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Presented to STKIP PGRI JOMBANG in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

for Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris (S.Pd)



NIM. 1171074









NIM. 1171074

Approved on: 1st December 2015


Afi Ni’amah, M.Pd







NIM. 1171074

This thesis was examined and accepted by board of examiners of STKIP PGRI JOMBANG

Board of Examiners

Name Signature

Head of Examiner : Adib Darmawan, M.A ( )

Examiner I : Nanang Fitrianto, M.Pd ( )

Examiner II : Diana Mayasari, M.Pd ( )

Examiner III : Afi Ni’amah, M.Pd ( )

Jombang, Acknowledged by:

Head of English Department

Drs. Adib Darmawan, M.A



“Life is a game with obstacles encountered and when there is a chance, we have to seize it.”

“You will never know the true answer, before you try.”

By: Hitam Putih



This thesis is dedicated to:

1. My beloved parents (Muzayyaroh) and (Sadaruan, S.Pd.I) who always support and pray the best for me.



First of all, I would like to praise to Allah SWT, The God Almighty who has been giving me some mercies and blessings so that I can finish my bachelor study by completing this thesis.

Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to those who have helped me to accomplish this thesis. They are:

1. Dr. Winardi, S.H, M.Hum, as the chief of STKIP PGRI Jombang,

2. Drs. Adib Darmawan, M.A., as the head of English Department of STKIP

PGRI Jombang.

3. Ida Setyawati, S.Pd., M.Pd., as the secretary of English Department of STKIP

PGRI Jombang.

4. Afi Ni’amah, S.Pd., M.Pd., as my advisor who has guided, advised me, and

shared her knowledge that I can accomplish this thesis.

5. All of the lecturers in STKIP PGRI Jombang, especially in English Department.

6. All of my friends in STKIP PGRI Jombang especially 2011-D Class who

have given me support and accompany my days in campus.

The last, any critics and suggestions from the readers are hoped in order to improve this thesis as appropriately as possible.

Jombang, 1st December 2015

The Researcher




B. Context...11

C. Movie...14

D. Speech Act...14

E. Types of Illocutionary Acts...18

F. The Functions of Illocutionary Acts...19

G. Previous studies...20

H. Synopsis...22

I. Theoretical Framework...25


B. Source of data and data...28

C. Instrument of the study...28

D. Procedure of collecting data...29

E. Procedure of analyzing data ...29



Munir, Mishbahul. 2015. The Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in “American

Sniper” Movie. Thesis. English Department of STKIP PGRI Jombang. Advisor: Afi Ni’amah, M.Pd.

Keywords: Pragmatics, Illocutionary Act, American Sniper Movie

This thesis discussed illocutionary acts in “American Sniper” movie.

Illocutionary act is one of the elements of speech act which studies about speaker intended meaning in his or her utterance. There are five types of illocutionary acts, such as: assertive or representative, directive, commissive, expressive, and declarative. Illocutionary acts can be found in movie. The researcher used “American Sniper” movie to find out the types of illocutionary act produced by

main character (Chris Kyle). The researcher used theory of speech act especially

illocutionary act to understand what the speaker means by saying the utterances in “American Sniper” movie. Based on the statement above, the researcher

conducted research entitled “The Analysis of Illocutionary Acts in American

Sniper Movie.”

The problems discussed in this research were the types of illocutionary acts

used by the main character (Chris Kyle) and the functions of each utterance

uttered by the main character in “American Sniper” movie.

This research used qualitative method because the researcher in this research described any information by gathering the utterances that were uttered by the

main character (Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie.

The result of the research discussion showed that there were four types of

illocutionary acts used by the main character (Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper”

movie. They were: assertive or representative, directive, commissive, and expressive. In this research, the researcher didn’t find declarative type in his

utterances in “American Sniper” movie. In this research, there were four functions

used by the main character. Those were competitive, convivial, collaborative, and conflictive.



In this chapter, the researcher discusses Background of the study,

Problem of the study, Objective of the study, Significance of the study, Scope

and Limitation, and Definition of key terms.

A. Background of the study

Communication always occurs in the daily life of all human beings

in the world because it is a part of life to communicate with others.

Language is a tool of communication used by people to communicate and

to express their feelings such as sad or happy, to express thoughts and

ideas with others in order to get or to achieve what they want in their


When we have conversation with others, we produce an utterance

as type of action in the process of communication. That means language

can be used by many people to express their activities such as requesting,

ordering, thanking, promising, refusing, asserting, and treating. Those are

called speech act. Speech act is the act of saying something. In our social

life, we always communicate to share our intention to the hearer


We usually make an utterance with intended meaning of what our

words given. Meaning can be understood via context of what the speaker

intention. Understanding the context will make us easy to catch the

speaker means in his/her utterances. In daily communication, people do


something for him/her. Thus, people should have the ability to interpret the

meaning of speaker’s utterances in order that the communication can be


To understand the speaker means, we have to consider it based on

the context of the utterance. The study of speaker meaning is called

pragmatics. Pragmatics is one of the branches of linguistics which is

concerned with the study of meaning in context of the speaker utterance.

Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a

speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). It has

consequently, more to do with the analysis of what people mean by their

utterances than what the words or phrases and those utterances might

mean by themselves (Yule, 1996:3). Furthermore, Griffiths (2006:132)

defines that pragmatics is the study of how senders and addressees, in acts

of communications, rely on context to elaborate on literal meaning. In

addition, by studying pragmatics, we can talk about people’s intended

meanings, their assumptions, their purposes or goals, and the kinds of

actions that they are performing when they speak (Yule, 1996:4).

From the statement above, it can be understood that pragmatics is

used to study about speaker meaning according to the context of the

utterances and situation where it occurs. In pragmatics, we do not only

interpret the meaning of a speaker to the single word or sentence but we

have to interpret what the speaker means. There are many advantages that

we can learn from pragmatics study such as: understanding meaning based


pragmatics, we have to be able to interpret the speaker utterance in order

to understand the actual meaning of speaker utterance.

Speech act is one of the branches of pragmatics because it has

important role in the study of communication. Speech act has three types

of acts such as, locutionary, illocutionary and perlocutionary act. All of

them have different function in understanding speaker utterances. As

stated by Austin (1962) in Meyer (2009) that when speaking (or writing,

for that matter), we perform various “acts”: locutionary acts, illocutionary

acts, and perlocutionary acts. The difference between locutionary and

illocutionary acts is sometimes referred to as, respectively, the difference

between “saying” and “doing.”

Illocutionary act studies about nonliteral meaning of the speaker

utterances. Based on Searle (1999, 145) in Wardhaugh said that

illocutionary acts must be performed ‘intentionally.’ In order to

communicate something in a language that will be understood by another

speaker as an utterance it must be correctly uttered with its conventional

meaning and satisfy in truth conditions. We have to perform illocutionary

act with intended meaning as uttered by a speaker to the hearer based on

the situation and real condition. We need more knowledge to interpret the

speaker utterance which has intended meaning by studying illocutionary

act. There are several kinds of illocutionary act based on Searle (1975) in

Hughes and Gartsman (2007:117-118) states the classifications of

illocutionary act; representatives, directives, commissives, expressives,

and declaratives.


The researcher analyzes illocutionary act because most people still

have misunderstanding when they have conversation with others. It occurs

because of not knowing what is meant by the speaker utterance or

sentence. In a communication, people use their way of speaking by certain

means of the utterances expressed so, it is essential for them to know what

the utterance means when it is delivered. When a sentence is said by a

speaker, it does not refer to what actually means by the sentence but it has

indeed meaning.

Film entitled “American Sniper” which had been released in 2014

is interesting to analyze because it tells a true story of the main character

(Chris Kyle) who has been becoming the legend of sniper in US navy.

Before going to the SEALs, he wants to be a cowboy as his father did. His

father (Wayne Kyle) teaches him to shoot because Wayne Kyle wants him

has the ability to shoot like him. Then, when he (Chris Kyle) is watching

TV, he knows that the news said that there is a war in Iraq which has been

killed more than 80 people dead and 1700 people injured. After knowing

that accident, he goes to Armed Forces to join the SEALs. Then, he

becomes one of the marines and is sent to Iraq to protect people there in

order to save them from the War.

This movie has been nominated in MTV Movie Award in 2014

although it didn’t win the nomination. But this movie has won MTV

Movie award in Video Editing category in 2014. The main character of the

movie (Chris Kyle) won the best male performance category.

There are several researchers which have conducted the same fields

of study on speech act before. In this research, the researcher does not 4


discuss generally speech act study, but in a more specific study or

illocutionary act will be the focus of this research. Therefore, the

researcher conducts research entitled “The Analysis of Illocutionary Act

in “American Sniper” Movie”. From the tittle, the researcher would like

to analyze the utterances in the movie produced by the main character of

the movie (Chris Kyle).

B. Problem of the study

Related to the background of the study above, the researcher

formulates the problems of the study as follows:

1. What are the types of illocutionary acts used by the main character

(Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie?

2. What are the functions of each utterances expressed by the main

character (Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie?

C. Objective of the study

Based on the statement of the problem above, the researcher is

going to analyze the following objectives:

1. To know the types of illocutionary acts used by the main character

(Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie.

2. To know the functions of each utterances expressed by the main

character (Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie.

D. Significance of the study

The researcher expects that the result of this research can give

contribution for: 1. Theoretically

Giving some contributions to explore the knowledge of speech act

theory especially illocutionary acts. The researcher hopes that the

readers will understand about the theory of speech act especially

illocutionary act when they read this research in order to get the

additional knowledge of it.


2. Practically

The researcher hopes that this research can help the readers to

understand the theories of speech act especially illocutionary acts. It

can also be one of the references for the readers to study about the

types of illocutionary acts and it can be used as an additional

knowledge in pragmatics and other fields of linguistics. The result of

this research can be used by the teacher in Teaching Language of

English to teach the students about types of illocutionary acts. The

result also can be used as one of the references and additional

information for the next researchers.

E. Scope and Limitation

In this research, the researcher focuses on analyzing the utterances

of illocutionary acts which are used in “American Sniper” movie. The

researcher also limits the character that is Chris Kyle as the main character

of the movie.

F. Definition of Key terms 1. Speech Act

Speech act is the basic units of linguistic interaction, such as

give a warning to, greet, apply for, tell what, and confirm an

appointment (Griffiths, 2006: 148). When we utter something to

someone, our utterance also performs various acts such as requesting,

asking, stating, offering, thanking, etc. For example, “Can you pass the

salt for me?” it is included in requesting.

2. Illocutionary Act


The illocutionary act is performed via the communicative force

of an utterance (Yule, 1996:48). When people say to others, they

actually do not only say but their utterances also perform an act. For

example, “It is hot in this class.” (Speaker) and the statement means

that the speaker wants the listener to turn the fan on or the speaker

wants the listener to open the window.

3. American Sniper movie

American Sniper is one of action movies which had been

released in 2014. This movie told about a man whose name is Chris

Kyle. He lived in high disciplinary education of his father. Since a

child, his father taught him to shoot as well as him (his father). His

father was a cowboy and he wanted Chris to be a cowboy like him.

Chris Kyle really wanted to be a cowboy but because of the condition

of War in Iraq, he finally decided to join the Navy in order to protect

people there. He worked hard to be the Navy until Chris became the

US Navy. From the War, Chris became the legend of sniper in the

history of US Navy and also in the world.




In this chapter, the researcher reviews the related theories as follows:

Pragmatics, Context, Movie, Speech act, Types of Speech act, and Functions

of illocutionary acts.

A. Pragmatics

When people hear an utterance, they do not only try to understand

to the single word or sentence uttered but also try to understand the

meaning of what the speaker said. To understand the meaning, the speaker

needs to pay attention via context in order that the communication can run


Talking about language, we have known the two branches of

linguistics which focus on the study of meaning. Those are pragmatics and

semantics studies. Pragmatics refers to the study of meaning based on the

context of situation or it can be said speaker meaning while semantics

refers to the study of meaning based on the sentence or word meaning.

Both of them refer to the relationship of meaning but in different side. Pragmatics is the study of how senders and addressees, in acts of

communications, rely on context to elaborate on literal meaning (Griffiths,

2006:132). Pragmatics focuses on the study of meaning and it is more

deeply in the context of meaning or speaker’s actual meaning. We have to

know the pragmatics itself to understand the meaning of something

according to the context of situation. Every utterances of someone or


means literally because what he or she says may be different with his or

her intended meaning of his or her utterances. We have to understand the

context of the speaker’s saying. It is essential for us to study about

meaning correlated with context of situation. Talking about context, we

should have more knowledge to catch the speaker meaning or speaker’s


Fromkin (2003:173) in Siti Khafidloh (2013)

The study of linguistic meaning of morphemes, words, phrases and sentences is called semantics. Subfields of semantics are lexical semantics, which is concerned with the meanings of the words, and the meaning relationships among words; and phrasal, or sentential semantics, which is concerned with the meaning of syntactic units larger than the word. The study of how contexts affects meaning – for

example, how sentence ‘It’s cold in here’ comes to be interpreted as

‘Close the window’ in certain situations – is called pragmatics.

Pragmatics is about the use of language in context, where context

includes both the linguistics and/or situational context of an utterance/ text

sentence. It is appropriately stated by Fromkin et al. (2011:167) that

pragmatics is concerned with our understanding of language in context.

Communication clearly depends on not only recognizing the meaning of

words in an utterance, but recognizing what speakers mean by their

utterances. Pragmatics is the study of what speakers mean, or “speaker

meaning” (Yule, 2010:127). When we speak with others, it is important for

us to interpret the meaning and also understand what the speaker means in

the communication. They do not only interpret a single word but also

interpret what is meant by their utterances.

Yule stated in his book “Pragmatics” that pragmatics is the study of

the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms 10


(1996: 4). It means that pragmatics focused on the linguistics forms of a

speaker in which they are correlated each other. Furthermore, it is based on

the speaker meaning and linguistics forms. Pragmatics emphasizes on the

meaning of either word or sentence based on the speaker’s utterance and

context of situation.

From the above statements, generally, definition of pragmatics

cannot be separated from language and context. Thus, it can be concluded

that pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning of an utterance based on

context so that, the communication can run well. We have to realize that

the ability of language is not only from the appropriateness of the

grammatical rules but also from pragmatics rules.

B. Context

To understand what a speaker means, we have to consider it with

its context. Context is the important part in understanding about pragmatic

meaning because we can catch the actual meaning of a speaker when

uttering an utterance which has intended meaning. By knowing the

context, we can assume what is meant by speaker utterance and how the

hearer interprets what a speaker means in order to understand the intended

meaning of a speaker.

Leech (1983:13) defines that context is any background knowledge

assumed to be shared by speaker and hearer and which contributes the

hearer’s interpretation of what speaker means by a given utterance. Based


are for; it is also what gives our utterances their true pragmatic meaning

and allows them to be counted as true pragmatic acts.

From the definitions above, it can be concluded that context is the

basic knowledge of what speaker and hearer have in their minds to

understand the speaker utterance and the hearer can interpret what the

speaker means in his or her utterance. In pragmatics, context determines

what is said by a speaker and it does not refer to a single word or sentence

but the speaker meaning.

According to Cutting (2002:3) stated that there are three

sorts of contexts:

1. Situational context: the immediate physical copresence, the

situation where the interaction is taking place at the moment of

speaking. Example:

A male lecture from London is explaining a mathematical

problem to a male pupil from London, named Berkam:

Lecturer : Forty-nine? Why do you say forty-nine?

Pupil : Cos there’s another one here.

Lecturer : Right, we’ve got forty-nine there, haven’t we? But there’s two, okay? Now, what is it that we’ve got two of? Well,

let me give you a clue. Erm, this here is forty, that’s four tens,

four tens are forty.

2. Background knowledge context

The second type of context is that of assumed background

knowledge. This can be either:

a. Cultural general knowledge that most people carry with them in their minds, about areas of life.


b. Interpersonal knowledge, specific and possibly private knowledge about the history of the speakers themselves. Example:

Her : How are you?

Him : Ok

Her : Did you have friends in and get a video last night?

Him : Oh, I had friends in but we just watched a little TV.

Her : All right.

Him : That was great, How do you feel?

Her : Ok

3. Co-textual context

Co-text refers to the words or sentences surrounding any

piece of written (or spoken) text (linguistic context). Example:

a. The cheese sandwich is made with white bread. b. The cheese sandwich left without paying.

C. Movie

Movie is a recording of moving images that tells a story and that

people watch on a screen or television (


Movie is a picture movement that has sequence events which tell a

story and it is usually shown on television. People watch movie to

entertain themselves. They can choose movie that they like such as sad

movie, fun movie or horror movie. All kinds of movies have their own

genres in entertaining people. People can feel comfort and glad when

watching fun movie. People can feel sad or cry in their heart when

watching sad movie. People can also feel very afraid when watching

horror movie. What is told in a story of movie can make people to get

more knowledge after watching movie that they are interested in.

D. Speech Acts


When people say something to others, they do not only say things.

They perform an act by speaking. According to Yule (1996:47) says that in

attempting to express themselves, people do not only produce utterances

containing grammatical structures and words, they also perform actions

via those utterances”. In communication, people do not only deliver

utterances which have been structured but they also perform certain force

in their utterances. Furthermore, he adds that actions performed via

utterances are generally called speech acts. Based on Mey (2001:95) states

that speech acts are verbal actions happening in the world. Uttering speech

act, the speakers do something with their words. The speaker performs an

activity that brings about a change in the existing state of affairs.

From both definitions, the researcher concludes that speech act is

an action which is done by the speaker with their utterances. When speaker

utters speech act, it means that the speaker also does something with his or

her words.

All utterances which are said by a speaker have meaning in its

form. It also has certain function in human communication. Sometimes,

people deliver utterances with intended meaning because what speaker

says may be different with what is intended by a speaker in his or her

utterance. It is important for us to be able to interpret what the speaker

means in his or her words or sentences in order to get the aims in the


In understanding the form of the utterances, we have known three


illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act. The followings are the discussion

of three types of acts which become the main core in human speech:

1. Locutionary act

Locutionary act is the basic act of producing a meaningful

expression of an utterance. It deals with meaning of word or sentence

which is appropriate in the dictionary and principle of syntax. The

locutionary act is the act of saying something (Riemer, 2010:109). From the definition above, the researcher concludes that

locutionary act is the act of uttering something to the addressee

literally or it can be said that the meaning of sentence is equal with

what the speaker utterance without considering to the context. Thus, in

pragmatic view, locutionary act has less important role in

understanding speech act. For example, “You will get your hands

blown off”. A speaker performs the locutionary act of stating that the

hearer will get their hands blown off.

2. Illocutionary act

Most people sometimes deliver an utterance with intended

meaning to the addressee (hearer). Illocutionary act is performed via

the communicative force of an utterance. Illocutionary act is an

utterance with some kind of function in mind. Someone might utter to

make a statement, an offer, an explanation, or for other communicative

purpose. This is also generally known as the illocutionary force of the

utterance (Yule, 1996:48).

Other definition from Hurford et al. (2007:273) said that the


viewed in terms of the utterance’s significance within a conventional

system of social interaction. One way to think about the illocutionary

act is that it reflects the intention of the speaker in making the

utterance in the first place. In addition, Riemer (2010: 109) explores

that illocutionary act is the act that the speaker performs in saying


From those definitions, it can be concluded that illocutionary

act is the action of a speaker through the utterance which has an

illocutionary force, i.e. “You will get your hands blown off” performs

illocutionary act of warning. The utterance has illocutionary force of a

warning, thanking, congratulating, and advising.

3. Perlocutionary act

It is the result of hearer’s interpretation of an utterance. When

people are communicating, they also make certain effect via their

utterances. Perlocutionary act is the act which is done by a speaker to

produce an effect on the hearer’s interpretation by a given utterance.

According to Hurford et al. (2007:271) states that the perlocutionary

act carried out by a speaker making an utterance is the act of causing a

certain effect on the hearer and others. In Riemer (2010: 109) defines

perlocutionary act is the act of producing an effect in the hearer by

means of the utterance. So, perlocutionary act is the effect on the

addressee towards the speaker utterance.

From those definitions, it can be concluded that perlocutionary

act is the effect on the addressee’s interpretation of the utterance. For

example, “You will get your hands blown off”. The effect of the



utterance is that the speaker may be to dissuade the hearer from

playing with a lighter and a stick of dynamite, to frighten the hearer, to

encourage them to go on provocatively waving a naked flame in front

of a bag of fireworks.

E. Types of Illocutionary Acts

According to Searle, he classified illocutionary act into five types.

Those are assertive, directive, commissive, expressive and declarative.

Searle (1975) in Cruse (2002:342) has classified the types of illocutionary

acts as follows:

1. Assertives

Assertives commit the speaker to the truth of the expressed

proposition: state, suggest, boast, complain, claim, report, warn (that).

2. Directives

Directives have the intention of eliciting some sort of action on the

part of the hearer (get the addressee to do something towards what the

speaker said): order, command, request, beg, beseech, advise (to),

warn (to), recommend, ask, ask (to).

3. Commissives

Commissives commit the speaker to some future action: promise,

vow, offer, undertake, contract, and threaten.

4. Expressives

Expressives make known the speaker’ psychological attitude to a

presupposed state of affairs: thank, congratulate, condole, praise,

blame, forgive, pardon.

5. Declaratives

Declaratives are said to bring about a change in reality: that is to

say, the world is in some way no longer the same after they have been


world over and above the fact that they have been carried out. The

second point is that they standardly encode such changes: resign,

dismiss, divorce (in Islam), christen, name, open (e.g. an exhibition),

excommunicate, sentence (in court), consecrate, bid (at auction),

declare (at cricket).

In this research, the researcher will give exploration types of

illocutionary act according to Searle theory of speech act. Those

classifications of illocutionary act are commissive, representative or

assertive, directive, expressive, and declarative. They will be the focus of

this research in understanding the type illocutionary acts.

F. The Function of Illocutionary Acts

Leech (1993:104) has proposed the illocutionary act s based on its

functions. It is based on how illocutionary acts relate to the social goals or

purposes of arranging and setting up in a polite ways. There are four types

of illocutionary act functions such as, competitive, convivial,

collaborative, and conflictive. The form types of illocutionary acts

functions are described below:

1. Competitive aims at competing with the social purposes, such as ordering, asking, demanding, and begging. It is intended to produce

some effects through action by the hearer. For example, “I ask your

money, please” it is kind of asking.


2. Convivial aims in compliance with the social purposes, for instance offering, inviting, greeting, thanking and congratulating. For example,

“Can I help you with this?” it is kind of offering.

3. Collaborative aims at ignoring the social purposes as like asserting, reporting, announcing, and instructing. It commits the speaker to the

truth of expressed proposition. For example, “I like this book”. It is

kind of reporting.

4. Conflictive aims at conflicting against the social purposes, such as threatening, accusing, and reprimanding. If you say again “I will say to

your father”. It is kind of threatening.

G. Previous Studies

There are several studies which have been conducted previously by

researchers. The previous studies have their own classifications in their

research. In this research, the researcher explains each of the previous

studies briefly as follows:

The first previous study was conducted by Wardani who graduated

in 2011. Her study entitled “An Analysis of Illocutionary Act in Prince of

Persia: The Sand of Time Movie”. In her study, she analyzed kinds of

illocutionary acts used in Dastan’s utterances as the main character based

on the contexts occurred in the Prince of Persia: The Sand of Time movie. The second previous study was conducted by Faidhah who

graduated in 2014. Her study entitled “The Analysis of Illocutionary Act of

The Novel “Port Royal” by Linda Chaikin”. In her study, she analyzed


Chaikin. She focused on the types of illocutionary acts used in the novel

itself. She used descriptive research approach in her study.

The third previous study was conducted by Zumaroh who

graduated in 2012. Her study entitled “The Analysis of Speech Act Used in

“Air Force One” Movie Script”. In her study, she analyzed kinds of

utterances in the dialogue taken from Air Force One movie script. Her

focus of the study is in the kinds of speech act that are used in the movie

script. She used descriptive qualitative in her study.

From the three previous studies which have been described above,

the researcher conducts the similar research entitled “The Analysis of

Illocutionary act in American Sniper Movie”. Those previous studies are

used to help the researcher in giving general view for people about speech

act. The researcher distinguished the similarities among three previous

studies with the research conducted by the researcher. The first, the

researcher used pragmatics approach to analyze the utterances. The

second, the researcher analyzed types of illocutionary acts and this

research has several differences among three previous studies. First, the

researcher used American Sniper movie which is considered as action

movie while three previous studies used novel, movie script, and the sand

of time movie considered as dramatic movie as the object. Second, the

researcher used the theory of illocutionary act by Searle in this research

and those previous studies tended to use Austin’s theory of illocutionary

act in analyzing the utterances.

H. Synopsis


This film tells the story from the childhood of Chris Kyle up to his

tragic death. He was born of a simple family cowboy with a very high

education discipline of his father who was a cowboy.

Since the beginning, Chris implanted protective properties to his

brother who is often bullied at school. His father taught him to be a

predator to protect the family. From there the character of Chris who had

the instinct to protect evidenced after he joined the US Army despite

including a little old time register themselves, i.e. at the age of 30 years.

Exercise of the father who taught him to shoot the animals hunted in the

jungle was very helpful in his career to become a sniper.

In Ramadi, Iraq, the city where he was assigned had made his

name very well known and most casualties from the enemy. On the other

hand, there are hundreds of US soldiers who he rescued from Al-Qaeda

fighters who was under the command of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. Wild

state in Iraqi cities covered chaos into a hostile arena combat for US

troops. Besides patriotists ready to confront, there also is no less accurate

sniper Chris Kyle on the enemy side.

He is a recipient of a gold medal athlete Syrian sniper the sniper

also succeeded in killing dozens or even dozens of US troops. Even Chris

Kyle himself almost became a victim of his shot. Two friends of Kyle


spurred him to engage in retaliation. There is one point, the operation is

devoted to search for the Syrian sniper hiding in high-rise building which

is actually quite impossible to find. But by Chris Kyle actual shooting

glasses according to his friends far beyond the reach of the shot, the shot

smelling speculation proved successful sniper killing of the enemy.

Although it has the killing instinct is very high, but the humanist

side Chris Kyle displayed on this film. He's not a cold-blooded in real life.

One time she had cheated by her boyfriend, but he did not kill his

girlfriend affair. There was one when well when he had to shoot women

and children who carry the mortar that will be thrown at a convoy of US

troops, but with extreme caution, and he was forced to shoot them dead. On one other occasion, Chris Kyle let go of a little boy who was

about to direct the bazooka guns toward the US military. As a husband for

Taya and father for her children, Chris is very responsible. But the

patriotic spirit demonstrated higher than his role as head of the family.

Chris Kyle was willing to leave his wife for the sake of duty of the state as

much as 4x, 2x them when his wife during the pregnancy.

Although it has been sacrificed for the country, the life story of

soldiers who have received various awards stars of this country are not

comparable with the reciprocal she did. There are events in which her baby

abandoned by hospital nurses. Even the tragic end of his life who died at

the hands of a young veteran whose family wanted her help.


I. Theoretical Framework

Linguistics is the study of language. One of the branches of

linguistics which study about meaning of language is pragmatics and

semantics studies. Those terms focus on the study of meaning in language

but in different side.

As stated by Griffiths (2006:1)

Semantics is the study of the “toolkit” for meaning: knowledge encoded in the vocabulary of the language and in its patterns for building more elaborate meanings, up to the level of sentence meanings. Pragmatics is concerned with the use of these tools in meaningful communication. Pragmatics is about the interaction of semantic knowledge with our knowledge of the world, taking into account contexts of use.

Semantics is the study about sentence meaning while pragmatics is

the study about speaker meaning according to the context of the utterance.

On the other hands, semantics is about to understand the meaning of a

sentence which is elaborated literally. In semantics, we do not need to

consider the meaning based on context of the speaker and addressee.

Pragmatics studies about meaning in context of a speaker. Talking about 25

Meaning Linguistics

Giving conclusion “American Sniper” movie


context is very interesting because it can determine the actual meaning of a

speaker on the hearer’s interpretation. Pragmatics meaning depends on the

context of the speaker utterance.

In pragmatics, we have the terms speech act which understands

about speech form of the speaker. There are three kinds of speech acts

such as locutionary act, illocutionary act, and perlocutionary act.

This research aims at understanding illocutionary acts which are

expressed by the main character in the movie entitled “American Sniper”.

After finding the utterances which include in the types of illocutionary act,

the researcher analyzes the utterances expressed by the main character



In this chapter, the researcher showed the way of conducting this

research such as: Research design, Source of data and data, Instrument of the

study, Procedure of collecting data, and Procedure of analyzing data.

A. Research Design

Research designs are the specific procedures involved in the

research process: data collection, data analysis, and report writing

(Creswell, 2012:20). It means that research design is procedures or steps

which have important roles in the research process such as data collection,

data analysis, and report writing.

In this research, the researcher used qualitative research method.

Qualitative research method is defined as a research procedure which

produces descriptive data in the form of words written or spoken of the

person (Bogdan and Taylor 1975:5 in Moleong 2002:4). It can be said that

qualitative research method is a procedure of research which results the

data in words form and it does not form numerical as the result because the

data will be in the form of descriptions or written form as the result of

qualitative research.

The researcher used qualitative method because in this research,

the researcher described any information by gathering the utterances that

were uttered by the main character (Chris Kyle) in “American Sniper”


This research also included in phenomenological research because

in this research, the researcher found out phenomenon or utterances 27


expressed by the main character included in the types of illocutionary act

in “American Sniper” movie.

B. Source of data and data (object of study)

Mack (2005:3) states that the source of data is something that is

obtained in the form of textual, such as: audiotapes, videotapes, film, and

field notes. The source of data in this research used by the researcher was

American Sniper movie because the data of this research were taken from

the movie.

This research focused on illocutionary act used by the main

character in the movie of “American Sniper”. Thus, the data of this

research were taken from the utterances produced by main character (Chris

Kyle) in “American Sniper” movie. In this research, the researcher’s

object was the American movie entitled “American Sniper” which limited

the utterances found in the movie itself. The utterances in the movie were

the ones that included in the type of illocutionary acts.

C. Instrument of the study

The instrument of this research is essential to get the data. The

main instrument of this research was the researcher himself. As stated by

Bogdan (1975:29) qualitative research has the natural setting as the direct

source of data and the researcher as the key instrument. From the

statement above, the researcher concluded that the instrument of this

research was the researcher himself as the major instrument in this

research and had an important role to obtain the data. The researcher used

this way because the data of this research was in the form of words. The

researcher gathered and analyzed the data based on the collected data in


The secondary instrument of this research was an observation

beside human as key instrument in qualitative research because the

researcher also used field notes to collect and analyze the data in

American Sniper movie or Chris Kyle’s utterances in this case. As stated

by Creswell (2009:181) said that qualitative observations are those in

which the researcher takes field notes on the behavior and activities of

individuals at the research site.

D. Procedure of collecting data

In collecting the data, the researcher has conducted several steps as

the followings:

1. The researcher found out the movie and also the script of it by

downloading from the internet.

2. After finding the movie and the script, the researcher watched

American Sniper movie three times then analyzed the script of movie.

The researcher concerned to Chris’s utterances.

3. Then the researcher found out and then took notes the utterances

included in the type and the functions of illocutionary act expressed by

Chris Kyle in American Sniper movie.

4. After getting all data needed, the researcher identified each of his

utterances based on the theories of illocutionary act.

5. After identifying each of his utterances, the researcher classified the

data which dealt with this research.


massive amounts of field notes, interview transcripts, audio recordings,

video data, reflections, or information from documents, all of which must

be examined and interpreted. (Ary, 2010: 481). This research used field

notes to analyze the data and needed much time and also hard process to

interpret the collected data.

After collecting the data, the researcher continued analyzing the

data which have been collected as the followings: 1. Reviewing

The first step, the researcher reviewed the data or utterances

which have been collected from the movie expressed by the main


2. Identifying

The second step, the researcher identified the data based on the

theories of illocutionary act according to Searle. He classified

expressed by the main character into assertive/representative, directive,

commissive, expressive, and declarative. 4. Describing

The fourth step, the researcher described and analyzed the

types and the functions of illocutionary acts found in Chris’ utterances. 5. Concluding

The last step, the researcher gave conclusion based on the

analyses which have been conducted.




In this chapter, the researcher presents research findings of

illocutionary act expressed by the main character (Chris Kyle). This chapter is

divided into two sections. They are research finding and discussion. The

finding is also divided into two parts. Those are the types of illocutionary act

and the functions of illocutionary act.

A. Findings

1. The Types of Illocutionary Act 1) Assertives

a) Oh. Uh, no I wanted to be a cowboy, but… I don’t know. I did that. I thought I was meant for something more. (IA-1)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Here, when Taya asks Chris “Did you

always want to be a soldier?” then Chris answers “I wanted to be a

cowboy but I did that and I felt like I was meant for more”. In his

utterance, Chris tells to her about what he has in his own. He said

that he has become a cowboy and has the ability to shoot since he

was child. He really wants to be a soldier.

b) Negative sir. There is something out there. (IA-2)



The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Here, when Chris tries to shoot towards the

target, then PO Tosh asks him to close his eye but Chris says to

him that there is something there. Thus, Chris doesn’t close his eye

in order to shoot appropriately on target.

c) There was a kid who barely had any hair on his balls. Mother gives him a grenade. Sends him out there to kill Marines. Dude, that was evil like I never seen before. (IA-3)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Here, Chris tells to Biggles that this kid is

still a child but his mother gives him a grenade to kill Marines.

They both are out of building and his mother is carrying a grenade

in her cloth towards the Marines.

d) Uhn, fuck. They were clean, right? (IA-4)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” and it commits the speaker to the truth of the expressed

proposition because Chris knows that those shots are off target so,

he says, “And they were clean, right?”

e) I got six…well, that’s not true. I got eight…but they dragged two off. (IA-5)


The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Here, Chris reports to Marc Lee that he has

killed eight men but he only says six men because two of his guys

are killed so, he counts his kills six.

f) It’s a boy! (IA-9)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. When Taya calls him, she tells Chris that he

will have a son from her as what he expects at first.

g) Hey, some help here? My daughter’s crying. That’s my daughter over there. I think she is crying. Tend to her, please! Excuse me. Hey! Hey where you going? Hey! Hey, would you tend to my daughter, please? Hey! Hey, tend to my daughter, please! Right now! (IA-17)

When Chris at the hospital to visit his daughter, he knows

that his daughter is crying but Chris cannot enter to the room so he

only looks at his daughter from the door. Chris tries to call the

nurse but she doesn’t care of him. Chris wants the nurse to tend to

his daughter because she is crying loudly. This utterance includes

in the type of illocutionary act “Assertive” because it commits the

speaker to the truth of the expressed proposition. The utterance

which indicates assertive type is “My daughter’s crying. That’s my


h) For what? What are you sorry for? It’s my fault we went on that roof. (IA-18)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Chris realizes that it is his fault so, Biggles

doesn’t need to be sorry for. Chris feels very regret because

Biggles got shot when he and Chris are at the top of the building to

search the bad guys.

i) I’m right here, right here. Oh shit, you are blind as a bat. (IA-19)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because when Chris visits Biggles at the hospital, then

he goes to the room where Biggles is taking care. Chris greets him

and he replies Chris’ greeting. Then, Biggles is not able to see

where Chris at and Chris answers that he is beside him. Chris is

little bit sad because that shot makes his condition so bad. The

utterance which indicates assertive type is “I’m right here, right


j) All clear. Set security. (IA-21)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive”. Chris tells to his guys that this building is clear and

safety for hunting the bad guys. Chris and his guys are moving

around in the building to make sure that this building is secure. The

utterance which indicates assertive type is “all clear”.


k) Correction. It’s 2100 yards out. (IA-23)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. In his utterance, Chris is very confidence in

his mind that he is able to shoot the man (the butcher) although it is

a bit possible to shoot him in distance 2100 meters. He tries to

believe in himself in order to make Biggles be proud to him


l) He has eyes on our guys. (IA-24)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive” because it commits the speaker to the truth of the

expressed proposition. Here, Chris reports that the man (the

butcher) is still seeing around his guys and Chris can do well his

mission to shoot the man down in order to do it for Biggles who

died in the butcher’s hand. Other guys are surprised by him

because he can make the man down.

m) Tango down (IA-25)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Assertive”. Chris reports to his guys that our main enemy has

been down. After Chris had an eye to the Butcher in distance 2100

yards, he tries to finish his mission to kill the man because the man

had killed his several guys. Actually his mission is for Biggles who


Biggles in order to make Biggles proud and glad. What Chris did

was successful. The utterance which indicates assertive type is

“tango down”

2) Directives

a) That is not the way the call home is supposed to go, babe. (IA-6)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because when Taya asks to Chris “have you killed

anyone yet?” and Chris answers “That is not the way the call home

is supposed to go, babe”. Here, Chris tries not to answer Taya’s

question because he doesn’t want his wife to be sorry about what

Chris does.

b) Moving. Get down! Get down on the ground right now! Get your fucking ass down! (IA-8)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because when Chris and his guys are looking for the

bad guys in house to house, they are still finding a family living in

the house where the war occurs. They directly evacuate the family.

Chris asks to his guys to get down the man (father) because he

doesn’t want anyone to live in the war area. The utterance which

indicates directive type is “Get down! Get down on the ground

right now!”

c) Check. Came in at an angel. Be 300 or more yards out. (IA-10)



The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“directive” because Chris orders Marc Lee to check as like there is

a shot towards us and it kills the driver of the truck in the middle of

the journey. Chris predicts that the shot came in from distance 300

or more out.

d) No, I don’t want you getting that in your head. (IA-12)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because it gets the hearer to do something. Although

Taya says, “You’re not protecting me by not talking about it.” But

Chris replies, “No, I don’t want you getting that in your head.”

Because he doesn’t want her to worry about what Chris does now

and he also wants her not to think so much about him. Chris

doesn’t want to answer her question because he will be fine. The

utterance which indicates directive type is “No, I don’t want you

getting that in your head.”

e) Well, don’t tell my wife. She might take that number right now. (IA-15)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive”. It orders someone to do something (Chris Kyle: Well,

don’t tell my wife, she might take that number right about now).

Chris wants Col. Jones not to tell his wife that he is the most

wanted man in Iraq and he doesn’t want his wife to call him. He


understands that he will not tell his wife about what he does in

order to hunt the Butcher and to protect the people there. The

utterance which indicates directive type is “Well, don’t tell my wife.

She might take that number right now.”

f) Pick it up off the floor. Off the floor. Make sure you get all of them up. Well, you got one back here. (IA-16)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because it gets someone to do something. This

utterance means that Chris wants car reparatory to get down his car

because he is still paying the payment to the receptionist in order to

be able to go directly.

3) Commissives

a) Oh fuck this. I’m gonna go clear houses with Marines. (IA-7)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Commissive” because it commits the speaker to some future

action. Here, Chris wants to join with his guys to clear the houses

because at the top of the building, Chris is not able to see the target

clearly. They are looking for the bad guys in the building.

b) We have to do that. You are my brother and they are gonna fucking pay for what they did to you. (IA-20)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Commissive” because When Chris visits him at the hospital where

Biggles is taking care after he got shot in that building. Chris says


fucking pay for what they did to you”. This means that Chris

promises to Biggles that he will find him and kill him for Biggles.

Chris wants to make him glad after the accident.

4) Expressives

Expressives make known the speaker’ psychological attitude to

a presupposed state of affairs: thank, congratulate, condole, praise,

blame, forgive, pardon.

a) Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry (IA-11)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Expressive” because when Taya is waiting for him in the airport.

She feels very glad when meeting him again. When Taya asks to

him, “I thought you were dead” then, Chris answers, “Yeah, I

know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry”. This utterance means that Chris feels

very sorry to her because he has made Taya feel worried about

what Chris is doing now. Chris also feels sorry to her because he is

not at home when she needs him in her side. The utterance which

indicates expressive type is “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry”

b) I’m proud of you. Dad’s too. Dad’s proud of you. (IA-13)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Expressive” because when Chris at the airport, he meets his

brother (Jeff). Chris feels very glad and proud of his brother (Jeff).

Although Jeff says, “I’m just tired, man. I’m going home.” Chris is

still very proud to him because he can prove to his father that Jeff


expressive type is “I’m proud of you. Dad’s too. Dad’s proud of


c) Thank you, sir. (IA-14)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Expressive” because when Chris is in the helicopter with Col.

Jones and his guys, Chris expresses his gratitude to Col. Jones

when Col. Jones says, “You made Chief. Congratulations.” Then,

Chris answers, “Thank you, sir”. He is very confidence and very

happy to be a chief in US Navy.

d) Shit. Shot came from the east! We set up in the wrong fucking direction. (IA-22)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“expressive”. After Chris has already set up his position, he knows

that one of his guys is down after getting shot from the east. He

also realizes that the shot came from the Butcher and Chris feels

very disappointed that he has set up the wrong position. The

utterance which indicates expressive type is “Shit!”

5) Declaratives

Declaratives are said to bring about a change in reality: that is

to say, the world is in some way no longer the same after they have

been said. The point about these is, first, that they cause a change

in the world over and above the fact that they have been carried

out. The second point is that they standardly encode such changes:

resign, dismiss, divorce (in Islam), christen, name, open (e.g. an


exhibition), excommunicate, sentence (in court), consecrate, bid

(at auction), declare (at cricket). In this research, the researcher

didn’t find any declarative types in his utterances (Chris Kyle).

2. The Functions of Illocutionary Act 1) Competitive

a) Moving. Get down! Get down on the ground right now! Get your fucking ass down! (IA-8)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because when Chris and his guys are looking for

the bad guys in house to house, they are still finding a family

living in the house where the war occurs. They directly

evacuate the family. Chris asks to his guys to get down the man

(father) because he doesn’t want anyone to live in the war area.

The utterance which indicates directive type is “Get down! Get

down on the ground right now!” This utterance includes in

competitive function to make an effect on the hearer.

b) Check. Came in at an angel. Be 300 or more yards out. (IA-10)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“directive” because Chris orders Marc Lee to check as like

there is a shot towards us and it kills the driver of the truck in

the middle of the journey. Chris predicts that the shot came in

from distance 300 or more out. This utterance includes in

competitive function in his utterance to make an effect on the

hearer. It is kind of commanding.


c) No, I don’t want you getting that in your head. (IA-12)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because it gets the hearer to do something.

Although Taya says, “You’re not protecting me by not talking

about it.” But Chris replies, “No, I don’t want you getting that

in your head.” Because he doesn’t want her to worry about

what Chris does now and he also wants her not to think so

much about him. Chris doesn’t want to answer her question

because he will be fine. The utterance which indicates directive

type is “No, I don’t want you getting that in your head.” This

utterance includes in competitive function because it has the

hearer to do something. It is kind of advising.

d) Well, don’t tell my wife. She might take that number right now. (IA-15)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive”. It orders someone to do something (Chris Kyle:

Well, don’t tell my wife, she might take that number right about

now). Chris wants Col. Jones not to tell his wife that he is the

most wanted man in Iraq and he doesn’t want his wife to call

him. He also doesn’t want Taya to be sorry for. Then, Col.

Jones understands that he will not tell his wife about what he

does in order to hunt the Butcher and to protect the people

there. The utterance which indicates directive type is “Well,


utterance includes in competitive function because it has the

hearer to do something. It is kind of commanding.

e) Pick it up off the floor. Off the floor. Make sure you get all of them up. Well, you got one back here. (IA-16)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Directive” because it gets someone to do something. This

utterance means that Chris wants car reparatory to get down his

car because he is still paying the payment to the receptionist in

order to be able to go directly. This utterance includes in

competitive function because it has the hearer to do something.

It is kind of asking.

2) Convivial

a) Oh fuck this. I’m gonna go clear houses with Marines. (IA-7)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Commissive” because it commits the speaker to some future

action. Here, Chris wants to join with his guys to clear the

houses because at the top of the building, Chris is not able to

see the target clearly. They are looking for the bad guys in the

building. This utterance has convivial function because it aims

in compliance with the social purpose.

b) We have to do that. You are my brother and they are gonna fucking pay for what they did to you. (IA-20)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Commissive” because When Chris visits him at the hospital 44


where Biggles is taking care after he got shot in that building.

Chris says to him, “we have to do that. You are my brother and

they are gonna fucking pay for what they did to you”. This

means that Chris promises to Biggles that he will find him and

kill him for Biggles. Chris wants to make him glad after the

accident. This utterance has convivial function because it aims

in compliance with the social purpose.

c) Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry (IA-11)

The utterance includes in the type of illocutionary act

“Expressive” because when Taya is waiting for him in the

airport. She feels very glad when meeting him again. When

Taya asks to him, “I thought you were dead” then, Chris

answers, “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry”. This utterance

means that Chris feels very sorry to her because he has made

Taya feel worried about what Chris is doing now. Chris also

feels sorry to her because he is not at home when she needs

him in her side. The utterance which indicates expressive type

is “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry. I’m sorry” This utterance has

convivial function because it aims in compliance with the

social purpose.

d) I’m proud of you. Dad’s too. Dad’s proud of you. (IA-13)




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