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School Uniform Don t Waste it Recycle It


Academic year: 2017

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School Uniform - Don´t Waste it, Recycle It Word Count:

238 Summary:

Did you know that the UK generates between 550,000 and 900,000 tonnes of textile waste every year? You can do your little bit to reduce this ...


school uniform recycle recycling textiles clothes

Article Body:

Did you know that the UK generates between 550,000 and 900,000 tonnes of textile waste every year? It´s a staggering amount of waste. Up to 700,000 tonnes of textiles are landfilled every year - half of this amount could be recycled.

The solution is to collect waste materials and put them into a textiles ’clothes’ bank, or donate the item(s) to a charity shop or even a jumble sale. The School in conjunction with the PTA should be able to operate a second hand school uniform shop for everything from sweatshirts to blazers. Junior/Infant Schools seem to be much better at doing this than Senior Schools. I have run a school uniform business for some time now and I am a firm advocate of recycling initiatives such as freecycle.org. The country as a whole is now a disposable nation. If a pair of trousers has a small hole in the knee, they get thrown away - in my experience I find that many younger parents cannot sew (let alone posses a needle and cotton!).

Why do I write an article like this when my primary business is selling new school uniform? Simple, it really is not about making money all the time ˘ I saw a beautiful sunrise this morning and it made me feel really good. We can all do our bit to reduce landfill and this is the start of my contribution ˘ What can you do to help?

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