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Index of /papers/Fashion Buying A New Watch


Academic year: 2017

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494 Summary:

It is unwise to purchase a non-branded watch. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly the quality of build is often considerably lower for a non-branded watch so you are unlikely to get the years of service that you should expect. Secondly there are often issues with warranties when non-branded watches fail. Another thing that you should always avoid is purchasing your watch from an unauthorized dealer.

If you buy a branded watch from an authorized dealer then you...


watch, watch winder, buy a watch, seiko,

Article Body:

It is unwise to purchase a non-branded watch. There are a number of reasons for this. Firstly the quality of build is often considerably lower for a non-branded watch so you are unlikely to get the years of service that you should expect. Secondly there are often issues with warranties when non-branded watches fail. Another thing that you should always avoid is purchasing your watch from an unauthorized dealer.

If you buy a branded watch from an authorized dealer then you have made two of the best decisions that you can make when buying a watch.

Before you buy your watch you really need to think about the reason why you are buying the watch. Obviously a construction worker will need a different type of watch than the businessman who is looking for a watch to wear when he is attending business lunches. There are watches designed for all applications, and these factors need to be considered before purchasing. Is the watch going to be for recreational purposes, casual, dress, sports, or active wear, or are you looking for a watch simply to make a statement? With so many good brands of watch on the market, there is a lot to choose from and with prices ranging from relatively cheap to out of this world it is wise to explore all the options before parting with your money.

Don’t just look at the brands that you are familiar with, as there are many excellent brands that might offer more features for your money.

A good watch dealer will be able to help you make a good decision by explaining the differences in the brands and tailoring your purchase to your requirements.

Many of the brands that have been respected for quality also offer cheaper quality watches so you can’t assume that a watch is good just because of the brand name. Once again a good dealer will be able to help you decide. There are also a few good watch forums on the internet where people will share their opinions and experiences.

Do not be too concerned with the technical details when buying a watch as most quality watches have the same basic functions. It shouldn’t matter to you whether the watch is a quartz, a certified mechanical (chronometer), or a non-certified mechanical, provided it is capable of keeping time with accuracy and maintain that accuracy for many years. Most expensive watches are mass-produced to a very high level of quality thanks to modern techniques so it is unlikely that you will be buying a watch that has been handmade by craftsmen who have had generations in the trade.

While price is one consideration that needs to be taken into account when making your purchase, it is more important that you get exactly what is needed for your requirements even if that involves paying a little more money for your purchase. If you choose wisely, a watch can last a lifetime with good care.

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