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Erectile Dysfunction in Men


Academic year: 2017

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Men seen as a sexual being; introduction to sexual impotence; more facts about impotence; reasons of impotence (physical and psychological); informing your physician regarding impotence


sexual impotence, reasons for impotence

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Men are more sexual than women in terms of attitude and how they respond to certain sexual ideas. During sexual intercourse, men experience an erection due to the physical and mental stimulation with their partner, which is considered normal and healthy. It is considered easy for them to have an erection if the events taking place is sexually stimulating for them.

Unfortunately for some, they can experience a slight difficulty in having an erection when there is a need to have one. Sexual impotence, also known as erectile dysfunction or ED, is a health condition where in a man is unsuccessful in achieving or maintaining an erection long enough to satisfy his sexual urge. Men with such a condition would experience the consistent inability to have an erection during sexual intercourse, have their erection fail at a crucial point during sex, problems ejaculating, or an occurrence of having very brief erections.

Sexual impotence is one of the most familiar sexual problems and affects almost half of all men over 40 years of age. This can evolve into a more severe condition as men get older. Having less education will increase the impotence of men, since they are likely to have a less healthier diet (drinking more and having no exercise), and having less healthy lifestyle. Also, because of shame and fear of a social stigma, men are less likely to seek medical help for this condition. The condition can be temporary or permanent, but is nonetheless distressing for the sufferer. Impotence can stem from a psychological problem, mainly caused by mere stress or observance of performance anxiety, but certain cases can be attributed to various physical injuries or illnesses.

There are several causes of impotence known today. Some medications can cause erection difficulties as their side effect. Examples include high blood pressure medications, anti-depressants, cancer treatments, diuretics, and epilepsy medications. Always inform your physician if this scenario happens, so that he may give you a different medication. Men who has diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2) are also prone to impotence, since diabetes contributes to the damaging of blood vessels that cause a certain nerve damage called peripheral neuropathy. Other health conditions such as prostate cancer, diseases in the nervous system, and Peyronie’s disease also contributes to reasons for impotence. Having been injured in the spinal cord, sex organ or having a pelvic fracture can also lead to this condition as well. Surgeries done near the nerve pathways of the penis (bladder, rectum, and prostate) can also cause nerve damage to the penis, resulting in erection failure. Smoking, alcohol abuse, illicit drug use, and prolonged exercise are also reasons for impotence, since these factors provide impairment to the nervous systems in various ways. Psychological reasons of impotence involves stress and anxiety, problems with your relationship, and fear of failure (performance anxiety). By seeking help to control the stress, or by counseling, you can decrease the chances of having impotence. Always inform your physician regarding any symptoms or irregular sexual response, so that proper treatments can be performed.

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