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Genetic Characterization and Estimation Variety Eight of Papaya Genotype | Hafsah | Proceedings of The Annual International Conference, Syiah Kuala University - Life Sciences & Engineering Chapter 5801 11803 1 SM


Academic year: 2017

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Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

Ge n e t ic Ch a r a ct e r iz a t ion a n d Est im a t ion Va r ie t y Eig h t of

Pa pa y a Ge n ot y pe


Sit i Hafsah,


Yusnizar and




Depart m ent Agrot echnology, Agricult ure Facult y of Agricult ure, Syiah Kuala Universit y,

Darussalam , Banda Aceh 23111,I ndonesia:


I nst it ut e for Agricult ural Technology Aceh ( BPTP Aceh) , Lam pineung, Banda Aceh 23125,

I ndonesia


Corresponding Aut hor

: cyt i_lbs@yahoo.co.id

Abst r a ct

Charact erizat ion and predict ion of genet ic div ersit y is one of t he st ages on t he papay a plant breeding act iv it ies in obt aining t he parent plant in accordan ce w it h a predet erm ined idiot ipe. Karak t ersasi done aft er ex plorat ion and germ plasm collect ion is done. Cu rren t ly t he plant breeding laborat ory st udies program Agrot echnology Facult y of Agricult ure has som e papay a genot y pes w ere successfully collect ed is fr om t he cross, a collect ion of som e areas, collect ion of resear ch cent er s Tr opical Fr uit s I PB Bogor and Fruit Research I nst it ut e Solok . The general obj ect iv e is t o get a papay a plant breeding bet t er v ariet ies from ex ist ing v ariet ies ( new idiot ipe) . Papay a plant charact erist ics desired by idiot y pe is a st rong plant , short st at ure and quick t o bear fruit , t r ee herm aphrodit e, not t he form at ion of st am ens k arpeloid ( im perfect ) or st erile, resist ant t o pest s and diseases and high product ion. Charact erist ics of preferred fruit is sw eet , flav orful soft , sm oot h fruit sk in, t hick flesh is red, round cav it y and it s shelf- life longer. The st udy w as conduct ed in Gardens Farm ers in Saree Aceh Besar, using eight genot y pes of papay a explorat ion result s. Ex perim ent s using a com plet ely random ized design w ere repeat ed t hree t im es. The param et er s observ ed qualit at iv e and quant it at iv e charact ers on v eget at iv e and generat iv e phase. The result s show ed t hat genot y pe Calina hav e short st at ure and fast fruit ing as w ell as high product ion pot ent ial. Merah delim a genot y pe show ed a slow germ inat ion and grow t h. From t he eigt h genot ipe papay a t est ed show ed high genet ic diversit y and high herit abilit y . Therefore, t he select ion can be done in early generat ions.

Ke yw o r ds: charact erizat ion, I diot y pe, Crosses

I n t r od u ct ion

Papaya ( Carica papaya) is one of t he m ost im portant fruit crops in t he fulfillm ent of calcium and a good source of vit am ins A and C ( Nakasom e and Paull 1998) . Besides consum ed as fresh fruit , ripe papaya fruit can be processed int o beverages, and as raw m aterial for t he food indust ry ( Villegas 1997) . Product ivit y papaya in I ndonesia in 2004 could reach 73.26 t / ha and decreased t o 64.67 t / ha in 2005 ( FAO, 2005). Product ivit y decline is caused by m any fact ors, am ong ot hers; drought , clim ate change, pests and diseases. Ot her obstacles t hat com m only occur in t he cult ivat ion of papaya am ong which product ivit y is low, t he size of t he fruit less as expected, t he lim it ed variet ies are aged genj ah and was short, t otal dissolved solids is st ill below 11 0brix and adapt abilit y low against environm ent al st ress, especially drought , kegenangan and pests and diseases ( LP- I PB 2001) . Papaya ut ilizat ion m ost ly as fresh fruit , t herefore, t he crit eria and t he character of papaya fruit qualit y is very im portant. According t o Kader ( 2002) papaya fruit qualit y characters, am ong ot hers; uniform it y of size and color, integrit y, free from defects such as burns, skin wounds, because insects and pathogens as well as picking t he right t im e.

One of t he opportunit ies for solving t hese problem s is t hrough papaya breeding act ivit ies t o obtain new superior cult ivars t hat have desirable propert ies such as high product ivit y, rapid fruit ion and resist ant t o pest s and diseases. The general object ive of breeding cult ivars papaya is get t ing bet ter t han exist ing cult ivars. I n Rusnas program ( 2000) has set t he new desired ideot ype papaya is: has t he propert y of dwarf t rees (dwarf), rapid flowering period (early m at uring) , high product ivit y and pest resist ant , and suit able for fresh consum pt ion or indust rial papain. For fresh consum pt ion, the propert ies of papaya fruit which is desirable include: sm all- m edium ( 0.5 - 1.0 kg / fruit ) or large ( > 3 kg) , flesh color orange t o red, has a skin color green wit h red- orange ( t inge) in she int errupt ed, cavit y sm all fruit ( edible port ion height ), rind sm oot h, the fruit com es from herm aphrodite flowers so that oval ( oblong) , a text ured solid ( firm ) , sweet t ast e wit hout any bit terness or sense of sap, long shelf life and t ypical scented. Research carried out aim ed t o charact erize eight papaya genot ypes were chosen as elders are Calina, Carisa, Bont ang , Pont i. Hibrida 2x1, Dapina, Merah delim a, Carm ida.

M a t e r ia ls a nd M e t h ods

The st udy was conducted in t he laborat ory of plant breeding and Gardens Agroteknologi Personal Experim ent in Saree Aceh Besar. The study was conduct ed in January to Novem ber 2015. The


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

experim ent was arranged in a random ized block design ( RAK) non fact orial wit h t hree replicat ions. The experim ent consist s of eight papaya genot ypes are genot ypes Calina, Carisa ( from PKHT I PB) , Pont i, Bontang ( Borneo) so, Carm ida, Dapina, Hibrida 2x1 and Merah Delim a From Balit bu Solok. Each experim ent al unit consist ed of t wo plant s t hat t he overall am ount of 48 plant s.

The research begins wit h; ( 1) Seeding papaya seeds, papaya seeds t hat have been prepared beforehand soaked wit h At onik wit h a concent rat ion of 2% for two hours, then planted in polybags, each 2 point s per polybag. ( 2) Preparat ion of t he land, t he land t hat will be used first m ade land preparat ion and m ade beds wit h a width of 2 m et ers and a height of 0.2 m eters. The distance bet ween beds 0.5 m eters. Above t he beds are m ade plant ing hole wit h a size of 40 x 40 x 40 cm . Spacing used was 2.5 m X 2.5 m . Plant ing hole left for 3 days and t hen put m anure t o the plant ing hole or cover up as m uch as 50 kg. ( 3) Plant ing is done during t he 2- m ont h-old seedlings, or t he average num ber of leaves 5 pieces. ( 4) Fert ilization of NPK ( 16: 16: 16) t he dose used is t he recom m ended dose of fert ilizer papaya. Maint enance done that wat ering twice a day if it does not rain, cont rolling bully orgaism e m echanically and chem ically. Weeds are cont rolled m anually.

The param eters observed in experim ent al I t consists of quant itat ive and qualit at ive dat a. Qualit at ive data, am ong ot hers, leaf color, leaf shape, t ype of plant , flower color, quant itat ive data am ong ot her t hings, plant height , stem diam eter, num ber of leaves, num ber of nodes (sect ions) , The lengt h of t he node ( the longest segm ent ) , pet iole lengt h of t he longest , high locat ion of t he first flower. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, if t he real F t est conduct ed furt her test DMRT ( Duncan Mult iple Range Test ) at 5% level.

Resu lts a nd D iscussion

Observat ions were m ade aft er t he plant was m oved spaciousness , start ing at old plant s 75 days after plant ing ( DAP ) or 30 days after t ransplant ing. Result s of analysis of variance showed t hat growt h in t he field of eight genot ypes at 75 days after plant ing showed t he sam e plant height. The difference is very apparent in t he 90 and 115 HST observat ions ( Table 1). Based on t he crit eria of superior papaya Calina and Merah delim a can be selected as a parent because bot h the genot ype short . Age 90 HST alm ost all genot ypes have st arted flowering. Based Rusnas ( 2000 ) has set t he new desired ideot ype papaya is: has t he propert y of dwarf t rees (dwarf) .

Table 1. Plant height of four genot ypes of papaya

Genot y pe Plant Heigt ( cm )

75 DAP 90 DAP 115 DAP

Carisa 62.83 67.00 ab 112.66 bc

Hibrida 2x 1 63.16 87.16 c 137.66 d

Calina 45.33 59.66 a 86 .00 a

Carm ida 61.66 76.50 abc 120.00 cd

Pont i 61.16 74.83 abc 92.66 ab

Dapina 65.50 77.50 abc 124.00 cd

Bont ang 63.50 84.66 bc 117.00 cd

Merah Delim a 51.83 65.33 a 84.00 a

Not e: The num bers follow ed by sam e let t ers in t he sam e colum n do not significant ly different base on DMRT at 5% . DAP ( day s aft er plant ing) .

Papaya st em diam eter observed eight genot ypes showed significant differences from 75 t o 115 dap. Diam et er is a character t hat shows t he robustness of a plant , t he larger t he diam eter of t he st em t hen t he st urdy plants. At the 90 days after plant ing, papaya plants have ent ered t he generat ive phase, alm ost all genot ypes have a big stem diam eter is between 4: 36 t o 5.26 cm . Only t wo genot ypes t hat have a sm all diam eter rod t hat is m erah delim a and pont i.

Table 2. Diam eter of stem of four papaya genot ypes

Genot y pe Diam et er of St em ( cm )

75 DAP 90 DAP 115 DAP

Carisa 2.15bc 3.31bc 4.63ab

Hibrida 2x 1 2.35c 3.83c 5.20b

Calina 1.81ab 3.15b 4.56ab

Carm ida 2.23bc 3.38bc 5.26b

Pont i 1.81ab 2.26a 3.60a

Dapina 2.41c 3.48bc 5.23b

Bont ang 2.55c 3.60bc 4.36ab

Merah Delim a 1.46a 2.26a 3.33a

Not e: The num bers follow ed by sam e let t ers in t he sam e colum n do not significant ly different base on DMRT at 5% .DAP ( day s aft er plant ing)


Proceeding s of Th e 5th Annu al I nt er nat ional Conf er ence Syiah Kuala Universit y ( AI C Unsyiah) 2 01 5

I n conj unct ion w it h The 8th I n t ern at ion al Con feren ce of Ch em ical Eng ineering o n Science and Applicat ions ( Ch ESA) 2 0 15 Sept em ber 9 - 1 1, 2 01 5, Banda Aceh, I ndon esia

The num ber of nodes were m easured at t he t im e t he plant entered t he generat ive phase . Generat ive phase is characterized by t he release of int erest . Alm ost all genot ypes entering t he phase gerat if at 90 dap, except ruby lat e ent ering t he generat ive phase. The num ber of nodes show high variat ion , t he lowest num ber of nodes on t he genot ype Calina, pont i and ruby red. The num ber of nodes is closely associat ed wit h t he fruit produced. High first flowers are also very varied, but high in fruit less varied. Locat ion of t he first fruit s lowest in Calina and ruby, while six ot her genot ypes have t he locat ion of t he first pieces t hat did not differ.

Table 3. Num bers of Node ( ruas), Heigt of first flower and Heigt of first fruit

Genot y pe Num bers of node Heigt of first flow er ( cm ) Heigt of first fruit ( cm )

Carisa 15.16 c 60.50cd 82.50b

Hibrida 2x 1 14.00c 66.33d 89.83b

Calina 10.16a 37.00a 52.50a

Carm ida 14.33c 53.50bc 82.50b

Pont i 11.16ab 51.16b 86.16b

Dapina 12.83bc 59.33bcd 93.83b

Bont ang 13.00bc 56.50bc 87.66b

Merah Delim a 10.16a 43.33a 57.66a

Not e: The num bers follow ed by sam e let t ers in t he sam e colum n do not significant ly different base on DMRT at 5% .DAP ( day s aft er plant ing)

Con clusion

The observat ion of t he perform ance of the veget at ive characters of the eight papaya genot ypes were t est ed shown t hat papaya plant genot ype Calina has a shorter plant display . As for t he character and t he num ber of st em diam eter showed no difference bet ween t he four genot ypes t ested. Genot ype pont i has a longer flowering t im e com pared with 3 ot her genot ypes are Calina, Carisa and Bontang. High- interest first em erged shows t hat high int erest Calina has the shortest com pared to t hree ot her genot ypes. Types of plants herm aphrodite is highest in genot ype Calina and, while pont i not indicat e t he t ype of plant t hat is obviously because of the int erest that arises is st ill very sm all t im e of observat ion 90 days after plant ing, Bont ang produced t hree t ypes of plants are fem ale ( 40 % ) , m ale ( 20 % ) and herm aphrodite ( 40 % ). This is presum ably because t he source of the seed used t o bontang obt ained t hrough open- pollinat ed t he fem ale plants.

Ack n ow led g em e n ts

Thank you for assist ance subm it ted to t he Higher Educat ion funding Fundam ent al research grant s in 2015 , also t o t he Research I nst it ute of UNSYI AH

Re fe r e n ce s

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Table 1. Plant height of four genotypes of papaya
Table 3. Numbers of Node (ruas), Heigt of first flower and Heigt of first fruit


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