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Academic year: 2017

Membagikan "Selanjutnya "


Teks penuh










DATED: March 29, 1974





Section 1. 01 - The Wan e o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ., • ;; c. .. "" 1 Section 1. 02 - The Project • • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • . . . • • • • . . • • • . . • • . • . • . 1

ARTICLE II loan Terms

Section 2.01 Section 2 . 02 Section 2.03 Section 2.04 Section 2.05

- Interest •u•e•ot>o<t•••o••••••••••••••••••••••.-••••••••

- Repaym.ent .• ., o o . . . o • • • o • • • o • • • • • • • • • o • • • • • • • • " , . . . . - Application, Currency, and Place of PEcym.ent •• •••••..

- Prepaym.ent o • ,, • o • • • • e . . . .

- Renegotiation of the Terms of the Loan . . , ••••••••.••

ARTICLE III Conditions Precedent to Disbursement


2 2

3 3

Section 3.01 - Conditions Precedent to Initial Disbursement •••.•••. 3

Section 3.02 - Conditions Precedent to Additional Disbursement ...•.


Section 3.03 - Terminal Dates for Meeting Conditions

Precedent to Disbursement .•••••••••••••.•••••••.•••. 5


3.04 -

Notification of Meeting of Conditions

Precedent to Disbursement • • ••..••••••••.. •••• •...••. 6

ARTICLE IV General Covenants and Warranties

Section 4.01 - Continuing Consultation ••••••••••••••••••••.••.•••.• 6

Section 4.02 - Utilization of Goods and Services ••••.•.••••••.••••• 7

Section 4.03 - Disclosure of Material Facts and Circumstances .•••.. 7

Section 4.04 - Commissions, Fees, and Other Payments •••.•.••••.•••.


Section 4.05 - Maintenance and Audit of Records .•••••••• .• ...••.••. 9

Section 4. <>6 .., Reports . o • • • • • • o o • o • o • o o • o . . . o o o • o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9 Sec ti on 4. 07 - Inspections ... e o Q o o o o o • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9

ARTICLE V Special Covenants and Warranties of porrower

Section 5.01 - Execution of the Project ••••.•••.•.•••••.•••.••••• • • 10 Section 5.02 - Funds and Other Resources to be

Provided by Borrower • • • • • . • • • • • . • • . • • . • . • . • . . • . • . • • . 10

Section 5. 03 - Management ..••• •••••••..•• • .•••••.•••.• •..••• i . . . 11

Section 5.04 - Operation and Ma.intena.nce •.•••••.••••.•••.•.• t •••••• 1J.

Sectidn 5•05 - Performance of other Agreements ••••••••••.• •• ; ••••. • 11

Section 5•06 - Taxation



l l

Section 5.07 - Investment Guaranty Project Approval



ARTICLE V! §.pecia.l Covenants and Warranties of Beneficiary

Section 6.01 - Execution of the Project •.•••••••••••••• ••.•. ..•. Secticn 6. 02 - Funds and Other Resources to

be Provided by Beneficiary •••••••••••••.••.••••••

Section 6. 03 -- セ・ュ・ョエ@ °' • o ,, o a • ,, • o " • • o • o • o o • • • • o .., o o • o • • • • o • • • • o

Section 6.o4 - Operation and Maintenance .•••.••••••••••• ••

Section 6.05 - Performance セヲ@ Other Agreements ••••••••• • •••• . •

ARTICLE VII pイッ」 オNイ・ョZN・セエ@






Section 7 , 01 セ@ hocurement. Source and Origin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • •

111-Sect; i..on 7JY2. - Eligibility Date ••••••••••••••••.•••••••.••••••. ::.lt.

Secticn 7. 0.3 セ@ Goods and Services Not Financed Under IDan . 1J:.

ウセ 」エゥッョ@ 7"01.J. セiューャ・ュ・ョエ。エゥッョ@ of Procurement Requirements .•.•••. lh

Sect16n 7.05 - ?lan$j Specifications , and Contracts •.• . •• , •.. " .• 14

See:ti.on ? • 06 • Reasonable Price • • • • . • • • • • • . • • . • • • • . • . • • . • • • • • • • . 16

Section 7.07 - Employment of Third-country Ha.tionals under

CoMtructi.:>n Contracts ••.•••••••••.••••••• , • . • • • • 16

·Bec:tio. 7. \,'8 - Shipping and Insurance . • . • • . • • . . • • • • • • • • . • . • . • • . :6 セ・」エゥッョ@ 7;) 09 - Per t Charges (I セ@ • o o o :> o o o !,) • o o • o • • • o o • o • • o o o • • o • o o • • • 18

Se!':ticn '!.10 - Notifics.tion to Potential Suppliers .•••.•••••••.. 18

Section 7.11 - In.formation and Marking ••• • •• •••••.•••• •• •••• •••• セY@

ARTICLE VIII dゥセ「オイウ・Zョ・GNャャエb@

Section 8.01 - Disbursement - Letters of Commitment to

Um ted States Banks • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 19

Secticn 8.02 - Hセィ・イ@ Forms of Disbursement .•••.•••..••.•• • •••••. 20

セエゥッョ@ 8 .0j dセエ・@ of Disbursement ••••••••.•••••••••••••••••••• 20

Section 8 ,o4 - Terminal Date for Disbursement ••••••••••••••••••. 20

ARTICLE IX Cs..ncel.la ti -::n ti.ild Sus pens ion

See: tk:u 9. 01 - BNNGZNNNョセ・ャャFN@ t:l.on by the Borrower • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 20

Section 9. 02 - EYeut.s of Defa.ul:t; Acceleration • • • . • • • • . . • • • . • • . . 21

Sect.ion 9 .03 - Su.spens:lon of Disbursement .••••••.••••• ••••••.. , . 23

s・」エゥ ッセ@

9.o4 -

Cancellation by A.I.D ••••••••••••••••••••••••••.• 25


9.05 -

cッセエゥョオ・、@ eヲヲ・」エゥカセョ・ウウ@ of Agreement •••••••• •• ••. 25

Sectic!l 9 II' 06 セ@ Refunds o • セ@ • o o o o • • o o • o • • • • • • o • • • o • • o o • • • • • • o • • • • • 25

s・」エゥッセ@ 9.07 - Expenses ot Collection ••••••••••••••••••• ••• •• ••. 26

Section 9.08 - Nomfaiver ot Bemed.ies ••••••••••.•••••••••••••••• セ@ 27

ARTIC!.E X ャスッイイoGw・セ@ Contribution to Benetici&.!]'..





ART:!'.CLE IX Misc el.lruieou.s

Sec. ti on 11 , 01 - cQL[ュュBaャセZゥN」NN 。Zエゥ ッョウ@ • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 28

Section l l.02 - Representative3 • • . • . . • • • . • . . • • . • . . . • . • • . • • . . . 29

s・MN セ エゥ ッョ@ 11.03 - Jmp1ement.ation ャセエエ・イウ@ • • ...••..•• . , •.• • , •.• ••. •• , 30

Section 11. 04 - Promissory Notes " .• • • ..••.•••••...•.. _, .•• , .. ... 30


L 0 AN AG RE EM E N T dated March 29, 1974 between THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA ("Borrower11


NEGARA ("PLN11) ("Beneficiary"), and the UNITED STATES OF A..'1ERICA, acting



The Loan

SECTION LOl. The I.van. A. I. D. 。ァZZM・・セ@ to セ・ョ、N@ to t :-:.e 1:0:-:rnwer, for the use of and, p11rsuant to SecU.o;--:. 10.01, to i·e re1_e::t to b」ᄋQMNNセヲセ」ゥェtN[@ セ@

to exceed ninctee::i m..i.12.ion ウ・カ・Mセ@ b.::!.l'.'.'.'e-1 AZGエZPᄋ⦅Q[[・セエNA@ :\1ited Stetes L.02.k.rs

out t!'!.e Pro ject referred to in spN」ヲNZゥャIセBQ@ l. C2 HGGイZMZッZ・LセエZBIN@ T:te ゥNNNNッBAN セ ZZN@ ウセ。ャャ@

be used exclusively to セゥZZャ。NGャG|セ・@ t'le fo't'eig'f'. ・ZMZセ」ャZNRᄋBャァ・@ co<it3 of goo.ls and

SECTION L02. T:ie Pro'iect. '.!.'ne ?::'o_,ee!: shall co:"J.sist セヲ@ t:1e

assistance for a 150 kilovolt ('1KV'' ) cfo1..i.b1_e ci:t»::t:it: t::-ensmissio:;:i U!le

linking j。ォ。ZZMエ。 セ@ Bogor and I:.a:.11ung, -:ori:ru::(:tirtg at Ban . .!u·ng with tt.e tenninal point substation for t:1e 150 KV li-:.1e ヲセッュ@ エセエ・@ Ja-::iluL.'.1-:-hydroelectric station and the te::-mina.l po:i.:v.t of "':.!-1c lSO KV li•1.e 「」セNZM[N[イ」」ョ@

Tegal and Bandung; substati.on terminal facilities at Jakarta anJ Bandung and a 150/20 step down substation at Bogor; and rehab:i.li.tadon and


areas of Boger " The goods and services to be financed under the Loan

shall be listed in the implementation letters referred to in Section

lL 03 ( "JJnplementa.tion Letters") o


Loan Terms

SECTION 2.01. Interest. The Borrower shall P8:¥ to A.I.D.

interest which shall accrue at t he rate of two percent (2i) per annum

f o:r ten yea.rs following the date of the first disbursement hereunder

and at the rate of tLree percent


per annum thereafter on the

out-standing balance of Principal and on any due and unpaid interest.

I nter est on 'the cutstanding balance shal l accrue from the date of ea.ch

respective disbursement (as such date is defi ned in Section 8.03), and

shall be computed on the basis of a. 365-day yeRr . Interest shall be

payable semiannual}lt-. The first payment of interest shall be due and

payable no later than six (6) months after the first disbursement

hereunder $ on a 、。セ・@ to be specifi ed by A.I.D.

· . SECFION 2. 02·. Repayment " The Borrower shall repay to A. I. D.

the Principal within forty (40) years from the date of the first

dis-bursement hereunaer in sixty-one (61) appr oximately equal semiannual

install.men-ts of Prin.01pal and interesto The first installtnent of

Principal shall be pa;fable nine and one-half (9 1/2) years after the

dat e on which the first interest payment i s due in accordance with

Section 2.01. A.I.Do shal l provide the Borrower with an amortization

schequle in aecordance with this Section after the final disbursement


SECTION 2. 03, Application, Currency, and Place of Payment.

· All · payments of ᄋ Qエゥエ・セ・ウエ@ and ·Principal hereunder shall be made i .n United

.:; . . .

States dollars and shall be applied fiTst エッ N エィ・Nーセョエ@ of interest

'Ciue · and' then '·fo the repayment ·of Principal. Exa.ept as A. I.D. may

' i .. .

otherwise spe«Hfy ·1n writing; all such payments shall be made to the

Controller, Agency for International Development, Washington, D.C.,

U.S .A. , and shall be deemed made when received by the Office of the

I •


SECTION 2. 04. Prep!J!lent . Upon payment of all interest a.nd

refunds then due, the Borrower ma;y- prePS\Y, without penalty, all or any

セ@, .

part of the Principal . Any such prepal'lJlent shai1 be applied to the

installments of pセゥョ」ゥー。ャ@ in the inverse order of their maturity .

SECTION 2.05. Renegotiation of the Terms of the Loan. The

Borrower agrees to negotiate with A.I .D.j at such time or times as

A.I.D . may request, an acceleration of the repayment of the Loan in

the event that there is any significant improvement in the internal

and external economic and financial position and prospects of the

country of the Borrower.


' ;;. :

Conditions Precedent tG Disbursement

SECTION 3.01. J Conditions Precedent to Initial Disbursement .

Prior to the first disbursement or to the :issaa.nce o-f the first Letter

· of Commi tni.ent under the :Loan, the Borrowel.' "or セ・ョ・ヲゥN」ゥ。Nj[GケL@ as

appropriate, shail, except as A. I.D. セ ュ。ケ@ othe.rwise,, agree in writing,


f'urnish セッ@ A.I.D. in form and substance satisfactory to A.I.D.:

(a) An opinion of the Minister of Justice of the Borrower

that this Agreement has been duly authorized and/or ratified by, and

executed on behalf of, the Borrower, and that it 」ッョウセゥエオエ・ウ@ a valid

and legally binding obligation of the Borrower in accordance with

all of ゥエセ@ term.3;

(b) An opinion of the principal legal officer of Benefici aryj

or of ッセィ・イ@ counsel acceptable to A.I.D "j セィ。エ@ the Agreement has been

d·..u.y a:uthorii.ed and/or ratif·1e_d b;y, and exec..lted on behalf of:. the

Beneficiar'j, and that it constitutes a valid and legally binding

obligation of the Beneficiary in accordance with all of its terms;

(c ) Statements of the names of the persons holding or

acting in the office of the Borrower and the Beneficia!'Y specified

in Section 1:1..02, and specimen signatures of each person specified

in such statements;

(d) Au ・ク・」オセ・セ@ contract for engineering or other type of

consulting s.'ervices for the PrQjeet ·acceptable


A.I.D. with a firm

acceptable to A.I.D.

SEC!:!ON 3o02. Conditions Precedent to Additional Disbursement.

Prior to a:n:y 、ゥセ「オイウ・ュ・ョエ@ or to the issuance of any Letter of

Commit-ment under the Loan for any purpose other than to finance the services

referred to in Section

3. 01,

the Borrower or Beneficiary, as

appro-priate, shall:1 except as A.I.D . may otherwise agree in writing, furnish

to A.l.D . in form and substance satisfactory to A.I.D. g


time schedules for carrying out the Project, and designation of basic

system standards including standards for service wiring and voltage

level of primary and secondary lines for the Bogar distribution system.

(b) Written assurance that all rights of way or entry,

real property leases or acquisitions necessary for project

imple-mentation and system operation have been ob·::ained and fi"."'.a.;:-i.cing

provided therefor;

(c) Assurance of the ・ウエ。「ャゥウィュN・セエ@ of (1) a budget

。 ャjNッ」。NエゥNッセGQ@ fo:i: t:1e Project for the first fiscal year in which funds

will be イ・アオゥセ・、@ ヲッA セ@ エセQ・@ Project anc (2) an ap-;>ro"Jed payme:1t

。オエセッイゥコ。エゥッョ@ for payment of iョ、ッセ・ウゥ。ョ@ 」オイイ・セ」ケ@ in the amount

required ヲッセ@ the first t hree months of such fiscal year, 「ッエセ@

oai:;ed on t):-;e estimate of エセQ・@ cons-:.;,ltant, as approved by the

oeaefic iary.

(d) An executed contract or co:::i:tracts for procu!'ement and construction services for t3e Project acceptable to Aol.Do with

a firm or firms acc eptable t o A.LD.

SECTION 3 .03" Terminal Dates for Meeting Conditio:is P::-er:ede::it to dゥウ「オイウ ・ュ・セエッ@

(a) If a ll of the cond it ions specified in Section 3.01

shall セQ@ . .:::it i:1ave 「・・エセ@ me!: wi tr.in six months f:rom the date of this Agreement, or such later date as A.I.D. may agree to in writing,

A.I .Do, at its option, may terminate this Agreement by giving

written notice to the Borrower and Benefic iary. Upon the giving

of suca notice, this Agreement and all obligations of the parties


(b) If all of the conditions specified in Section 3.02 shall not have been met within twenty-eigP-t ュッセエィウ@ from the date of this aァイ・・ュ・セエL@ or such later date as AoI.D. may agree to in writing, Ao LD., at its option, mgy canc e l the then undisbu.rsed balance of the amount of the Loan and/or may t enninate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Borrower a:::td Beneficiary. In i:°l:'.e eve:J.t of a te:':'ni:natio'.:1,

U?O::>. t2P. g:.vi:1g of notice, the norrowe:r scall ゥュュ・、ゥ。Nセ・ャケ@ ZZZGセェ_。ケ@ t!:ie

pZZゥョセゥ[Mゥ。Nャ@ tLen outstanding and shall pay any accr"Jed i!".terest and,

upon receipt of such payme!',ts i.n full, this Agreeme::i.t a!ld all obliga-tior:s oi the pn.:rties ィ・イ・オョセ・イ@ shal 1 tenni:iate.

$:!'.:(;TION 3 .04. Notification of Meeting cf Co:-tditio:is PreceJent to Disburseme-:-:t. A.I.D. shall notify the Borrower and Be-ieficiary upon detennination by A. I .D. that the conditions precedent to disbu:rse:ne·:1t specified in Section 3.01 and, as tee case ュセケ@ be, 3.02 have 「・・セ@ met.


General cッカ・セ。ョエウ@ and w。イZイ。セエゥ・ウ@

SECTION 4.01. Co::itin·1ing Consultatio"'J.. GゥBGエセ・@ Borr.;)we::, Beneficiar y


a.nd suppliers engaged en the Project; and other matters relating to セィ・@


SECT:ON 4.02. Utilization cf Goods and Services.

(a) Goods and services financed under the Loan shall be used.

exclusively for the Project, e:itcept as A.I.D . may otherwise agr.ee "in

writing" Upcn completion of tte Project, or at such other エゥュセ@ セセ@ SPPセY@

financed under the Loan can no longer オウ・セオャNャケ@ be ・ューャッケセ、@ for the

Project , the Borrower -E.nd b・ョ・ヲゥ」ゥセイケ@ may use or di3pose of such goods

in such manner as A.!. D. ma:y agree to in 'Writing prior to such use or


(b) Except as A.I.D. may o'therwise agree in liriting, no goods

or services financed under the Loan •hall be. used to promote or assist

all¥ foreign aid project or activity 。ウウッNNNセゥ。エ・、@ with or financed by a:tiy

」ッセエイNQ@ not included in Code 935 of the J..LD. Geogr&phic Code Book as

in effect at the time of· 6uch u.se.

:Diecloaure • escm Z'$??$Md' of xe Nater1a.l Facts ;r a.nd "=-Circumatances. rr-=ez

The Borrower and .Beneficiary ·reprei!ent &.nd. 'Warrant that all fg,ct:s and

circumat&noea that they hs.ve di ic.lc.sed or ca•1sed to be disclosed to

A.I.D. i.n the course of' ·obta.inil'lg the· loan are accurate and complete,



. .

and that they have d:l.e!cloeed ·to Ao:I.l>. セ@ at"c':.lratel;y and セッューャ・Zエ・ャLケL@ all facts and circUlll!ta.nces that might material..1.;r affect the Project a.nd the

。NゥZ・」BNセイァ・@ of theiT . .:)b' igatio11_ .ind.er this Ag!'eement. T"':le Borrcwe1· g.nd.

Be!leficiary shall p:romptly i.nform A, :::.D of any facts and circ:.un.;;ta.nces

that may hereafter arise th9.t might mater·ial.ly affect, or that it ゥセ@


discharge of the .Bort'CW6r 's or b・ョ・ヲゥセゥ。イケG@ s ッ「ャゥァ。エゥッイNNセ@ under this




cセャウウゥ⦅ァセセN@ FeesA and ッエセ・イ@ p。セ・ョエセN@

(a) Borrower and :aeneftei&-y warrant and covenant th9.t in

connection with obtaining the Loan, or ts.king aey action under or with

respect 'to· thi.s Agreement; they have not paid, and -will not セ@ c·:·

。ァョセ・@ '.to pay, ncr to the best of their k.now2.ed.ge has there been paid

nor will there be paid er agreed "to be ーセゥ、@ by any ot:r .. ei' person or

・イNゥNエゥエケセN@ c.ommiB.sions セ@ ヲ・・ウセ@ or ctL._r pajm,;:ints of ruw kind, excep't e.s

regular compensB.tion to· the 'Borrower Is o:r Nb・イNセ・ヲゥイNZZゥ。NZイケ@ 9 s fu:U-·t-ime

o:ff.1c:er:s and ・ューャッケ・・セ@ er as- ·ccmpensation for bona fide professiona.1,

エ・」ィョゥ」。ャセ@ or c1:)mparable eervices Tne Bo:r:rower and Beneficiary sh.all

promptly repcrt to A,J.D. any· payment or agreement t.) ーセNヲ@ for such

bona fide ーイッヲ・ウウゥッョ。ャセ@ エ・」ィョゥ」。ャセ@ or comparable services to which

they O'r either of them :is a ·part:y,or o:r Which they or either of them

hai'! knowledge (indicating whether セオ」ィ@ payment has been made or Ls . to

be mad.e on a coXltingent basis), and if' the anio·unt of arx.,'( S'.tcn payment

is deemed unr·ea.sonable by A" LD." t.ne s".aIDe sha.11 be adjusted in a

mariner satisfactory to Au!.D.

(b} The Borrower


Beneficiar,1 ·it!a.rran:t and covenant tl:"lB.t

no pa<l'lllent:s have been or will be ーセjGNAZL・ゥセᄋ・、@ by t.he "Borrower' or Benef.iC'ia.cy:

or any official of the Bo.r:tcwer o:r. Benef'ic ゥセ」ケᄋL@ in connection -with the

procurement of good.s and Nウ・イカZゥLN」セNウ@ financed ィ・イ・オョ、・イセ@ except ヲ・・ウNセ@ taxes j


SECTION 4. 05. Maintenance and. Audit of' Records • ThE} :{3orrow.er

。ョセ@ Beneficiars shall maintain, or cause to be ュNN、ョエ[ASNゥョセ、セ@ in accqrda.nce·

with sound a.ccounting principles and ーイ。N」エゥ」セ・ウ@ consistently applied,. books and records relating both to the Project and.to this aァZイN・・ュ・セエL@

Such books and records shall, without ャゥュゥエ。エゥッーNセ@ be adequate to Gゥィッキ セ@

(a) the receipt a.nd use made of good.s and. ser•,·t.-.es aC' 1uired

with funds disbm:,sed pu.rsua.nt to thi<S· AP"l"<"Fment;

(b) the. nature and extent of solici t:ations cf pro13pecti ve

ウセ[Nーーャゥ・Zイウ@ of goods and services scqu:J..eed;

( c) the 「。セ、@ s of the awar·d of con tracts and. ッイ、・イセ@ to

ウオ」」・セウZヲオャ@ bidders; and

(d) the progress of the Project o

Such books 8.nd reco!'dis shall be イ・ァ。ャ。イャセイ@ audited by

independent public accountants /;i.CCepta.ble to A, Io D. セ@ in accordance

with sound auditing ウエ。ョ、。イ、ウセ@ for such ーセイゥッ、N@ and at such intervals

as A.I.I>. ma:y requ.i.re; and shall be .maintained for five yea.rs after

the date of the last disbursemerit by A. I.D. or until a11 sums due

A.LD. under this Agreement have been paid, which.ever d9.te sha.11 firi;t




Aャセッイエウ ッ@ The Bo't'rower and Beneficiary セセQQ@

furnish to A.LD . ゥZオセィ@ information and reports t>ela'ting to the Loan

and to the Project as A.I.D. may request .

SECTION 4o07o Inspections. The authorized representatives

of A.I.D. shall have the right at a.11 イ・。ウッョセ「ャ・@ times to inspect the

pイッェ・」エセ@ the utilization of all goods and services financed under the




Loan, and the BorrCJwer 's and Beneficiary's book,.j, reccrds, and otl::er

dom .. unents relating to the Project and the loan, The Borrower and

Benef'kia.:ry _shall cooperate with A.l. D. to ヲ。」ゥャゥエ。エセ@ セカN」ィ@ inspections

and ウセャャ@ [ーセイュエエNエ@ I'epresenta.tiYes of' A. l.D. to visit any pa:rt of the

countrv of the Borro'Aer for any purpose relating to the Loan,


S_pecial c ッカ・イN。ョエセ@ and Wan·antie.:! of' b」イZイセ・イ@

p セ@ ·- - - - -< . . . セ@ . . .

(a) The Bor:rO\fer shall 」 。 オセ・@ the Beneficiary to ee.rry o·.it the

pイ「ェ・」セ ⦅ キゥエィ@ due diligence and ・ヲヲゥ」ゥ・ョ セyZ@ and in confc_'"mity with sound

engineer,1ug) 」ッョセエイオ」エゥッョL@ :financi.al and administrative praetices" In

tnis connect1on, the Borro"W'er s:hall cause the Benef':i ciary· at all times

to employ suitably qualified and experienced 」」セウGNNャャエ、ャャNエ。@ to be

pro-fessionally responsible for the design and execration of tb.e :Project

·and sui ta.bly qua.11.fied and competent 」ッョウエイjNセエゥ」ョ@ cont'ra.<'.tors to carry

out . SO much Of 'the work of the Project as iB to be performed by C.ontract,

(b) The Borrower shall caus e the Bensf:i.cilf.'ry to ca·use the

Prvje:ct to be 」セイイゥ・、@ out i n 」ッ ョエーNイュゥセ[Zイ@ with all cf the plan:.,

specifi-ュッ、ゥヲゥセ。エゥッョウ@ therein:; approved by A.I. Do pursuan t to this Ag.C'eement.


(a) The Borrower ah.all. proviae to the Benefi ciary promptly


and effective carrying ッオエセ@ ccmplet:ion, maintenance, repair, and

operation of the Project.

(b) 'I'he Borrower shall; from completion of t_he Project until

such time as Beneficiary shall become an autonomo·!l.s, non-budget supported

corporation, provide or otherwise insure that BeneficiarJ has ヲオョ、 セ@

;>uf.fi..::ient to meet the maintenance, repair and ope.r·at;ing expe:r..sE,t-i

イ・セᄋZZャ@ red for effective utlliza.tion of t!".e Project,

SEC:rION 5.030 Mari.a_g_ement. The Borro·,,rnr &ha.11 cause the

b・セ・ヲゥ」ゥ。イケ@ エセ@ provide quali fied and experienced management fur the

P:rcje(!t and caase Beneficiary to trair. such &taff as may be appropriate

fer t.t.e maintenance 。イセ、N@ opera ti on of the Project .

SECTION 5. 04. 012era _tion and Nm。ゥセエ・ョ。ZZャ」・N@ The Borrcwer shall

cau3e the Beneficiary to operate , maintain> and repair the Project in

conformity with sound engineering, financial, and administrative

pra.ctiees and in such manner as to insure the ccntirming and successful

achievement of the pur poses of the Projec-t.

SECTION 5. 05. Performance of Other Agreements , Borrr.swer

shall perf<Jnn its obligatio:ns concerning Beneficiary's organization, au.t'bcr!.ty, structure and operations as set fox·th in A.I.D. and

Inter-ョ。エZゥセイNNN。ャ@ Development Naウウッ ャAゥセエ ゥッョ@

C'r.D:A: ")


sectiセn@ 5.06. Taxation. This Agreement, the Loan, and any

evidence cf indebtedness i5sued in co!lnecticn herew5. t!1 shall be f'rc-e

from, and the Principal and interest shall be paid .. wi thout deduction

fer 。セ、@ free from, any taxation or fees imposed under the laws in

effect within the country of the Borrower. To the extent that (a) ar...y


contractor, ゥョ」ャオ、ゥョセ@ any consulting firm, any personnel of such

con-tractor financed hereunder, and any property or transactions relating to

su.ch contracts and (b) any coll!llodity procurement transaction financed

hereunder, are not exempt from identifiable taxes, tariffs, 、オエゥ・ウセ@

and other levies imposed under laws in effect in the country of the

bッイイッセQ・イL@ 'the Borrower shall, as and to the extent prescribed i . a.nd

pursuant to Implementation l・エエ・イウセ@ ーXセ@ or reiml:mrge the same u..11de-r

Secti.on !).02 of this Agreement with f\mds other tha.n "t.bDse p,rcvided

under the Loan,

SECTION 5, 07 . I nves tm.en t Gua.ra.nt;y Pro_j ect .Awroval Ex Borl'O"irer.


The Bo:rrower agrees that the ccntraets for the construction work tp be

fin.:m::ced under this Lo.an may be insured by the Oversea.g Private

Invest-ment Corporation, an agency of the United States of America.



§_pecial Covenants and Warranties cf Beneficia!;l,

SECTION 6. 01. Execution of the Project ,

(a) The Beneficiarf shall carry out thEI Project w:'.. th due

diligence and efficiency, a."ld in conformity with so·.1nd ・ョァゥ ョ・ ・イゥョァ セ@

congtruction, financial, and administrative practices, In this

」ッョョ ・」エ ゥッ ョ セ@ the Beneficiary shall at all エゥュ・セ@ employ suitably quali fied

and experienced consultants to be profess:l.onally responsible for the

design and execution of the Project and suitably qualified and competent

t .

construction-contractors to carry out so much of the work of the Project


(b) The Beneficiary shall cause the Project to be carried out

in conformity with all of the plans, specificatiorIB, contracts, schedules,

and other arrangements, and with al1 modifications therein, approved

by A.I. D. pursuant エセ@ this Agreement.

SECTION 6.02. Funds and Other Resources to be pイッカゥ、・GZA⦅セ@

Bene:fi ci8.£i.. lhe Beneficiary shall provide prcmptl,y a.<5 needeu a..:.1 .t\.1.'::'.ds,

in addition to the Loan, セ@ all other resources required for the

punctual and effective セ。イイエゥョァ@ out1 」ッューャ・エゥッョセ@ maintenance, repair,

セ、@ operation of the pNイッェ・・エNセ@ ゥョセャオ、ゥョァ@ ql.o.arterly a.pportionmeu.ts of

セ[ュN、ウ@ as determined from the 」ッョウオャNセ。ョエGウ@ estimate of jNョ、Nッョ・セゥ。Nョ@

currency requ1rem.ents .

sセction@ 6.03. セ⦅ァwャャ・ョMエN@ The Beneficiary shall provide

qualified and experienced management for the Project and it shall train

such staff as may be appropriate for the maintenance and operation of

tht! P.roject.



セイ。エゥッョ@ and Maintenance. The Beneficiary shall

opera.te3 maintain, and repair the Projec't in conformity with sound.

・ャャセゥョ・・イゥョァ ェ@ financial and adml.nistrative practices and in such manner

。セ@ to insure the .continuing and セオ」セDhZエGオャ@ achieTem.ent of the purposes

of the Project o

se セ GA io n@ 6 05 . Performance of Other aァイ・・ュ・ ョエセN@ Benefi:iiary

shd.;J perfonn it.t, P「ャQァ。エゥッョセ@ co!lc:erning its organaation, a.ithorlty,




SECTION 7.01. Procurement Source and Origin. Except as A.I. D.

may otherwise agree in writing, disbursements made pursuant to Section

8.01 and 8.02 shall be used exclusively to finance the procurement for

the Project of goods and services having both their source anJ オZセUセ」@

in countries included in Cole 941 of the A.I.D. Geographic Code Bo0k

as i n effect at the time ッセ\ャ・イウ@ are placed for such goods and ser"ices.

szcセゥon@ 7.02. Eligibi lity Date. Except as A.I.D . may otherwise

agree in writing, no goods or services may be financed オョ、・セ@ the uL。セ@ which

are procured pursuant to orders or contracts firmly placed or ・ョエ・セ・、@

into prior to March 29, 1974.

secセion@ 7.03. Gcods and Services Not Financed Under lッ。セN@

Goods and services procured for the Project, but not financed under the

Loan, shall have their source and origin in countries included in

Code 935 of the A.I.D. Geographic Code Book as in effect at the time

orcers are placed for such goods and services.

SECTION 7.04. Implementation of Procurement r・アオゥイ・セ・ョエウN@

The definitions applicable to the eligibility requirements of Section 7.01

and 7.03 will be set forth in detail in Implementation l・エエセセウN@

SECTION 7.05. Plans, Specifications, and Cont=acts.

(a) Except as A.I.D. may otherwise agree in writing, the

Borrower and Beneficiary shall furnish to A.I .D., promptly upon preparation,


contracts relating to the Project, and any modifications therein,

whether or not the goods and services to which they relate are

financed under the Loan.

{b) Except as A.I.D .. may otherwise agree in writing, all

of the plans , specifications, and construction ウセィ・、オャ・ウN@ furnish?d

pursuant to subsection {a) above shall be approved . by A. I.D. in


(c) All bid. documents and documents related to the

solicitation of proposals relating to goods and services financed

under the Loan shall be approved by A.I ,D. in writing prior to their

issuance . All plans , specifications, and other documents relating to

goods and services financed under the Loan .shall be in terms of

United States standards and measurements , except as A.LD. may

other-wise agree in writing .

{d) The follow-ing contracts financed uiidei" the Loan shall be

approved by A.I . D. in writing prior to their ・ク・」エエエゥッョセ@

(i} 6ontracts for engineering and セエィ・イ@ professional


(ii) contracts for construction services,

(iii) contracts for such other services as A.I.D . may

specify, and

(iv) contra.cts for such equipment and materials as A.I.D.

may specify.


approye ゥョキイゥセャョァ@ tbe emtac:tor ud such contractor personnel as


mai:v 1pecif'T. Material metitications in uiy of

such contracts

Md. changes ill &QJ' ot 1\ldl pel'llQD91 •llall also be approired


A.I .D.

1n 'Writing prior to \Mir becominc ettectiTe.

( •) Con1ul tiQ& til'lll ut181i セ@ tile Borrower or !enetici&ry

. ... .

エセ@ tibe セNQXcエ@

wt &Qt

fiQ&Deetl . . v tae J.Qan,


•cope of their

· 1enice1 Ull 1ueh ot their peraonael ueicned to the Pl'ojeet as A. I. D .

..,. epacitJ,

ant 」。ョ。カQQ・セQッョ@ coatractors u.ae4 by the Bct.rrower tor the

Project but


ftnaaced UDler the J()&n •ball be acceptable to A.I.I>.

• ,.... "If. ....

SIC!Im 7."06. •eee!'le lrice. Jlo more tban nuonable



be セ@ tor ..,


or services financed, in vbole or

111 part, Wiiler



as more M}7 ct.e1cribed in ImpleMAt&t1on

t.ttwa. Su.ch l t - 11111.ll be proeuret on a fair and, acept


protffslonal aervt.c•, on a ccapetitive 'buia in accor«anee with

pro-Ced.urea エィ・イ・エッイ ⦅ エエイ・ウ・イエセ@ in Iapleaeatation Letters.

SICftOJI 7. 07.


セ@ ?il'd•countq lltt1onal.8 under

Construction Conteets. 1'he eaplo,..nt of ,ereormel to perform

1erTice1 under conttruction セッョエイ。」エ。@ tinan.ced under the I.otm aba.lJ. be

subject to requireatmts with re1pect to third-countrr nationals pr escribed

in Implementation Letters.

SICTION 7, 08. Sl!lipp191 5d Insurance .

(a) Goods flnanee4 oder the ll:>an sha.ll 'be tl"61lSpor ted t o the

country of the- Borrawer Qll


canters of any country inclucled in


Cod.e .935 of the A.I.J. · Qeosr&pAic Cocle Book as in eftect at the time


(b) At least fifty percent (50%) of the gross tonnage of all

goods financed under the Loan (computed separateJ.y £or dry bul.lt carriers,

dry cargo liners, and tankers) which shall be transported on ocean vessels

shall be transported on privatel.1' owned United States flag commercial

vessels unless A.I.D. sha11 determine that such veasels are not

avail-able at fair and reasonavail-able rates ·for United States flag commercial

vessels. In addition, unless A.I.D . makes the determination of

unc.vaila-biiity noted above, at least fifty percent HUセI@ of the gross freight

revenue geneT.ated by all shipments financed under the Loan which shall

·be transported on dry cargo liners shall be pe.id to or for the benefit

of privately owned United States !lag camnercial vessela. No such goods

may be transported on any ocean vessel (or aircraft} (i) which A.I.D.,

in a notice to the Borrower, has designated as ineligible to carry

A.I.D.-financed goods or (ii) which bas been chartered tor the carriage

of A.I.D.-financed goQds unless such charter has been approved by A.I.D .

(c} iセ@ in connection with the placement of marine insUJ"ance

on shipments financed under United States legislation authorizing assistance

to other nations, the country o! the Borrower, by statute, decree, rule,

or regulation, favors any marine insurance company of any country over

any marine insurance company authorized to do business in any state of

the United States of America, goods procured from the United States and

financed under the loan shall during the continuance of such

discrimina-tion be insured against marine risk in the United States of America with

a canpa.ny or companies authorized to do a marine insurance business in


( d) The Borrower shall insure, or cause to be insured, all

goods financed under the Loan against risks incident to their transit

to the point of their use in the Project . Such insurance &hall be

issued upon terms and conditions consistent with sound commercial

practice, shall insure the full value of the goods, and shall be

payable in the currency in which such goods were financed. Any

indemnification received by the Borrower under such insurance shall

be used to replace or repair &D3 material damage or any loss of the

goods insured or shall be used to reimburse the Borrower for the

replacement or repair or such goodtl .. Any such replacements shall

have both their source &nd origin in countries included in Code


of the A.I.D. Geographic Code Book and sb&ll be otherwise subject to

the provisions of this AgreeneDt.



Port C!)frges. With respect to ocean freight

costs which qualify as eligiale for financing under the Loan, A. I.D .

will finance ninety percent HセI@ of all ocean freight costs of each

shipment, and ninety-eight HYXセI@ of such costs on any ウィゥセ・ョエ@ under

free-out terms_. The remaining. ten percent (lo%), or two percent HセI@

of free-out ウィセーュセョエウL@ represent pQrt charges in Indonesia and

Borrower coveµJ.nts that it shall make available foreign exchange to

finance said port charges in aceoxdance with procedures which may be

セイ・ウ」イゥ「・、@ by A. I.D. in Implementation Letters.

SECTION 7.10. Notification to Potential Suppliers. In order

that a.11 United States firms shall セカ・@ the opportunity to participate


Borrcwer and Beneficiary shall furnish to A.l.D. such information with

regard thereto, and 。セ@ such times, as A.! .D . may request in

Implementa-tion let.ter:s .



Information and Marking. Borrower and Beneficiary

shall. give public1ty to the


and the Project a.a a program of United

StEa.tes &id.$ identify !.l'1e ?.roject :3i エセL@ and prcvide other ma.rkingi c;r

publicity セ」ZZ@ pre&e.ribed in Implementation Letters .



SEC-T!ON 8 . 01. dゥウ「セイN。・ュ・ョエ@ - Letters of Commitment to United

sエセエ・Zウ@ b。ョォセ N@ Upon satiafac;tion b;r both :Borrower and Beneficiary of

cond'itioru p?'e.cedent, tne .Beneficiary may, from ti.me to time, I1equest

A.l.D. to ゥウウセ・@ letters of COlll!litment for specified amounts to one or

more :Jnited sエセエ・ウ@ 「。ョk」ゥセ@ 、・セゥァョFエ・、@ by Borrower and satisfactory to

A.1.D., セッュュゥエエゥョァ@ a NセN d N@ to reimburse such bank. or banks for payments

made by them to contra.cto£S ッセ@ suppliers, through the use of Letters

ofl·C:redit or otherwise, for costa of ァッNセ@ a.M services procured f'or

the Pro ject ゥセ@ &ocr:rrda.nce with tne terms and conditions of this

Agree-ment, o Payment by a. bank to i). cont.ractor or s·•..tppli er wil.l be made by

the 'b::ui.k 'L!.pon precen.te."th:m cf .such iiupporting documentation as A.1.D.

may ーイ・。セイゥG「・@ in LettEira ot Cammi tmen.t al.l.d I.mp.lamentea.tion Letters.

Bs.nking emorges :incurred in. eounectio!l w.i.th Letters of Cammi t.me.llt and

Let-cers of Credit shall. be for セィ・@ account of the Beneficiar.r and may


SECTION 8.02. Other Forms of Disbursement . Disbursement of

the Loan may also be made through such other means as the Borrower,

Beneficiary and A.I.D. may agree to in writing.

SECTION 8 . 03. Date of Disbursement. Disbursements by A.I.D.

shall be deemed to occur, in the case of disbursements pursuant to

Section 8 . 01, on the date on which A.I .D. makes a 、ゥウ「オ]ウ・ュ・セエ@ to エセ ・@

Be'.:j,efic iary, to its designee, or to a banking institution rnrs:.iar:t to

a Letter of Connnitment.

SECTION 8.04. Terminal Date for Disbursement. Except as

A.I.D. may otherwise agree in writing, no Letter of Cormnitment, or

ッセィ・イ@ commitment documents which may be called for by another ヲッセ@ of

disbursement under Section 8.02, or amendment thereto, shall be issued

in response to requests received by A.I.D. after July 31, 1977 and

no disbursement shall be made against documentation received by

A.I.D. or any bank described in Section 8.01 after d・セ・ュ「・イ@ 31, 1980.

A.I.D., at its option, may at any time or times after December 31, 1980

reduce the Loan by all or any part thereof for which documentation was

not received by such date.


Cancellation and Suspension

SECTION 9.01. Cancellation by the Borrower. The Borrower or


notice to A . 'LD,; cancel 9.nY J;.>art of the Loan (i) which, prior to the

giving of such ョッエセ」・D@ A.! D ha.s r.ot disbursed or committed itself tc

diaburse, or (ii) which ha.s not then been ut·i lized tb.r o'.lgh the i5 suance

of irrevocabl e Letters of Credit or th.ro'..lgh bank ー。セ・ョエNウ@ ma.de ether than

under irrevocable Letters of Credit

SECIION 9 "02" R-l!e;:U 9f d・⦅ヲウZNNNNZセ[@ セーᆪ・j・ョセNエゥセ N@


.;.,ny oc.e

or more of the follcv'tng e=.vente ( "Eve!:.-:. a of Def:.:J..l t ") ar1a.1.l oc:-. \lr •

(a) tオセ@ Bor:tC•)oft:."!." ')1' Benefic l.&.t'Y sr..a.l.l. ha.Ye f£:1.:i.led tc pe.y セャッャャィeョ@

due arq interest o·r in.:.t.a.J.lment cf .P:r·:i:itipa.l re-1.u l red •j.nder

t!:is aァイ・セRョエ [@

(b) The 'Bcl''I'O'ile:r· o c Benef:i ":! セエ [エG@ sM. ll h&.:;e f .J.1 lea to -;0mpJ. y

with 。イLッセ@ other pl'ovi.sion cf this Naァイ・・ュ・イNセセ@ lncl' ... dingJ b·ut

v:lthrr.it limitation, the oblig&t1.on to 1J.azry out the Project

with due diligence and efficiency;

(c) nie !oncnrer shall have f•Ued to pay when due any interest

or &ey inste.1.lJnent of pイゥゥZオセゥゥー。ャ@ or am,y c;.tber payment reqi.: Lred

under 'd.fr7 othe: loan ag.reementj &r::;}' ァオ。イ。Nョセケ@ 。ァイ・・ュ・ョエ セ@ or

&DJ' other 11greement between the Borre"111e r <:r ariy of its

&gf,DeiH and Ao.LB,; er acy of its ーイ・、・」ゥ・ウセッイ@ agencde!:; ( d) The :Benefitii&ey :ih'a.ll have fa:! led to pq wh.e.n due 。セNャスiG@

intereat or a.n;y indebtedneiie or obligation f'o1' pajlmer'':: t)f

borrO"ed money frCllll iLDiJ .so·u-ce;

(e) All or vq aub1t&ntial part of the Benetic.iary's assets $

bu1ine11 ッセ@ operations (whether now or hereafter eiisting)


: \ .



act:! on by 。AZセ@ ァッカセイョュ・ョエ。ャ@ a11t.,.'1c.ri ty £>hall hs.ve been

inst.ituted to dissolve or disestablish the Beneficiary

or to suspend its open.tions, or e. substantial part

MM[セ@ therecf;

(f) Any franchi!:e, license, right, privilege, or chart.er,

g:r-:s.nted purs'ls.nt to :>r ex:.sting by vi.tt...te of law CI· oi. ᄋNセイ イ@

legr.::... authority and nee essar-.1 fer the conduct or the


Benefi cia.ry' s bu&iness,. fot the e:ompletion of the

Projee;t , o:- for CS.l'"t"'.j'ing ot.t c'! エセ・@ tE:rllll of tbi s Loan

Agreement セィ。NNu@ have be:en revokedj 」セ」・ャャ・、ZQ@ or denied

in such mt-__."'lner as to m&K.e i't improbable that the Beneficiary

will be able to perform its obligil.tions under th:ls Loan

J.greemenl or that t,he I.Dan prov:tded foz be.rein will

aub-•tantially f'illill the pU'pons for which it hae been

eatabliahed; or

{g) ?he b・セゥ」ゥFNQW@ .shall have voluntarily entered into or

been subjected involuntaril.7 to aD1' procedur·e under the

l.a.w> in effec t within the Republic ッセ@ I!'ldonesia fer the

:r•li ef of a fi .nanciall;y dietreaaed -debtor which is

sub-atantially equiva.lent to a petition in bankruptcy or the

appointment of & receiver for the benefit of creditors:

then A.I.n. ュ。ケセ@ セエ@ its option, give to t'b.e .Borrower or Beneficiary notice

that all or any part of the unrepaid Princip&l. ahall be due and payable

sixty (6G) セ@ tl::.erea.fter, and, unless the Bvent of Default is 」セ・、@



(i) such unrepaid Principal and an,y accrued interest

hereunder shall be due and payable immediately; and

(ii) the amount of an;y further disbursements made under

then outstanding irrevocable Letters of Credit or

otherwise shall become due a.nd payable as soon as


It the Benef'iei&.ry' is in default• the Borrower, a.t itu ッーエNセ」⦅LNョL@

may declare all or an;y part of the unrepaid Principal. under the loan from

the Borrower to the Benefi.ciaey pursuant; to Section 10. 01 hereof to be

due . and p11¥&ble immediately, and ·..ipon any ウᄋオセィ@ declaration, unless the

default mA1' be cured and iB cured within sixty (60) da.:ys theree.ftel",

such principal and all ゥョエ・イセウエ@ accrued thereon sh&ll become due and

payable immediatalf. '?he BorrcNer 1hal.l not exercise the right set forth

in the preceding sentence hereunder without the prior written concurrence

of A. I .D.

any エゥュ・ セ@

SECTIOK 9 . 03 . §!1.spen . .eion of lll.sburse.meni. In the event that at

(a) An Event of' Default ィ。Nセ@ occur-red;

(b ) An event occurs that A.! D. determines to be an

extra-ordinary セゥエオ。エゥッョ@ that ュ。ォ・セ@ it improbable either that

the purpc.se of the Loe.n will be attained. o:r· that the

Borro-wer or Beneficiary will be able to pexform their

obligations under this Agreement; or

(c) Any disbursement by A.I . D. would be in violation of the

legislation governing A. I.D . ; · t



'· ... .i .


( d) The Borrower or Beneficiary shall have failed to pay when

due any interest or セ@ installment of Principal or any

other payment required under any other loan agreanent, any

guaranty- agreement, or any other agreement between the

Borrower or &n1' of its e.gencies and the Government of the

United States or atcy' of its agencies;

Then A.I.D. may, at its option:

(i) suspend ar cancel out!tandi::g commitll.ent 、ッ」セNQQョ・ョエウ@

to the extent that they have not been utilized

through the ie11uance of irrevocable Letters of

Credit v through bank. payments made other than

under irreToc&ble Letters of Credit, in which

event A.I.D. aball give notice to the Borrower

and Benetici&l'Y promptly thereafter;

( 11) decline to make diab·11rsements other than under out•tancllag caaaitment d.ocuments;

(iii) decline to issue additional commitment documents; (iT) at A.I.D.'s expense, direct that title to gocds

fin.a.need under tibe !Dan shall be tranaf erred to

A.I.D. if the goods are from a source outside the

country of the bッイイッキ・イ Mセ@ are in a deli ven.ble a ta te

and bave. c.ot been ottl.Q&ded in ports of entry of

the country of the Bonow er. Aziy disbursement made

or to be ma4-e under the Loan with respect to such



SECTION 9.04. セョ」・ャャ。エゥッョ@ by A.1.D. Following any suspension.

of disbu.rsements pursuant to Section YNPjセ@ if the cause or causes for such



suspension ,of' disbur sements shall not have been eliminated or corrected


within sixty ·(60) 、セウ@ from the date o:f such suspensicm, A.I.D. may, at ·its option,-.. at any time or times therea.:t'ter, cancel all or any part of


the 1D&!l that is not then either disburs ed or subject to irrevo•:.;a.b.le


Letters ッセ@ Credft. .

SICTION 9.<)5. セ_ョエゥョオ・LA@ Effectivenes!i! of Agr'eement.

Notwi·th-standing any ・。ョ」Z・ャャ。エゥッョセ@ auspen1ion of disbarse.ment, OI' a.ccele:rat:i.on of


·. ··

イ・ーセセエL N セィ・ ᄋ@ provisions of this Agreement shall 」ッョエゥョセ・@ in full forc e

""· ud effect until the payment in f'W.l of all Principal and any· accrued

interest hereunder.




{.a) In the

caae ot u;y- diabursem.ent


supported by valid

documentation in accordance with the terms o:f this Agreement, or of any

disbursement not made or used in accordance with the エ・イュセ@ of tnis

Agree-ment, aNi N dNセ@ notwithstanding the availability or exercise


any of the

other remedie!ll provided f'or under thiai Agreement y may I'equi.re the Borrower

to reflmd such amow1t in United States dollars to A.I.D. within thirt;r

days after . receipt of a request therefor. If the Beneficiary is イ・ウーッュセゥM

ble for エセ@ improper dooumentation or use of the 、ゥウ「オイウ・ュ・ョエセ@ i t shall

pay the Borrower;, the Illdonesia currency equivalent of the a.moun·t to be



aNiZᄏセ N@ under tAl• lecti011, comput ed in accordance with Section 10.02 .

Such reque•t b7,A.I.D. for re:f'und. shall be made not later than five (5)


refund received by A.I.Do shall be applied nr·st tc: any accrued interest,

and then to installments of Pr1 nci.pa.l _in inverse- r;;nin of the:i r maturity.

Any such refund shall be ma.de 。カ。ゥャセ「ャ・@ first for the cost of goods and

services procured for the Project hereupder, .to t..he e.xtent justified;

the remainder, it any' shall be 。ーーャゥセ」[ャN@ to the installments



in the inverse order of thei.r maturity a.nd the amoti.nt of ·the L.)an sbi:..11

be reduced b:y the amount of such remainder., .. Notwithstanding any other

セ イッ カゥウゥッョ@ in this Agreementj A.I.D. 's l'.ight to requtre a refund with

respect t o any disbursement under t he lッセョ@ shall 」ッセエゥョオ・@ for five

years foll.owing the date of such disbursement.

(b) In the event that A.I.Do receives a refund from any

contractor, supplier, or banking institutionj or from any other third

part;y connected with the Loan, with respect to gocds or s;ervices financed

under the Loan, and such re:f\md relates to an オョイ・。セッョ。N「j・@ price for

goods or services, or to goods that did not confo!'Ill to specifications,

or to senices that were inadequate, A.I.D. sh&U first make セオ」ィ@

refund &Yailable for the cost of goods and services procured for the

Project hereunder, to the' extent justil1.ed, the remainder to be applied

to the iilltallments of Principal 1n the inverse order of their maturity

and the aanount of the I.can shall be reduced by the wnount of such


SECTION 9. 07. セァョウGAセ@ セヲ@ £9pectio!1. All :reasonable costs

incurred by A.I.D., other than sale.ries of its staff, in connection with

the collection of aey refund or 1.n connection with amounts due A.I.D.


セ@ ,,

may be charged to the bッイイッキ・セ@ and reimbursed to A.I.D. in such manner

as セNiNdN@ mq specif7.



IJomraiver of Reme4ies. No delay in exercising or

old.•a:tlon,,-, ·to exerciee any right,


or remedl' accruing to A.I.D .

under tbi& Agreement shall 'be construed as a waiver of セ@ such rigbt.s ,

powers, or セ・、ゥ・ウN@


Borrower Contribution to Beneficia;ry

SECTION 10.01. Terms of Contribution. Borrower will relend

the Indonesian currency equivalent of エセ・@ proceeds


this Loan to

Beneficiary on terms to be established not later than セy@ 22, 1974 j or

such other date as may be agreed. to in writing by A. I.D. Borrower,

Beneficiary and A.I.D. will. consult together, and Borrower shall

establish, with the concurrence of Beneficiary and AoI .D., appropriate

terms for the relending, based upon Beneficiary's financial condition

'. セZ N@ e.s of the date of such consultations ar.d agreement, ta.king into account

\ .

the.recommendations of the management consultant financed under credit

and related project agreements with I.D .A. and the pr ogr am. for

imple-menting the recominena&tions ·agreed to セケ@ Benef'icia:ey:; Bcrrower, I.D.A.

and A.I.D. The terms for the- 'l:"elending ュセエ@ in.elude t he ヲッャ ャッキゥ ョァ セ@


Beneficiary will have the right t o prepay , without

penAlt7, all or any part of the debt to the Borrower

ッセ@ any date on which Beneficiary's interest payments


applied first to payment of any accrued i!lterest and then

to the イセョゥョァ@ installments cf principal in the inverse

order of maturity .


Mis cell.anem,;s

SEC'IION 11. OL Communica.t ions, An,.v ョMZNゥエャセ・@ > req1;e "t: _. doc. .... "·' nt セ@

or other comm.unic&.1.ion give:-1, made, or sent. by the Borro ... -'e.r, b・ョ・ヲゥセゥ。イケL@

or A.I.D. pursuant tc.. this Agreement; shall be in セᄋイZゥN@ t1c.g or 「I セ@ t.elegr.iU!l.,

cable, or radiogram &nd !!h&ll be deemed to ha.ve been duly given, ュ 。、A セ@ or

sent -to th' party to which it i ! addressed i.·ben it shall be delivered to

セオ」ィ@ party by ha..Tld or by mail, エ・ャ・ァイセ [ッ@ c·!.ble, セQ G@ radi :.grM. a.t the

following addresses:


Mail Address :

Dep!t.rtemen iONゥセイ@ .Negari

Jl. sゥイセ。ュ。ョァ。イ。ェ。@ 2

Kebayoran Baru> Jakarta Indonesia

Cable- a、、イ・ウウセ@

Deplu Jakarta


Mail a、、NセウウZ@

Perusahaa.n Umum. Listrik Negara (PLN) Jl. tイオョッセッケッ@ セャッォ@ MI/235

Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Indonesia

Cable Address g


TO A. I.D.:

Mail Addr'ess :

United. States Agenc·.y for. :!'nt.erna.tiona.1 Deve.Lopment

American Emba.,ssy

Jakarta, Indonesia

Cable Addrees セ@

Other 。、、イ・ウ セ・。@ セ@ be !!.lb$t-ttuted for t .ne above "..Lpt.·n the g1v:i.::g ,)f notice.

hereunder セィ。ャャ@ be in Englahj except as A.LD. may otherwise ag:.'ee in

SECfiON ll.02. rYイ・ウ・ョエ。エゥカ・セN@ for all purposes relative to

thl.s aァイ・セ・ョエL@ the Borrower w:i.11 be represented. by the individt1.al holding

or acting in the office of Chairman, Naticnal PJ..amiing Boa.rd (0


the Beneficiary will be represented by the individual holding er acting

in the office of !'irm·t. Director, Persuah!.an Umwn Listrik Negara (PLN),

and A.I.D. will be represented by the individual holding ッセ@ 。セエゥョァ@ in the

office of Mi.saion D1rec tor, USA11> to !ndonesi'-1.o Suc:n individuals sha.11.

have the a:w.thoricy to deti1gn&te a.ddition!ll イ・ーイセ・コZエャSZエゥカ・セ@ by wr:.tten

notice . In the event of 。Nセᄋ@ replACement or other dezignation of a

J:'epre•entativ•· hereunderj :&'°.Jrrower and/or Beneficiar.r as the case ma.y

セ@ .iiha.ll submit a st.atement cf the :representative's ョセ・@ and specimen

signature in to.rm and sub.sta.noe ウ。エゥ。エセエッイケ@ to A. 1.D. Unt:n receipt

by A.I.D. of written notice of イ・カッ」。Nセゥッョ@ of the authority of any of the

duJ.1' authorized representatives of the :Borrower e.nd/or Beneficia_""Y


such representative or representatives on any instrument as conclusive

evidence that any action effected by such instrument is duly authorized.

SECTION 11.03. Implementation Letters. A.I.D. shall from time

to time issue Implementation Letters that will prescribe the procedures

applicable hereunder in connection with the implementation of this


SECTION 11.04. Promissory Notes. At such time or times as

A.I.D. may request, the Borrower shall issue promissory notes or such

other evidences of indebtedness with respect to the Loan, in such fo nn ,

containing such tenns and supported by such legal opinions as A. I.D.

may reasonably request.

SECTION 11.05. Termination Upon Full Payments. Upon payment

in full of the Principal and of any accrued interest, this Agreement and

all obligations of the Borrower, Beneficiary and A.I.D. under this Loan

Agreement shall terminate.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Borrower, Beneficiary, and the United

States of America, each acting through its respective duly authorized

representative, have caused this Agreement to be signed in their names

and delivered as of the day and year first above written.






Direct&"r Gl'neral for Foreign Economic Relations, a . 1. Department of Foreign Affairs



Sufrani Atmakusuma Director of Planning


Richard M. Cashin Director


Garis besar

Dokumen terkait

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of Strata 1 Program of English Department. specialized

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