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Academic year: 2021



Teks penuh


Sosial / Jocral

Tabel lTable : 4.1.1

Banyaknya sekolah raman Kanak-Kanak menurut status per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Kindergarten by School Status-tn pundong District PENDIDIKAN / EDUCATION 2013t2014 Swasta Private Jumlah Total l. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono l l l l Jumlah Total 24 hber Data : hce : UPTPPD

Technical Implementation (Init of Elementary Education Management


Tabel lTable : 4.1.2

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Taman Kanak-Kanak menurut Status Sekolah per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Kindergarten Students by School Status in Pundong District

2013D0t4 l. Seloharjo 244 Sosial /,Soclal 244 1 8 5 2. Pa4jangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total 1 8 5 306 3 0 6 UPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management


Sosial / Social

Tabel lTable z 4.1.3

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Taman Kanak-Kanak menurut Jenis Kelamin per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Kindergarten Students by Setc in Pundong District

2013t2014 Perempuan Female l. Seloharjo t23 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono 154 Jumlah Total Laki-laki Mak




244 t 2 l 1 8 5 94 9 I 3 0 6 152 Data: UPTPPD

; Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management


Sosial / Social

Tabel lTable | 4.1.4

Banyaknya Kelas, Guru dan Murid Sekolah Taman Kanak-Kanak per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Classes, Teacher and Students of-Ktndergarten in Pundong District 2013/2014 Kelas Classes 244 2. Paqiangrejo Desa Villages Murid Students Guru Teachers l 8 l l 1 8 5 20 t2 Jumlah Total 306 J J 7 l l 5 3 8 UPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit cf Elementary Education



' i a

Sosial / Social

Tabel lTable: 4.1.5

Banyaknya Sekolah Dasar menurut Status per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Elementary School by School Status in Pundong District 2013/2014 Desa Iriilages l. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total Swasta Private Negeri State Jumlah Total Data: UPTPPD

: Technical Implementation (Init of Elementary Eclucatien Management


Sosial / ^Socral Tabel lTable: 4.1.6

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Dasar menurut Status Sekolah per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Elementary School Students by School Status in Pundong District 2013t2014 Desa Villages Negeri State 275 Swasta Private 593 Jumlah Total 868 557 1 0 8 4 l. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total ) I I 1 . 5 3 6 973 TIPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management

1 8 0

200 8 8 4


Tabel/Table z 4.1.7

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah I)asar Menurut Jenis Kelamin per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Elementary School Studenti bv Sex in pundong District 20'3,DAr4 Laki-laki Male Perempuan Female 398 278 Sosial /,Soci / Jumlah Totql 868 ) ) / Desa Villages l. Selohario 2. Paqiangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total 470 279 534 5 5 0 1.283 1.226 UPT PPD

Technical Implementation (Init of Elementary Education Management

1 . 0 8 4


Sosial /,Socral

Tabel lTable: 4.1.9

Banyaknya Kelas, Guru dan Murid Sekolah Dasar per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Classes, Teachers and Students of Elementary School in Pundong District


Murid Students l. Seloharjo 868 2. Panjangrejo ) ) / 3. Srihardono Guru Teachers Kelas Classes Desa Villages 70 3 8 54 3 2 L 0 8 4





Te chnical Implem entafi on Unit of El ementary Education Management


Sosial / ^Social

Tabel lTable: 4.1.9

Banyaknya sekolah Menengah pertama/sederajat menurut status per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Junior High School by School Status In Pundong District 2013/2014 Jumlah Total 1. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total 3 1 UPTPPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management Swasta Private Negeri State Desa Villoges


Tabel lTable: 4.1.10

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Sederajat menurut Status Sekolah per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Junior High School Students by School Status In Pundong District

20t3n014 Negeri State Swasta Private Sosial/ Social Jumlah Total 1 . 7 4 5 Desa Villages l. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total 244 244 9 1 8 9 1 8 5 8 3 5 8 3 244 1 . 5 0 1 UPT PPD

Technical Implem.entation Unit of Elernentary Education Management


Sosial / Socral

Tabel lTqble: 4,1.11

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Sederajat Menurut Jenis Kelamin per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Jtmior High School Students by Sex in Pundong District 2013t2014 Desa Villages 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total Laki-laki Male Perempuan Female Jumlah Total 5 8 3 244 t24 120 9 1 8 4t3 505 866 UPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management





Sosial / Social

TabellTable | 4,1.12

Banyaknya Kelas, Guru dan Murid Sekolah Menengah Pertama/Sederajat per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong Numbers of Classes, Teachers and Students of Junior High School

in Pundong District 201312014 Desa Villages 244 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Data: UPT PPD

: Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management Murid Students Guru Teachers Kelas Classes Jumlah Totql 9 1 8 5 8 3 23 72 45 1 4 0 3 6 24 r.745


Sosial / Socral

Tabel lTable: 4.1.13

Banyaknya Sekolah Menengah Atas menurut Status per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Senior High School by School Status in Pundong District 2013/2014 Jumlah Total Swasta Private Negeri State Desa Villages ( 1 ) ( 2 ) ( 3 ) ( 4 ) 1. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total UPTPPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education


Sosial /.Socral

Tabel lTable: 4;1.14

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Menengah Atas menurut Status Sekolah per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Senior High School Students by School Status In Pundong District 2013t2014 Swasta Privqte 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah -: :' 440 -lotal UPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management Jumlah Total Negeri State Desa Villages 440 440 440


' t a

Sosial /,Socral

Tabet lTable: 4.1.15

Banyaknya Kelas, Guru dan Murid Sekolah Menengah Atas per Desa di Kecamatan pundong

Numbers of Classes, Teachers and Students of Senior High School in pundong District 2013t2014 Murid Students Kelas Classes Guru Teachers Desa Villages 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Total 440 t 9 I 9 UPTPPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management


, t a

TabellTable z 4.1.16

Banyaknya Sekotah Menengah Kejuruan menurut Status per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Vocational Senior High School by School Status in Pundong District 201312014 Sosial / Social Jumlah Total Desa Villages Negeri Stqte Swasta Private 2. Panjangrejo 3. Srihardono Jumlah Totql I UPTPPD

Teehnical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management


t 3

Sosial / Socral

Tabel lTqble | 4.1.17

Banyaknya Murid Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan menurut Status Sekolah per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Vacational Senior High School Students by School Status In Pundong District

2013t2014 Jumlah Total Swasta Private Desa Villages Negeri State ( 4 ) ( 3 ) ( l ) ( 2 ) 1. Seloharjo 2. Panjangrejo Jumlah Total IIPT PPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management


t *

SosiaI / Social

Tabel lTable: 4.1.18

Banyaknya Kelas, Guru dan Murid Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Classes, Teachers andStudents of Senior HighSchool in Pundong District 2013t2014 3. Srihardono Murid Students Guru Teachers Kelas Classes Desa Villages Jumlah Total 22 738 60 UPT PPD

Technical Implementation (Jnit of Eleme:ntary Education Management

per Desa di Kecamatan Pundong


Sosial/ Social

Tabel lTable 2 4.1.19

Jumlah Murid TK SD, SlTP/Sederajat, SMU dan SMK di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of Students in Kindergarten, Elementary School, Janior High School, Senior High School and Vocational School

in Pundong District 2013t2014 Tingkat Sekolah School 1. TK 2. SD 3. SMP/Sederajat 4. SMA 5. SMK Jumlah Total 7 3 5 r . 5 3 6 1 . 5 0 1 440 738 4.215 1 . 9 5 2 UPTPPD

Technical Implementation Unit of Elementary Education Management Negeri State Swasta Private Jumlah Totql 7 3 5 2.509 1 . 7 4 5 440 738 973 244 6.167


Sosial /,Social

Tabel lTable : 4.1.20

Jumlah Sekolah, Murid, Guru dan Kelas Sekolah Luar Biasa di Kecamatan Pundong

Numbers of School, Students, Teachers andClasses of Extraordinary in School in Pundong District

2013/2014 Desa Villages . Seloharjo Srihardono Sekolah School Murid Guru Student Teacher Kelas Classes T7 t ) I . J t 7 26


Tabel lTable : 4.1.1
Tabel lTable : 4.1.2
Tabel lTable z 4.1.3
Tabel lTable | 4.1.4


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