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Team Building Activities in Northamptonshire the Ideal Corporate Event


Academic year: 2017

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347 Summary:

Northamptonshire, a place known for its annual ˆHighland Games˜ is the ideal corporate event venue for holding the team building activities you are looking for. If you are in search of some exciting outdoor corporate activities, then this is just the right place for you.


corporate event,corporate activities,team building event,fun,outdoor corporate activity

Article Body:

Northamptonshire, a place known for its annual ˆHighland Games˜ is the ideal corporate event venue for holding the team building activities you are looking for. If you are in search of some exciting outdoor corporate activities, then this is just the right place for you. You have the magnificent Rockingham palace as the corporate venue to start the team building activities. The palace itself is a treat to the eye as it sits majestically in the midst of 12 acres of a beautifully made garden, overlooking five counties. <b>A Corporate Game filled with Fun and Frolic</b>

Get prepared to wake up early! The Rockingham palace will invite you inside at 8:45 am with freshly brewed coffee and snacks. You will be given a proper briefing on the day´s corporate activities with teams of 7/8 people divided into 8 individual teams. As the clock strikes 9:30 am, your activity starts.

You begin the day´s activity by participating in some exciting rally car driving and high-speed chauffeur rides. There are lots more to choose from. You can take part in the 4*4 trials driving, quad safari riding, 6*6 max ATV skid steer buggies, Honda off road buggies and much more. All the while there will be marshals awarding you points depending on the performance.

At 12:30 pm, as your stomach starts churning due to hunger, the team comes back to the castle for some mouth-watering delicacies. The luncheon continues for over an hour after which the corporate teams go back to continue with the outdoor team building activities in Northamptonshire. At 4:45 pm the corporate activities conclude and the winners are announced. You can then depart at your leisure after having a gratifying experience. <b>Benefits of Outdoor Team Building Activities in Northamptonshire</b>

The beautiful Rockingham palace has a calming effect on the mind. You will feel at ease as you wonder through the lush gardens of the palace overlooking the five countries. Such corporate events organized by Chillisauce is the best way for effective team building and imbibing the high team spirit that can sail an organization through all hurdles with ease.

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