Technology Level I category for Basic Industry.

Investor Award dari Majalah Investor meraih Peringkat I

non-Keuangan Bidang Industri Semen dan Pupuk.

Investor Award for 1st Place in the noninancial sector for the cement and Fertilizer Industry from Investor Magazine.

Investment Award, kategori Perusahaan Penanaman Modal Dalam negeri Terbaik 2009, yang diselenggarakan oleh BKPM (Badan Kordinasi Penanaman Modal) bekerjasama dengan harian Bisnis Indonesia, Peringkat I PMDn.

1st Place Investment Award for 2009 Best Domestic corporate Investment in the category of PMDn from BKPM (capital Investment coordinating Agency) in collaboration with Bisnis Indonesia newspaper.



ISO 9001: 2008

Sistem Manajemen Mutu

ISo 9001: 2008

Quality Management System

ISO 14001: 2004

Sistem Manajemen Lingkungan OHSAS 18001: 2007

Sistem Manajemen Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja ISO/IEC 17025: 2005

Sistem Akreditasi Laboratorium Pengujian Bahan (LP-151-DN) dari KAN



ISo 14001: 2004

Environmental Management System

ohSAS 18001: 2007

Workplace Safety and health Management System

ISo/IEc 17025: 2005

Accreditation certiicate for Material Testing Laboratory (LP-151-Dn) from KAn



e-company Award 2009 Investor Award Investment Award

ISo 9001:2000 ISo 14001:2004 ohSAS 18001:2005 ISo/IEc 17025:2005


44 InFoRMASI PERSERoAn company Information

45 VISI DAn MISI Vision and Mission

46 SEKILAS PERSERoAn The company in Brief

47 KEUnGGULAn PERSERoAn The company’s Strengths

49 STRUKTUR USAhA DAn AnAK USAhA PERSERoAn corporate Structure and Subsidiaries

50 STRUKTUR oRGAnSASI organization Structure

52 DISTRIBUSI Distribution

54 JEnIS PRoDUK DAn FASILITAS PEnDUKUnG Product Types and Supporting Facilities

58 PEnGEMBAnGAn SUMBER DAyA MAnUSIA human Resources Development

64 InFoRMASI BAGI InVESToR Information for Investor


highlights of Stocks, Dividends and Stock Listing history

66 KInERJA SAhAM Stock Performance

67 KoMPoSISI PEMEGAnG SAhAM Shareholders composition

16 LAPoRAn MAnAJEMEn Management Report


Report from the Board of commissioners

26 LAPoRAn DIREKSI Report from the Board of Directors

38 REncAnA STRATEGIS JAnGKA PAnJAnG Long Term Strategic Plans

43 PRoSPEK DAn STRATEGI BISnIS DI TAhUn 2010Business Prospects and Strategy for 2010 1 SEKILAS KInERJA Performance in Brief

8 IKhTISAR PEnTInG highlights

8 IKhTISAR KEUAnGAn Key highlights 10 PERISTIWA PEnTInG Signiicant Events

12 PEnGhARGAAn DAn SERTIFIKASI Awards and certiications

80 PEMBAhASAn DAn AnALISIS MAnAJEMEn Management’s Discussion and Analysis


Review of Economy, Industry and Business Prospects

83 TInJAUAn KInERJA oPERASIonAL operational Performance Review

83 BIDAnG PEMASARAn DAn DISTRIBUSI Marketing and Distribution

85 BIDAnG PRoDUKSI Production

87 PEnELITIAn DAn PEnGEMBAnGAn Research and Development

90 TInJAUAn KInERJA KEUAnGAn Financial Performance Review


Summary of Statements of Income

92 IKhTISAR nERAcA Balance Sheet highlights

97 ARUS KAS cash Flow

98 RASIo-RASIo KEUAnGAn Financial Ratios


68 KEPEMILIKAn SAhAM oLEh DIREKSI Share ownership by The Board of Directors

69 DIVIDEn DAn KEBIJAKAn DIVIDEn Dividends and Dividend Policy

70 KonDISI PASAR MoDAL capital Market conditions

71 KInERJA SAhAM PERSERoAn Performance of company Shares

73 oPInI PELAKU PASAR MoDAL opinions of capital Market

78 LEMBAGA DAn PEnUnJAnG PASAR MoDAL Institutions and capital Market Support



124 LAPoRAn PELAKSAnAAn TATA KELoLA PERUSAhAAn Report on corporate Governance Implementation

125 TUJUAn Goals

126 PEDoMAn, STRUKTUR DAn MEKAnISME TATA KELoLA Governance Guidelines, Structure and Mechanism

128 KEBIJAKAn TATA KELoLA PERUSAhAAn corporate Governance Policy

133 ASSESSMENT PEnERAPAn GcG Assessment of GcG Application

134 ROADMAP PEnERAPAn GcG Roadmap for GcG Application

216 LAIn-LAIn others

216 PRoFIL DEWAn KoMISARIS, DIREKSI DAn KoMITE Boc, BoD and committees Proile


Subsidiaries and Afiliated companies

232 DAFTAR ALAMAT AnAK USAhA Subsidiaries Addresses

233 AFILIASI Afiliated companies

234 InFoRMASI BAGI PEMEGAnG SAhAM Information for Shareholders

235 REFEREnSI BAPEPAM-LK Bapepam-LK References

244 PERnyATAAn DEWAn KoMISARIS DAn DIREKSI Board of commissioners’ and Directors’ Statement

112 SEGMEn USAhA non-SEMEn non-cement Sector

116 PERUSAhAAn ASoSIASI Associated companies

118 TRAnSAKSI MATERIAL DAn KEJADIAn LUAR BIASA Material Transactions and Extraordinary Events

121 TRAnSAKSI BEnTURAn KEPEnTInGAn Transactions with conlict of Interest


Related Party Transactions

122 PERUBAhAn PERATURAn DAn STAnDAR AKUnTAnSI changes of Regulation and Accounting Standards

123 KEJADIAn SETELAh TAnGGAL nERAcA Subsequent Events


Management and Development of the Semen Gresik Management System

138 PEnERAPAn MAnAJEMEn RISIKo Risk Management Application

142 PEnGAWASAn DAn PEnGEnDALIAn InTERnAL Internal Supervision and control

146 KoDE ETIK PERUSAhAAn corporate code of conducts

150 oRGAn PERUSAhAAn corporate organs

150 RAPAT UMUM PEMEGAnG SAhAM General Meeting of Shareholders

156 DEWAn KoMISARIS Board of commissioners

161 DIREKSI Board of Directors

170 KoMITE PEnUnJAnG Supporting committees



Work Safety, health and Environmental Protection


corporate Social Responsibility Activities






Report from the Board

of Commissioners


Management Report

D. ADITyA SUMAnAGARA Komisaris Utama



perusahaan yang


membuat Perseroan mampu

mengatasi tantangan

eksternal dan internal dengan

tetap membukukan kinerja

yang membanggakan.”

have enabled the

Company to overcome

both external and

internal challenges and

to consistently register

strong performance.”


Pemegang Saham yang Terhormat,

Tahun 2009 penuh tantangan bagi PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk (“Perseroan”), baik tantangan yang sifatnya internal maupun eksternal. Memburuknya kondisi perekonomian global di tahun 2009 sebagai dampak krisis keuangan global 2008, menyebabkan m e l e m a h n y a G r o s s D o m e s t i c P r o d u c t ( G D P ) yang berimplikasi pada melemahnya pertumbuhan permintaan semen domestik.

Gempa yang melanda wilayah Sumatera Barat dan gangguan pasokan energi listrik memberikan tantangan cukup berat bagi pencapaian kinerja Perseroan. Dari sisi internal, Perseroan mengalami kerusakan kiln shell milik PT Semen Tonasa yang s e m p a t m e n g a k i b a t k a n t u r u n n y a k e m a m p u a n produksi semen di awal tahun 2009.

Berpegang pada empat fokus pengelolaan strategi, yaitu Revenue Management, Cost Management, Capacity Management dan Improving Competitive Advantage, Perseroan berhasil meningkatkan volume

penjualan 4,4% dari tahun lalu atau mencapai total 18,4 juta ton. Total pendapatan 2009 meningkat 17,8%, sedangkan laba bersih meningkat 31,8% dari tahun lalu. EBITDA tumbuh 23,4% dari tahun lalu atau sebesar Rp4,8 triliun, sedangkan Marjin EBITDA meningkat 1,5% menjadi 33,2%.

Penilaian atas Kinerja Perseroan

Dewan Komisaris memberikan apresiasi yang setinggi-tingginya kepada Direksi dan pegawai Perseroan, atas kerja kerasnya di tahun 2009. Ketangguhan, kegigihan, kemampuan dan kemauan Direksi dan pegawai untuk terus berbenah diri dalam menghadapi tantangan di masa depan terbukti dengan hasil pencapaian Perseroan yang terus meningkat secara signiikan dari tahun ke tahun.

D e n g a n p e n u h k e b a n g g a a n , D e w a n K o m i s a r i s melaporkan bahwa di tahun 2009, Perseroan berhasil meraih pencapaian EBITDA dan Marjin EBITDA tertinggi sejak Perseroan didirikan.

Tidak berhenti sampai disana, pencapaian pemecahan rekor di bidang utilisasi dan kapasitas tertinggi di Indonesia juga diraih oleh salah satu pabrik Perseroan yang berada di Tuban, yang mampu berproduksi selama 337 hari dalam setahun. Efektiitas penetapan

Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang ditandatangani bersama oleh Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi berhasil mendorong pencapaian kinerja Perseroan.

Respected Shareholders,

The year 2009 has been full of challenges, both external and internal, for PT Semen Gresik (Persero) Tbk (“the

The earthquake that hit West Sumatra and the disruptions in electricity supply provided further challenges for achieving company performance. Internally, the disruption of the kiln shell at PT Semen Tonasa resulted in a decline in cement production capability in the beginning of 2009.

Despite the constraints, through strict adherence to its four core operating strategies -- Revenue Management, cost Management, capacity Management and Improving competitive Advantage – the company succeeded in increasing sales volume by 4.4% to a total of 18.4 million tons in 2009, while total revenues increased 17.8% and net income increased 31.8% from the previous year. EBITDA also increased 23.4% to Rp4.8 trillion from the previous year, while the EBITDA Margin increased to 33.2%, an increase of 1.5% over previous year.

Evaluation of Company’s Performance

The Board of commissioners expresses its sincere appreciation to the company Directors and employees for their efforts in 2009. The Directors and employees have consistently improved business performance and this is a testimony to their perseverance, integrity, capability and determination to face and address future challenges.

With pride, the Board of commissioners reports that in 2009 the company has succeeded in achieving the highest EBITDA and EBITDA Margins since its establishment.

Further, the Tuban III factory overtook Indonesia’s utilization and highest capacity records by maintaining production for a total of 337 days a year. The Key Performance Indicators (KPI), jointly agreed and signed by the Board of commissioners and the Directors, further motivated the company to achieve even higher performance levels.


Pencapaian tersebut merupakan hasil kerja keras dan sinergi antar perusahaan yang berlandaskan pemikiran positif dan semangat kebersamaan yang dielaborasi dalam bentuk komunikasi dan pencarian solusi. Permasalahan operasional di Semen Tonasa akibat rusaknya kiln shell diselesaikan secara bersama-sama dengan dibentuknya Tim Task Force Produksi yang anggotanya terdiri dari Perseroan dan anak perusahaan di bidang persemenan. Permasalahan-permasalahan operasional yang disebabkan gempa d i S u m a t e r a B a r a t j u g a d i s e l e s a i k a n d e n g a n mengedepankan sinergi antar perusahaan.

Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2009 Perseroan telah m e n y e l e n g g a r a k a n R U P S L u a r B i a s a , y a n g m e n g h a s i l k a n k e p u t u s a n p e r u b a h a n r e n c a n a pembangunan proyek strategis pembangkit tenaga listrik dari 10 unit dengan kapasitas total 410 MW menjadi 2x35 MW, serta memantapkan pembangunan 2 pabrik semen baru di Sulawesi dan di Jawa dengan kapasitas masing-masing 2,5 juta ton. Pembangunan proyek pabrik baru dan pembangkit tenaga listrik sampai saat ini masih berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Perseroan telah mendapatkan komitmen pembiayaan pembangunan proyek di Sulawesi melalui sindikasi yang dipimpin oleh PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk sementara pembangunan proyek di Jawa dibiayai dengan dana hasil operasi.

Improved business performance was also the result of hard work and synergy efforts among the Group companies. Positive thinking was key and it instilled a sense of togetherness for effective communication and search of solutions. A prime example of this was the overcoming of the problems arising at Semen Tonasa due to the damage to the Tonasa IV kiln shell through the formation of a production task force team comprising members from the company and its cement subsidiaries. operational problems caused by the earthquake in West Sumatra were also overcome through such efforts.

on January 30, 2009, the company held an Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, whereby it was decided that the number of power plant constructions be reduced from 10 units with a total capacity of 410 MW to 2 units with capacity of 35 MW. The meeting also conirmed the construction of 2 new cement plants in Sulawesi and Java, each with a capacity of 2.5 million tons. The construction of the new cement plants and the power plants is progressing smoothly. Funding commitment from a syndicate led by PT Bank Mandiri Tbk has been secured for the cement plant and power plant in Sulawesi while the Java plant is being funded by cash from operations.

Penetapan KPI bersama antara

Komisaris dan Direksi, dijawab

dengan hasil kinerja Perseroan

yang membanggakan baik dari

sisi operasional maupun finansial.

The establishment of Key Performance

Indicators (KPI) by the Commissioners

and Directors has further improved

Company performance – both operational

and financial – and we take great pride in

reporting the same.

Pada tanggal 7 oktober 2009, Perseroan melakukan transaksi penjualan kembali saham yang diperoleh kembali (treasury stock), dan memperoleh keuntungan sebesar Rp210,9 miliar yang langsung dicatat sebagai tambahan ekuitas.

Didukung oleh posisi keuangan Perseroan yang kuat, pada tanggal 23 Desember 2009 Perseroan membagikan dividen interim sebesar Rp58 per lembar saham atau sebesar Rp344 miliar, sebagai bagian dari dividen final tahun buku 2009 yang akan ditetapkan dalam RUPS. Pembagian dividen interim ini merupakan salah satu komitmen Perseroan untuk memberikan nilai tambah kepada para pemegang saham.

on october 7, 2009, the company executed a sale of treasury stock transaction and recorded a gain of Rp210.9 billion. The gain was directly recorded as an addition to equity.

Supported by a strong inancial position, the company distributed interim dividends of Rp58 per share, or a total of Rp334 billion, on December 23, 2009, as part of the inal dividend for the year 2009 which will be determined during the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The distribution of this dividend relects the company’s commitment to provide added value for all shareholders.


D e w a n K o m i s a r i s d a n D i r e k s i j u g a t e l a h mencanangkan serangkaian inisiatif strategis, antara lain melakukan implementasi restrukturisasi korporasi, mengembangkan Human Capital Master Plan di bidang Sumber Daya Manusia, serta memperkuat sistem Informasi dan Komunikasi antara lain melalui

I n f o r m a t i o n a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n Te c h n o l o g y M a s t e r P l a n (ICT Master Plan), menyelesaikan penyempurnaan Pedoman Kode Etik, dan saat ini sedang melakukan inalisasi Board Manual.

Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan telah selesai menyusun Rencana Jangka Panjang Periode 2010-2030 sebagai tindak lanjut catatan Pemegang Saham dalam forum RUPS Tahunan pada tanggal 26 Juni 2009.


D. Aditya Sumanagara

Komisaris Utama

President commissioner

Achmad Jazidie

Komisaris Independen

Independent commissioner

Darjoto Setyawan

Wakil Komisaris Utama

Vice President commissioner

Setia Purwaka



Marwoto Hadi Soesastro

Komisaris Independen

Independent commissioner

Arif Arryman

Komisaris Independen

Independent commissioner

Tugas Kami adalah melaksanakan

pengawasan secara efektif,

memberi arahan secara efisien

dan memastikan pengelolaan

risiko dijalankan dengan baik.

Our duty is to effectively supervise,

efficiently provide direction and to

ensure good risk management.

1 2 3 4 5 6







The Board of commissioners and the Directors also formulated a series of strategic initiatives that included corporate restructuring, development of a human capital Master Plan and strengthening of the Information and Technology System through the Information capital and Technology Master Plan (IcT Master Plan). The revision to the code of Ethics Guidelines was inalized while the Board Manual is in the inal stages of completion.

The company’s Board of commissioners and Directors have developed a 20 year long term plan for the period 2010-2030 as requested by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on June 26, 2009.


Tantangan Pencapaian Kinerja Perseroan 2010

Secara umum, ada enam strategi yang perlu dicermati dalam menghadapi tantangan baru di tahun 2010, yaitu: pengembangan kapasitas, pengamanan energi, penguatan citra korporasi, pemenuhan kebutuhan k o n s u m e n , p e n g u a t a n f a k t o r p e n u n j a n g , d a n pengelolaan risiko.

Kekuatan dalam menghadapi kompetisi hanya bisa dicapai bila Perseroan mampu beroperasi secara efektif, efisien serta berkelanjutan dengan tetap menjaga keseimbangan pertumbuhan laba, kesejahteraan sosial dan pengembangan lingkungan. Perseroan sudah memiliki salah satu daya saing yang tidak dimiliki oleh pesaing, yaitu berada di tiga lokasi strategis Indonesia. Kekuatan ini harus tetap

Challenges in achieving Company Performance in 2010

In general, the following strategies will enable the company to face the new challenges in 2010: capacity enhancement, energy security, strengthening corporate image, meeting consumer needs, strengthening of growth enablers and effective risk management.


Dewan Komisaris

senantiasa memberikan

arahan dan nasihat

kepada Direksi dalam


strategi-strategi inisiatif

perseroan, mengawal

dan memastikan

rencana investasi yang

disusun terlaksana

dengan baik.

disinergikan agar senantiasa mampu mendorong kinerja Perseroan meraih pencapaian yang lebih baik lagi dari waktu ke waktu.

A s p e k l a i n y a n g t i d a k k a l a h p e n t i n g n y a u n t u k mengawal pencapaian kinerja luar biasa yang sudah dicapai beberapa tahun terakhir ini adalah upaya untuk membangun dan menjalankan internal control

dan r i s k a s s e s s m e n t P e r s e r o a n secara efektif. Perkembangan di abad 21 untuk perusahaan publik, mengharuskan Perseroan mempunyai performance objective yang dibangun dari kontrol dan manajemen risiko yang efektif.

Dewan Komisaris lebih memfokuskan diri pada pengawasan dan memberikan rekomendasi pada D i re k s i , s e r t a m e n g a w a s i p ro s e s p e n y u s u n a n strategi bisnis Perseroan sampai pelaksanaan dan finalisasinya. Meyakini hal tersebut, Dewan Komisaris senantiasa memberikan arahan dan nasihat kepada Direksi dalam mengembangkan strategi-strategi inisiatif Perseroan, baik yang dituangkan dalam Rencana Kerja dan Anggaran Perusahaan (RKAP) Tahunan maupun Rencana Jangka Panjang Perseroan.

Dewan Komisaris akan mengawal rencana investasi dan memastikan agar seluruh rencana investasi dilaksanakan dengan menjaga asas kepatutan dan mematuhi peraturan perundang-undangan serta ketentuan yang berlaku.

Tata Kelola Perseroan

Bagi Perseroan yang sudah berstatus Perusahaan Terbuka, kepatuhan dan ketaatan atas berbagai persyaratan dan peraturan yang dituangkan dalam bentuk peraturan Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal juga selalu menjadi prioritas yang utama. Implementasi GcG berkaitan sangat erat dengan mekanisme kontrol risiko, baik yang bersifat internal maupun eksternal.


The Board of

Commissioners provides

direction and advice

to the Directors for the

development of strategies

and initiatives for the

Company, as well as

supervising and ensuring

that the investment

plans formulated are

implemented properly.

its subsidiaries and afiliates to achieve even better operating performance and long term growth.

The company’s efforts for continued performance enhancement is effectively supported by efforts undertaken in the past several years towards creating and implementing effective internal controls and risk management. The developments emerging in relation to publicly listed companies in the 21st century require that the company carefully formulates performance objectives on the basis of the effective control and management of risks.

The Board of commissioners focuses primarily on supervision and providing suggestions to the Directors, as well as monitoring the process of preparing, implementing and achieving desired results through the business strategies. In line with this focus, the Board of commissioners always provides guidance and advice to the directors in developing company strategy initiatives, both those included in the Annual Work Plan (including Budget Planning) and the company Long Term Plan.

The Board of commissioners initiates investment plans and conirms that all investment planning is undertaken in adherence to the principles of compliance to all existing laws, regulations, and provisions.

Corporate Governance

It is imperative for a publicly listed company to comply and adhere to the capital Market Supervisory Agency’s rulings and regulations. Also vital is the strict implementation of Good corporate Governance (GcG), which is closely related to the application of effective mechanisms for the control of both internal and external risks.

Towards this end, the Board of commissioners also continuously works to ensure that the quality of corporate governance is consistently maintained and improved within the company. The company’s possession of a solid GcG code of conduct can be seen as an evidence that the company has an appropriate, comprehensive and eficient GcG framework. To support this, the Board of commissioners is required to continuously supervise and ensure continued existence of a suficient and effective control mechanism for the prevention and control of both internal and external risks.


Komite Penunjang Dewan Komisaris

Untuk memudahkan pelaksanaan tugas dan tanggung jawab Dewan Komisaris, khususnya agar Dewan Komisaris mampu untuk memfokuskan diri dalam melakukan tugas dan tanggung jawabnya, Dewan Komisaris dapat membentuk komite. Komite-komite tersebut bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Dewan Komisaris Perseroan mempunyai 5 (lima) K o m i t e , y a i t u K o m i t e A u d i t , K o m i t e S t r a t e g i , Manajemen Risiko dan Investasi, Komite nominasi dan Remunerasi, Komite Good Corporate Governance

serta Oversight Committee. Keanggotaan Komite dibagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu Ketua dan Anggota yang merupakan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan anggota non Dewan Komisaris (profesional). hanya

Oversight Committee tidak diketuai oleh anggota Dewan Komisaris dan seluruh anggotanya terdiri dari anggota profesional yang bertanggung jawab langsung kepada Dewan Komisaris.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Dalam melaksanakan program Corporate Social Responsibility (“cSR”), Perseroan memiliki komitmen u n t u k m e m b e r i k a n k o n t r i b u s i p o s i t i f k e p a d a masyarakat dalam bentuk tanggung jawab sosial untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat, yang kemudian dituangkan dalam prinsip triple bottom line, yaitu harmoni antara Profit (laba usaha), Planet (lingkungan) dan People (kesejahteraan masyarakat).

Komitmen Perseroan mencakup berbagai aspek penting dalam kehidupan masyarakat, antara lain bidang pendidikan, sosial dan ekonomi, kesehatan termasuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Selain itu, Perseroan juga melaksanakan Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (“PKBL”).

K o m i t m e n P e r s e r o a n d a l a m u p a y a m e n j a g a pengelolaan lingkungan berhasil mendapatkan pengakuan dari Kementerian Lingkungan hidup Republik Indonesia dengan mempertahankan predikat PRoPER hijau di tahun 2009.

Dewan Komisaris memastikan

agar Perseroan menerapkan


triple bottom line

, yaitu

harmoni antara


(laba usaha),


(lingkungan) dan


(kesejahteraan masyarakat).

The Board of Commissioners

makes sure that the Company

applies the Triple Bottom Line

Principles of harmony among

Profit, Planet and People.

Board of Commissioners Support Committees

To facilitate the optimal implementation of the duties and responsibilities of the Board of commissioners, the Board has formed a number of support committees. These committees are directly responsible to the Board of commissioners.

There are ive committees: Audit committee; Strategy, Risk Management and Investment committee; nomination and Remuneration committee; Good corporate Governance committee; and the oversight committee. committee membership falls under 2 classiications: heads of committees and members, who are members of the Board of commissioners; and members (professionals) who are not members of the Board of commissioners. only the oversight committee, which is directly responsible and accountable to the Board of commissioners, is made up entirely of members, including the head of the committee, who are not on the Board of commissioners.

Corporate Social Responsibility

The company’s corporate Social Responsbility Program is rooted solidly in the Triple Bottom Line Principle of harmony between Proit (company proit), Planet (environment) and People (social welfare). The company is strongly committed to making positive contributions to the society through its cSR Program.

The company’s commitment encompasses various important aspects of social life, including the education, social welfare, economic and health sectors. Besides that, the company also implements the PKBL program for partnership and environmental conservation.

The company’s efforts towards proper environmental management was recognized by the granting of 2009 PRoPER Green certiication from the Ministry for the Environment of the Republic of Indonesia.


Jakarta, April 2010

D. Aditya Sumanagara Komisaris Utama

President commissioner

Perseroan juga ikut berpartisipasi dalam upaya menurunkan dampak dari efek pemanasan global. Sebagai komitmen atas hal tersebut, Perseroan ikut berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan proyek Clean Development Mechanism (“cDM”) yang merupakan program upaya pengurangan emisi co2 yang berskala internasional yang akan terintegrasi di United nation Framework convention on climate change (UnFcc). Proyek cDM Perseroan saat ini sudah mendapatkan persetujuan dari Dewan nasional Perubahan Iklim (DnPI) dan siap untuk proses registrasi ke UnFcc.

Perubahan Susunan Direksi

D i s e m e s t e r k e d u a t a h u n 2 0 0 9 , t e l a h t e r j a d i perubahan susunan Direksi, yaitu pergantian Wakil Direktur Utama yang semula dijabat oleh Bapak heru D. Adhiningrat kepada Bapak navin Sonthalia. Kepada Bapak heru D. Adhiningrat, kami atas nama Perseroan m e n g u c a p k a n t e r i m a k a s i h d a n p e n g h a rg a a n atas kontribusi yang telah diberikan selama masa jabatannya di Perseroan. kerja kerasnya dalam memaksimalkan pemanfaatan peluang di tengah gejolak pasar finansial. Dengan dukungan dari para pihak terkait dan penerapan prinsip kehati-hatian dan tata kelola yang baik, kami percaya akan pertumbuhan positif Perseroan secara berkelanjutan di masa-masa mendatang.

The company also participates in addressing global warming issues. As part of this commitment, the company has participated in the formulation of the clean Development Mechanism (“cDM”) Project. This is an internationally recognised program for co2 reduction and will be integrated into the framework of the United nation’s convention on climate change (UnFcc). The company’s cDM program has now obtained approval from the national climate change Board (DnPI) and is ready for the UnFcc registration process.

Change in the Structure of the Board of Directors

In the middle of 2009, a change in the structure of the Board of Directors took place when Mr. navin Sonthalia replaced Mr. heru D. Adhiningrat as the company’s Vice President Director. on behalf of the company, the Board of commissioners wishes to convey to Mr. heru Adhiningrat its deepest gratitude for the contributions he made during his tenure as the company’s Vice President Director.


Finally, on behalf of the Board of commissioners, I highly appreciate the Directors and employees for their cooperation, loyalty and hard work in maximizing opportunities in the midst of an uncertain market situation. We strongly believe that the company is ready to continue its path towards sustainable growth, especially with the support of all stakeholders and with strict adherence to the application of principles of prudence and good governance.



Report from the Board

of Directors

DWI SoETJIPTo Direktur Utama


secara dinamis untuk

mengatasi tantangan

eksternal dan internal,


peluang yang tercipta

dan mencatatkan

pertumbuhan usaha

serta kinerja yang


secara berkelanjutan.”

focus is meant to

overcome external and

internal challenges in order

to create opportunities

and to leverage those

that emerge to assist the

Company in recording

excellent business growth

and performance in a

sustainable manner.”


Para Pemegang Saham Yang Terhormat,

Dengan mengucap syukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa, atas nama Direksi, saya sampaikan bahwa selama tahun 2009, Perseroan telah berhasil meraih kinerja usaha yang lebih baik lagi dibandingkan tahun lalu, meskipun dibayangi oleh dampak krisis keuangan global yang menerpa negara-negara Asia, termasuk I n d o n e s i a . P e n c a p a i a n k i n e r j a u s a h a t e r s e b u t membuktikan pentingnya sinergi operasional sehingga Perseroan mampu mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan sekaligus mempertahankan pangsa pasar yang dominan dalam industri semen nasional.

Kondisi ekonomi Indonesia di tahun 2009 mengalami p e l a m b a t a n p e r t u m b u h a n . G r o s s D o m e s t i c Product (GDP) Indonesia pada tahun 2009 mencatat pertumbuhan sebesar 4,5%, melemah dibandingkan G D P t a h u n 2 0 0 8 y a n g t u m b u h s e b e s a r 6 , 1 % . Melemahnya pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tersebut membuat pertumbuhan permintaan semen domestik mengalami penurunan dibandingkan pertumbuhan permintaan semen domestik tahun sebelumnya.

Berfokus pada empat pengelolaan strategi, yaitu

Revenue Management, Cost Management, Capacity Management dan Improving Competitive Advantage, Perseroan berhasil mencatat pendapatan sebesar Rp14,4 triliun, meningkat 17,8% dan menghasilkan laba bersih sebesar Rp3,3 triliun atau naik sebesar 31,8% serta EBITDA sebesar Rp4,8 triliun atau meningkat sebesar 23,4% dibanding tahun sebelumnya. Marjin EBITDA pun meningkat menjadi 33,2% dari 31,7% pada tahun sebelumnya. hasil kinerja operasional ini membuat kondisi fundamental Perseroan semakin kokoh, sebagaimana terlihat dari posisi RoE sebesar 32,6%, dan RoA sebesar 25,7%.

Di samping itu, Perseroan telah selesai menyusun Rencana Jangka Panjang Perusahaan (RJPP) untuk periode 2010-2030, sehingga saat ini Perseroan telah memiliki arah jangka panjang 20 tahun yang jelas sebagai landasan untuk melangkah ke masa depan yang lebih cemerlang.

Kinerja Yang Kokoh

Konsistensi penerapan strategi revenue management

dan aktivitas sinergi pemasaran yang intensif mampu mendongkrak kinerja Perseroan. Sinergi pemasaran d i l a k u k a n o l e h P e r s e r o a n u n t u k m e m p e r o l e h pendapatan produk dengan harga yang bersaing dan pada segmen pasar yang memungkinkan penentuan harga dengan margin optimal.

Our Respected Shareholders,

With due thankfulness to God, as Director, I would like to report that the company has achieved better business performance in 2009 than last year despite the global inancial crisis the impact of which has also been felt by the countries in Asia, including Indonesia.The company’s continuous growth and ability to maintain its dominant market share in the domestic cement industry further reinforces the importance of synergy across the company’s operations.

In 2009, the Indonesian economy experienced a slowdown in growth, with the country registering a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of 4.5%, down from the more robust 6.1% recorded in 2008. This weakening of the Indonesian economy resulted in a decrease in domestic demand for cement in 2009.

Through its focus on the four operational focus strategies of Revenue Management, cost Management, capacity Management and Improving competitive Advantage, the company succeeded in recording a revenue of Rp14.4 trillion in 2009, an increase of 17.8% over 2008, while posting a net income of Rp3.3 trillion, or an increase of 31.8%. EBITDA was Rp4.8 trillion, an increase of 23.4%, compared with the previous year. The EBITDA margin also increased from 33.2% from 31.7% in the previous year. The strong operating performance has further strengthened the company’s business fundamentals which is also relected in its impressive RoE of 32.6% and RoA of 25.7%.

The company has formulated its 2010-2030 Long Term Plan, thus having a clear direction for the next 20 years towards which steps are being taken for an even brighter future.

Stronger Performance

The consistent application of revenue management strategies and intensive synergy in marketing activities strongly supported the operating performance. Marketing synergy enabled the company to generate increased revenues through appropriate market segmentation which allowed the company to competitively price its products with optimal margins.


Walaupun terjadi gangguan pasokan energi listrik, gempa bumi di Sumatera dan terhentinya kiln shell

salah satu mesin pabrik Perseroan, namun Perseroan mampu membukukan total volume penjualan produk di tahun 2009 sebesar 18,4 juta ton, naik 4,4% dari

volume penjualan tahun 2008. Volume penjualan tersebut semakin mengukuhkan posisi Perseroan sebagai market leader di pasar domestik dengan pangsa pasar sekitar 45%. Seiring dengan target Key Performance Indicator (KPI) yang telah disepakati Direksi dan Dewan Komisaris, Perseroan mampu meningkatkan profitabilitas bahkan melebihi target KPI yang ada, sebagaimana ditunjukkan oleh besaran kenaikan pendapatan dan laba bersih masing-masing sebesar 17,8% dan 31,8%. Pendapatan di tahun 2009 tercapai Rp14,4 triliun, meningkat 17,8% dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008 sejumlah Rp12,2 triliun.

Tercapainya profitabilitas yang tinggi merupakan keberhasilan Perseroan dalam menekan peningkatan biaya produksi melalui strategi cost management

yang diimplementasikan melalui serangkaian program eisiensi. Upaya pengendalian biaya berhasil menekan kenaikan Beban Pokok Pendapatan per ton di tahun 2009 pada kisaran 6,4%, atau meningkat menjadi Rp412.708 per ton dibanding tahun 2008 sebesar Rp387.786 per ton.

hasil tersebut cukup positif, mengingat kenaikan biaya energi sebagai komponen biaya yang dominan dalam proses produksi dapat ditekan sehingga berada di bawah persentase peningkatan pendapatan. hasil akhir dari langkah tersebut adalah meningkatnya laba usaha menjadi Rp4,3 triliun, naik 28,2% dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya. Laba bersih Perseroan di tahun 2009 mencapai Rp3,3 triliun, naik sebesar 31,8% dari posisi laba bersih tahun 2008 sebesar Rp2,5 triliun.

Kinerja finansial tersebut diikuti dengan posisi Total Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) di akhir tahun 2009 sebesar 1,5% dan Rasio hutang terhadap EBITDA sebesar 0,03 kali. Dengan demikian Perseroan memiliki tingkat

Although faced with disruptions in the electricity supply, the earthquake in Sumatra and damage to the kiln shell in one of its plants, in 2009 the company was able to record product sales volume of 18.4 tons, an increase of 4.4% from 2008. This has further strengthened the company’s position as the domestic market leader with around 45% market share. Driven by the the Key Performance Indicator (KPI) targets set by the Directors and the Board of commissioners, the company surpassed its proitability expectations, as can be seen in the extent of the increase in revenue and net income by 17.8% and 31.8% respectively. In 2009, revenue reached Rp14.4 trillion, an increase of 17.8% compared the Rp12.2 trillion recorded in 2008.

The high level of proitability achieved is a relection of the company’s success in keeping production and selling costs costs low through a series of eficiency programs. These cost control efforts enabled the company to control its costs with the cost of revenue increasing by only 6.4% from Rp387,786 per ton in 2008 to Rp412,708 in 2009.

These results were extremely positive considering the increase in energy costs which is a dominant portion of total production cost. overall, the energy cost increase was maintained below revenue growth. These steps culminated in the operating proit increasing by 28.2% to Rp4.3 trillion. net income reached Rp3.3 trillion in 2009, an increase of 31.8% from Rp2.5 trillion recorded in 2008.

The above inancial performance further strengthened the company’s Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) and Debt to EBITDA ratio which stood at 1.5% and 0.03 times respectively as of end-2009. Thus, the company has

Naiknya volume penjualan dan

tingkat profitabilitas membuat

pendapatan dan laba bersih

Perseroan meningkat

masing-masing sebesar 17,8% dan 31,8%

Increased sales volume and an

improved level of profitability

have enabled the Company’s

income and net income to rise

17.8% and 31.8% respectively


hutang yang rendah serta free cash flow yang cukup besar, sehingga jika diperlukan, masih memiliki potensi besar untuk memperoleh dana dalam pengembangan Perseroan dimasa yang akan datang.

Di tahun 2009, Perseroan berhasil melakukan optimasi unit-unit produksinya, sehingga kapasitas produksi total meningkat menjadi 19,0 juta ton, atau naik sebesar 6% dari kapasitas produksi di tahun 2008 yang sebesar 18,0 juta ton. Realisasi produksi semen mencapai 18,1 juta ton yang berarti beroperasi dengan tingkat utilisasi 95%. Kapasitas produksi yang digunakan secara maksimum berdampak pada pengurangan biaya tetap per output produk, sehingga memungkinkan diperolehnya marjin yang optimal.

hasil tersebut telah menciptakan pertumbuhan yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan tahun sebelumnya serta mampu melampaui target yang telah ditetapkan di awal tahun operasional sebagaimana terlihat pada tabel berikut. Pendapatan Revenue 12.210 14.388 14.044 118 102 Beban Pokok Pendapatan

cost of Revenue 6.855 7.614 8.064 111 94 Laba Sebelum Pajak

Income Before Tax 3.590 4.655 3.979 130 117

EBITDA 3.867 4.773 4.250 123 112

achieved a low level of debt and a suficiently large free cash low. This will allow the company to access necessary capital for business growth in the future as and when required.

In 2009, the company succeeded in optimizing its production units, with total production capacity increasing from 18.0 million tons to 19.0 million tons in 2009. cement production reached 18.1 million tons, reflecting a 95% utilization levels. This also assisted in controlling unit cost increases to derive optimal margins.

These efforts resulted in higher growth compared to previous year and also enabled us to surpass the targets set at the beginning of the the operating year, as can be seen in the following table.

Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan

Perseroan telah melakukan berbagai aktiitas Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan serta Tanggung Jawab Sosial dan Lingkungan (TJSL) atau Corporate Social Responsibility (cSR) untuk mewujudkan hubungan yang serasi, seimbang dan sesuai dengan lingkungan, nilai, norma, dan budaya masyarakat setempat.

A k t i f i t a s t e r s e b u t d i l a k u k a n d a l a m r a n g k a menjalankan prinsip triple bottom line, yaitu harmoni antara Profit (laba usaha), Planet (lingkungan) dan

People (kesejahteraan masyarakat). Kepedulian Perseroan terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar diarahkan untuk menggali dan merangsang p o t e n s i m a s y a r a k a t a g a r m a m p u t u m b u h d a n berkembang bersama Perseroan.

oleh karena itu, sebagai perwujudan kepedulian atas perkembangan dan dinamika masyarakat di sekitar kawasan usahanya, Perseroan melaksanakan PKBL serta TJSL. Perseroan telah menentukan dua sasaran strategis, yaitu untuk meningkatkan pembinaan

Social and Environmental Responsibility

The company has undertaken various partnership and community development programs and corporate social responsibility towards achieving a balanced and harmonious relation with respect to the environment, values, norms and local cultures.

All of these activities were undertaken within the context of implementing the company’s Triple Bottom Line principle of harmony between Proit (company proit), Planet (environment) and People (community welfare). The company’s efforts towards welfare of local communities is relected through the Programs it has initiated to determine and stimulate people’s potential to enable them to develop and grow together with the company.


sosial ekonomi masyarakat dan lingkungan. Di bidang sosial, program yang dilaksanakan meliputi (i) penyediaan sarana umum seperti jalan, penerangan, sanitasi, pavingisasi dan perbaikan fasum, (ii) program peningkatan keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Tuhan yME, (iii) program bantuan pendidikan, (iv) program bantuan bencana alam, (v) program bantuan kesehatan, pengembangan keolahragaan, dan pengembangan karya seni budaya. Di bidang ekonomi, program yang dilaksanakan meliputi pengembangan pola kemitraan usaha kecil dan koperasi, yang mengedepankan aspek kemandirian, profesionalisme dan etika.

Pengembangan pola kemitraan tersebut diharapkan a k a n m e n j a d i f a s i l i t a t o r d a n a k s e l e r a t o r b a g i p e r t u m b u h a n u s a h a k e c i l y a n g m e m b a w a d a m p a k b e rg a n d a (m u l t i p l i e r e f f e c t) t e r h a d a p kemandirian dan kesejahteraan masyarakat di sekitar lingkungan Perseroan.

Komitmen Terhadap Pelestarian Lingkungan

Di bidang lingkungan, falsafah “Go Green” dipakai sebagai panduan oleh Perseroan yang mencakup tujuh aspek, mulai dari penataan, pemanfaatan, p e n g e m b a n g a n , p e m e l i h a r a a n , p e m u l i h a n , pengawasan hingga pengendalian lingkungan hidup.

Berbagai kegiatan telah dilaksanakan yang meliputi kegiatan penghijauan, bantuan pembuatan sumur, pembuatan sarana wisata air serta pembuatan real estat dan kawasan industri di kawasan pasca t a m b a n g . D i s a m p i n g i t u , P e r s e ro a n m e m i l i k i fasilitas pengelolaan air bersih (water treatment) dan penampungan air hujan berupa waduk serba guna untuk berbagai keperluan.

Perseroan juga telah menerapkan program Clean D e v e l o p m e n t M e c h a n i s m ( c D M ) b a i k m e l a l u i i m p l e m e n t a s i a l t e r n a t i v e f u e l m a u p u n W a s t e Heat Recovery. Seluruh upaya tersebut sekaligus merupakan jawaban terhadap meningkatnya tuntutan masyarakat dunia akan terciptanya lingkungan hidup yang lebih baik untuk kehidupan mendatang.

Atas kinerjanya di bidang pengelolaan lingkungan, Perseroan berhasil mempertahankan Peringkat Hijau 2009 Program Penilaian Peringkat Kinerja Perusahaan (PROPER) dalam pengelolaan Lingkungan hidup, dari Kementerian negara Lingkungan hidup dan Apresiasi dibidang pengelolaan lingkungan hidup (Eco Product)

dalam kegiatan “Penganugerahan Industri hijau Tahun 2010” yang diselenggarakan oleh Kementerian Perindustrian RI.

Increasing socio-economic assistance for the people with a focus on the environment. In the social welfare area, programs implemented include (i) providing public facilities like roads, paving, lighting, sanitation, as well as repair of public facilities, (ii) enhancement of people’s religious practices and faith, (iii) educational assistance program, (iv) natural disaster assistance, (v) and assistance in support of better health, sports activities, and art and culture activities. In the economic sector, the programs undertaken include developing partnership programs among small-scale enterprises and cooperatives with emphasis on independence, professionalism and ethics.

Development of these partnership models is expected to facilitate and accelerate the growth of small businesses, thus initiating a multiplier effect towards the independence and welfare of the people living near the company’s business operation sites.

Commitment to Environmental Conservation

The company has embraced the “go green” philosophy, which encompasses the following seven aspects - regulations, usage, development, maintenance, recovery, supervision and control of the evnironment.

numerous activities have been undertaken, including greening/reforestation, assistance in building wells, building water recreation facilities, and developing real estate and industrial areas in former mining areas. Besides that, the company has also developed an all-purpose rainwater collection reservoir and water treatment facilities.

The company is also implementing a clean Development Mechanism (cDM) program for both the use of alternative fuels and Waste heat Recovery. We believe that these efforts also address the concerns and increasing demand from the global society to create a better environment for sustainable life in the future.

Due to its continued encouraging performance in the ield of environmental management, the company has succeeded in maintaining its PRoPER Green rating in environmental management from the Ministry of the Environment. The company was also honored for its achievements in the ield of environmental management (eco products) by the Industrial Ministry as it conferred it with the “2010 Green Industry Award”.


Enhancing GCG Implementation

The company consistently perceives public trust as a mandate and embraces the principles of openness, independence, accountability, responsibility and fairness. It ensures integrity in the behaviour and actions of the company and all individuals within it as we believe that these elements will enhance overall company value in the long term.

The company applies Good corporate Governance practices and reinforces integrity through continuing reform and improvement of its organizational system, value system and management. This is a continuation of the company’s internal consolidation program initiatied a few years ago.

The program to enhance the implementation of GcG best practices will be applied continuously in relation to all future developments in the company’s business and demands of the industry.

During 2009, the company received various awards and recognitions from external parties, including:

• four awards for company performance;

• three awards for marketing performance;

The Company increased the flow

of PKBL funds and applied the “Go

Green” philosophy as its commitment

to the development of communities

and protection of the environment.

Peningkatan Implementasi GCG

Perseroan senantiasa menjunjung tinggi kepercayaan publik sebagai suatu amanah yang dilaksanakan dengan prinsip-prinsip keterbukaan, kemandirian, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban dan kewajaran. Perseroan menerapkan nilai integritas dalam setiap perilaku organisasi maupun individu, karena meyakini bahwa elemen tersebut akan meningkatkan nilai perusahaan dalam jangka panjang.

Penerapan praktik GcG dan nilai integritas dilakukan dengan melanjutkan pembenahan tata organisasi, tata nilai dan tata kelola sebagai kelanjutan dari program konsolidasi internal perusahaan yang telah berjalan selama beberapa tahun terakhir.

Program peningkatan kualitas implementasi atau best practices - GcG ini akan terus diterapkan seiring dengan perkembangan usaha Perseroan dan tuntutan industri di masa mendatang.

Selama tahun 2009 Perseroan telah memperoleh berbagai penghargaan yang merupakan pengakuan pihak luar kepada Perseroan. Penghargaan tersebut mencakup antara lain:

• Empat penghargaan mengenai Kinerja Perusahaan.

• Tiga penghargaan terkait Kinerja Pemasaran.

Perseroan meningkatkan penyaluran

dana PKBL dan menerapkan falsafah

Go Green

” sebagai komitmen pada

pengembangan masyarakat dan

menjaga kelestarian lingkungan.


• Dua penghargaan mengenai Kinerja Sumber Daya Manusia.

• S a t u P e n g h a r g a a n K i n e r j a I n f o r m a t i o n & Communication Technology (IcT).

• Dua penghargaan Kinerja cSR.

• Tujuh penghargaan Kinerja Inovasi.

• Dua Penghargaan Kinerja Pengelolaan Lingkungan.


Penjualan kembali saham Perseroan

Membaiknya kondisi pasar finansial tahun 2009 berdampak pada kenaikan harga saham. Perseroan melakukan program ”sellbacktreasury stock pada tanggal 7 oktober 2009 melalui PT Mandiri Sekuritas sebagai P l a c e m e n t A g e n t. Saham yang dijual seluruhnya berjumlah 68.032.000 lembar saham dengan harga jual sebesar Rp6.075 per lembar, atau total nilai jual sebesar Rp413,3 miliar. harga jual tersebut telah meningkat menjadi 208% dibandingkan harga perolehan saat buyback sebesar rata-rata Rp2.919 per lembar. Keuntungan sebesar Rp210,9 miliar langsung dicatat sebagai tambahan ekuitas. Terdapat 27 investor termasuk perusahaan investment management, asuransi, dana pensiun dan yayasan kesejahteraan yang berpartisipasi dalam pembelian saham hasil buyback ini.

• two awards for human resources performance;

• one award for information & communication;

technology (IcT) performance;

• two awards for cSR performance;

• seven awards for innovation; and

• two awards for environmental management.


Sellback of Company Shares

As the inancial markets recovered in 2009, the company implemented a “sellback” program for its treasury stocks on october 7, 2009 with PT Mandiri Sekuritas as the Placement Agent. As many as 68,032,000 shares were sold at a price of Rp6,075 per share, 208% above the average price of Rp2,919 at the time of buyback. The total sales proceeds was Rp413.3 billion and the gain of Rp210.9 billion was directly recorded as an increase in equity. As many as 27 investors, including investment management companies, insurance irms, pension funds and social welfare foundations, participated in buying stocks resulting from this buyback.


tabel berikut.


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