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Ways that can speed up divorce


Academic year: 2017

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A long and protracted divorce or matrimonial litigation is a great harassment to the parties of the dispute. Without a proper plan, many people commit mistake when getting divorced and ultimately fail and suffer serious stressful situation. Many people, after decided to break the relationship enter into expensive and ugly battle and end up in hurting all involved parties, making the divorce and life more miserable.


divorce, lawyer, attorney, fault, tips

Article Body:

A long and protracted divorce or matrimonial litigation is a great harassment to the parties of the dispute. Without a proper plan, many people commit mistake when getting divorced and ultimately fail and suffer serious stressful situation. Many people, after decided to break the relationship enter into expensive and ugly battle and end up in hurting all involved parties, making the divorce and life more miserable.

A plan should be well laid and executed for a divorce just like anything in life. Only by knowing and planning what you exactly want, you can actually get it. First of all the amount of finance required should be decided for getting divorce. If there are any children out of the wedlock, the frequency of your visit to the children should also be decided. Before initiating the divorce litigation, it has to be determined whether the divorce will be no-fault or uncontested or at-fault, all out battle. You should also determine when you actually want divorce. After doing this exercise you should realistically write down possessions wanted by you and any other details that are to be established in the divorce. After making the list they should be thoroughly reviewed and examined whether the items in the list are worth doing hard work or fighting litigation. You can save many hassles by merely knowing what is to be fought for and what is really worth for you to address your worries. A time line and schedule should be worked out by taking help from the calculated figure and list. An expert lawyer can be contacted in case you desire divorce within a period of three months. Choosing a bad lawyer can disturb the whole divorce process. Don´t inform your spouse about divorce unless you cover all the bases and take right steps for a divorce plan ahead. Some financial things have to be taken care of before giving notice about divorce. It is better to change registration of names on checking account, mortgage, car, etc. If you are already in the divorce process still things can be properly planned and ways and options can be determined. Negotiating skills and employment of strong tactics are key factors, by which spouse can be made to believe that they are deriving better out of the deal. The divorce should be planned with a right method using the list made with special techniques to accelerate the results of plan.

You should decide whether you are going to represent yourself or hiring an attorney for divorce. If you are going to represent yourself, then you should have thorough knowledge about the laws of the State where you live. Review the amount and location of all your assets and remove the money, if necessary, from bank and place it in security, without depriving necessary funds for the life of your spouse. Credit cards and other sources of credit can be reviewed and if necessary cards with joint account can be cancelled by removing the name of the spouse from the card.

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