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Percubaan SPM Bahasa Inggeris Johor 2017 - Sumber Pendidikan SPMPERCBIK2C3


Academic year: 2017

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SULIT 1119/2

SECTION C (25 marks)

Questions 26 to 31 are based on the following passage.

1 but I have vivid memories. I remember getting transferred from one camp to another, and hiding in the jungle. I remember many people fleeing because of the civil war, and the Burmese army attacking my village. I remember kids like me, and also parents, not having anything. I remember sleeping under plastic sheeting.

We crossed the Thai/Burmese border and found our way to a refugee camp. I basically grew up in that camp. When we first settled, there wasn’t much. We only had a small shelter and it was very crowded. But as time went on, our living conditions got better. The United Nations and non-government organisations came to help. They gave us pots and pans and provided food. Different organisations helped with the school, and we went from learning on the floor to having chairs and tables.

I remember playing with my friends, playing with the mud after the rain and playing with rubber bands. When you’re little, even though you are living in a camp where there isn’t much, you don’t really know any better and you feel like that’s your home. Of course, sometimes my dad would talk about our homeland, but I don’t remember place where I was born.

We were there for ten years, from 1997-2007, before we were accepted into Australia. In the camp, they gave us cultural orientation. They told us about Western Culture and what Australia was like. They told us about schools. They showed us some native animals like kangaroos and koalas. They told us the rubbish would be taken out on certain days and showed us a video about going to the beach.

I was nearly 13 when we arrived. For the first few days I missed my home and my friends, but I was also happy to be starting my new life. We found a four-bedroom house in Fairfield. We had gas and didn’t have to use wood to cook anymore. We could turn on the tap and get clean water. But I was a bit surprised that neighbours don’t talk to each other here. In the camp, everyone knew each other.

English is very different to my native language. But I tried very hard to learn. I’m interested in doing nursing after high school, and maybe in the future continuing with something else in the health field.

I don’t go out much. I just enjoy staying at home. I have everything I need- a home, a car. I’m receiving an education at school. There really is nothing else I could ask for.


SULIT 1119/2

26. From paragraph 1, why did the writer run away from the village?



(1 mark)

27. From paragraph 2,

(a) Why did the writer’s living conditions improve?


(1 mark)

(b) How did the different organisations help the refugees in the camp?


(1 mark)

28. From paragraph 3, state two activities the writer enjoyed before she got accepted into Australia.



(1 mark)


(1 mark)

29. (a) From paragraph 5, give two pieces of evidence to show that the writer enjoyed her life in Australia.



(1 mark)




SULIT 1119/2

(b). From paragraph 6, why did the writer work very hard to learn English?


(1 mark)

30. In your own words, explain why the writer said “There really is nothing else I could ask

for” in line 35.

__________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2 marks)

31. Based on the passage, write a summary on:

* the type of help the refugees received and what the writer enjoyed in the camp

* the change she had gone through after moving to Australia

Credit will be given for use of own words but care must be taken not to change the original meaning.

Your summary must:

 Be in continuous form (not note form)  Use materials from line 6 to line 28

 Not be longer than 130 words, including the 10 words given below

Begin your summary as follows:

The refugees’ living conditions improved with help from the United...

(15 marks)


SULIT 1119/2


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