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TABLE OF CONTENTS. No. Title Media Source Page


Academic year: 2021

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Daily News Update Page 1


No. Title Media Source Page

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Coal Producers Start Enjoying Price Increases

Produsen Batu Bara Mulai Nikmati Kenaikan Harga

Adaro Maintains Production Target Despite HBA Soaring

Adaro Pertahankan Target Produksi Meski HBA Melambung Tinggi

Coal Breaks Record, Here's the Update on the RI Gasification Project

Batu Bara Pecah Rekor, Begini Update Proyek Gasifikasi RI

Freeport is committed to restoration and building the economy of the community around the mine

Freeport berkomitmen restorasi dan bangun ekonomi masyarakat di sekitar tambang

Coal Prices Get Hotter, This is Bumi Resources' (BUMI) Kick to Boost Performance

Harga Batu Bara Makin Panas, Ini Jurus Bumi Resources (BUMI) Pacu Kinerja

Coal Price Heats Up, Here's Adaro's (ADRO) Strategy

Harga Batu Bara Memanas, Begini Strategi Adaro (ADRO)

BUMI's Coal Production is Predicted to Increase in Semester II

Produksi Batu Bara BUMI Diprediksi Meningkat di Semester II

Boosting Minerba Exploration, Government Can Give Assignments to Business Actors

Genjot Eksplorasi Minerba, Pemerintah Bisa Beri Penugasan ke Pelaku Usaha

Coal Prices Soar, INDY Pursues Production Target of 31.4 Million Tons

Harga Batu Bara Melambung, INDY Kejar Target Produksi 31,4 Juta Ton

Early in the morning there is bad news, the price of coal sinks 6%!

Pagi-pagi Ada Kabar Buruk, Harga Batu Bara Ambles 6%!

CNBC Indonesia Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Kontan Bisnis Bisnis CNBC Indonesia Dunia Energi Bisnis CNBC Indonesia 3 5 6 9 10 12 13 15 16 18


Daily News Update Page 2 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17.

Coal Prices Soar As China Refuses To Buy From Australia AECI solidifies Thiess relationship with contract extension Top Australian coal mines are spewing more methane than rivals

Freeport, Gold Fields, Codelco & Yancoal join Charge on Innovation Challenge as patrons; deadline now July 31

China June tin output rises 10.9% from prior month - Antaike Thai miner Banpu ends new coal development in green shift: CEO

Ivanhoe already has 162,000 tonnes copper in ore stockpiled

Oil Price.com Australian Mining Mining.com Int’l Mining Reuters Nikkei Asia Mining.com 20 22 23 24 25 25 28


Daily News Update Page 3

Coal Producers Start Enjoying

Price Increases

Rahajeng KH, CNBC Indonesia


HE TREND of increasing coal prices in

recent months is being enjoyed by producers, including PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI). In the first quarter of 2021, the company's realized coal price rose to US$ 53.1 per ton from the previous US$ 49 per tonne on average in the last three months. "The company's coal price realization is expected to continue to rise in the second quarter of 2021 when compared to the price index in the first quarter ," the company wrote in its report, Tuesday (6/7/2021).

This year, the company projects the coal price to be in the range of US$ 53-56 per ton. For BUMI's subsidiary, Kaltim Prima Coal, the price of coal is estimated at US$ 60-64 per ton, while Arutmin's is at US$ 39-42 per ton. The company projects that coal production will recover in the third and fourth quarters of 2021. During the first quarter of 2021, the company's coal production sales fell to 19.3 million tons due to high rainfall in the mining area. This price increase will bring more profit to the company, mainly due to the decrease in production costs to US$ 33.9 per ton, compared to the previous US$ 34.33 per ton.

Recently, the price of coal has soared to touch the latest record. Yesterday, the price of coal on the ICE Newcastle (Australia) market was recorded at US$ 137.75/ton. It's up 3.75% over the previous day and is at its highest since at least 2008.

Produsen Batu Bara Mulai

Nikmati Kenaikan Harga

Rahajeng KH, CNBC Indonesia


REN peningkatan harga batu bara dalam

beberapa bulan terakhir tengah dinikmati oleh produsen, termasuk PT Bumi Resources Tbk (BUMI). Pada kuartal I-2021, realisasi harga batu bara perusahaan naik menjadi US$ 53,1 per ton dari sebelumnya US$ 49 per ton rata-rata tiga bulan terakhir. "Realisasi harga batu bara perusahaan diperkirakan akan terus naik di kuartal II-2021 jika dilihat dibandingkan index harga di kuartal I," tulis perusahaan dalam laporannya, Selasa (6/7/2021).

Sepanjang tahun ini perusahaan mem-proyeksikan harga batu bara di kisaran US$ 53-56 per ton. Untuk anak usaha BUMI, yakni Kaltim Prima Coal, harga batu bara diperkirakan di level US$ 60-64 per ton, sementara Arutmin US$ 39-42 per ton. Perusahaan memproyeksikan produksi batu bara akan pulih di kuartal III dan IV-2021. Sepanjang kuartal I-2021 penjualan produksi batu bara perusahaan turun men-jadi 19,3 juta ton akibat tingginya curah hujan di area penambangan.

Kenaikan harga ini akan semakin mem-berikan keuntungan pada perusahaan terutama karena penurunan biaya produksi menjadi US$ 33,9 per ton, dibandingkan sebelumnya US$ 34,33 per ton.

Belakangan pun harga batu bara Harga komoditas ini melambung hingga menyen-tuh rekor terbaru. Kemarin, harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) tercatat US$ 137,75/ton. Melonjak 3,75% dibanding-kan hari sebelumnya dan berada di titik tertinggi setidaknya sejak 2008.


Daily News Update Page 4 Demand for coal is also soaring in Europe.

The European Energy Exchange noted that electricity generation by coal plants in Germany rose 5% last week compared to the previous week to 4,318 MWh. Compared to the same period the previous year, there was even a 99% jump!

In May 2021, Refinitiv reported Germany's coal imports were 1.02 million tonnes. Soared 47.86% compared to the previous month and 92.31% from the same period in 2020. The increase in electricity demand cannot be separated from the stretching of the country's manufacturing sector.

Previously, Director and Corporate Secretary Dileep Srivastava said that this year is an optimism for the coal sector with an upward trend in prices that is expected to persist. The price increase was also due to production in Australia, Indonesia and China being affected by the pandemic. "Demand, however, is expected to rise and coal prices are strong and will likely remain so throughout the year," Dileep said recently.

Bumi Resources recorded a net profit of US$ 25.1 million in the first quarter of 2021, up 246% compared to the same period in 2020 with a loss of US$ 17.2 million. Meanwhile, the company's revenue during the first quarter of 2021 was recorded at US$ 1.04 billion, down 3% compared to the first quarter of 2020. "Even though BUMI's production decreased, it managed to record a 15% increase in revenue in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, this shows the recovery of coal prices, and this trend is still continuing," said Dileep. (rah/rah)

Permintaan batu bara juga melonjak di Eropa. European Energy Exchange men-catat pembangkitan listrik oleh pem-bangkit batu bara di Jerman naik 5% pada minggu lalu dibandingkan pekan sebelum-nya menjadi 4.318 MWh. Dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelum-nya, bahkan terjadi lonjakan 99%!

Pada Mei 2021, Refinitiv melaporkan impor batu bara Jerman adalah 1,02 juta ton. Melesat 47,86% dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya dan 92,31% dari periode yang sama pada 2020. Peningkatan permintaan listrik tidak lepas dari geliat sektor manu-faktur negara tersebut.

Sebelumnya Direktur dan Sekretaris Perusahaan Dileep Srivastava mengatakan tahun ini menjadi optimisme sektor batu bara dengan tren kenaikan harga yang diperkirakan bertahan. Kenaikan harga juga disebabkan karena produksi di Australia, Indonesia, dan China ter-pengaruh oleh pandemi.

"Permintaan, bagaimanapun diperkirakan akan naik da harga batu bara kuat dan kemungkinan akan tetap demikian sepanjang tahun," kata Dileep belum lama ini.

Bumi Resources mencatatkan laba neto US$ 25,1 juta pada kuartal I-2021, naik 246% dibandingkan periode yang sama di 2020 dengan rugi US$ 17,2 juta. Sementara pendapatan perusahaan selama kuartal I-2021 tercatat US$ 1,04 miliar turun 3% dibandingkan kuartal I-2020.

"Meski produksi turun BUMI berhasil men-catatkan peningkatan pendapatan sebesar 15% di kuartal I-2021 dibandingkan kuartal IV-2020, hal ini menunjukkan pulihnya harga batu bara, dan tren ini masih berlanjut," kata Dileep. (rah/rah)


Daily News Update Page 5

Adaro Maintains Production

Target Despite HBA Soaring

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T ADARO Energy Tbk. still maintain the

coal production target according to the initial plan, even though coal prices are soaring.

As is known, the reference coal price (HBA) was recorded to have penetrated US$ 115.35 per tonne in July 2021, up US$ 15.02 per tonne from the position in June 2021 which reached US$100.33 per ton. The July 2021 HBA scored the highest record since December 2011 which reached US$112.67 per tonne.

Regarding the price increase, Adaro Energy's Head of Corporate Communi-cation Febrianti Nadira said that so far there has been no change in the target production plan that has been set. The company will also focus on efficiency and operational excellence.

“Still the same [production target]. We cannot control fluctuations in coal prices. For this reason, we focus on efforts to improve core business operational excellence, improve operating efficiency and productivity, maintain cash, and maintain a solid financial position," she said to Bisnis, Monday (5/7/2021).

She added that the company will also continue to follow market developments by continuing to carry out operations as planned at the company's mines by continuing to focus on maintaining healthy and sustainable margins.

This year, Adaro targets a coal production of around 52 million-54 million tons. As of the first quarter of 2021,…

Adaro Pertahankan Target

Produksi Meski HBA Melambung


Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


T ADARO Energy Tbk. masih tetap

mem-pertahankan target produksi batu bara sesuai rencana awal, meski harga batu bara tengah melambung tinggi.

Seperti diketahui, harga batu bara acuan (HBA) tercatat menembus US$115,35 per ton pada Juli 2021, naik US$15,02 per ton dari posisi Juni 2021 yang mencapai US$100,33 per ton. HBA Juli 2021 tersebut mencetak rekor tertinggi sejak Desember 2011 yang mencapai US$112,67 per ton. Terkait kenaikan harga tersebut, Head of Corporate Communication Adaro Energy Febrianti Nadira mengatakan bahwa sejauh ini tidak ada perubahan target rencana produksi yang telah ditetapkan. Perusahaan juga akan fokus pada efisiensi serta keunggulan operasional.

“Masih sama [target produksi]. Fluktuasi harga batu bara tidak dapat kami kontrol. Untuk itu, kami fokus terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan operasional bisnis inti, meningkatkan efisiensi dan produk-tivitas operasi, menjaga kas, serta mem-pertahankan posisi keuangan yang solid,” katanya kepada Bisnis, Senin (5/7/2021). Dia menambahkan, perseroan juga akan terus mengikuti perkembangan pasar dengan tetap menjalankan kegiatan operasi sesuai rencana di tambang milik perusahaan dengan terus focus mempertahankan margin yang sehat dan berkelanjutan.

Tahun ini, Adaro menargetkan produksi batu bara sekitar 52 juta-54 juta ton. Hingga kuartal I/2021,…


Daily News Update Page 6 As of the first quarter of 2021, the

company's coal production fell 11 percent yoy to 12.87 million tons.

Coal sales in that period also fell 13 percent yoy to 12.59 million tons. The decline was caused by extreme weather influenced by La Nina. Editor : Lili Sunardi

Hingga kuartal I/2021, produksi batu bara perseroan turun 11 persen yoy menjadi 12,87 juta ton.

Penjualan batu bara di periode itu juga turun 13 persen yoy menjadi 12,59 juta ton. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya cuaca ekstrem yang dipengaruhi La Nina. Editor : Lili Sunardi

Coal Breaks Record, Here's the

Update on the RI Gasification


Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia


HE CURRENT price of coal can be said to

be "crazy". In fact, the Reference Coal Price (HBA) in July 2021 was able to break a record to be the highest in the last 10 years, reaching US$ 115.35 per ton.

It didn't stop there, yesterday, Monday (05/07/2021) the price of coal on the ICE Newcastle (Australia) market was even recorded at US$ 137.75 per tonne, at its highest point since at least 2008.

In the midst of this surge in coal prices, how are the Indonesian coal downstream projects through the Dimethyl Ether (DME) project? Are there any coal companies other than PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) that have shown progress in this coal down-stream project?

Director of Coal Development and Concession, Directorate General of Mineral and Coal at the Ministry of ESDM, Sujatmiko, said that apart from PTBA, there are several coal companies that are also interested in working on downstream projects.

Batu Bara Pecah Rekor, Begini

Update Proyek Gasifikasi RI

Anisatul Umah, CNBC Indonesia


ARGA batu bara saat ini bisa dikatakan

sedang "menggila". Bahkan, Harga Batu Bara Acuan (HBA) bulan Juli 2021 mampu pecah rekor menjadi yang tertinggi dalam 10 tahun terakhir, yakni mencapai US$ 115,35 per ton.

Tak berhenti di situ, kemarin, Senin (05/07/2021) harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) bahkan tercatat US$ 137,75 per ton, berada di titik tertinggi setidaknya sejak 2008.

Di tengah lonjakan harga batu bara ini, bagaimana kabar proyek hilirisasi batu bara RI melalui proyek Dimethyl Ether (DME)? Adakah perusahaan batu bara selain PT Bukit Asam Tbk (PTBA) yang sudah menunjukkan progres di proyek hilirisasi batu bara ini?

Direktur Pembinaan dan Pengusahaan Batu Bara Direktorat Jenderal Mineral dan Batu Bara Kementerian ESDM Sujatmiko mengatakan, selain PTBA ada beberapa perusahaan batu bara yang juga minat menggarap proyek hilir.


Daily News Update Page 7 "Regarding the progress of

down-streaming, apart from PT Bukit Asam, there are several companies that have and are ready to carry out downstreaming," he told CNBC Indonesia, Tuesday (06/07/ 2021).

Other companies referred to include PT Megah Energi Khatulistiwa with semi-coke products for smelter purposes. Then, PT Thriveni carried out coal upgrading.

"And PT Kaltim Prima Coal, and PT Arutmin Indonesia which will process coal into methanol for industrial raw materials," he explained.

In order to increase state revenue amid the trend of rising coal prices, the Ministry of ESDM has set an increase in coal production targets this year, from 550 million tons to 625 million tons.

"Considering that domestic supply has been allocated according to need, the increase in production is aimed at increasing income from exports," said Jatmiko.

As is known, the July 2021 HBA is set at US$ 115.35 per ton, up nearly 15% from the June 2021 HBA of US$ 100.33 per ton. Based on data from the Ministry of ESDM, the HBA in July 2021 was the highest in the last 10 years, to be precise in November 2011 which reached US$ 116.65 per ton. Coal commodity prices continued to soar to touch the latest record. Yesterday, the price of coal on the Newcastle (Australia) ICE market was recorded at US$ 137.75 per tonne, the highest since at least 2008. Based on CNBC Indonesia's research, the new price of coal has rallied that seemed to be relentless. In the past week, prices jumped 10.39% on a point-to-point basis. Over the past month, the increase has reached 22.6%.

"Terkait dengan progres hilirisasi, selain PT Bukit Asam, terdapat beberapa perusahaan yang sudah dan siap melakukan hilirisasi," ungkapnya kepada CNBC Indonesia, Selasa (06/07/2021).

Perusahaan lain yang dimaksud diantaranya PT Megah Energi Khatulistiwa dengan produk semi kokas untuk keperluan smelter. Kemudian, PT Thriveni yang melakukan peningkatan mutu batu bara (coal upgrading). "Dan PT Kaltim Prima Coal, serta PT Arutmin Indonesia yang akan mengolah batu bara menjadi metanol untuk bahan baku industri," paparnya.

Dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan negara di tengah tren kenaikan harga batu bara, Kementerian ESDM telah menetapkan peningkatan target produksi batu bara tahun ini, yakni dari mulanya 550 juta ton menjadi 625 juta ton.

"Mengingat pasokan dalam negeri sudah dialokasikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan, maka kenaikan produksi ini ditujukan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari ekspor," kata Jatmiko.

Seperti diketahui, HBA Juli 2021 ditetapkan sebesar US$ 115,35 per ton, naik hampir 15% dari HBA Juni 2021 US$ 100,33 per ton. Berdasarkan data Kementerian ESDM, HBA di bulan Juli 2021 ini menjadi yang tertinggi dalam 10 tahun terakhir, tepatnya Novem-ber 2011 yang mencapai US$ 116,65 per ton. Harga komoditas batu bara terus melam-bung hingga menyentuh rekor terbaru. Kemarin, harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) tercatat US$ 137,75 per ton, tertinggi setidaknya sejak 2008. Berdasarkan riset CNBC Indonesia, harga baru bara menjalani reli yang seolah tanpa henti. Dalam sepekan terakhir, harga melonjak 10,39% secara point-to-point. Selama sebulan ke belakang, kenaikannya mencapai 22,6%.


Daily News Update Page 8 Apparently, now is the turn of the soaring

demand for coal in Europe. The European Energy Exchange noted that electricity generation by coal plants in Germany rose 5% last week compared to the previous week to 4,318 MWh. Compared to the same period the previous year, there was even a 99% jump.

In May 2021, Refinitiv reported Germany's coal imports were 1.02 million tonnes. Up 47.86% over the previous month and 92.31% from the same period in 2020. The increase in electricity demand cannot be separated from the stretching of the Panzer Country's manufacturing sector. IHS Markit announced that German manufacturing activity as measured by the Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) was at 65.1 in June 2021. Up from the previous month's position of 64.4.

The increase in the manufacturing PMI was driven by an increase in production (output), especially semi-finished goods. The business world boosted production to meet rapidly increasing demand.

New orders also grew positively. As a result, more jobs are created because of the need to increase production. Last month, job creation growth was the highest since January 2018. (wia)

Ternyata, sekarang giliran permintaan batu bara yang melonjak di Eropa. European Energy Exchange mencatat pembangkitan listrik oleh pembangkit batu bara di Jerman naik 5% pada minggu lalu dibandingkan pekan sebelumnya menjadi 4.318 MWh. Dibandingkan dengan periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya, bahkan terjadi lonjakan 99%.

Pada Mei 2021, Refinitiv melaporkan impor batu bara Jerman adalah 1,02 juta ton. Melesat 47,86% dibandingkan bulan sebelumnya dan 92,31% dari periode yang sama pada 2020.

Peningkatan permintaan listrik tidak lepas dari geliat sektor manufaktur Negeri Panser. IHS Markit mengumumkan aktivitas manufaktur Jerman yang diukur oleh Purchasing Managers' Index (PMI) berada di 65,1 pada Juni 2021. Naik dari posisi bulan sebelumnya yang sebesar 64,4.

Kenaikan PMI manufaktur ini didorong oleh peningkatan produksi (output), terutama barang setengah jadi. Dunia usaha menggenjot produksi untuk memenuhi permintaan yang meningkat pesat.

Permintaan baru (new orders) juga tumbuh positif. Hasilnya, lapangan kerja semakin tercipta karena kebutuhan untuk mening-katkan produksi. Bulan lalu, pertumbuhan penciptaan lapangan kerja menjadi yang tertinggi sejak Januari 2018. (wia)


Daily News Update Page 9

Freeport is committed to

restoration and building the

economy of the community

around the mine

Reporter: Siti Masitoh | Editor: Handoyo


T FREEPORT Indonesia has made

restoration efforts to restore damaged biodiversity and is also committed to protecting the environment, economic development and communities around the mine.

PT Freeport Indonesia can prove that the tailings land or ex-mining sand land can thrive again. In addition, said Tony, there is also reclamation and rehabilitation from 1999 to 2020, of which more than 2800 ha have been replanted. Such plantings are in the Tembagapura, Kuala Lencana, and Muara Aikua areas.

In addition, Tony said that in the first semester of 2021 PT Freeport Indonesia had replanted 1,000,000 trees with an area of 400 ha.

"Our target in 2021 is to plant up to 2.7 million trees in the surrounding land. And no less important, we will also pay attention to the surrounding community from their education level,” said the President Director of PT. Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas in the discussion on Ecosystem Restoration for Biodiversity Sustainability on Kompas tv, Tuesday (6/7).

Tony said that PT. Freeport Indonesia is like doing reclamation. For example, a biodiversity research center has been conducted in the lowlands on 100 ha.

Freeport berkomitmen restorasi

dan bangun ekonomi

masyarakat di sekitar tambang

Reporter: Siti Masitoh | Editor: Handoyo


T FREEPORT Indonesia sudah

melaku-kan upaya restorasi untuk memulihmelaku-kan keanekaragaman hayati yang rusak juga berkomitmen untuk menjaga lingkungan hidup, pembangunan ekonomi dan masya-rakat di sekitar pertambangan.

PT Freeport Indonesia dapat membuktikan bahwa lahan tailing atau lahan pasir bekas sisa tambang dapat tumbuh subur kembali. Selain itu, kata Tony, terdapat juga reklamasi dan rehabilitasi dari 1999 sampai 2020 yang sudah lebih dari 2800 ha ditanami tanaman kembali. Penanaman tersebut seperti di daerah Tembagapura, Kuala Lencana, dan di Muara Aikua.

Selain itu, Tony mengatakan di semester I 2021 PT Freeport Indonesia sudah melakukan 1.000.000 pohon yang ditanami kembali dengan cakupan luas 400 ha. “Taget kita pada 2021 akan menenami pohon mencapai 2,7 juta di lahan sekitar. Dan yang tidak kalah penting kita juga akan memperhatikan masyarakat sekitar dari tingkat pendidikannya,” kata Presiden Direktur PT. Freeport Indonesia Tony Wenas dalam diskusi Restorasi Ekosistem untuk Keberlanjutan Keanekaragaman Hayati di Kompas tv, Selasa (6/7).

Tony mengatakan terdapat beberapa hal yang sudah dilakukan PT. Freeport Indonesia seperti melakukan reklamasi. Contohnya sudah dilakukan pusat pene-litian keanekaragaman hayati di dataran rendah pada 100 ha.


Daily News Update Page 10 “Because we believe that the community

around us must grow with us. We have supported and implemented several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) items, including biodiversity and environmental conservation," said Tony. Tony added that PT Freeport Indonesia has also produced 12 books on biodiversity that will be given to elementary, middle, and high school students and invites them to visit PT Freeport Indonesia's conservation area so that they understand the biodiversity in Papua.

"Our mining will stop someday in 2041 and we need to make sure that after we stop mining there, the environment and the surrounding community must be able to continue to live a better life," he said.

“Karena kami percaya lingkungan masya-rakat di sekitar kita harus ikut bertumbuh bersama kami. Dimana beberapa item Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) itu sudah kita dukung dan lakukan termasuk keanekaragaman hayati dan pelestarian lingkungan,” ujar Tony.

Tony menambahkan, PT Freeport Indonesia juga telah membuat 12 buku tentang ke-anekaragaman hayati yang akan diberikan kepada siswa SD, SMP, dan SMA juga mengajak mereka untuk berkunjung ke konservasi PT Freeport Indonesia agar mereka mengerti soal keanekaragaman hayati di Papua.

“Tambang kita itu akan berhenti suatu saat pada 2041 dan kita perlu meyakinkan bahwa setelah kita berhenti menambang disana, lingkungan dan masyarakat di sekitar harus bisa terus melangsungkan kehidupan dengan lebih baik lagi,” tandasnya.

Coal Prices Get Hotter, This is

Bumi Resources' (BUMI) Kick to

Boost Performance

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


AKRIE Group Issuer, PT Bumi Resources

Tbk. (BUMI) is optimistic that it can improve its performance this year in line with the recent surge in coal prices.

Bumi Resources Director and Corporate Secretary Dileep Srivastava said the bullish trend in coal prices could last throughout 2021. This happened in line with the increase in demand in the market after being sluggish due to the corona virus pandemic.

Harga Batu Bara Makin Panas,

Ini Jurus Bumi Resources (BUMI)

Pacu Kinerja

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


MITEN Grup Bakrie, PT Bumi Resources

Tbk. (BUMI) optimistis dapat memperbaiki kinerjanya pada tahun ini seiring dengan lonjakan harga baru bara yang terjadi. Direktur sekaligus Corporate Secretary Bumi Resources Dileep Srivastava mengatakan, tren bullish harga batu bara dapat berlangsung sepanjang tahun 2021. Hal ini terjadi seiring dengan kenaikan permintaan di pasar setelah sempat lesu akibat pandemi virus corona.


Daily News Update Page 11 "This price increase could last throughout

2021 and even longer," he said when contacted by Bisnis on Tuesday (6/7/ 2021).

On the other hand, coal supply is also experiencing limitations due to the lack of new capacity to produce this commodity. This is also coupled with high rainfall during this year which will have an impact on the amount of production.

Along with this, Dileep believes BUMI can continue to improve its performance this year. It targets coal production in the range of 85 million metric tons to 89 million metric tons compared to last year's output of 83 million metric tons.

In order to take advantage of this positive momentum, Dileep said that his party had implemented several main strategies. One of them is to maintain coal production conditions as normal as possible during the corona virus pandemic.

"We continue to carry out production activities as much as possible in the midst of a number of obstacles such as this pandemic condition and the impact of high rainfall," Dileep continued.

In addition, BUMI also maintains the quality of its coal for both the domestic and export markets. The company also continues to maintain and improve the quality of the existing supply chain.

Dileep added that these efforts were also accompanied by optimizing spending in order to maintain BUMI's financial health. "More importantly, we keep all employees safe during this pandemic by providing vaccinations," he concluded. Editor : Farid Firdaus

“Kenaikan harga ini bisa berlangsung sepanjang 2021 dan bahkan lebih lama lagi,” katanya saat dihubungi Bisnis pada Selasa (6/7/2021).

Di sisi lain, pasokan batu bara juga mengalami keterbatasan karena minimnya kapasitas baru untuk memproduksi komoditas ini. Hal tersebut juga ditambah dengan curah hujan tinggi selama tahun ini yang akan berimbas pada jumlah produksi. Seiring dengan hal tersebut, Dileep meyakini BUMI dapat terus memperbaiki kinerjanya pada tahun ini. Pihaknya menargetkan produksi batu bara di kisaran 85 juta metrik ton hingga 89 juga metrik ton berbanding output pada tahun lalu sebanyak 83 juta metrik ton.

Guna memanfaatkan momentum positif ini, Dileep mengatakan pihaknya telah menerapkan beberapa strategi utama. Salah satunya adalah dengan memper-tahankan kondisi produksi batu bara senormal mungkin selama pandemi virus corona.

“Kami terus melakukan kegiatan produksi semaksimal mungkin di tengah sejumlah rintangan seperti kondisi pandemi ini dan dampak curah hujan tinggi,” lanjut Dileep. Selain itu, BUMI juga tetap menjaga kualitas batu bara yang dimiliki baik untuk pasar domestik maupun ekspor. Perusaha-an juga terus menjaga dPerusaha-an meningkatkPerusaha-an kualitas rantai pasok (supply chain) yang telah ada.

Dileep menambahkan, upaya-upaya ini juga dibarengi dengan optimalisasi penge-luaran agar menjaga kesehatan keuangan BUMI.

“Yang lebih utama lagi, kami menjaga semua karyawan tetap aman selama pandemi ini dengan memberikan vaksi-nasi,” pungkasnya. Editor : Farid Firdaus


Daily News Update Page 12

Coal Price Heats Up, Here's

Adaro's (ADRO) Strategy

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


INING issuer PT Adaro Energy Tbk.

(ADRO) still maintains its coal production target according to the initial plan in the midst of heating up coal prices.

Adaro Energy's Head of Corporate Communication Febrianti Nadira said that so far there has been no change in the target production plan that has been set. The company will also focus on efficiency and operational excellence.

“Still the same [production target]. We cannot control fluctuations in coal prices. For this reason, we focus on efforts to improve core business operational excellence, improve operating efficiency and productivity, maintain cash, and maintain a solid financial position," she said to Bisnis, Monday (5/7/2021).

As is known, the reference coal price (HBA) was recorded to have penetrated US$115.35 per tonne in July 2021, up US$15.02 per tonne from the position in June 2021 which reached US$100.33 per ton. The July 2021 HBA scored the highest record since December 2011 which reached US$112.67 per tonne.

She added that the company will also continue to follow market developments by continuing to carry out operations as planned at the company's mines by continuing to focus on maintaining healthy and sustainable margins.

This year, Adaro targets a coal production of around 52 million-54 million tons. As of the first quarter of 2021, the company's coal production fell 11 percent yoy to 12.87 million tons.

Harga Batu Bara Memanas,

Begini Strategi Adaro (ADRO)

Author: Denis Riantiza Meilanova


MITEN pertambangan PT Adaro Energy

Tbk. (ADRO) tetap mempertahankan target produksi batu bara sesuai rencana awal di tengah memanasnya harga batu bara.

Head of Corporate Communication Adaro Energy Febrianti Nadira mengatakan bahwa sejauh ini tidak ada perubahan target rencana produksi yang telah ditetapkan. Perusahaan juga akan fokus pada efisiensi serta keunggulan operasional.

“Masih sama [target produksi]. Fluktuasi harga batu bara tidak dapat kami kontrol. Untuk itu, kami fokus terhadap upaya peningkatan keunggulan operasional bisnis inti, meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas operasi, menjaga kas, serta mempertahankan posisi keuangan yang solid,” katanya kepada Bisnis, Senin (5/7/2021).

Seperti diketahui, harga batu bara acuan (HBA) tercatat menembus US$115,35 per ton pada Juli 2021, naik US$15,02 per ton dari posisi Juni 2021 yang mencapai US$100,33 per ton. HBA Juli 2021 tersebut mencetak rekor tertinggi sejak Desember 2011 yang mencapai US$112,67 per ton. Dia menambahkan, perseroan juga akan terus mengikuti perkembangan pasar dengan tetap menjalankan kegiatan operasi sesuai rencana di tambang milik perusahaan dengan terus focus mempertahankan margin yang sehat dan berkelanjutan. Tahun ini, Adaro menargetkan produksi batu bara sekitar 52 juta-54 juta ton. Hingga kuartal I/2021, produksi batu bara perseroan turun 11 persen yoy menjadi 12,87 juta ton.


Daily News Update Page 13 Coal sales in that period also fell 13

percent yoy to 12.59 million tons. The decline was caused by extreme weather influenced by La Nina. Editor : Hafiyyan

Penjualan batu bara di periode itu juga turun 13 persen yoy menjadi 12,59 juta ton. Penurunan tersebut disebabkan oleh adanya cuaca ekstrem yang dipengaruhi La Nina. Editor : Hafiyyan

BUMI's Coal Production is

Predicted to Increase in

Semester II

Rahajeng KH, CNBC Indonesia


T BUMI Resources Tbk (BUMI) projects

that coal production will increase in the third and fourth quarters of 2021. During the first quarter of 2021, the company's coal production sales fell to 19.3 million tons due to high rainfall in the mining area. Despite the decline in production, the company's coal sales price in the first quarter rose to US$ 53.1 per tonne compared to the three-month average of US$ 49 per ton. This year, the largest new coal producer targets coal production to reach 85-89 million tons, with contribu-tions from Kaltim Prima Coal of 60-62 million tons and Arutmin of 25-27 million tons.

Meanwhile, the company's coal price for the whole year is estimated to remain high, in the range of US$ 53-56 per ton.

"Rainfall is still listed as the main cause of the decline in mined coal," reads the report issued by Bumi.

One of its subsidiaries is also waiting for the latest mining permit, namely the IUPK for Kaltim Prima Coal. The extension of the IUPK is expected to be obtained in semester II-2021. Previously, Arutmin had also received an IUPK at the end of last year.

Produksi Batu Bara BUMI

Diprediksi Meningkat di

Semester II

Rahajeng KH, CNBC Indonesia


T BUMI Resources Tbk (BUMI)

mem-proyeksikan produksi batu bara akan meningkat pada kuartal III dan IV-2021. Sepanjang kuartal I-2021 penjualan produksi batu bara perusahaan turun men-jadi 19,3 juta ton akibat tingginya curah hujan di area penambangan.

Meski produksi turun, harga penjualan batu bara perusahaan di kuartal I naik menjadi US$ 53,1 per ton dibandingkan rata-rata dalam tiga bulan US$ 49 per ton. Tahun ini produsen baru bara terbesar ini menargetkan produksi batu bara mencapai 85-89 juta ton, dengan kontribusi dari Kaltim Prima Coal 60-62 juta ton dan Arutmin 25-27 juta ton.

Sementara itu harga batu bara perusahaan untuk sepanjang tahun ini diperkirakan masih tetap tinggi yakni di kisaran US$ 53-56 per ton.

"Curah hujan masih tercatat sebagai penyebab utama penurunan batu bara yang ditambang," tulis laporan yang keluarkan Bumi.

Salah satu anak usahanya pun tengah menunggu izin penambangan terbaru yakni IUPK untuk Kaltim Prima Coal. Perpanjangan IUPK ini diharapkan bisa diperoleh pada semester II-2021. Sebelumnya, Arutmin juga telah menerima IUPK pada akhir tahun lalu.


Daily News Update Page 14 Previously, Director and Corporate

Secretary Dileep Srivastava said that this year is an optimism for the coal sector with an upward trend in prices that is expected to persist. The price increase was also due to production in Australia, Indonesia and China being affected by the pandemic. "Demand, however, is expected to rise and coal prices are strong and will likely remain so throughout the year," Dileep said recently.

Bumi Resources recorded a net profit of US$ 25.1 million in the first quarter of 2021, up 246% compared to the same period in 2020 with a loss of US$ 17.2 million. Meanwhile, the company's revenue during the first quarter of 2021 was recorded at US$ 1.04 billion, down 3% compared to the first quarter of 2020. "Even though BUMI's production decreased, it managed to record a 15% increase in revenue in the first quarter of 2021 compared to the fourth quarter of 2020, this shows the recovery of coal prices, and this trend is still continuing," said Dileep.

The recovery in the coal sector enabled the Company to increase its operating income to US$ 145.5 million compared to the first quarter of 2020 of US$ 72.3 million. Meanwhile, the operating margin became 14% compared to 6.7% in the previous year.

"BUMI always ensures its best to keep production close to normal by prioritizing the health and safety of all workers in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the first quarter of 2021, the company's coal production decreased by 7% to 19.3 million tons compared to the first quarter of 2020 of Rp. 20.8 million tons," he said. (rah/rah)

Sebelumnya Direktur dan Sekretaris Perusahaan Dileep Srivastava mengatakan tahun ini menjadi optimisme sektor batu bara dengan tren kenaikan harga yang diperkirakan bertahan. Kenaikan harga juga disebabkan karena produksi di Australia, Indonesia, dan China ter-pengaruh oleh pandemi.

"Permintaan, bagaimanapun diperkirakan akan naik da harga batu bara kuat dan kemungkinan akan tetap demikian sepanjang tahun," kata Dileep belum lama ini.

Bumi Resources mencatatkan laba neto US$ 25,1 juta pada kuartal I-2021, naik 246% dibandingkan periode yang sama di 2020 dengan rugi US$ 17,2 juta. Sementara pendapatan perusahaan selama kuartal I-2021 tercatat US$ 1,04 miliar turun 3% dibandingkan kuartal I-2020.

"Meski produksi turun BUMI berhasil mencatatkan peningkatan pendapatan sebesar 15% di kuartal I-2021 dibanding-kan kuartal IV-2020, hal ini menunjukdibanding-kan pulihnya harga batu bara, dan tren ini masih berlanjut," kata Dileep.

Pemulihan yang terjadi di sektor batu bara ini memungkinkan Perseroan untuk me-ningkatkan pendapatan operasional men-jadi US$ 145,5 juta dibandingkan kuartal I-2020 senilai US$72,3 juta. Sementara itu margin operasi menjadi 14% dibandingkan 6,7% di tahun lalu.

"BUMI selalu memastikan yang terbaik untuk menjaga produksi mendekati normal dengan mengutamakan kesehatan dan keselamatan semua pekerja di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Pada kuartal I-2021 produksi batu bara perusahaan menurun sebesar 7% menjadi 19,3 juta ton di-bandingkan kuartal I-2020 sebesar 20,8 juta ton," kata dia. (rah/rah)


Daily News Update Page 15

Boosting Minerba Exploration,

Government Can Give

Assignments to Business Actors

Rio Indrawan


HE MINISTRY of Energy and Mineral

Resources (ESDM) is aware of the sluggish investment activity for exploration in the Mineral and Coal (Minerba) sub-sector. For this reason, several strategies have been prepared so that the enthusiasm for mineral and coal investment can be boosted again. Sunindyo Suryo, Director of Mineral and Coal Program Development at the Ministry of ESDM, said that the ranks of the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal have caught the anxiety of several parties regarding the declining investment in the last few years and even decades. This is shown by the lack of interest in the auction of mining areas offered by the government. For this reason, the government has actually taken a big step with the revision of the Minerba Law.

"For decades, we haven't had a successful regional auction. We have perfected it in terms of regulation in the Minerba Law No. 3," said Sunindyo in a virtual discussion on Ease of Investment and Information Services in the Energy and Mineral Resources Sector, Tuesday (6/7).

In addition, the government currently has a policy to collect funds from existing mining business actors to be used as funds intended for exploration. The government also requires mining actors to conduct exploration with a wider scope.

"We have prepared reserve resilience funds from existing companies, activities are encouraged by licensed companies to allocate exploration activities every year to expand exploration coverage. So if the area is reduced,…

Genjot Eksplorasi Minerba,

Pemerintah Bisa Beri

Penugasan ke Pelaku Usaha

Rio Indrawan


EMENTERIAN Energi dan Sumber Daya

Mineral (ESDM) menyadari lesunya kegiatan investasi untuk eksplorasi di subsektor Mineral dan Batu bara (Minerba). Untuk itu, beberapa strategi telah disiapkan agar gairah investasi minerba bisa kembali terdongkrak.

Sunindyo Suryo, Direktur Pembinaan Program Minerba Kementerian ESDM, menyatakan jajaran Ditjen Minerba sudah menangkap kegelisahan beberapa piahk terkait investasi yang menurun dalam beberapa tahun bahkan dekade terakhir. Ini ditunjukkan dengan minimnya minat dalam lelang wilayah tambang yang ditawarkan pemerintah. Untuk itu pemerintah sebenarnya telah mengambil langkah besar dengan adanya revisi UU Minerba.

“Beberapa dekade kita belum ada lelang wilayah yang sukses ini sudah kita sempurna-kan dari sisi regulasi di UU Minerba No 3,” kata Sunindyo dalam diskusi virtual Kemudahan Berinvestasi dan Layanan Informasi di Sektor ESDM, Selasa (6/7). Selain itu, saat ini pemerintah sudah mem-punyai kebijakan untuk mengumpulkan dana dari para pelaku usaha tambang eksisting untuk digunakan sebagai dana yang diper-untukan untuk eksplorasi. Pemerintah juga mewajibkan pelaku tambang untuk melaku-kan ekplorasi dengan cakupan yang lebih luas. “Kami siapkan dana ketahanan cadangan dari perusahaan eksisting, kegiatan di-dorong perusahaan yang berizin untuk mengalokasikan setiap tahun kegiatan eksplo -rasi untuk memperluas coverage eksplo-rasi. Jadi kalau diciutkan wilayahnya…


Daily News Update Page 16 So if the area is reduced, the government

has sufficient data to offer it to other companies,” said Sunindyo.

Sunindyo added that the government also has other instruments to intensify explo-ration, namely assignments to govern-ment-owned companies and assignments to business actors. Later the assignment mechanism will be contained in the Draft Government Regulation (RPP).

"We have assignment instruments from either the business sector or the govern-ment," he said.

Later the assignment permit holders will have a right to match. This means they will be facilitated in making offers. "That is part of the assignment risk incentive," said Sunindyo.

In addition, the Directorate General of Mineral and Coal will develop in terms of data and information availability. “Our system with the Center for Data and Information will create data similar to oil and gas later in online monitoring of mining and coal exploration data ware-houses. Later we will fill in 3D data and others to add backup data," said Sunindyo. (RI)

Jadi kalau diciutkan wilayahnya pemerintah memiliki data yang cukup untuk ditawarkan ke perusahaan lain,” ungkap Sunindyo. Sunindyo menambahkan pemerintah juga memiliki instrumen lain untuk menggencar-kan eksplorasi yakni penugasan kepada perusahaan milik pemerintah maupun penugasan kepada pelaku usaha. Nantinya mekanisme penugasan itu akan tertuang dalam Rancangan Peraturan Pemerintah (RPP).

“Kami punya instrumen penugasan baik dari sektor pelaku usaha atau pemerintah,” kata dia.

Nantinya para pemegang izin penugasan mempunyai rigth to match. Artinya mereka akan dimudahkan dalam melakukan pena-waran. “Itu sebagai bagian insentif risiko penugasan,” tukas Sunindyo.

Selain itu Ditjen Minerba akan melakukan pengembangan dari sisi ketersediaan data dan informasi. “Sistem kita dengan pusdatin kita buat data mirip migas nanti dalam monitoring online minerba eksplorasi data warehouse. Nanti kita isi data-data 3D dan lainnya untuk penambahan data cadangan,” kata Sunindyo. (RI)

Coal Prices Soar, INDY Pursues

Production Target of 31.4

Million Tons

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


HE INCREASE in coal prices has had a

positive impact on the performance of PT Indika Energy Tbk. (INDY). However, the company does not yet have a plan to increase its production target.

Harga Batu Bara Melambung,

INDY Kejar Target Produksi

31,4 Juta Ton

Author: Lorenzo Anugrah Mahardhika


ENAIKAN harga batu bara telah

me-nimbulkan dampak positif bagi kinerja PT Indika Energy Tbk. (INDY). Meski demi-kian, perusahaan belum memiliki rencana untuk meningkatkan target produksinya.


Daily News Update Page 17 Indika Energy's Head of Corporate

Communications Ricky Fernando said the current movement in coal prices had a positive impact on the company's performance. This can be seen from the positive trend of increasing reference coal prices which continue to increase.

"The average selling price of Indika Energy's subsidiary, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, in the second quarter increased compared to the average selling price in the first quarter of 2021," he said when contacted by Bisnis on Tuesday (6/7/2021).

However, Ricky said that his party does not yet have a plan to revise production targets for this year. He said that INDY's main focus at this time was to achieve the production target in accordance with the RKAB that had been approved by the government.

The target is 30 million tons for Kideco and 1.4 million tons for PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama (MUTU). As of May 2021, Ricky said Kideco had produced 15.1 million tons of coal, while MUTU produced 0.8 million tons.

However, it does not rule out the possibility of a change in the target this year.

"The company will continue to strengthen its business strategy in accordance with developments," he continued.

Ricky continued, his party will take advantage of the momentum of rising coal prices by maintaining healthy margins. INDY will also ensure continuity of supply to customers, as well as maintain the level of production and sales of coal in accordance with the set targets.

Previously, the movement of the reference coal price or HBA penetrated US$115.35 per ton in July 2021, up US$15.02 per tonne from the position in June 2021 which reached US$100.33 per ton.

Head of Corporate Communications Indika Energy Ricky Fernando mengatakan pergerakan harga batu bara saat ini berdampak positif pada kinerja perusahaan. Hal ini terlihat dari tren positif kenaikan harga batu bara acuan yang terus meng-alami peningkatan.

“Harga jual rata-rata dari entitas anak Indika Energy, PT Kideco Jaya Agung, pada kuartal II meningkat dibandingkan harga jual rata-rata di kuartal I/2021,” katanya saat di-hubungi Bisnis pada Selasa (6/7/2021). Meski demikian, Ricky mengatakan pihak-nya belum memiliki rencana untuk merevisi target-target produksi untuk tahun ini. Ia menuturkan, fokus utama INDY saat ini adalah mencapai target produksi sesuai dengan RKAB yang telah disetujui pemerintah.

Target tersebut adalah sebanyak 30 juta ton untuk Kideco dan 1,4 juta ton dari PT Multi Tambangjaya Utama (MUTU). Hingga Mei 2021, Ricky mengatakan Kideco telah mem-produksi 15,1 juta ton batu bara, sementara MUTU memproduksi 0,8 juta ton.

Meski demikian, pihaknya tidak menutup kemungkinan adanya perubahan target pada tahun ini.

“Perusahaan akan terus memantapkan strategi usaha sesuai dengan perkembangan yang terjadi,” lanjutnya.

Ricky melanjutkan, pihaknya akan meman-faatkan momentum kenaikan harga batu bara dengan mempertahankan margin yang sehat. Pihak INDY juga akan memastikan kontinuitas pasokan ke pelanggan, serta menjaga level produksi dan penjualan batu bara agar sesuai dengan target yang di-tetapkan.

Sebelumnya, pergerakan harga batu bara acuan atau HBA menembus US$115,35 per ton pada Juli 2021, naik US$15,02 per ton dari posisi Juni 2021 yang mencapai US$ 100,33 per ton.


Daily News Update Page 18 The increase made the July HBA set a

record high since December 2011, which was US$112.67 per tonne.

The determination of the July 2021 HBA is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Number 121.K/HK.02/MEM.B/2021 concerning Reference Metal Mineral Prices and Reference Coal Prices for July 2021. This Ministerial Decree is stipulated by the Minister of ESDM Arifin Tasrif on July 2, 2021.

In the last 3 months, HBA has increased by US$86.68 per tonne in April, and in May by US$89.74 per tonne. Then, in June 2021, HBA was recorded to have shot up to US$100.33 per ton. Editor : Farid Firdaus

Peningkatan itu membuat HBA Juli men-cetak rekor tertinggi sejak Desember 2011, yaitu US$112,67 per ton.

Penetapan HBA Juli 2021 tertuang dalam Keputusan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 121.K/HK.02/ MEM.B/2021 tentang Harga Mineral Logam Acuan dan Harga Batu Bara Acuan untuk Juli 2021. Keputusan Menteri ini ditetapkan oleh Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif pada 2 Juli 2021.

Dalam 3 bulan terakhir, HBA mengalami kenaikan yaitu US$86,68 per ton pada April, dan pada Mei sebesar US$89,74 per ton. Kemudian, pada Juni 2021, HBA tercatat melesat ke angka US$100,33 per ton. Editor : Farid Firdaus

Early in the morning there is bad

news, the price of coal sinks 6%!

Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


OAL prices fell sharply in yesterday's

trading. Understandably, commodity prices have gone up insanely.

In yesterday's trading, the price of coal on the ICE Newcastle (Australia) market was recorded at US$ 131.75/ton. A drop of 6% compared to the previous day.

This correction occurred after the price of the black stone underwent a long rally. In the past week, the price shot up 7.15% on a point-to-point basis. Since the beginning of the year (year-to-date), the increase reached 63.72%.

Therefore, it is very natural for investors to be 'itchy' to immediately withdraw their funds. Because the profit you get is not small.

Pagi-pagi Ada Kabar Buruk,

Harga Batu Bara Ambles 6%!

Hidayat Setiaji, CNBC Indonesia


ARGA batu bara turun tajam pada

perdagangan kemarin. Maklum saja, harga komoditas sudah naik gila-gilaan.

Pada perdagangan kemarin, harga batu bara di pasar ICE Newcastle (Australia) tercatat US$ 131,75/ton. Ambles 6% dibandingkan hari sebelumnya.

Koreksi ini terjadi setelah harga si batu hitam menjalani reli panjang. Dalam sepekan terakhir, harga melesat 7,15% secara point-to-point. Sejak awal tahun (year-to-date), kenaikannya mencapai 63,72%.

Oleh karena itu, sangat wajar investor akan 'gatal' untuk segera mencairkan cuan. Soalnya untung yang didapat tidak bisa dibilang kecil.


Daily News Update Page 19 One of the factors influencing the recent

rally in coal prices is the perception of a lack of supply. This is due to the stagnation of coal imports from South Africa.

A freight train line to Richard Bay Harbor derailed, hampering supplies. On July 3, 2021, 31 train cars derailed, causing the line to be closed.

Now some of the rails have been re-opened, but still cannot carry them at full capacity. This makes the coal exports of the State of Bafana-Bafana not optimal.

South Africa is one of the world's largest coal exporters. In 2019, the International Energy Agency recorded that South Africa's coal exports were 81 million tonnes. In fifth place, only lost to Indonesia, Australia, Russia, and the United States (US).

Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi reli harga batu bara akhir-akhir ini adalah persepsi kurangnya pasokan. Ini disebabkan oleh ter-sendatnya impor batu bara dari Afrika Selatan. Jalur kereta barang yang menuju Pelabuhan Richard Bay anjlok sehingga menghambat pasokan. Pada 3 Juli 2021, 31 gerbong kereta anjlok yang mengakibatkan jalur terpaksa ditutup.

Kini sebagian rel sudah kembali dibuka, tetapi tetap belum bisa mengangkut dalam kapasitas penuh. Ini membuat ekspor batu bara Negeri Bafana-Bafana tidak optimal. Afrika Selatan adalah salah satu negara eksportir batu bara terbesar dunia. Pada 2019, International Energy Agency mencatat ekspor batu bara Afrika Selatan adalah 81 juta ton. Berada di peringkat lima, hanya kalah dari Indonesia, Australia, Rusia, dan Amerika Serikat (AS).

Coal Exports by Country (Million Tons)




84 81 72


Daily News Update Page 20 So, the lack of coal supply from South

Africa will affect the world market. When supply decreases, of course the price moves north, aka increases. Even though yesterday finally got profit taking. CNBC INDONESIA RESEARCH TEAM (aji/aji)

Jadi, kurangnya pasokan batu bara dari Afrika Selatan akan mempengaruhi pasar dunia. Saat pasokan berkurang, tentu harga bergerak ke utara alias naik. Walau kemarin akhirnya kena profit taking. TIM RISET CNBC INDONESIA (aji/aji)

Coal Prices Soar As China Refuses To Buy From Australia

By Gerald Jansen


HINA banning Australian coal imports might be one of the most peculiar commodity stories

of 2021. At a time when commodity prices are climbing, Chinese authorities decided to drop Australian coal, leading to a surge in worse-quality alternatives just as regional demand peaks.

Meanwhile, China’s aim of punishing Australia for calling for an investigation into the origins of Covid has largely failed as Australian producers simply rerouted their cargoes towards India.

China, on the other hand, was forced to buy increasing amounts of Indonesian and Russian coal to accommodate domestic demand, triggering a more than 25% price hike compared to January levels. China is more or less self-sufficient in coking coal yet needs substantial amounts of thermal coal for its vast metallurgical industry.

Technically, China has a plethora of options to choose from. Adjacent coal-rich Mongolia might have been one of the best and cheapest options, but the closed border hinders larger trade volumes.

Thus, Indonesia emerged as the prime supplier of low-calorific value coal, with imports into China hitting an all-time high of 15.9 million tons in January. As heavy rainfall and the onset of Ramadan hindered Indonesia’s exporting potential, the United States took the baton, surging from minuscule export volumes to 1.6 million tons this March. Increasing Russian flows to China became the latest trend in the Asia Pacific, riding high on strong political support from Moscow.

It should not come as a surprise that Russian coal producers latched onto the opportunity at hand. Aggregate Chinese imports of Russian coal in June 2021 totaled 4.04 million tons, almost 20% higher than the previous all-time high recorded in June 2020.

In a sense, Russia was preparing for such an event to take place as it had extended the transportation capacities of Eastern-Siberian railways, including but not limited to the Baikal-Amur and Transsiberian Railway networks.

Several major coal mines have Chinese co-owners and co-investors such as the Elgaugol in Eastern Siberia which is configured to bring almost all of its output towards the southern neighbor.


Daily News Update Page 21

Graph 1. Chinese Imports of Coal (million tons per month).

Source: Thomson Reuters.

Sticking to its pledge to place commodities’ trading on a more “scientific” footing, Chinese authorities have introduced an array of measures designed to bring coal prices down. The economic planning arm of the CCP, the National Development and Reform Commission, sought to boost domestic production to counteract the impending shortage – it will take several months however before tangible results appear.

Moreover, a recent string of coal mine suspensions in the Shaanxi province added salt to the wound. As China prepared to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party’s founding, regional authorities cracked down on smaller mines suspected of violating safety regulations – to be on the safe side and avoid any tragic incidents in such a memorable year - leading to the closure of four mines (potentially triggering further police investigations into alleged corruption).

The NDRC also vowed to crack down on “malicious speculation”, however it would seem to be a tough job blaming the price surge on someone specific considering there is a perfectly market-based explanation. Even the fact that Chinese landed prices wield a significant premium to other Asian buyers such as India – the nation that has become the main receiver of Australian supplies – it all boils down to international traders’ understanding of China’s weak spots, i.e. the necessity to buy a lot of coal really quick. Chinese authorities have also introduced a relaxation of import controls to speed up discharge operations and customs clearances, attesting its desperate need for more coal.

In the past six months there has only ever been one measure China was unwilling to take in its attempt to reduce coal prices – allowing Australian coal back into the country. Under normal conditions, coal prices would be kept within a so-called green corridor, a pricing bandwidth of 500-580 CNY that suits both domestic producers as well as end-users.


Daily News Update Page 22 The end result, however, was FOB Qinhuangdao surpassing the 1000 CNY per metric ton threshold, i.e. double the desired “green corridor” bandwidth.

Meanwhile, media reports indicate that India and Russia are on the verge of signing a monster deal that would see the former securing some 40 million tons per year of coking coal. The deal seemingly has the full support of Delhi political elites, despite India having relatively little experience with Russian thermal coal. Tata Steel signed its trial agreement only last year and the overall volume this year remains far from ground-breaking.

At the same time, the logic behind it is fairly straightforward as Indian buyers seek to get rid of their dependence on Australian supplies, especially given that they tend to be disrupted by massive flooding. This year’s floods in March effectively cut off the production sites in New South Wales from the main export terminal in Newcastle, so India’s preoccupation with supply security is entirely understandable. By Gerald Jansen for Oilprice.com

AECI solidifies Thiess relationship with contract extension

Tom Parker


ECI Australia has been awarded a five-year contract extension by Thiess to continue to

provide bulk emulsion explosives, initiating systems and related services to mines in New South Wales and Queensland.

The contract consolidates AECI’s base in Australia and further strengthens the relationship between the two organisations.

The contract extension will see AECI continue to provide bulk emulsion explosives, initiating systems and related services to mines in New South Wales and Queensland.

Using AECI’s existing in-country capabilities and infrastructure, the Australian contract includes the supply of bulk emulsion explosive formulations produced at AECI’s site in Bajool, Queensland, alongside gassing technology for down-the-hole delivery by Thiess.

AECI’s relationship with Thiess began in 2014 when the South African chemicals group entered Australia to support the major mining services company.

When the partnership was first inked, it came as part of AECI’s international growth strategy at the time with the Thiess contract being its first foray into the Australian market.

AECI and Thiess also have long-standing relationships in Indonesia and in a number of countries in Africa.

Other aspects of the contract include the supply of ammonium nitrate, and the supply of the IntelliShot electronic initiating system and booster.

Thiess announced last week that it was selected by MACH Energy as the preferred contractor for mining services at the Mount Pleasant thermal coal project in New South Wales.


Daily News Update Page 23 Beginning in April 2022, this $925 million contract will extend until late 2026 and see Thiess provide drill and blast, load and haul, mining and run of mine rehandling services, progressive rehabilitation and equipment maintenance at the Mount Pleasant site.

Top Australian coal mines are spewing more methane than rivals

Bloomberg News


KEY mining region in Australia, the world’s top exporter of metallurgical coal used in

steelmaking, is producing vastly more methane emissions than global competitors, according to new analysis.

For every ton of coal produced in the Bowen Basin region in Queensland state, an average of 7.5 kilograms of the potent greenhouse gas is released, said Kayrros SAS, a geoanalytics firm that studied satellite observations from the European Space Agency. That’s 47% higher than the average global methane intensity estimated by the International Energy Agency, according to the company.

Using raw materials with a higher methane intensity adds to the challenge for end users, including steelmakers, who are facing increasing pressure from governments and investors to curb pollution and develop production methods that use alternatives to coal.

Australia, which accounts for about half of the world’s metallurgical coal exports, is forecast to increase shipments through 2023 and this month a government fund approved a A$175m ($132m) loan for the development of a new mine in the Bowen Basin.

Higher methane emissions are the result of the region’s geology, Kayrros said in a report released Monday. Older and deeper coal seams typically contain more of the gas.

Observed intensity varied significantly across the basin, the company said, indicating some operations are likely much more polluting than others.

Major producers in the Bowen Basin are taking steps to curb methane releases. BHP Group, the world’s biggest miner, is collaborating with San Diego State University and other partners to test the use of methane-eating bacteria as biofilters. Glencore Plc has worked with Australia’s national science agency on developing technology to reduce emissions, and has also used captured methane for electricity generation.

Halting methane releases from the coal sector offers one of the easiest steps to address climate change, because miners already know exactly where and how to capture the emissions. Producers often release gas trapped underground to lower the risk of explosion. Methane can continue leaking out long after mines have been closed or abandoned, and the coal sector is forecast to account for about 10% of man-made emissions of the gas by the end of the decade, according to the Global Methane Initiative. (By Aaron Clark, with assistance from James Thornhill)


Daily News Update Page 24

Freeport, Gold Fields, Codelco & Yancoal join Charge on Innovation

Challenge as patrons; deadline now July 31

Posted by Paul Moore


HE LIST of patrons getting behind the Austmine-brokered Charge on Innovation Challenge

continues to grow as copper mining majors Codelco and Freeport McMoRan, gold miner Gold Fields and leading coal miner Yancoal join founding patrons Rio Tinto, BHP and Vale along with recent patrons Roy Hill, Teck, Boliden, Thiess and Antofagasta Minerals. The Expression of Interest deadline for the challenge has also been extended to 31 July 2021 “to provide vendors with additional preparation time and to maximise the opportunity for new patrons to join.”

The challenge as has been extensively reviewed in IM is an offer for vendors (including traditional truck OEMs) to present interoperable solutions that can safely deliver electricity to large (220 t and above) battery-electric off-road haul trucks in a way that maintains or improves current productivity levels. Specifically, the group wants mechanisms capable of delivering in the order of 400 kWh of electricity to each truck within a haul cycle (ie load, travel, dump, return, queue). The delivered electricity is to charge a battery, and if applicable directly propel the truck.

Patrons need to control a truck fleet of more than 30 trucks, be a producer in the mining and metals industry, commit to be an active contributor to the Charge On Innovation Challenge, have demonstrated commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in your their operations in the short and medium term through the use of operational and technological innovation and acknowledge that the ‘patrons agreement’ governs the activities of the parties with respect to the challenge.

Currently, the Charge On Innovation Challenge will end in October 2021 following completion of the Charge On Collaboration Workshop(s). Austmine will facilitate the workshop(s) for the patrons to uncover the Charge On concepts that were viewed as desirable and that could serve the industry as standard charging interfaces. Prior to the workshop(s), patrons will have made their own evaluations of the vendor concepts based on their individual operating requirements and will be free to advocate as to what they believe would make a viable solution to the problem framed in the Challenge.

The workshop(s) will identify the solutions most appealing to the patrons, and mechanisms by which patrons can provide assistance to vendors to commercialise the selected concept(s). An example of a mechanism would be a subset of the mining companies providing development assistance to a Vendor. The execution of these mechanisms will occur after the Challenge.

In the above example, the consortium would work closely with (or include) the truck OEMs and the ‘Charge On Vendor’ to develop a commercially available interface that can be utilised by all parties. The group is also working to enable investors to actively participate post-challenge as a way of providing additional finance to accelerate commercialisation.


Daily News Update Page 25

China June tin output rises 10.9% from prior month - Antaike


HINA's refined tin output in June rose 10.9% from the prior month to 15,567 tonnes,

state-backed research house Antaike said on Tuesday.

The increase came as restrictions on power usage in the tin-smelting heartland of Yunnan were "basically lifted" last month, Antaike said in its survey of 20 producers; the curbs had been imposed amid an electricity shortage.

Output in January-June totalled 87,000 tonnes, said Antaike, up 24.7% from a coronavirus-affected first half of 2020.

Tin ore supply is still tight as coronavirus curbs in Myanmar mean operating rates at the country's mines - which Antaike put at about 40% in June - will remain low, while the Yinman mine in Inner Mongolia has not yet restarted.

China's refined tin output is expected to decline significantly in July, Antaike said, after top producer Yunnan Tin suspended production at its main smelter from June 28 for up to 45 days.

Tin prices on the Shanghai Futures Exchange rose as much as 2.6% to a record high of 219,550 yuan ($33,957) a tonne on Tuesday. ($1 = 6.4655 Chinese yuan renminbi) (Reporting by Tom Daly; Editing by Rashmi Aich)

Thai miner Banpu ends new coal development in green shift: CEO

Somruedee says company aims to have cleaner energy account for half of profit by 2025

YOHEI MURAMATSU, Nikkei staff writer


HAILAND's biggest coal producer, Banpu, will no longer start any new coal developments

as the company pivots toward green energy, company CEO Somruedee Chaimongkol said in an interview.

"We will only produce from our organic reserve that we have," said Somruedee. "We have no plan to invest more in the coal mine assets."

Banpu will instead shift resources toward natural gas and renewable energy. The plan is to have low-carbon green businesses contribute more than half of overall income by 2025. The shift away from coal comes as the fossil fuel faces a global backlash from industry and investors seeking to cut carbon dioxide emissions. Coal is often cited as one of the world's worst polluters, with the U.N. saying its transportation, storage and usage accounts for about 40% of greenhouse gas emissions.


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