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TEACHER’S BELIEFS IN USING SONGS IN TEACHING ENGLISH TO YOUNG LEARNERS : A Descriptive Study of an EYL Teacher in an English Course at Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung.


Academic year: 2017

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Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015



(A Descriptive Study of an EYL Teacher in an English Course at Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung)

A Research Paper

Submitted to English Education Department of FPBS UPI as a partial fulfillment for the requirement of Sarjana Pendidikan degree

Sharina M. Westhisi






Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu



(A Descriptive Study of an EYL Teacher in an English Course at Balai

Bahasa UPI Bandung)


Sharina Munggaraning Westhisi

Sebuah skripsi yang diajukan untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat memperoleh gelar Sarjana Pendidikan pada Fakultas Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra

© Sharina Munggaraning Westhisi 2015 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia

Agustus 2015

Hak Cipta dilindungi undang-undang.


Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015


Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia | repository.upi.edu | perpustakaan.upi.edu




(A Descriptive Study of an EYL Teacher in an English Course

at Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung)

This background of the research is to identify the teacher’s beliefs in using song as one of teaching media in teaching English to young learners which influence the teaching practices in the classroom. Hence, this present research aims to find out the beliefs of Indonesian teachers toward songs in teaching English to young learners and to find out the teacher’s beliefs in using songs which influence the teaching practices in EFL classroom context. This research used a qualitative descriptive study design. The data were gained by conducting the interview and the classroom observation which involved an English teacher who had teaching experiences in teaching young learners. The data were analyzed through several steps adapted from Dörnyei (2011) which consist of transcribing, analyzing and classifying, and interpreting the data. The findings show that the teacher’s beliefs in using songs in teaching English to young learners can influence the teaching practices in the classroom such as motivating the learners in the learning process, providing fun and joyful atmosphere, improving the learners’ language skills, enriching the vocabulary, and empowering the grammar. Furthermore, in the teaching practices, the songs may be accompanied by the gestures and the pictures to give in-depth knowledge to the learners in comprehending the lesson. Thus, considering the findings, it is suggested that the teacher may employ the songs in the teaching process to create fun ambience in order to reduce the anxiety and the boredom of the learners. Meanwhile, it is also suggested that the learners can ask the teacher to provide the songs based on their needs and interests. Moreover, the level of the learners and the variety of the songs should be taken into account in further research regarding the teacher’s beliefs in using songs in teaching English to young learners.


Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015

ABSTRAK: Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi keyakinan seorang

guru dalam penggunaan lagu sebagai salah satu media pembelajaran dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak yang dapat mempengaruhi praktik mengajar di dalam kelas. Sehingga, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keyakinan guru-guru Indonesia terhadap penggunaan lagu dalam mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak dan untuk mengetahui keyakinan guru tersebut dalam penggunaan lagu yang dapat mempengaruhi praktik mengajar dalam konteks kelas EFL. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi kelas yang melibatkan seorang guru Bahasa Inggris yang mempunyai pengalaman dalam mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak. Data tersebut dianalisis melalui beberapa langkah yang diadaptasi dari Dörnyei (2011) yang terdiri dari menuliskan, menganalisis dan mengklasifikasikan, dan menginterpretasikan data tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan guru tersebut yang menggunakan lagu dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris dapat mempengaruhi praktik mengajarnya di dalam kelas seperti memotivasi para siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, memberikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan dan menggembirakan, meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa, menambah kosakata, dan memperkuat tata bahasa. Selain itu, dalam praktik mengajar tersebut, lagu dapat disertai gerak tubuh dan gambar untuk memberikan penjelasan yang lebih dalam lagi bagi para siswa dalam memahami materi tersebut. Sehingga, dari hasil temuan penelitian ini, disarankan bahwa seorang guru dapat menggunakan lagu dalam proses mengajar untuk menciptakan suasana menyenangkan yang bertujuan untuk mengurangi rasa kecemasan dan rasa bosan yang dirasakan oleh para siswa. Sementara itu, disarankan juga bahwa para siswa dapat meminta guru mereka untuk menyediakan lagu-lagu yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan minat mereka. Selain itu, tingkatan siswa dan jenis-jenis lagu dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam penelitian berikutnya yang berkaitan dengan keyakinan guru terhadap penggunaan lagu dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk anak-anak.


Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015


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2.1 Teacher’s beliefs and teacher’s practices in teaching English in young learners’ context ... 8

2.2 Teacher’s beliefs in using songs ... 12

2.3 Song as a teaching aid to young learners ... 16

2.4 Concluding Remark ... 25


3.1 Research Design ... 26

3.2 Participant of the Study ... 27

3.3 Data Collection ... 28

3.3.1 Interview ... 28

3.3.2 Classroom observation ... 28

3.4 Data Analysis ... 29

3.4.1 Analysis data from classroom observation ... 29

3.4.2 Analysis data from the interview ... 30


4.1 Teacher’s Beliefs in Using Songs in Teaching English to Young Learners ... 32

4.1.1 Teacher’s Beliefs in Using Songs as Teaching Media ... 32


4.1.3 Teacher’s Beliefs about Learning Strategies in Teaching English to Young

Learners through Songs ... 41

4.2 The influence of Teacher’s Beliefs to Teaching Practices in Teaching English to Young learners through Songs ... 45

4.2.1 Teaching Practices in Using Songs as Teaching Media to Young Learners ... 45

4.2.2 Teaching Practices in Improving Language Skills through Songs ... 52

4.2.3 Teaching Practices about Learning Strategies in Teaching English to Young Learners through Songs ... 60

4.3 Concluding Remark ... 66


5.1 Conclusion ... 67

5.2 Suggestion ... 68

5.3 Limitation of the Research ... 69



Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015


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This chapter explains general outlines of the research. It provides background of the

research, research questions, purposes of the research, significance of the research,

research methodology, clarification of terms and organization of the paper.

1.1Background of the Research

Beliefs are one of the essential points of all fields in education and they deal with

human behavior and learning (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975; Ajzen, 1988 as cited in

Doğruer et al., 2010). Teachers’ beliefs include some points such as beliefs about the nature of language, language learning and teaching, learners, teachers, and the power

of the relationship between the teachers and the learners (Doğruer et al., 2010). Thus,

these beliefs are brought and used by them into the classroom during the teaching and

learning process. Williams and Burden (1997 as cited in Doğruer et al., 2010)

mention that teachers are influenced by their beliefs which affect their teaching

attitude, teaching styles, teaching methods and techniques, teaching behavior, and

also learners’ development. In teaching English as a foreign language, the teachers come into the classroom with their previous educational experiences, cultural

backgrounds, and social interaction, which may have an effect on their beliefs about

English teaching (Johnson, 1992; Richards & Lockhart, 1996; Smith, 1996 as cited in

Liao, 2007).

In the teaching process, the teacher’s beliefs may influence the teacher to

choose and use proper media in the classroom to deliver the materials. The use of

media in the classroom can assist the teacher in teaching and learning process since

they support the teacher to attract attention of the learners, trigger prerequisites,

present objectives, deliver new content, assist learning by giving examples and visual


transfer, and assess performance (Smaldino, Russell, Heinich, & Molenda, 2004 as

cited in Chang et al., 2010).

Furthermore, teaching English to young learners is considerably different

from adults. For instance, the children will take and learn second or foreign language

in unique and different ways which can make them fun (Pinter, 2006). There are

several ways can be used in teaching English to young learners through the use of

techniques, methods, and media of teaching a foreign language. The teaching media

become an element which should be considered by the teachers because they play a

role as a teaching tool that helps the teacher in the teaching practices to create fun,

joyful, and pleased ambiances, which might be manipulated by the teacher’s beliefs.

Commonly, the media which are used in teaching English to young learners through

pictures, stories, games, role plays, and songs.

Besides, most of the teachers use uninterested and rigid media in teaching

English to young learners, for instance, in teaching vocabulary and grammar.

According to personal experiences, the learners should master the grammar and the

vocabulary by memorizing the pattern without the context. As a result, most of the

learners feel bored and unhappy since they may be forced to memorize the

vocabulary and they may confuse to use those vocabularies in a sentence. Meanwhile,

the learning process of teaching English to young learners should be amusing,

familiar, and attractive (Bouniol, 2012; Cakir, 1999 as cited in Ara, 2009). Hence,

this research is worthy to identify the teacher’s beliefs in using media; one of them is

song which commonly is forgotten by most of the teachers, which influence the

teaching practices in the classroom.

Regarding to this issue, a number of researches about teachers’ beliefs and

perception were conducted to assist the teachers in teaching and learning process

effectively which involved their teaching styles, the kinds of thinking, decision



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2011; Moon, 2000; Richards, 1998; Richards & Lockhart, 1996; Smith, 1996;

Trappes-Lomax & McGrath, 1999 as cited in Lioa, 2007).

Additionally, there are some researches which show the effectiveness of songs

in improving language skills, particularly listening skill, to young learners (Sevik,

2012; Li & Brand, 2009; Horn, 2007; Millington, 2011). Some researches show the

findings about teachers’ views about using songs in teaching young learners are they

had difficulties to get, select, and access proper songs to use in their classroom

(Sevik, 2011; Tse, 2015). In Indonesia, some researches show similar findings which

mention the use of songs in enhancing language skills effectively can be used by the

teachers to teach young learners (Yuliana, 2003; Wulandari & Apriani, 2014).

Unfortunately, the research regarding teacher’s beliefs in using songs which influence

the teaching practices is rarely found, specifically in Indonesian context.

Thus, the research is needed to find out teacher’s beliefs in using songs in

teaching English to young learners. Therefore, this present research attempts to fill

the gap by conducting research on teacher’s beliefs about pedagogical value of using songs and how those beliefs manipulated the teaching practices in the young learners’

classroom context.

1.2Research Questions

According to aforementioned explanation, the following are questions to be addressed

in this research.

1. What are the teacher’s beliefs about the pedagogical value of using songs in

teaching English to young learners in EFL contexts?

2. How do the teacher’s beliefs influence the teaching practices in EFL

classroom contexts?

1.3Purposes of the Research


1. To find out the beliefs of teachers toward songs in teaching English to young


2. To find out the teacher’s beliefs in using songs influence the teaching

practices in EFL classroom context.

1.4Significance of the Research

There are several instructional media which can be used in EFL context like digital

technology media. Nevertheless, the media in young learners’ context are still rarely

found. This research is limited to provide some teachers’ views about using songs in

teaching English to young learners, especially in Indonesian context because the

research concerning teacher’s beliefs in using songs in teaching English to young

learners is still infrequently found. Hence, this present research attempts to fill the

gap which covers two main points. They are the teacher’s beliefs about pedagogical

value of using songs and the teacher’s practices in using songs to young learners

through songs which are influenced by those beliefs in EFL context.

The description of teacher’s beliefs in using songs is able to explore the

beliefs about pedagogical value of using songs in teaching language to young

learners. In addition, it gives insight about instructional media which can be used to

accommodate the students who are in the rural area because of the restrictiveness. In

this research, songs might assist the teachers to teach English without using high

technology media. For instance, the teachers ask the students to sing a song together

by writing the lyrics on the whiteboard. Furthermore, the instructional media will see

the various teaching practices that can be chosen in order to create the learning and

teaching process efficiently. In a particular circumstance, appropriate songs are able

to facilitate the students to enhance language skills and to comprehend the materials

which are taught by the teachers. Because of the research of teachers’ beliefs about

values of using songs in teaching young learners is infrequently conducted in

Indonesia, this research is expected to be motivation for others to enrich knowledge



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1.5Research Methods

This research is a qualitative which the data are gathered from the participants who

have experienced in the process (Strauss & Corbin, 1998 as cited in Fraenkel, et al.,

2012). According to Creswell (2004), the data which are collected based on words

experiences in teaching young learners. The teacher who had teaching experiences

more than three years is an English course in Bandung. Moreover, an interview and a

classroom observation are used as instruments to collect the information from the

participants who had teaching experiences in teaching young learners. The interview

has a number of open-ended questions which cover the main points related to the

objectives of this research. They are the teachers’ beliefs regarding teaching English

to young learners through songs. Meanwhile, the classroom observation will be used

to identify the teaching practices in the classroom based on the teacher’s beliefs

regarding teaching English to young learners through songs. The data from the

interview will be analyzed by organizing, explaining, and making sense of the data in

terms of the participants’ definition of the situation (Cohen et al., 2007). Meanwhile,

the data from the classroom observation will be analyzed by using checklist of the

field notes’ content which consists of actors, activities, acts, events, goals, and

feelings (Spradley, 1980 as cited in Cohen et al., 2007). There are several steps in

analyzing the qualitative data (Cohen et al., 2007; Lacey & Luff, 2001; Creswell,

2004). First, the data will be transcribed through reading and scanning whole or

partial transcription of the data. Then, the data will be identified based on the theme


description which covers in-depth information about people, places, event, and

setting. Finally, the data will be summarized by using a narrative approach to convey

the findings of the analysis in this research.

1.6Clarification of Terms

There are concepts that need clarification in this research. Each will be described


1. Songs refer to a composition for voice performed by singing or musical

instruments. In this research, song is used as teaching media.

2. Belief refers to an acceptance that someone or something exists or true. In this

research, belief is a feeling of the teachers about songs which can be used to

assist the children acquiring a language.

3. Young learners refer to children who are those between five years to twelve

years old (Rixon, cited in Yuliana, 2003).

1.7Organization of the Paper

This paper will be presented into five chapters as follows:

Chapter I : Introduction

This chapter contains background of the research, research questions, purposes of the

research, significance of the research, research methods, clarificatioin of terms, and

organization of the paper.

Chapter II : Theoretical Foundation

This chapter contains theoretical foundations taken from several different theories.

Chapter III : Research Methods

This chapter elaborates the procedures of the research to answer the two questions

mentioned earlier in Chapter I. This chapter covers the statements of the problems,



Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015


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Chapter IV : Findings and Discussions

This chapter presents and elaborates the result of the research. The data will be

categorized, analyzed, and discussed by using some relevant theories related to

teacher’s beliefs about using songs in teaching English to young learners.

Chapter V : Conclusion, Suggestion, and Limitation of the Research

This chapter provides the conclusion of the research, gives some suggestions from the


Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015



This chapter explains the method of research to answer the statement problems

proposed in Chapter I. It consists of research design, research site and participant of

the research, data collection, and data analysis. First, research design discusses the

method occupied in this research. Second, research site and participant of the research

explains the place where the research was conducted and the participant who engaged

in this research. Third, data collection gives details about the techniques used in

collecting the data in this research. Last, data analysis conveys the procedure used in

analyzing the data.

3.1 Research Design

This research used qualitative method in order to answer the research questions

because it aims to examine the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or

materials which can describe in detail the phenomenon in a particular activity or

situation (Fraenkel et al., 2012). Furthermore, in this research, the data were gathered

from the participants who have experienced in the process (Strauss & Corbin, 1998 as

cited in Fraenkel, et al., 2012). The results of the qualitative research cannot be

generalized in a specific context. Even though in particular circumstances, the

researcher might generalize their findings. However, their generalization is usually

very limited in a scope (Fraenkel et al., 2012).

The case study design was employed in this research. The aims are to

investigate specific phenomenon in its real-life contexts and to describe, in detail, the

particular of the case (Cohen et al., 2007; Fraenkel et al., 2012). In addition, Nisbet

and Watt (1984 as cited in Cohen et al., 2007) states that a case study is designed to

point up a more general principle. In this research, individual actors became focus in

order to figure out their perspective of events (Hitchcock & Hughes, 1995 as cited in



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believes that a case study is detailed and descriptive, with a narrow main point, and

also the subjective and objective data were combined in this study.

Additionally, this research employed a descriptive study which is one of types

of case study that provided narrative accounts (Yin, 1984 as cited in Cohen et al.,

2007) in order to find out the teachers’ perspective about using songs in teaching

English to young learners (Tse, 2015; Sevik, 2011). It also has its strengths which

support the use of the case study. There are the findings can be understood easily by a

large audience, they are in a real-life context, and they grasp unique features which

might hold the key points to understanding the circumstance (Nisbet & Watt, 1984 as

cited in Cohen et al., 2007).

This research was conducted to examine the belief of Indonesian teachers

toward songs and to observe the teaching practices which are influenced by the

beliefs in teaching English to the young learners in EFL context.

3.2 Participant of the Study

The focal point of this study was an English teacher who had teaching experiences in

teaching English to young learners through songs. She is an English teacher at Balai

Bahasa UPI Bandung who had teaching experiences regarding teaching English to

young learners.

The legitimate reasons on choosing the participant of Balai Bahasa UPI were

Balai Bahasa has open access for people who would like to conduct the research and

there is a special program for young learners in learning English through songs.

Therefore, it assisted the researcher to collect the data related to the teacher’s beliefs

about pedagogical value of using songs and the teaching practices which were

influenced by those beliefs in using songs in teaching a foreign language to young


3.3 Data Collection

The data collection techniques used in this research was collecting teacher’s views of

teaching English to young learners through songs. In this research, an interview and

classroom observation were employed as instruments of data collection in order to

meet the objectives of this research.

3.3.1 Interview

In this research, the researcher conducted a face-to-face interview and it was recorded

to avoid misleading concepts with both participants in the different place and time.

The aim of conducting the interview in this research was to discuss their

interpretation of a particular circumstance from their point of view (Cohen et al.,

2007). In this case, the participant was asked about the beliefs about the pedagogical

value of using songs in teaching English to young learners. Moreover, the participant

was asked to answer several open-ended questions regarding teaching English to

young learners through songs. The interview was conducted in Bahasa Indonesia

since it was purposed to get the information deeply and it gave openness to the

participant in answering the questions. The questions comprised the teacher’s beliefs

towards songs in young learners’ context and teaching practices of the teachers in the

classroom regarding teaching English to young learners through songs.

3.3.2 Classroom observation

Observation offers an investigator the chances to obtain ‘live’ data from naturally

occurring social situations (Cohen et al., 2007). Robson (2002 as cited in Cohen et

al., 2007) says that observation provides a reality check since what people do may

differ from what they say they do. Furthermore, observation facilitates a researcher to

look over at everyday behavior (Cooper & Schindler, 2001 as cited in Cohen et al.,

2007). The methods of observation are powerful tools for increasing knowledge into

situations that include both oral and visual data (Cohen et al., 2007). Moreover,

Erickson (1992 as cited in Cohen et al., 2007) and Cohen et al. (2007) suggest that



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occurred through audio-visual recording in order to overcome the incompleteness of

the observer’s view of a single event.

In this research, classroom observation was conducted in three times of the

meetings. It spent 100 minutes for each meeting to identify the teaching practices

regarding teaching English to young learners through songs. It used a checklist which

covered some points like the people in the situation, the sets of acts that are taking

place, the specific actions that participant is doing, the sets of activities that are taking

place, the goals which people are trying to achieve, and the way how to express the

feeling when the teaching and learning process occurs (Spradley, 1980 as cited in

Cohen et al., 2007). Additionally, the researcher recorded the physical and contextual

setting of the observation, the participant, the time of the day of the observation, the

layout of the setting, the chronology of the events observed, and any critical incidents

that happened in the classroom (Moyles , 2002 as cited in Cohen et al., 2007).

3.4 Data Analysis

In this research, the data, gained from the interview and the classroom observation,

were analyzed descriptively.

3.4.1 Analysis data from the classroom observation

The data from the classroom observation were analyzed through several steps adapted

from Dörnyei (2011). There are transcribing the data, analyzing and classifying the

data, and interpreting the data.

In the first step, transcribing the data from videotaping and observation

check-list and transforming those recording data into a textual form. It described some

points such as the physical settings of events, behaviors, activities, and feelings

(Spardley, 1980; Bogdan & Biklen, 1992; LeCompte & Preissle, 1993 as cited in


The next step is analyzing and classifying. The data from the classroom

observation were analyzed and classified into some categories which related to the

teacher’s beliefs and the teacher’s practices. The main theme was about teaching

practices which were manipulated by the teacher’s beliefs in teaching English to

young learners.

In the last step, interpreting the data from the classroom observation to address the research and then drawing the conclusion about the teacher’s beliefs which influenced the teaching practices in teaching English to young learners.

3.4.2 Analysis data from the interview

The analysis of the interview was divided into three stages. Firstly, transcribe the data

which were gathered from an interview. Then, identify the theme or a coding process

the participants’ answer regarding their beliefs about the use of songs in teaching

English to young learners. After that, describe the data in-depth information about the

main points related to the teacher’s beliefs about the pedagogical value of using songs

in teaching English to young learners and the teaching practices of the teachers

related to the beliefs in teaching and learning a foreign language to young learners,

specifically in Indonesian context.

In the first stage, the data from the interview were transcribed to assist the

researcher to examine the general ideas regarding teaching English to young learners

through songs. It involved close observation of the data through listening process

repeatedly. The purpose in this process was it allowed the interview to be designed

into usable form. Furthermore, the data, which were irrelevant to the research

questions, were reduced in order to avoid misleading information.

The next stage, the data were identified with a coding process. Kerlinger

(1970 as cited in Cohen et al., 2007) defines coding as the translation of participants’

information and responses of the questions to particular categories for the purpose of

analysis. Furthermore, another purpose to use the coding process is to create an



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(Creswell, 2004). The categories were related to the teachers’ beliefs about the use of

songs in teaching English to young learners and the teacher’s practices which

influenced by the teacher’s beliefs in teaching and learning process.

The last stage in this section is data description. The data, which were

gathered by conducting an interview with the participant, were described, interpreted,

and concluded descriptively. The description and themes about the teacher’s beliefs

and the teacher’s practices were presented in the qualitative narrative to meet the


Sharina M. Westhisi, 2015




5.1 Conclusion

This research investigates the teacher’s beliefs in using songs in teaching English to young learners at Balai Bahasa UPI Bandung. Two research questions were employed

in this research covering the teacher’s beliefs regarding teaching English to young

learners and how the teacher’s beliefs influence the teaching practices in the young

learners’ classroom.

With regard to the first research question, there are three main points of the

teacher’s beliefs dealing with the usage of the songs in teaching English to young

learners. First, the teacher’s beliefs in using songs as teaching media to young

learners discover the advantages which can motivate the learners, provide fun

atmosphere, and facilitate their musical intelligence through the learning activities

since the young learners have natural ability to learn a language and natural sense of

the music which mention that the song can be used to create fun and pleased

atmospheres of learning activities in order to help them in the process of language

learning and acquisition (Cakir, 1999 as cited in Ara 2009; Chomsky, 1959 as cited in

Zacharias, 2010). Furthermore, the teacher believed that the music and the language

are similar whereas the song lyrics should have short, simple, and clear utterances

which aimed to help the process of the learning for the young learners. Second, the

teacher’s beliefs in improving the learners’ language skills through songs, which started from receptive skills to productive skills, gained the ability in enriching their

vocabulary, and also enhanced their skills in comprehending the grammar. Third, the

teacher’s beliefs in regard to the learning strategies in teaching English to young learners through song which unpacked four kinds of the learning strategies. There



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the post-activity, the repetition, the usage of gestures and pictures, and the

modification of the song lyrics as well. Those were functioned to assist the learners to

achieve the learning objectives in the learning process.

In responding to the second research question, generally the teacher was

capable to transform the beliefs to the teaching practices in the classroom (Pajares,

1992 as cited in Yoshihara, 2012). Those beliefs influenced the teacher’s practices in

the following ways. First, it obviously can be seen that the teacher provided the

learning activities which utilized the songs in delivering the topic such as introducing

and reviewing the materials effectively. Additionally, when the learning process

occurred, the learners felt happy and enjoy the learning process. It can be seen

through their expressions such as jumping, clapping, and laughing. Second, the

teacher’s practices were influenced by the beliefs related to the using songs in

improving the language skills. The findings showed that the learners proved that their

language skills, the vocabulary, and the grammar increased since the teacher knew

what she should do and how to employ the songs in order to assist the students in

achieving the learning objectives through songs. Their language abilities can be seen

when they could pronounce the vocabularies properly and they were able to make the

sentences grammatically. Third, the teacher’s beliefs regarding teaching English to

young learners through songs influenced the teacher’s practices in using the other

learning strategies such as using songs in the classroom might be accompanied by

using gestures and pictures. The findings showed that the songs which accompanied

by the gestures and the visual aids may assist them to improve the language skills and

to comprehend the lesson.

5.2 Suggestion

According to the findings and conclusions above, some suggestions are proposed.

First, the implementation of using songs in teaching English is applicable and

appropriate for the learners, particularly the young learners of EFL or ESL classroom.


Additionally, the teacher can create the fun and enjoyed ambiances in the teaching

process in order to reduce the anxiety of the learners who are learning a foreign


Second, the learners can ask the teacher to provide the songs based on their

needs and interests when the process of the learning took place. Moreover, a freedom

should be given to the learners in choosing and finding the songs related to the topic.

Then, those songs can be brought to the classroom and they can share the knowledge

of each other.

Furthermore, there are some possible recommendations for further research.

First, the researcher can choose another level of the students such as the kindergarten

students in conducting the research regarding teaching English through songs.

Second, the variety of the songs should be taken into account in further research.

Additionally, obstacle which occurs in the teaching practices during the

implementation should be investigated in further research.

5.3 Limitation of the Research

The findings of this present research focus on two major points. First, the teacher’s

beliefs in using songs in teaching English to young learners, specifically the

elementary students. Second, the teacher’s beliefs related to using songs in teaching English which influence the teacher’s practices in the young learners’ classroom. The

findings could not be generalizable because it has some limitations such as this

research was conducted in a small-scale, there was one English teacher who involved

in this research, and it has time limitation during conducting the research.

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