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Literature review dan urban renewal


Academic year: 2018

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“Lagos metropolis is Nigeria’s most populous city. It occupies a geographical region of about 1,800 square kilometers and is inhabited by more than 5 million people”. (Bolade, 1993).

One of the major elements in an urban space is path. This spring’s the idea of the Right Of Way. Every urban space should be accessible and allow for easy transportation of people, goods and services. “Lagos has one of the largest and most expensive road networks in west Africa”(Wikipedia) , similarly “as such the highway is not just a link road, but an important socio-economic infrastructure that holds the bearing to the commercial success of Lagos State and Nigeria as a whole, as it serve to move goods, people and

services”(Ukpebor, November26, 2014) THISDAY.

Base on this element, the impact of these three expressways on residential

development in Lagos state cannot be overemphasized considering the influx of people from different parts of the country to Lagos state. The former capital of Nigeria and the stronghold of the Nigerian economy. This quality makes Lagos state the center of attraction for any business person in any part of the country and West Africa as a whole. “the Lagos-Ibadan Expressway and Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway are the major controlled-access highways in the north of the city and serve as inter-state highways to Oyo State and Ogun State

respectively” (Wikipedia).

Several years, the influx of people into Lagos state had springs up the reason for expansion of these highways.”It was in 2009, the federal government handed over the Lagos-Ibadan expressway to Bi-Courtney Highway service limited …….. for reconstruction of the road, in order to ease traffic movement that had characterized the Lagos-Ibadan expressway due to damages that caused incessant road accidents, and led to loss of lives”(THISDAY, November 26, 2014). Similarly “the Lagos-Ibadan expressway was built over 30years ago and is one of the most important road in the country, linking the nation’s commercial hub of Lagos to adjoining states and the rest of the country. Analyst says it remains to be seen if the federal government would deliver on its promise of the project (to expand the Lagos-Ibadan expressway to twelve lanes) in 30 months time.” (Kehinde Adegoke, august 17, 2014)

NEWSWATCH. Similarly “in tandem with the administration’s commitment to improving the quality of lives of Lagosians through provision, rehabilitation and upgrading of the


Such services include the Lekki-Epe Expressway Expansion Project” (Toyin Ayinde, 2013). Also “what would be the best for movement into and out of Lagos state would be for the Lagos to Ibadan expressway to be reconstructed into a twelve lanes highway with six lanes on either direction between Ojota Lagos and the Sagamu Interchange”( NEWS

DIGGEST,November 5, 2014). “This strategic policy was pioneered by the Lagos StateGovernment on the Eti‐Osa Lekki‐Epe Expressway following the yearning of the citizens for a major upgrade of the road given that it had exceeded its technical design life span of 25 years, having been built in 1980s and significant sections of the road had deteriorated. The dilapidated state of the road at the time resulted in agonizing daily traffic congestion which posed considerable environmental hazards (especially on the health and security of motorists) and equally manifested in the high incidence of crime. This coupled with the projected population growth along the corridor made it glaring that the hitherto 4‐ lane carriage road could no longer support the continually growing needs of the community” (Office of Public‐Private Partnerships, Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja)

Due to the importance these highways pose to the commercial hub of Lagos state, its environs and its connection to key boundaries of states in its surroundings. These

highways and the commercial activities in Lagos sate has led to increase in residential demands and has spilled over to adjoining states that shares boundaries with Lagos states. Especially surroundings along the highways. “Investors in property and real estate are flocking the Leeki-Epe corridor in anticipation of the opportunities from that area when the $9 billion Dangote Refinery and Petrochemical plant and other mega projects take off. The rush has triggered a sharp rise in the value of property on the axis”. (Awofunmilayo Reuben, August 12, 2014). Also “Lekki Free Trade Zone, a global business haven on the outskirts of Lagos, along Epe Expressway, is now a thriving real estate market, especially since Dangote Group and Progress Maritime Limited commenced the construction of their refinery-cum-petrochemical plant and tank farm development, respectively”. (Chuka Uroko, April 29, 2014) similarly “The Eti-Osa Lekki-Epe Expressway is the gateway to the proposed Lekki Free Zone, which is not just a Free Trade Zone but a new model city. Apart from the

industrial component, it will include residential accommodation, business centres, a financial hub and tourism activities. Upon completion, the zone will serve as a springboard to launch the Lekki-Epe axis, and the entire North-Eastern axis of Lagos into a business and

commercial hub of the African continent” (Joy Ehonwa, march 16, 2013). Similarly


Lekki-Epe Expressway”( Tolu sole, 2015). Similarly “the Peri urban settlements of Lagos-Ibadan axis are strategically located clustered nodal settlements along Lagos-Ibadan expressway absorbing the spillover population from the Lagos megacity. The physical development of Lagos-Ibadan corridor is further reinforced by various religious institutions that have taken over the corridor in recent years; and are major flashpoints for traffic congestion. They include the redemption camp, mountain of fire and miracle camp at kilometer 12, and NASFAT site at kilometer 16. Other major land use are those of various private universities, cargo airport at Sagamu Interchange, residential Estates such as the Gateway village,

Sparklite Estate, Paradise City and other” ( Taibat Lawanson, et al). similarly “recently chevron and mobile also constructed residential estates along Epe-Lagos Expressway(Lekki & Ajah) to accommodate some of their staffs” (OLA ALUKO, November 22, 2011). Like boundaries aforementioned. These highways at times serve as boundaries for local

governments areas “the Lagos-Abeokuta expressway links two state capital – Lagos and Abeokuta; secondly it divides four local government areas at different points; Agege and Ikeja; Agege and Alimosho; Ifako-Ijaiye and Alimosho local government areas respectively” (Sam Diala, the union news).

These clustered settlements along these highways are still not enough compared to the demands for residential needs in Lagos state, thus leading to increment in rent both in hotels and private residents “ in Lekki, a plot of land now sells between 80 million Naira and 120 million Naira, up by 80 per cent of its year 2011’s price. Also it showed that cost of rent in Lekki areas has also increased significantly, disclosing that a semi-detached house now goes for about 4 million naira while the cost for service was put at about 3 million

naira”(Obinna Chima, September 16, 2013).

With these highways being the major means of transportation into and out Lagos state. This literature review will be incomplete without highlighting the state of these highways and how they affect Lagos state residents. The conditions of these highways are often major concern weekly. Appearing on headline of some articles in newspaper. Several published articles tell the bad state of these highways, stating how they affect commuters that ply these routes. This can be in form of accidents, slow traffics, bad drainage system,


15, 2015), also “Repair Of The Lagos-Ibadan Expressway May Wait Till 2020”( Guardian, February 04, 2014) e.t.c.



Taibat Lawanson¹, Omoayena Yadua¹ and Idris Salako¹: Department of Urban and Regional Planning, University of Lagos, Nigeria

Hopewell Ukpebor ( 26 Nov 2014) Pains of Motorists on Lagos-Ibadan Expressway

Bose Adelaja (November 19, 2014) Day of horror on

Lagos-Ibadan expressway

KEHINDE ADEGOKE (August 17, 2014) Lagos-Ibadan

Expressway: How far, how long?

Administrator ( February 04, 2014) REPAIR OF LAGOS – IBADAN EXPRESSWAY MAY WAIT TILL 2020

Femi Ajayi Ph.D ( Tuesday, 09 April 2013 05:12) Witches and Demons Infect Nigeria

Lagos-Ibadan Express Way Construction

Lawprince (8:32am On Dec 10, 2012) Lagos-Ibadan Expressway: ICRC Vindicates


Afolabi ( Jan 15, 2015) Nigeria to undertake reconstruction of drain on the Lagos-Abeokuta Expressway.


By Tpl. Toyin Ayinde The Honourable Commissioner, Ministry Of Physical Planning & Urban Development: Ministerial Press Briefing Of Account Of Stewardship In


M. A. Loto , Nkaogu Chinweike V( 2012) Infrastructural Development in Nigeria: A Study of the Lekki Epe Expressway: (The Cost-Benefit Analysis Between 2010 - 2040). A 30 Year Period Analysis

Tolu Sole: Nine New Estates In Lekki

Obinna Chima: (16 Sep 2013) Agos Real Estate Prices, Rent Inching Up

Ola Aluko: (November 22, 2011) the Lekki Concession Company (LCC). Jimi Adisa.: 1994

Office of Public‐Private Partnerships, Lagos House, Alausa, Ikeja, 2014

Joy Ehonwa: March 16, 2013 Chuka Uroko: April 29, 2014 Bolade: 1993


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