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EVALUASI KEBIJAKAN PENGEMBANGAN KOMPETENSI GURU SEKOLAH MENENGAH KEJURUAN (Studi Benchmarking Kompetensi Guru Kejuruan di SMKN 8 Bandung dengan SMKN 2 Kasihan Bantul) - repo unpas


Academic year: 2019

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(Studi Benchmarking Kompetensi Guru Kejuruan di SMKN 8

Bandung dengan SMKN 2 Kasihan Bantul)



(Benchmarking Study of Vocational Teacher Competencies in Bandung

City and Bantul Regency)




NPM: 139020037






Abstrak. Pengembangankompetensi guru pentingdilakukanmelaluiberbagaicara salah satunyadenganevaluasikebijakan.

Evaluasikebijakandapatdirancangdenganmenggunakanbeberapapendekatanatau model. Penelitianinibertujuanuntukmembuat model benchmarking dalamupayauntukmengembangkankompetensi guru melaluievaluasikebijakan. Penelitianinimenggunakan mix method dengan model concurrent triangulation design. Sampelpenelitiankuantitatifdiambildaripopulasi guru PNS jenis guru produktif di Kota Bandung (n=366) guru dan kabupaten Bantul (n=290) guru. Hasil penelitianmenunjukanadanyakesenjangankinerjamanagemen guru antara SMKN 8 Bandung dengan SMKN 2 Bantul. Faktorkritikal yang ditemukan di SMKN 2 Bantul adalahberhasildirumuskannyavisimisi, profillulusan dan level

Kata kunci: model benchmarking, strategi benchmarking, evaluasikebijakan, kompetensi guru.

Abstract. Teacher competency development is important to do in various ways, one of which is policy evaluation. Policy evaluation can be designed using several approaches or models. This study aims to make a benchmarking model in an effort to develop teacher competencies through policy evaluation. This study uses a mix method with a concurrent triangulation design model. Quantitative research samples were taken from the population of PNS teacher types of productive teachers in the city of Bandung (n = 366) teachers and Bantul districts (n = 290) teachers. The results showed a gap in teacher management performance between SMKN 8 Bandung and SMKN 2 Bantul. The critical factor found in SMK 2 Bantul was the success of the vision and mission formulation, the profile of graduates and the level of competence more specifically so as to support the success of the performance of SMK 2 Bantul. This problem is not found in SMKN 8 Bandung. the results of our study can be concluded that a benchmarking model of strategy can be created between low-performance schools and well-performing schools.

Keywords: benchmarking model, benchmarking strategy, policy evaluation, teacher competence.


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